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Messages - TooCoolQueenie

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Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: June 30, 2016, 10:37:09 PM »
But of course, we know how the PJ stuff played out in the early days and there's that story from when Robert bumped into Chris and Eddie backstage and they blew him off. These guys probably lumped STP in with the Seven Mary Threes of the world. I have nothing to base that on other than gut feeling. But I mean, even a good portion of die-hard PJ fans are a little don't give STP their due.

Yeah, I do remember the story about Chris and Eddie being cold to the DeLeos or something like that. Yeah, I guess some people did see STP more in line with Seven Mary Three or Candlebox which doesn't make much sense. That's kind of sad if Pearl Jam fans are still bent about the STP comparisons.

Scott probably didn't help matters either. He always had a chip on his shoulder. And I remember an interview around 12BB, where Scott said STP was coming back “to save rock n roll, because it needed it”. Comments like that come off as pretentious and most likely don’t go over well with your peers. 

He may not have been knocking other bands. He may have been saying that because all the teen pop was getting bigger at the time, and that may be why "No.4" did okay, but all the nu-metal/rap rock was kind of overshadowing everything else. Just my opinion, though.

Matt Cameron though took a shot at STP in 2010 calling them 'painful' when looking at a magazine with them on the cover promoting self-titled. 

Don't know what was so painful about it...Sounds like sour grapes.

it would have been a lie anyway, according to Mary's book he showed up with teeth missing sometimes...

HAHA. I was just thinking that, too. He always had a missing tooth when he went on drug runs according to Mary's book. Didn't Scott have veneers later on? At least Layne's teeth were real, but I think the media exaggerated his state of being up until it got too late and he really was in a bad state and died.

Scott Weiland / Layne vs Scott
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:25:09 AM »
I was watching some videos one day that were Alice in Chains related on youtube. I saw a video where Scott was singing "Angry Chair" on stage with the rest of the band. I don't know if anyone's noticed this, or it's just me, but Layne has a lot stans on his videos that seem to be mostly females who get mad about someone dissing Layne 20 years ago. Anyways, some girl commented when Layne died Scott went on KROC or something like that. The deejay told Scott to take care of himself after his interview, don't end up like Layne, etc, and Scott said, "Well, at least I have all my teeth." Is there any truth, or video evidence of him insulting Layne, or is this all the imagination of an obsessed fan?

Another person, a guy commented on the video and said Layne hated STP and bands that were trying to copy Alice in Chains at the time when grunge was at its peak. I get the feeling that Scott and Layne weren't very close, but I never knew there was any major rivalry.

I'm Looking For A New Rock Sensation / Re: Seven Mary Three
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:09:50 AM »
I'm kind of new here. What's this all about Sun God Seven?  :P :o ;)

I'm Looking For A New Rock Sensation / Re: Seven Mary Three
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:32:47 PM »
Here's the article in the comments they were talking about Seven Mary Three:

I forgot to add from my last post, but I think also a lack of promoting albums doesn't help anyone out.

For instance, I go to Meijer's every now and again, and I'll be like "Oh, Black Stone Cherry put out an album? Bullet For My Valentine put out a new album? Breaking Benjamin..." All these bands I haven't heard of since 2007 are dropping albums and no one cares or knows because no one hears about them releasing cds unless you're hooked on Twitter all the time.

This is five minutes short of an hour.

You don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. No one's putting a gun to your head. Treat it like background noise if you're doing something else, but I think for the most part they gave pretty true analyses of the songs.

Scott Weiland / Scott Weiland Death Analysis
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:48:24 PM »
This is from the Tony and Don show. I think they mostly talk about wrestling. I think their analysis was pretty spot on.

There's two parts to this.

I agree with most of what the DJs say, but I think "Down" and "Ride the Cliche" are good songs.

Tiny Music... / Re: Regarding Pitchfork's review of Tiny Music
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:25:54 PM »
Wow, it's like Scott banged this Ryan guy's mom or something...

It doesn't even sound like he listened to the album the whole way through. It's as if he listened to only "Big Bang Baby" and maybe the first two songs on the album.

The site looks like they need a new web designer. The set-up is from 1999.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Contraband, 12 years today.
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:01:32 PM »
I liked Contraband enough when it first came out, and ignored Libertad at the time of it's release because I started finding other bands, like My Morning Jacket. Years have gone by and I finally decided to listen to Libertad on multiple occasions (mostly as background music doing the dishes and whatnot) and found it forgettable.  I cannot recall any song that from that album.  I've dusted off and re-listened to Contraband as well and I found it to be somewhat cringe worthy; embarrassed that I rocked out to it, much in the same way people get embarrassed when they find their old Sum-41 records.  In VR's defense I have watched a few live videos on Youtube and I will commend a good live show.  Ultimately though when I hear the name Velvet Revolver I immediately think "Cock Rock".

That's another point. I think some people feel like the music was so "of the time," but in some ways, it was a straight rock album that didn't sound like much else at the time. With Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Bowling For Soup, I think people wanted some rock that wasn't 25 year old guys whining about the suburbs and high school.

The Wicked Garden / Re: That one "should" have been a radio single...
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:31:13 AM »
Wow, I just wrote a whole article about what songs I thought should've been hit STP songs.

I think "Naked Sunday" had potential to be a hit. I'm not sure if it was a B-side. It probably was. I think because of the religious undertones it was slept on.

I agree with Nick and what other people said about "Shangri La Dee Da" not being promoted properly. I love "Dumb Love" and "Coma." Those two songs should've been on rock radio. "Days of the Week" isn't technically bad. It's just a little too poppy. I like "Too Cool Queenie," obviously.  ::) I think it's obvious why it wasn't played, and "Hollywood Bitch" wasn't played much, either, for that particular reason. I do like "Regeneration," but it sounds a little distorted.

I'm Looking For A New Rock Sensation / Re: Seven Mary Three
« on: June 12, 2016, 02:36:49 AM »
Being from my town (Orlando), 7M3 was pretty well-known around here, but I never really got into them. I remember when the first version of "Cumbersome" first started getting played on local radio, I thought it was new STP. The singer's voice sounded a lot like Weiland (this was around the Core/Purple era). Then, they rerecorded it and released the new version to national radio, which is the version everyone knows, and I didn't like it -- the vocals were much more "snarly" (?) and the guitars were much more jangly. They had a few other good tracks on that first album.

Anyways, they were still big in Orlando after their first album and played around town a lot. I have some friends who've shared a bill with them. I haven't listened to any of their other albums though.

You know, I just listened to the "Churn" version of "Cumbersome," and wow, what a difference! The first sounds more acoustic and downplayed. It almost sounds country. Yes, I agree that their singing voices sounded a bit similar. I just never saw the full-on comparisons other than that, really. STP grew into a more sleeker sound and image whereas 7M3 stayed in a more blue collar type of image. Yeah, Scott wore that worker 7-Up jacket and the guys did have a bit of a working class look to them, but they had a more vintage feel to their style. 7M3 seemed to have a more country feel and look. I mean, the cover of "American Standard" has the guy about to chop the chicken's head off for Pete's sake!

I'll have to listen to 7M3's albums to have a more broad opinion on them. I usually love a band when I listen to their albums all the way through a few times.

Oh, and I just remembered that I read somewhere that Jason Ross is the executive producer on MTV's "Made." Well, I don't think it's on, anymore. EyesofDisarray, did your friends have any cool stories about the guys?

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / STP Love
« on: June 11, 2016, 11:22:20 PM »
This probably isn't on the right thread, and it may have been discussed before. See, I was just a kid when STP were in their peak. It wasn't until now when I began reading more articles on Scott and STP that a lot of people were super critical about the band copying Pearl Jam. I never knew about that or heard about that until now reading articles. When you started listening to STP and you said they were your favorite band, what were people's reactions? Was it really negative? I always got the feeling they were the whipping boys of rock or something.

I'm Looking For A New Rock Sensation / Seven Mary Three
« on: June 11, 2016, 11:18:22 PM »
I didn't know who Seven Mary Three was until I began college back ten years ago. I was perusing this one site where all these people were talking about alternative rock groups they didn't really like, or liked in a guilty pleasure way. I wish I could link the article. All I remember is that this guy was revisiting the "Sex Type Thing" video. Kind of like "We all hated STP, but we kinda sorta get why people kinda like them" way. Anyways, I just remember one poster said STP were the rich man's Seven Mary Three. It seems to me that STP developed different sounds on each album whereas 7M3 kind of stayed grunge/Southern rock. I don't even think they tour anymore. They haven't updated their Facebook page since 2012. I own one of their cds, but I haven't listened to it, yet. I think Scott for sure was a better performer and showman than Jason Ross, the singer in 7M3. Any opinions?

Scott Weiland / Re: Jamie and Mary
« on: June 11, 2016, 08:13:12 PM »
With only what we as fans know, I don't understand how anyone can get so angry at any one of the girls in Scotts life... I mean with Mary's letter I get that it was rough at the time it was posted, I even was bothered after reading it... but she was obviously probably grieving in her own ways at that point.

Like the original post says... Mary's book is actually really good. She honestly does not bash Scott. I'm ashamed, I thought to myself originally that's what it would probably be. It's actually a good read and you can grab quite a few tid bits about stp throughout their years.


The problem is, fans read or hear a couple things about a subject and then all the sudden they are sure of themselves they know the whole damn story better than the individuals it's about... I honestly never get that shit when it comes to people keeping up with tabloids and tmz...

I don't know Mary, Scott, or Jamie... Therefore I have no fucking clue as to what their personal incomes were/are... Who had what arguments about possibly doing or not doing laundry on certain occasions...

Here's what I know... The music Scott Weiland created and helped create is pretty awesome.

Yeah, I don't get the people who think Mary's letter was just a way to get back at Scott to paint him badly. There was probably some truth to it.

About TMZ, I agree. It happens on AltNation, too. This one guy was saying Mary just hates Jamie because she's hotter than Mary. It's like are you serious? I'm sure their issues go deeper than looks. He also Paz was hot. It's like if you need to chase after the ex girlfriend and widow of a dead man, go find a chick in real life!

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