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Messages - ShaneC

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
Where does the Dec 2nd date come from?

I wonder if this is the start to a song that opens up right after this part.

Sturgill Simpson - Sound & Fury
A friend of mine just told me about this album tonight, so I'm giving it a spin. It's fucking fantastic!

This "new way of touring for STP" could be a great thing for getting new attention to the band. Also, if they do bring out additional musicians, I have no doubt they will start paying Thought She'd Be Mine live.

So glad they have another album on the way. Hope it comes early in 2020.

Coma maybe. Thought she'd be mine I think would have done very well.

I'm disappointed that TSBM was not a radio single. I think it has to do with the difficulty of performing it, as Jeff had mentioned something along this line a while back.

I always thought Pop's Love Suicide was a catchy tune that may have done alright, as well.

2019 - Fall Tour with Rival Sons / Re: FALL TOUR w/ Rival Sons
« on: May 06, 2019, 06:48:30 AM »
I wish they would toss out an EP or even just a new single before the tour. Glad they are going out again.

I'd just like to see them play stuff from the last album before they release a new one. Unfortunately with another co-headlining tour I don't see that happening.

There are no dates near me, anyway. Hopefully they come back around on a headlining show again... I'd really like to see them with Jeff.

True. They haven't played enough of the latest album live. If a person has not purchased the album, they have not heard some of the better songs, as they have not received airplay. Not sure what strategy they have in that regard for moving ahead.

Jeff is what I expected for a live show, good front man...but not Scott (something that people will always say).

2019 - Fall Tour with Rival Sons / Re: FALL TOUR w/ Rival Sons
« on: May 05, 2019, 05:29:26 AM »
I wish they would toss out an EP or even just a new single before the tour. Glad they are going out again.

As for Rival Sons, I'm not really big on their stuff but they have a couple okay tunes, IMO.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott's Estate
« on: April 16, 2019, 06:15:58 PM »
I feel like he just gave up in the final couple years. Now others are left picking up the pieces.

I wish Blaster had been a much bigger financial success for him, but that could have just made it all worse.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Should The Reunion Have Never Happened At All?
« on: December 15, 2018, 06:07:58 AM »
Lol!! If you hear anything slightly disappointing when you listen to self titled thats on you n your ego brainwashed bullshit. You cant enjoy some of the most beautiful pieces of art humans have ever created?? Lol, man this place never changes, been away a loong time n yall still the same. Maybe you should go listen to kanye or bieber then.

Yeah I don't know about all that shit. I didn't like S/T outside of TALO. The CD was a drink coaster IMO. If you want to get on some douchebag soapbox over another person's opinion, then maybe you should have stayed away from the site. ALOT of people did not like that album. It means almost nothing...certainly not "ego brainwashed bullshit", whatever the fuck that means.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Should The Reunion Have Never Happened At All?
« on: December 15, 2018, 06:05:43 AM »


Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Louder Me Music Tournament
« on: December 02, 2018, 12:14:20 AM »

Not sure if this is considered spamming...sorry if it is.

I saw this advertised on Facebook. I know many musicians visit this site, in case any of you might be interested in something like this:

The Wicked Garden / Re: STP Mach 3--second album speculation
« on: November 17, 2018, 10:55:27 AM »
I still listen to the Butterfly album quite a bit.

I remember Jeff saying at one point over the summer that they had a bunch of ideas for new tunes bouncing around. I doubt a new release would come before another year goes by, though.

As far as I am concerned, we did get a good album. It's silly to expect to get something of the immediacy or brilliance of Purple or TM out of these guys, they aren't kids, and this isn't the 90s.

They made a cracking rock album, it holds it's own with anything their contemporaries are still putting out. Kicks the balls off any Pearl Jam album from the last decade.

I agree with this.

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: Hey, Brett
« on: August 22, 2018, 08:56:45 AM »

I heard one of my local radio stations talk about Alternative Nation the other day. The lady said she clicked on clickbait link that she "totally fell for", but that she found a really cool version of an AIC song in the link, that she actually shared on the station website. I think it was 97.7 St. Catherines, although I cant seem to find the song link she mentioned.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Least favorite STP song
« on: August 10, 2018, 03:15:16 PM »
Definitely Hickory Dichotomy for me, then maybe Cinnamon, then Huckleberry.

Jerry Cantrell - Setting Sun

Better than anything I've heard from AIC in a very long time, IMO.

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