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Author Topic: The Symbolism of Core  (Read 708 times)


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The Symbolism of Core
« on: June 13, 2020, 08:24:48 PM »
I'm helping someone with their English Lit class and this weeks reading is the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne. The first story I had to read is "Young Goodman Brown" Maybe because I visited this site and now I'm all Scott on the brain, as I'm reading the story, I can't help but inject the song "Wicked Garden" in the reading. I seem to have found some parallels to the story to wonder how much English Lit Scott pursued in high school or beyond for that matter.

I also bring up the album's content as well as today's ongoing media scene. Songs such as Sin, Naked Sunday, Wicked Garden, Dead n Bloated, Piece of Pie. Everyone seems to be on the Rage Against the Machine, Protest songs and admittedly, I did too but I came from that music era so it's a given. With the world seemingly in this "faith journey", do you agree that some elements of the songs I mention fit into today's views and if this album were to be released today, would it make an impact such as the protests songs people seem to gravitate to?
And I Got U 2 Paint the Roses on My Grave