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Messages - John

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Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Six Eight
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:44:38 AM »
Ya know, not until you said something.  :)

Its seems the common opinion on here is that Meadow and The Art is well liked, and Roll Me Under and Never Enough are mixed. And this is why STP is so great, they give ya a little of everything.
Precisely.  If you really get down to it, what band would create an album with the diversity of these 4 songs?  STP has always been a bit silly in this department, and I thoroughly enjoy that. 

I have different playlists of STPs stuff.  Sometimes I want to listen to everything.  Sometimes just the hard stuff.  Sometimes just the artsy stuff. 

I don't have to like every single tune.  Neither does anyone else. 

Robert DeLeo / Re: Peace and Passion on the California Coast
« on: February 24, 2018, 04:51:56 AM »
Already a thread on this from a couple days ago, FYI. Good effort!
Where?  I checked before posting. 

Robert DeLeo / Peace and Passion on the California Coast
« on: February 24, 2018, 03:42:34 AM »
A decent article featuring Rob:

Here's the video from the article:

The video is a fun ride.  Plush being some chicken-pickin' riff and ILS starting off as a bossa-nova are all things I never knew. 

It's a bummer you can't really hear the questions asked, but Rob always phrases well so you know what they're talking about. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Success of the singles (thus far)
« on: February 24, 2018, 03:37:48 AM »
It's only Meadow that has been released to radio. I wouldn't expect the other 2 tracks to chart. They aren't singles in the traditional sense.

Don't think of them as "singles".  Think of them as "teasers" for the fans. 

The other two tracks weren't officially "released". 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: The Art of Letting Go
« on: February 24, 2018, 03:36:34 AM »
oh yeah, that AM9 - C#m9 in the verse is very Dean Deleo.
Actually, I think this is more Rob than Dean. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under (New single)
« on: February 03, 2018, 05:37:20 AM »
I’m not sure why people are getting flamed so hard for not liking the song? The thread is surely to discuss people’s opinions on the song wether that’s positive or negative?
I haven't seen anyone get flamed other than the dude who likes to smear shit everywhere he goes while whining like a cunt about the same exact tired shit for several years now. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under (New single)
« on: February 03, 2018, 12:34:53 AM »
Its funny you say this.  I kind of felt the same way but kept my mouth shut since everyone else seemed to love it so much.  Its cool in the verses but the slow snare build in the prechorus kind of seems just a touch lazy.  Could definitely do something cooler there without having it sound too flashy a la Luzier.  He has some good intuition on when to rest in this song though.

I'll admit this is me nitpicking though.  I really like the song overall.
I'm certainly nitpicking!  Kretz is almost always spot-on with the overarching groove!  I just wish he'd slap a little icing on the damn thing more often. 

It dawned on me today what tune I was thinking about.  Listen to the drum part around ~1:50 - 

Now, obviously this is a very different tune.  However, about 10-20% of this sprinkled into the STP tune and it'd turn from a decent to an awesome drum part. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under (New single)
« on: February 02, 2018, 04:51:15 AM »
Anyone else put off by the subtle but annoying distortion sound in the background?  It's especially heavy in the middle of the tune. 
I believe it's a fuzz guitar track. Dean uses a lot of funky old pedals in the studio.
This doesn't sound like any funky old pedal that I'm aware of.  It's quite high in the mix.  It cuts. 

Maybe I'm just acutely aware of it because of these studio monitors.  I'll be happy to hear a track with less audible compression.
There is some awful compression going on too.  I'm looking forward to a *hopefully* higher quality version. 
Completely agree.  It's... yucky for lack of a better term. 

It reminds me of that chimey sound during the chorus of Take a Load Off.  On the CD it sounds pretty good.  But as a lower-quality compressed file or stream, it makes me a bit crazy. 
Also, Kretzel's drumming is superb here, did anyone else realize? That guy's a fucking monster!
Absolutely. Mr. Kretz really shines on this track.
Interesting.  I actually felt like there was a lot of missed opportunity here.  The primary rhythm is cool!  But he could have danced around it a little bit.  Then again, I'm never terribly happy with an 8th-note snare drum build.  This isn't Nickleback. 

Now, I'm not expecting full-on Gavin Harrison here.  I'm just saying a LITTLE bit more grace would have been welcomed.  By me, anyway. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Roll Me Under (New single)
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:31:04 AM »
Anyone else put off by the subtle but annoying distortion sound in the background?  It's especially heavy in the middle of the tune. 

I'm not sure I get the idea other than to be "more modern". 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Meadow - Single
« on: November 18, 2017, 11:14:38 AM »
I'm interested in the sound production issue. Why music today sounds so bad? I mean not songs but sound. Is it because of the full digital recording or what they've done in mastering?
Really makes you wonder, why a song recorded with today's technology sounds so "flat" compared to something recorded in the 1960s with a live band, on a physical medium, and no digital wizardry to fix or edit mistakes.

There's the whole "loudness war" thing, but that's gotta just be a small part of it. Maybe it's people just don't play & sing as good anymore? Why bother when you can just edit it with an artificial layer of gloss?

Digital recording techniques just don't do it like those magnetic tapes did. Why? It's a mystery.
It's not one thing.  It's a little bit of all of these things.  The tools are so powerful and versatile these days that a bit of the magic is sucked out of it simply by making everything too easy (so to speak). 

Hard shelving EQs, "flawless" compressors, depth enhancers, etc.  It's the way the game is played unfortunately. 

And let's not forget when it comes to these guys, they do it all themselves instead of working with an outside producer any more.  Something happens when you're the wizard behind AND in front of the curtain. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Meadow - Single
« on: November 18, 2017, 03:16:40 AM »
I think the sonic issues most people are having are due to them heavily using EQ on every track.  Things are really shelved pretty aggressively.

The entire bottom end is missing in all the guitar parts and vocal parts.  Robs bass is louder than most other rock tracks (which is actually quite typical for STP since Rob is so integral to the sound), and certain notes have a bit of a boxy/boomy quality.  The snare drum also has a bit of a boxy vibe to it. 

I've been sifting through the phase and frequency data to isolate certain parts because I'm a dork like that.  If anyone wants to hear any of my experiments I might be goaded into posting them. 

The Wicked Garden / Re: who fits the bill to sing with STP/New Project
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:53:51 PM »

The Wicked Garden / Re: Any news from the Band
« on: January 26, 2016, 07:30:32 AM »
Uh.  A bare minimum, we'll hear what they're up to. 

At some completely un-understandable maximum, we'll get unreleased tracks.

The Wicked Garden / Re: New Album Sound/Direction.
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:17:42 PM »
Just give me some sweet solos, groovy bass tones and some good melodies and ill be good ;)
This is a perfect way to say it, in my opinion. 

Rob and Dean could write a tuba & flute album, and I'd still be fascinated to see how Rob works in Motown bass-fills. 

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