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Messages - TooCoolQueenie

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Scott Weiland / Jamie and Mary
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:21:50 PM »
Maybe it's just me, but why does everyone seem to pit these two women against each other? I can't even go on AltNation anymore because there's one male poster who hates Mary a little too much, and a female know-it-all poster who treats Jamie like a saint and Mary like she's evil. I feel like those people don't really care about Scott's music, they just want to treat his life like it belongs in "The National Enquirer."

I didn't like Mary's letter in "Rolling Stone." I thought it was too soon, but I don't think she was completely lying. I did read her book, and it made me understand her more as a person instead of disliking her. It wasn't a big Scott bashfest like some people say.

I also don't get the logic that it's okay that Jamie sues for 64,000 and was getting 2,000 a month with a 7% increase each year, but Mary shouldn't be suing. Now, I don't think Mary deserves that in spousal, but people say it was contractual with him and Jamie, but I'm pretty sure there was a contract with Mary, too. If she was asking for too much, why didn't he go to court to get a reduction in child support? I think we know the answer.

I just feel like it's a cop out to blame Mary for all of his issues. I wasn't really old enough, or knew much about how toxic Mary was back in the day other than the clothes burning incident, but I think she get's an unfair wrap. I find Jamie really fake. A previous poster on another thread said it just seemed like Jamie was into the lifestyle, and wanted everyone to know Scott only loved her and only cared about her. Well, she should've been focusing more on his health than how other females felt about him.

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Will Estes/Brittany Snow
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:00:27 PM »
I'm probably not on the right board to discuss these kinds of things, but is anyone familiar with Will Estes from "Blue Bloods" and Brittany Snow from "Pitch Perfect?" This guy and I were talking about how they were on "American Dreams" together, and we were talking about the future of the actresses and actors on there. I said Will will do a war movie, Brittany may get married and have a baby. He got really angry with me saying that Will is too old to make it in Hollywood, he's like 37, and they're not going to hire someone who was on a cop show for 10 years, and that Brittany is "extremely talented." I don't see all the "talent" she supposedly has. I feel she's just famous for her looks. Will is a great actor, and I've seen him play psychotic like in "Dangerous Attraction," and bad in "Mission Park." He never disappoints. Brittany was in a bunch of mediocre teen flicks. Don't know if anyone has an opinion on either actor...

This guy is usually the kind who's really judgmental in general, and is obsessed with soap operas.

I agree with everything Nick said. I can't help, but think that a lot of rock bands/rock singers today are kind of treated like the B-list and C-list whereas back in the '80s, more were treated like A-listers.

I could blame country and hip hop, but I think the climate just changed too much in the music industry in general.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Contraband, 12 years today.
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:50:06 AM »
I didn't really get into Velvet Revolver until my friend talked to me about Scott being in Velvet Revolver. This was back in 2007. I was talking to her on the phone. (Ah! The good ol' days before everyone just texted all the time). We were just talking about bands, and I told her I would burn her "Core" and "Purple." She burned me a bunch of NIN cds. I only knew of "She Builds Quick Machines" from "Libertad." We were talking about how handsome Scott was, and how he looked like Clint Eastwood.  ;D

Anyways, I started getting back into STP last November, and I wanted to buy both of the VR cds from Amazon, and I received them as Christmas gifts. "Contraband" isn't bad. It's kind of fast and loud, which is good for driving or working out. "Libertad" was a little less aggressive. I guess both albums are decent, it's just VR never got as big as they could've.

Scott Weiland / Re: Six months later
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:36:44 AM »
I've been listening to a lot of his music, looking up a lot of his performances on Youtube, meditating, trying to think of all the good that happened with his career because he had such a profound impact on the music world.

Scott Weiland / Re: Jamie Speaks...
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:14:46 AM »
Don’t make this woman an innocent.  If she was really a positive force in his life then it wouldn’t have gone down to this.  Let’s not forget that when Scott died, she put an article out in Billboard & the first paragraph of that article was about Groupies, then she goes on & dishes filth that we did not need to know about.  What about his music?  She has no clue about his music cuz she’s not going to discuss the music that was about his first wife and most definitely about his second wife.  If she was such a positive force in his life she would have made sure he saw his kids on a regular basis not put out articles stating how he cared more about her child than his own.  She wouldn’t have talked about how much he loved her cuz it sounds more like all those articles are direct stabs at Mary so it’s really about “Me, me, me” isn’t it?

If she was there for him then she would have noticed that something was not right, but she was too busy trying to prove to all the women in the world & Mary that he loved her, but we all know the truth & deep down inside she knew it too.  If she really cared about him and his welfare all you had to do was look at the videos, it’s so black & white she would have done something instead of playing the “he did it behind my back” manipulating strategy to the truth that she was busy focusing on the girls & Mary instead of taking care of Scott.

Soul sucking leeches or whatever was said.  Didn’t she go to the courthouse to file for what, $64, 000. Come on, really? & what did you guys post, her artwork for sale of Scott on the internet for $850 a pop? Furthermore, wasn’t it one of the members of VR that sent him to that guy who helped him get clean, he planted a tree w/ him or something?  STP did the best they could w/ the guy & I personally believe, my opinion, that them taking Scott to court was a last ditch effort to get him to ‘see the light’.  Let’s not forget that Scott is not so innocent in that he was open about taking on projects just for the money so isn’t that him using STP & VR for his personal gains but we know the reason is cuz he had to pay Mary.

What is her agenda here?  To blame others so she can feel better?  What about his music cuz if she really knew who Scott was, what was the thing that Scott wanted the most?  To find the existence of Love & to have his writings remembered. & how would I know that? I will tell you, I was his friend for six years before he passed away & to watch these girls take stabs at each other well, I can see why he went out of his way for my friendship. I’m not gonna discuss my friendship w/ him on here but I have to speak for him & it upsets me cuz I really loved the guy & I was so close to getting him the help he needed.

That’s all I’m gonna say cuz I really find this to be very disturbing & it’s obvious that the women in his life never really cared about Scott as a human being only a financial supporter.  I wish these women peace cuz in my world, I lost the reason why I existed on this planet.

I'm not going to respond to this.  I was only on here to get some pictures from the archives and saw this.  I needed to say something, maybe for my peace of mind cuz it's all messed up no matter how you look at it.  It's pure tragedy & Scott & STP still gets trash thrown to them.

  8) :-* :'( :-X >:( :( :o :-[

I agree 100%. I do remember reading both Billboard articles and thinking a lot of what Jamie said was subtle shade thrown at Mary and mostly about herself. This is why I don't check out AltNation that often. There's one particular poster that will fight to the death about Jamie being a saint and acts like Mary's evil. I mean, two grown women, let them deal with their issues. I just don't see WHY they pit them together.

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