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Messages - ShaneC

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I was front row last night in Toronto. Jeff was fantastic. The whole band was great, really.

I notice Jeff does use a bunch of moves that Scott would use onstage. I was not bothered by it. It was a great show and they sounded great.

I got some great pics. Saw Kretz hanging out backstage holding a young girl in his arms (daughter, I guess?) watching the Bush show...which was great as well.

Beck - The New Pollution

I went to the Beck show last night in Toronto. I was quite impressed with his show and I'm now sifting through his catalogue. I've never been a Beck fan. Never gave him enough credit. Such a great show.
He's pretty good. Very creative, diverse catalogue. I like that he can pretty much do whatever and it's liable to be of quality.

For sure. He has a lot of different sounds. I think he maybe gets written off sometimes for just being the guy who did "loser", which happens to not be one of his better songs, IMO.

Beck - The New Pollution

I went to the Beck show last night in Toronto. I was quite impressed with his show and I'm now sifting through his catalogue. I've never been a Beck fan. Never gave him enough credit. Such a great show.

I thought The One You Know was meh, but So Far Under is way better. It sounds like a song off Dirt.

Same. I didn't like TOYK at all. So Far Under is a good tune. I hope there are better songs on the album, though.

Ghost - Prequelle.

I don't really consider myself a fan of the band, but I turned this on at the gym tonight and I've now listened through a couple times. I like it.

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under Moving Up The Charts
« on: June 01, 2018, 07:18:00 AM »
I haven't heard any radio play for RMU yet. 17, at this point, is pretty good considering RMU was one of the 4 they tossed out to tease the album. That was a couple months ago.

Welcome. Nice to "meet" you!

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: May 17, 2018, 06:02:08 PM »
I may have said this already, but the more I come back to this album and listen, the more I love it. It just feels good man. There’s not a song I don’t like. The overall vibe is positive and energized.

And I am very pleasantly surprised by what Jeff has brought. I feel like Jeff has struck the perfect balance on the album of honoring Scott’s legacy and forging a new path in his own style. He never strikes me as doing a Scott impersonation, but he is always faithful to the idiom that is STP vocals. There are many moments where I think to myself, “This sounds exactly like what Scott would have written,” and others where it doesn’t sound like something Scott would have written but I genuinely like the direction he took the song. The vocals across the whole album are tasteful and extremely well-crafted and well-performed.

Butterfly is rising in my rankings. I don’t know that it will ever sit amongst the first five, but it may surpass Army if Anyone.

I feel the same. Its just a good album, not one bad song IMO.

I also think the next album will be even better. These guys hadn't been on the road or gone through anything together as a band when they recorded this set. You can see Jeff getting more comfortable in his stage presence with the band as time goes on, and I feel like their next release will be something truly special.

Alice In Chains - The One You Know
I like it. The vocal melody is a bit odd, I'll have to get used to it but the music itself is great. That solo is pure AIC, feels quite Dirt-era.

It's got a great riff, the rest of it is ok

Yeah, I can't say I'm really getting into this one. Hoping the album is better.

Alice In Chains - The One You Know

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under released to Radio
« on: April 16, 2018, 06:24:02 PM »
I wonder if they will release Thought She'd Be Mine as a single at some point.

I have tickets to the Toronto show close to the stage right in the middle!

I'll be buying this for Toronto.

I think Thought She’d Be Mine should be released as a single at some point.  With that said, if they edit it shorter for radio, the song might not be as good as it is in its full form.

I agree. I like the full version.

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:07:16 PM »
I can easily get it sure, but I waited until today to listen on purpose, because I wanted the CD on release day. I'm old fashioned like that.

Yeah, I'm actually putting things off while waiting for the mailman to bring my disc. I know what you mean.

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