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Author Topic: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?  (Read 4253 times)


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Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« on: February 24, 2018, 10:47:20 PM »
Just wanted to see if I could hear some thoughts about this...

Do you think rock n roll will ever be most popular genre again?

Just seems like it would take more than just another good band or two showing up with interesting music... I just don't think it's fair to place it on any bands shoulders to show up and revive this genre to where it "once" was.

I can't speak for all the young kids in schools everywhere but the impression I continue to get is that most are into pop/rap, but also techno and things like that. Rock music just kinda seems pushed aside moreso than it's been in quite sometime.

It was one thing it seemed like 20 years ago when pop started really taking over... you still had good rock bands still getting fair attention and recognition even if other genres had become more popular...

Anyone have thoughts on this?


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2018, 01:33:55 AM »

Yeah, when people realize how fake and manufactured other music is. I think Lenny Kravitz was a dick to write a song called “ Rock n Roll is dead. Think about how someone like me who is 51 and literally grew up when Led Zeppelin was still together. One day maybe, but technology almost destroyed rock not made it stronger.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2018, 02:20:36 AM »

Yeah, when people realize how fake and manufactured other music is. I think Lenny Kravitz was a dick to write a song called “ Rock n Roll is dead. Think about how someone like me who is 51 and literally grew up when Led Zeppelin was still together. One day maybe, but technology almost destroyed rock not made it stronger.

I heavily agree with the quoted statement, especially in regards to technology.

Besides that, I think one of the reasons rock is not as popular and has taken a complete backseat to other genres is because there is a lot of statement-driven music these days. You have people like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus all getting very involved in womanhood, politics, and social issues. Hip-hop is also doing similar things if you look at Eminem.

I love rock music and it is always my first pick. However, people are really big on choosing sides these days and unfortunately, music, sports, movies, and entertainment in general has been negatively impacted by this. I always say that living as a teenager in 1996 was far easier than what's happening today. Our movies and music were all simpler back then in the ways that they could just exist. I feel as if bands not jumping on the bandwagon these days are being left behind. However, the good news is that life works in circles and sooner or later, rock will reign supreme once again.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2018, 02:21:00 AM »
I just wonder if the instrumentation of guitar/bass/drums (maybe keys) is too light these days. Not enough variety in sound can be created from that. I saw a band called Alt J recently that a ton of kids were at. At 37 I was one of the oldest people there. And honestly I couldn't get my head around what was going on between the dub step, techno, synth heavy keys, and instruments sprinkled in. I couldn't decide if I hated it or loved it. But what was clear to me was that popular music is over my head and these days I could not be more out of touch with what is relevant.

I have no idea if rock will return. Some people say it's cyclical and always makes a comeback. But I just think visually the guitar/bass/drums presentation on stage is old school. People don't respond to that anymore. They want technology, they want visuals. It's boring to look at dudes up there playing good songs when you could be staring at your phone or whatever. Too much to compete with, I think visual appeal onstage w/ iPhones competing is more important than ever.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2018, 02:27:16 AM »
so you have bands like Twelve Foot Ninja playing guitars that can change tunings mid song. i think rock needs to get more tech savvy and visual to return. I know Bowie, Flaming Lips, Tool etc... plenty of examples of bands that have a good visual show. But I just think grass roots, a rock band will have to explode by being forward thinking. More variety in sound with tuning change and tech ability. One guitar that can do more with pedals, a computer, or whatever. And something that makes you never want to look away. A rock star that shakes his ass and is incredibly fit like Scott Weiland doesn't even do the trick anymore. Too much exposure to shirtless dudes on Netflix, Hulu - you can find it so easily. We're desensitized. We need a rock band that does something onstage you've never seen and can't find anywhere else. Rock just needs to push more boundaries and be more creative. Which is hard when you have 3 instruments. Maybe 4.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2018, 03:42:18 AM »

A lot of you have excellent points and direct constructive criticism, but one thing i always say is you know a hit when you here a hit. I am a huge believer in just write great songs. Some of the content that these people write today is just not desirable enougb to catch the listener, the good news is a lot of the bands we loved are still around doing what they have always done, ROCK.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2018, 03:48:53 AM »

Rock And Roll Is Dead
Lenny Kravitz


You think you're on top of the world
But you know it's really over
Runnin' round with diamond rings
And coke spoons that are overflowin'
Rock an Roll is dead
But all the money in the world
Can't buy you from the place you're going to
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
You can't even sing or play an instrument
So you just scream instead
You're living for an image
So you got five hundred women in your bed

Rock an Roll is dead
But it's real hard to be yourself
When you're living with those demons
In your head
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead

Rock n Roll may be dead to the masses, but is alive and well in my heart so fuck Lenny Kravitz on this one.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2018, 06:34:25 AM »
The true reason is that illegal downloading killed it, so record companies put their money and artist development into the genres that were still selling good, which was country, rap and hip hop, why? Honestly the data proves because most of these people were from lower income famlies and didnt have the internet and an ipod. I do believe Weiland mentioned some of these things  before. Sooo it is what it is, the switch of most clear channel alternative stations switching to rock stations at the same time was the nail in the coffin, plus kids these days are lazy as fuck, I mean why work hard at it when we can just sit around and play with our dicks all day?

The cold hard truth kids. Now record lables dont wanna put much money into you unless you sign a "360 deal" which is where they get a cut of merch, ticket sales, album sales, appearances etc. Thats why you know of the band Paramore, they were the first band to sign a 360 deal, so therefor they are one of the few "successful " alt  rock acts in the last 20 years. And thus, fuck us, I now listen to 80s alternative, check it out, shits pimp.

That being said pop is becoming more alternative these days which imo is doooope. Some good songwriting is starting to come back too...


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2018, 06:56:07 AM »

Rock And Roll Is Dead
Lenny Kravitz


You think you're on top of the world
But you know it's really over
Runnin' round with diamond rings
And coke spoons that are overflowin'
Rock an Roll is dead
But all the money in the world
Can't buy you from the place you're going to
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
You can't even sing or play an instrument
So you just scream instead
You're living for an image
So you got five hundred women in your bed

Rock an Roll is dead
But it's real hard to be yourself
When you're living with those demons
In your head
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead
Rock an Roll is dead

Rock n Roll may be dead to the masses, but is alive and well in my heart so fuck Lenny Kravitz on this one.

...Nothing about those lyrics make me think he's at all insinuating rock is dead. In fact, it sounds like a commentary on people who have that mindset and what they say/think. Despite the poor song title, I doubt he meant any harm. You're free to say fuck Lenny and I like your attitude, but you may be misdirecting a bit.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2018, 04:59:01 PM »
Thanks for everyone giving their thoughts on this idea.

I think you guys made some great points. It really does make sense when I read about how the presentation of a singer + guitar + bass + drums may just not be enough to impress by itself right now. I couldn’t help to notice a lot of people are into this excision tour I believe it is... goes to most of the same venues bands try to play... it’s basically a DJ surrounded by a huge video screen and it’s an insane visual expression while playing the techno or whatever it’s labeled.... I’m just summarizing a basic idea by that description.

But it makes sense that even the wildest frontman right now might not be enough to really get majority of the eyes on them anymore.

There probably needs to be a bigger Visual presentation at the very least... but more so as it was pointed out... try something people haven’t seen


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2018, 07:04:38 PM »
I don't think rock's revival in the sense I'm assuming (when it ruled the 70's with Kiss/Zeppelin) or the 90's with 'Grunge' will ever really come back simply with extravagant light shows or charismatic front men.  If rock is going to come back it needs to be a cultural revival, like when 'Smells like Teen Spirit' hit the radio waves. But unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2018, 08:59:08 PM »
The reason rock is dead is because nobody is writing anything that people remember an hour after they listen to it anymore.

People like catchy songs. Modern rock has become trite bar band bullshit  and boring self indulgent hipster bullshit.
You can have pop melodies and still be a rock band folks.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2018, 09:06:04 PM »
The reason rock is dead is because nobody is writing anything that people remember an hour after they listen to it anymore.

People like catchy songs. Modern rock has become trite bar band bullshit  and boring self indulgent hipster bullshit.
You can have pop melodies and still be a rock band folks.

I couldn't put my finger on it until recently but I noticed with many alternative/indie bands these days with female singers they ALL sound alike.  They seem to sound like welsh people that are slightly drunk.  Then I found this video and its an actual style that everyone seems to be emulating:


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2018, 03:00:07 PM »
On my commute in to the south side today I contemplated this question. I do think some very valid points have been touched on here.

1. Yes, pop has reigned supreme for about 20 years at this point.
2. Yes, I'm sure we had it WAY easier as teens in the pre-social media era. 1996 and 2018 are absolute apples and oranges.
3. Yes, downloading did play a sizable role in killing things.
4. Yes, some radio stations have changed formats (although this is more of a byproduct of rock no longer being on top, however it can even be argued that mainstream commercial fm radio is no longer even that relevant anymore anyway)
5. Yes, I agree with the comment made about many contemporary artists crafting songs that are bland and generic bar rock, back ground noise that no one remembers and hour after hearing it

However, here's what I can add....

Starting with number 5 as referenced above; people (especially kids) today don't have the attention spans they did years ago. This accounts for two points I'd like to add. One is, these short attention spans are exactly why all of the music today is crafted to be super loud and in your face. Something "big" is always happening in a lot of these songs because it catches attention. Secondly, aside from everyone's issue of expecting instant gratification translating to short attention spans, this also contributes directly to a large percentage of people who don't have it in them to sit through a whole album. The album is the holy grail of rock music.

In modern times it's all about singles, both downloading and streaming. Without albums, what bands are truly building legendary legacies? It seems like today it's all about having a hot singl, you get your fifteen minutes of fame, then you fade away. Can anyone here name even one contemporary band/artist that is selling big numbers of singles to whom people are really latching onto and investing themselves into heavily? A band/artist who is on such a path as to where they/he/she will be seen as legendary in the future? 

Look at all the big summer rock tours... All of them are artists who are well past their prime and/or considered the elder statesmen of rock. I don't think there are any cutting edge bands who have a huge summer tour that kids are excited to see in mass numbers. I just don't think that exists like it did in the 70'/80's/90's. I think these package deal destination festivals (i.e.: Lollapalooza) are what kids go to if they're going to see rock performed on a big stage.

Rock n' roll is a young person's game and I think a huge part of the reason rock isn't on top is because perhaps kids didn't ever have the same chance to get into it growing up as I did. Throwing the whole internet and social media thing aside for a second.... I'll tell you how I got into hard rock was first, discovering a radio station (which does go back to point 4 above). Without proper rock radio stations, kids aren't being as exposed to it. Though there is plenty of it out there on YouTube etc. they dont know any better to go looking for it on their own because they aren't being heavily exposed to it due to perhaps the lack of a good rock radio station as many have changed formats. I flipped on the radio the other day to the only station that considers itself "modern alternative" in Chicago. While I think I recall hearing one 90's rock song during the time it was on, I heard a lot of what is considered "modern alternative" and let me tell you, it sounded way more like pop to me. It certainly wasn't guitar driven music. Sounded more like a slightly louder/more in your face version of music Pink was putting out 16 years ago to me.

Another reason kids aren't getting into it is the death of the all-ages show. Rock shows were places kids went to smoke cigarettes, sneak a beer, mosh, and act crazy; just being a normal rebellious teen. As a kid I used to be able to go to licensed businesses to see up and coming local bands and nationally touring relatively unknown to semi-known acts. Fireside Bowl was a huge deal in Chicago. A handful of acts that played there became national scene players on the big stage eventually. Those bands didn't start huge, the kids got to watch the seeds get planted, they got to invest their time and passion into the bands and watch them grow. What isn't talked about much is that 9/11 marked the beginning of the death of the all ages venues due to rising insurance costs. I can argue all day how this killed rock because of a simple point. To kill a tree, you have to kill it a its roots. The kids always have been and always will be the roots of rock. Take them away and the tree will die.

Another point that should be raised is in regards to the internet, but doesn't revolve around downloading.  The net is the biggest blessing for music and the biggest curse at the same time. It's a blessing for distribution in the sense that I can click a button and someone in China can have my music. However it's also the biggest curse on rock in ways beyond illegal downloading. Remember Myspace??? They had the single best filtering tools I've ever seen. You could find any band of any style in any region that you wanted to. You could easily put together your own D.I.Y tour just by using the tools that site presented you with. However, holy fuck, did MySpace ever help ruin rock at the same time. Everybody and their mother had a fuckin band and would solicit you. Everywhere you turned someone was saying "hey we see you like bands x,y,and z; so check us out!" It totally ruined a major part of rock for me personally which is.... I used to always look forward to seeing opening bands at shows. It was exciting because I just MIGHT stumble upon something good, new, and exciting. However in a post MySpace world I have lost all interest in seeing opening bands at shows. Everyone soliciting me absolutely ruined it for me. I'm sure others out there share my sentiments on this.

The final point I will make this morning is.... what made rock special is it possessed an element of danger. There was certainly an "anything can happen" vibe about the shows, the characters involved, just the whole experience. That element of danger is gone and has been missing for quite some time. It's been neutered, sterilized, and wrapped up in a cute little package that reads "J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Tested: Suburban Mom Approved".  People easily pick up on shit that isn't genuine. It won't sell.

EDM shows are where the danger is these days. EDM shows are where anything can happen. If you're looking for teens/young adults in mass numbers you'll find them there. That's where the action is. It's not my thing and time has certainly passed me by.


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Re: Will Rock n Roll ever be on top again?
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2018, 03:27:41 PM »
It's not just rock. Music in general has taken an incredible hit. It's crazy to think that most folks born in the year 2000, have little idea what it's like to go out and buy music. As far as they're concerned, music has always been a free commodity, maybe until recently when streaming platforms have picked up.

And as said above...artist development just isn't what it was. I remember Bono once said, as he thanked Island Records, that in today's musical climate, a band like them would never have gotten the chance to make a Joshua Tree, because they probably would have been dropped by their label after a couple albums. Not every band comes out swinging from their debut album. Imagine how much great music we would have missed out on if that was always the case. Imagine how much great music we might be missing out on now because of it.

I used to believe that rock is cyclical and would eventually come back around, but it has to be adaptive. It can't be the same ol thing.  And I often wonder, who will take the place of the big rock tours when the McCartneys, Stones, U2's of the world hang it up.

And ask yourself, what band that's come out in the last 15 years, do you think might be considered for the R&R Hall of Fame when their time comes? It's not an easy list to create.

Once upon a time, jazz was the biggest form of music. It dwindled and dwindled and while it still exists today, it never had a resurgence. It's quite possible that rock music can go down the same road.
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