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Messages - OnlyDying

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Scott Weiland / Re: Recently uploaded Scott interview from 2000
« on: January 05, 2016, 04:35:22 PM »
That was the real Scott...

The Wicked Garden / Re: a show that is a must watch for non STP fans...
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:27:33 PM »
Boston 2000, listed on here as *PRO-SHOT* Simply perfection front to back...

Scott Weiland / Re: 1989 footage of Scott, Robert, and Eric performing
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:44:23 PM »
Scott said somewhere in an interview this past year before Dean they had an "RHCP thing going on...". He didn't elaborate, I see why! Hahha He would have been beside himself if this was out before but now it is a special thing to see..

R.I.P. Scott.. We love you man...

Scott Weiland / Re: 1989 footage of Scott, Robert, and Eric performing
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:34:58 PM »
Oh, dear.

General Discussion / Re: Modzilla
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:04:39 AM »

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:56:57 AM »
Hey Dave, thanks for sharing and hangin with us for a few... Glad to hear you're doin okay and Talk Show was beautiful tunes..

And Nick L -- Kick rocks man, Scott has his demons sure, but the dude is another human being with two young children who was a victim of a horrific crime.. You want to exploit that Stern interview and say the dude is basically a POS?? Why are you even on here??!?!?! Have some decency, drugs aside and divorce and alimony aside, he is remarried, HAPPY, a good father, a good guy as I'm not his friend but an acquaintance. Scott lost his brother and the love of his life in the span of six months... Have some f'ing compassion man... I feel sad for you that it makes you feel better that he's had a rougher life then he would have prayed for.. Sure he brought some on his self, some he didn't...

ROCK ON SCOTT!!!!!!!!! 'Blaster' WILL KICK ASS!!!!


They'll be back some day, and when it happens, they'll perhaps be in a better place with each other and ready to make some beautiful music again.

I really hope and pray so bro... Really, REALLLLLLYYYYYY hope so... I'm sorry to everyone being totally biased, Scott's a buddy of mine (Have hung with him 15-20 times, call it what you want and had great conversations from everything from music to women) and I know the real Scott, the out of media Scott... He wouldn't wish what has transpired on his worst enemy, let alone let himself let it get to this..

I don't have the willpower to reach out to him right now, Dean and Robert making pathetic jokes in that interview irks me beyond belief. I have his # and they haven't for "years". However, they were on tour with him 8 months ago? I will tell all of you he is not on any non-prescribed drugs.. He drinks a little too much when he feels he's, "punching the clock". No justifying his actions but the man is beautiful and it shows in his vocals and personality. He's a good guy.

We lost the greatest frontman of the past 2-3 decades.. And the best band is no more.. Calm down??!?!!! I'm funkin' shattered by this! Sorry for coming off childish, I'm just devastated...

This was considered a throw away no good track for an STP album, you expecting this from Chester??

Beautiful... My favorite song.. I feel for Scott man, even though he most likely fully made his bed.. This betrayal is sad, CHANGE THE NAME!!!!

You don't get to decide who is and isn't a real STP fan, you childish idiot. Grow up.

So you're saying S/T is trash lyrically and vocally and musically??

Please watch this if you are a true STP, Scott Weiland fan, this was 180 days... Would you prefer this as your frontman/lead singer for STP or Chester Bennington??!?!

ALSO, anybody saying S/T is trash is not a real STP fan, the album is beautiful... ESPECIALLY, Weilands vocals and Dean's guitar... Weiland loves these guys and yes betrayal has happened both ways... More from Scott, but this IS NOT COOL AT ALL... I WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT!! Scott Weiland is the greatest of the past 20 years.. God bless you Scott and all the best on your marriage and next chapter.. even thuogh I doubt this will even be glanced over...

ALSO, for the fun of it, listen to EVERY album, Scott's lyrics and vocals.. Listen to Adhesive, K&C's.. You expecting that from CHESTER Bennington?? Damn this is SAD!!!!!!

There is no STP without Weiland.... Everybody here... Admiring how great (which it is miraculous music) the Deleo's and Kretz's musical talent is. Everybody here, please take all of the music back from Core to S/T and act like you received the same music Scott did from the rest of the band, insert your lyrics, passion, heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears etc. Would STP still be STP if your vocals and lyrics were fronting STP and not SW?? SHIIIEEEETTTT NO!!!! So don't say STP can be STP without SW because without SW... The Deleo's wouldn't have even had the success they did on their 'Talk Show' effort. They only sold the 80k records because of Scott and the STP fans who had $11 to blow... If SW wasn't so special lyrically, on stage and vocally, please insert your lyrics, on stage persona and vocals and let's see how great of a success that STP would be... Scott Weiland is the reason STP made any money, let alone a TON of $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!! Period!

I have a feeling you're not a musician.  I would love STP even without Weiland, as proved to this very current day with Chester.  The Deleo's & Kretz make STP.  They play the damn instruments and write everything! If you were a musician, you would put more emphasis on the bro's & Kretz.  Weiland was good but his time is done.  That's it!

Not a musician here.  But your reply is x10 more idiotic than this guy's post.  S Weiland is/was a bigger part of the STP recipe than the other three put together.  You can get other guys to make great music behind you, see VR.  But Scott is the secret sauce that makes it STP.  The whole band and other musicians  have said it over and over....  What Scott brings to the music is what makes the songs go.  Not to mention he's the best frontman I've ever seen live.  Thus, the emphasis, for me, is not the three other fellas.  You are right on one thing, though, Weiland's time is done.  Really hard to believe.         

Yeh, since Weiland quit/was fired from VR... How have they fared with no lead singer?? Oh yeh, they've been thriving because who needs a legendary frontman?? Slash owns Dean and Duff is on Roberts wave length and again, VR aint shiiiieeeeetttt since Weiland departed/was fired... But the instruments make the band, not the frontman, lead singer who make the words that we relate to, love, cherish, bring beautiful memories to our lives...

There is no STP without Weiland.... Everybody here... Admiring how great (which it is miraculous music) the Deleo's and Kretz's musical talent is. Everybody here, please take all of the music back from Core to S/T and act like you received the same music Scott did from the rest of the band, insert your lyrics, passion, heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears etc. Would STP still be STP if your vocals and lyrics were fronting STP and not SW?? SHIIIEEEETTTT NO!!!! So don't say STP can be STP without SW because without SW... The Deleo's wouldn't have even had the success they did on their 'Talk Show' effort. They only sold the 80k records because of Scott and the STP fans who had $11 to blow... If SW wasn't so special lyrically, on stage and vocally, please insert your lyrics, on stage persona and vocals and let's see how great of a success that STP would be... Scott Weiland is the reason STP made any money, let alone a TON of $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!! Period!

I have a feeling you're not a musician.  I would love STP even without Weiland, as proved to this very current day with Chester.  The Deleo's & Kretz make STP.  They play the damn instruments and write everything! If you were a musician, you would put more emphasis on the bro's & Kretz.  Weiland was good but his time is done.  That's it!

They write everything, ay? They wrote the lyrics to every song? Did they sing those perfect vocals too? They were just sick of being the background of the band and Scott pushed the limit.. The man has a DISEASE... Let's pray for him if you truly care for him, not kick him to the curb!!!

I also love how 75%+ of you have Weiland as your picture or his lyrics as your quotes, but no, he wasn't the main focal point who brought the initial attention and all of the attention up through S/T... SW was STP.. Chester Bennington is a fake snake "friend" of Scott's, that's why I hate this the most. He sold out his "idol" F him and his whiny lyrics. What does he have to complain and whine about?? Weiland had his reasons for tragic, beautiful lyrics and rollercoaster cuts.. What's Bennington been through that all that emo angst is necessary?? LAME! Goodluck Deleo's and Kretz trying to get money from naive 20 year olds that are LP fans because this REAL STP fan is done with you snakes. You are allllll hypocrites, including your new "member"... If you changed the name and went about it without lauging at a man with a disease I'd consider giving it a try, but this way? Hell no.. Turning your back on family is the most hideous thing you can do on your short time on this planet... F'ing SAD!

Thanks dude, you see where I'm coming from and I don't want to get into why I'm extra passionate and right.. But everyone has their opinion, that's why the word was created and put in a dictionary...
This has to be one of the most idiotic postings I've ever read.  Seriously.  Facepalm a trillion times.

No need to insult someone's opinion on something they're really passionate about.
Let's stay away from dividing ourselves as fans due to this recent change.

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