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Topics - OnlyDying

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Scott Weiland / Scott's Old School Onstage Persona
« on: March 11, 2013, 06:01:19 PM »
I know for a fact but I am asking this question for the DIE HARDS like myself. Didn't Scott back in his Heroined out days (Mid-20's-Mid 30's to whatever he's doing now?) give the crowd the middle finger all the time? He wasn't doing it in a "FU*K YOU" fashion when he did it but more like, "HELL YEH THIS IS FUC*IN' ROCK N' ROLL!!!!!"
I have seen Scott with all his projects atleast 30 combined shows and I've seen him do it a ton. Anybody else recall him doing this during the No. 4 era especially?? Thanks for the feedback fellow heart broken STP fans... Damn shame Robert dissed SW like that! SW needs to get some help, "Where The River Goes" in NYC was comical, his voice is SHOT or mind-altering substances make him sound like trash these days. Only songs he nailed were the slow trippy one's and watching him butcher K&C was upsetting. Still got much love for him though!

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Hey! I'm New Here....
« on: February 24, 2009, 05:55:06 PM »
What's up? I'm Steve, been a masssssive STP/VR/Scott fan for years now. I've read all your guys inputs and contributions over the years just never joined. I'd like to thank you all for all the cool pics, inside info, links etc. over the past years. You all seem pretty cool so I look forward to sharing some cool pics and stories I have myself...

I'm sure you all know this song, but it is amazing to me in every emotion imaginable. "Only Dying" from Mighty Joe Young demo's....They REALLLY need to revisit this track somehow someway, it's perfect. Here is the link if you've never heard AliceInChainHead on YouTube is a cool dude who is a massive STP fan and usually gets some rare things up on there so check him out or subscribe to him if you have a YouTube account.....Take it easy everyone and have a good..... ^-^

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