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Messages - John

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Purple / Re: STP to perform Purple in full
« on: January 11, 2021, 03:02:35 AM »
Anyone have audio from this show?
Someone on Reddit said they did, but it turns out they're technically incompetent.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Sin Unplugged - mystery solved
« on: April 19, 2020, 11:27:10 PM »
Plot thickens!

Purple / Re: Purple remaster now on Youtube
« on: October 25, 2019, 09:46:35 PM »
As someone with a pretty good ear and a lot of production experience, I do agree these changes are subtle.  I think the vocals are a tiny bit louder overall.  I bet of lot of the work was probably just using snazzy digital EQs to do a little bit of subtle cleanup mostly in the lower frequencies on certain tracks. 

Does anybody have this album as WAV or FLAC?  I could potentially re-align and subtract the old tracks from the new tracks and we'd hear exactly what the differences are. 

Caveat: If these are a brand new dump from the master tapes, that'll likely be impossible. 

Dean DeLeo / Re: Are We Allowed to Talk About Dean Deleo Yet?
« on: July 22, 2018, 07:24:37 PM »
I understand this is 2018 and everyone these days wants the headlines and many would love to see a dirt slinging war in the media, but I don't think 'this crushed the band' and I don't think we will (or need to) hear a response from Dean. It's his business to decide to respond to whatever gets thrown out there.
Exactly!  Plus, doesn't this NOW read like 2 jerks trying to squeeze money from blowing this story up on the internet?   

"I have pictures, I can prove it!"  Oh yeah?  Sounds like someone was looking for TMZ or something to pay for them.  They just forgot that Dean is the guitarist from a rock band.  First off, how many people know STP?  Second, how many people know the MEMBERS of STP? 

And I'm absolutely not looking to victim-shame here, but it's still none of our business.  If she had a case, she'd have a case.  She wouldn't be trying to make Dean guilty on the internet, she'd do it through the courts/police. 

And regardless of her actions, it seems like the other dude involved here is just a giant assface looking for attention.  Fuck him 100%. 

Dean DeLeo / Re: Dean accused of abuse from wife
« on: June 27, 2018, 06:12:43 AM »
First off, it's really none of my business what happens in their personal lives. These guys aren't my friends. We're celebrating music we love, that's it. I don't require of my entertainers to have the same moral compass as me. I do agree beating women is where one could draw the line - that shit is unacceptable... but we don't really know what happened. I don't know Jenn Deleo. I'm staying away from that. I will still enjoy the music. As for Dean getting fired, I don't see that happening. He started the band and his brother is in it.
Exactly.  Plus, before we know, we don't know.  Speculating is silly.

I'm assuming even in the worst case scenario of this woman being batshit crazy, that at least some of this is true.  And that sucks.  But I'm not about to be like "I can't listen to that guitar solo ever again!" 

It's their problem to work out.  I hope that it gets done. 

Robert DeLeo / Re: Rob ft. In new Bass Player mag.
« on: June 26, 2018, 11:31:07 PM »
For instance, on “The Art of Letting Go,” I finally got a chance to use my 1972 Fender Jazz Bass, which was perfect for that track. Originally I played a much busier bass line that felt good, but Dean said, “Umm, that’s just a little busy.” I was upset at first, but I wouldn’t be able to wear my producer’s hat if I had said, “No it isn’t! It’s fine!” So I went back, rethought it, and simplified it, and now that’s the riff. It really works in the less-is-more way. I’m very happy with how that song came out because of it.
Holy shit do I want to hear that original bass part now... 

STP has always sucked at promotion.  I don't expect that to change. 

It IS a shame, but it is what it is. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 27, 2018, 11:29:44 PM »
It doesn't bother me enough to ruin the track for me. But yes, it's like a buzzy frequency over-tone on the guitar. It's almost like a maxed out Big Muff running alongside the guitar distortion.
Yeah.  And I'm not too mad at it.  It's just a little puzzling. 

It's like "We need to do something to make the tune more modern!"  "Hey, I know!  Add this gross-ass buzzing thing to the guitar sound!"  "Whoa!  So 2018!" 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:07:06 PM »
Has anybody else noticed that annoying fuzzy sound during the choruses of Roll Me Under? Kind of annoying and puts me off from listening to it. I've only noticed it in my car, not so much through headphones.
It's in the whole track to a certain degree.  It's an effect on the main heavy guitar track.  I'm not quite sure why.  I also find it a bit annoying. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:35:51 AM »
Also, I know these types of things are always contentious, however, I "fixed" Reds and Blues to have a slightly shorter and (what I consider to be) a more natural ending.  Your mileage may vary.

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:26:52 AM »
First, the bad. I don't know what they were thinking with the production. I'm a guitar player. I know the faintest bit about sound, but for those that know a lot, I basically know nothing. But man it sounds muddied up and under water. Listening back to High Rise, while it doesn't have the individual character that each of the first three records had, at least it sounds crisp and clear with better separation of the frequencies. Even Kretz's cymbals sound a bit lifeless without the crispness of the high end I am used to. Maybe it's something totally different, but it doesn't sound great.
I didn't understand these comments until over the weekend.  My friend was complaining about it being muddy.  So I asked him to give me his earbuds and it sounded like a bucket of ass.  I've only listened to this album with studio monitors, studio headphones, and in my car (which is nothing special, at all).  It's very good on my monitors, great on my headphones, and perfectly fine in my car (though I'm less concerned about detailed intricacies of music while I'm blasting down a highway).  I think it's a density problem.  These tunes are packed with layers. 

For me, I think it sounds pretty great!  Especially in headphones!  There's a lot of intricate work done with the stereo field.  The only thing on this album that baffles me is Eric's snare drum.  Mystifying.  There's no treble. 

So, for the people who all think the album sounds muddy, what are you listening on?  What device and/or what speakers? 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:44:12 PM »
I posted a little bit of a nutty thing to the audio board for those that are interested in this kind of craziness.  Be sure to read the post, please! 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Re: Integrity of Alternative Nation
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:08:07 PM »
Rolling Stone IS not ARE. Go back to elementary school, Brett. Daddy needs to proof read your posts.
The is-versus-are debate is very new-school English.  Are is technically correct since Rolling Stone is made up of more than one person, but it makes you sound like a fucking tithead.  That's why you don't do it. 

These are the same people that would say "Pearl Jam are playing a show tonight!"  Or "these data point to an interesting hypothesis."  Or not use an Oxford comma because it's "pointless." 


Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 22, 2018, 01:13:39 AM »
I thought Dean really brought it on the entire record. Most inspired he has sounded in years.
I agree with this. 

I also think this is Rob's best album to date in terms of bass playing.  He's a machine on this album. 

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: NEW ALBUM
« on: March 19, 2018, 10:45:57 PM »
Also, no disclosure on who played the xylophone on 'Thought She'd be Mine' or any other 'who played what' listing
I believe it's a vibraphone with the motor turned off. 

I'll also add that I don't think it's "real".  Sounds like a keyboard/sampler to me. 

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