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Messages - TooCoolQueenie

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Scott Weiland / Re: People who only criticize Scott
« on: January 30, 2021, 09:51:23 PM »
I don't know, someone reducing him to just a junkie, probably never gave his music a chance or then did, but didn't like it. I find it weird if someone finds the time to go to forums and just criticize someone they claim not to care about. Especially as Scott wasn't in the news all time, so that everyone and their mom had an opinion.
In a way I get it, take someone like J Bieber, few years ago everyone seemed to go "oh that annoying, spoiled brat", and if you said that, chances are you didn't care for his music and only saw some annoying kid. Now if you matured a bit, you can see the guy has talent, has not had the easiest life as a teen pop star and you understand most people screw up a lot and fame makes you a little crazy. You can accept someone liking an artist or the art even if it's not for you. Okay a bit off the rails here, but anyway.

For what it's worth, I do draw the line somewhere, what I "allow" my heroes to do, but drug use isn't enough. Of course that doesn't mean that I praise someone for it, I like them in spite of it.

Loved his persona, most of his music and when sober he came off as a really great guy in interviews. Felt and still feel a spiritual connection to him, and it was just unfortunate he could't kick the poisons and get his act together. But that whole, "how can you like someone who's such a junkie" mentality I don't get and is so hypocritical, I mean take almost anyone, let them name their top 10 artists and there will very likely be a few people with similar issues.
And in general there are celebs who have done far, far worse things than SW who are praised as Jesus by everyone and their granddad.

I agree. Plus, this lady was claiming the Texas performance where he's clearly off his rocker is Scott's legacy.  ::)

Scott Weiland / People who only criticize Scott
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:34:45 AM »
What do you think of people who overly criticize Scott and say he was just a junkie?

Back in the day, I used to peruse this other forum without giving it credit it was about a major school tragedy and what I thought was to be more about facts and truths were just miserable assholes who hated me and criticized my looks, my education, my jobs, stalked me online from job to job because they were jealous I had something professional going on.

Anyways, I remember one major white trash lady going on and on from the old forum about how Scott was using all these drugs and being scientifically specific about what they were made of. She was saying she wanted Joey Ramone and Joe Strummer to come back and take Scott. (This was somewhat before he died). When I said he was more than just a druggie, she basically said oh, go cry at his later sloppy performances that are now his legacy. She said the other people he toured with were more talented than him. She claimed she dealt with too many cancer patients to care about Scott overdosing and one girl was even just two years old. She said anyone praising him was basically a fool and his music was shit.

I know Scott had issues, but really? Don't complain about someone being on drugs when you and your family probably do them as well if not more.

I don't get this mentality because I know drugs are bad, but I feel no one is really sober in Hollywood, and I think there needs to be more awareness especially with opioid addiction.

You really have 0 talent. Seriously, you need to find a life. Also, being jealous of Mary and Jamie makes you look bad. Neither woman peruses these forums anyway, so why lie about Jamie wanting Scott's ashes in some tattoo ink? I'm no tat artist, but no person in their right mind is putting decayed body matter in anything. So continue to lie about your connection to Scott and non-modeling career.  ::)

Isn't it obvious that these women just are desperate to get laid.

As far as someone who believes in this stuff, I do find it hard to believe, too.

Also, don't know who the Youtuber is from the post. There is a white lady medium and a black lady medium claiming to "date" Scott, and they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

General Discussion / Re: Scott...Then n Now
« on: August 01, 2016, 07:34:56 AM »
I saw this video before he died, and I think I rewatched it, so I remember the "Stevie Wonder" comment.

Yeah, it's just so sad everything happened the way it did. They truly hurt the goose that laid the golden egg, as cliche as that sounds, maybe.

I was just watching this on Youtube! I really liked everything the guys said.

Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:57:33 AM »
I don't mind "Creep." It's just a little slow to me, but yeah I agree about "Guitar Hero" and "Rock Band" killing the bands' nostalgia.

Other than some knobs on a board, there really is no difference, you know.  If that’s just a demo and even if it were a live version recording, either way, I can see this being the song that put them on a label.  Pretty amazing if it was just played on a recorder. 
A song demo like this out there proves to me how they were never supposed to be grouped in that whole grunge movement.  They really had a talent that is obvious hard to replace.  Unfortunately as much as Scott stated music is his life, w/ him it was first drugs, second chicks, then music.  If it were music, music and music, he would still be this guy we are hearing and he’d still be w/ us.
I have to agree though, someone stated that the demo showed more power in emotion, def more soulful.  He’s the guy to beat and it shows cuz look how many try.
  8) :-* :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I too think the demo showed a bit more emotion whereas the "Core" version sounds a bit more stripped down.

It's interesting you bring up the drugs, ladies, etc. In Mary's book, I could be wrong on this quote, but she asked Scott had he not rode his bike to see that band play in the backyard would he have still done drugs. He said probably not or something. So it makes me wonder if rock influenced his love of drugs, or if drugs influenced his love of rock.

Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: July 13, 2016, 08:20:26 PM »
I remember vividly a response from the official PJ twitter from a fan asking about SW and their response was  "sadness" and "We didn't know him". Their response was essentially indifference at best and essentially stated what Eddie thought of the band from the interview posted from the '90s. Their right I suppose.....

The Pearl Jam stans are really something.  ::)

So 24 years after the fact, they still think Scott was just a copycat...I guess things don't change.

I don't know how you arrived at that conclusion from this link.

read the comments, the misconceptions are still present after 23 years

Pretty night and day if you ask me...Usually people will read comments...

Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:49:46 AM »
I remember vividly a response from the official PJ twitter from a fan asking about SW and their response was  "sadness" and "We didn't know him". Their response was essentially indifference at best and essentially stated what Eddie thought of the band from the interview posted from the '90s. Their right I suppose.....

The Pearl Jam stans are really something.  ::)

So 24 years after the fact, they still think Scott was just a copycat...I guess things don't change.

Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: July 03, 2016, 07:21:32 AM »
I was on a big Layne and AIC kick listening to some of the songs they did on "Unplugged."

Well, I sometimes I check out IMDb, and I wanted to see if Layne had a board. I saw a thread about Scott. I wonder who this "friend" is the last poster is talking about because it kind of sounds random and not real:


I watched a few performances with Chester and he was okay. I think with the way some of the auditions were going and how poor some of them are, Chester was better by far, but also because he's obviously had more experience and time in the industry.

I'm still baffled though as to WHY the DeLeos chose him to sing and not some guy from the grunge era who wasn't doing much. It's like getting the singer from Crazytown to replace Chris Cornell in Soundgarden.

I don't think you just plug in a guy from the same era, simply because he was from the same era.

Also, Chester gets a bad rap because of Linkin Park and the association of "rap/rock".
His pre-LP band was influenced by and more in line with the 90's bands than Linkin Park.

As for "High Rise", his vocal styling was very Scott-like. He didn't come in and scream his balls off, like he may do with LP. I think he honored the "style" of vocal that would come in an STP song, as best he could.

If he was too different people would say "what is this?". If he was channeling Scott, he was "copping his style". All things considered, I think he handled it pretty well. That was a tough spot.

And yes, while Chester didn't always have the tone for some of their older material, CheSTP's performances were overall pretty solid. He was never going to be Scott. But if we are to take the Deleo's at their word that "moving on with new music" was the intended focus, then in time, fans would embrace him a little more (if they liked the new material, of course), especially because, if nothing else, he was helping keep the band alive.

We'll never really know. They just needed a kickass full length record together. I refuse to truly base my opinion of their potential on a 5 song EP that was thrown together.

Maybe I was a little harsh on Chester, but I have heard of Grey Daze, and he was pretty good then.

I think he did pretty good with STP, and he engaged the fans pretty well.

I just knew too many people in high school that obsessed over Linkin Park and thought they were so hard when they weren't. I thought they were okay, but they weren't my favorite band. I think I burnt myself out on them.

It didn't work w/ Chester then & it won't work now.  They gave it a shot and I think you guys are giving Chester way too much credit.  I listened to some of the songs he sang and I don't know what speakers you have but maybe you should return them   ;D

 8) :-* ;)

I watched a few performances with Chester and he was okay. I think with the way some of the auditions were going and how poor some of them are, Chester was better by far, but also because he's obviously had more experience and time in the industry.

I'm still baffled though as to WHY the DeLeos chose him to sing and not some guy from the grunge era who wasn't doing much. It's like getting the singer from Crazytown to replace Chris Cornell in Soundgarden.

The whole deal with Chester just felt like a deal where someone breaks up with someone, and then flaunts a new "lover" around to get some attetion... That's how I felt with it. If it came across as a genuine for the good of the world thing to everyone else, then so be it. I just didn't go for that weekend sale...


It was like the ex husband flaunting around his 20 year old lover around his 40 year old ex wife.

Scott Weiland / Re: Layne vs Scott
« on: June 30, 2016, 10:42:19 PM »
The only Grunge guy I ever heard Scott talk shit about was Eddie Vedder, and Eddie started that.  Never saw Scott say a bad word about Layne or Alice In Chains.

Sorry. Anytime I quote someone it seems to mess up, but where is the article, or what exactly did Eddie start?

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