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Author Topic: How Did You Get Into Stp  (Read 20498 times)


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Re: How Did You Get Into Stp
« Reply #105 on: December 03, 2008, 01:28:40 AM »
My dad and I were driving home from school about a year ago, and Interstate Love Song came on the radio. I immediatly fell in love with the main riff, and my dad liked the song too, because it sounds like Scott is saying my last name in one of the verses. Anyway, I got home and turned on Music Choice on the TV, and Creep was on. (It was almost like I was destined to become a fan.) The song just sounded to familiar, and I immediatly went to iTunes and bought a bunch of songs.

About a week later I was going through my parents CD collection and I found Core. Every song on that album sounded so familiar. I asked my mom if she liked STP and she said she played it to me all the time when I was a baby. (Core came out a year before I was born) From then on, I was buying song after song on iTunes until I bought them all and realized that these guys are my favorite band. Last September I got to see them in Palm Springs!
Sin makes me strong.