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Author Topic: New Robert DeLeo Interview  (Read 13319 times)


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2013, 11:42:18 PM »
I know why people keep referring to STP as a "business", but it doesn't really apply to this situation, let alone most art.  This situation is closer to a divorce than anything; with "STP" being held hostage like kids in a custody dispute.  Sadly, the DeLeo's come off like the bitchy wife trying to take everything.  Constantly bad-mouthing the father around town, poisoning the kid's minds, and just trying to be spiteful when it comes to things she knows the father cares about.  Meanwhile, Scott has taken the high road in the situation, wishing them all luck, and not even speaking poorly about anyone.  Even if this is broken down on a collaborative level, it's THEIR work as a group.  Sure, there are arguments for both sides when it comes to who's contributions were more important, but realistically the final product belonged to the group, and for any member(s) to claim it for themselve(s), would be completely ridiculous, selfish, and egotistical.  People move on, go their separate ways... but in this case, the DeLeo's went their separate ways and that didn't work out too well, so now they're clinging to the past.   Why is it that Scott is the only one willing to do something different, or expand outside the realm of STP?   Like I've mentioned a million times, Scott's behavior is nothing new, and being thrown in jail for almost a year in 1999 (in their prime years!) was probably more detrimental (financially) than showing up late to shows lately.   Either way, during any of his bad times, whenever Scott went into a studio to record an album, he's ALWAYS been on point.

It does apply here. We have learned that STP have a partnership of ownership, just like most bands that are reasonably successful. It's just that in this case, the products that the business produces are collections of songs and live performances. STP is whatever the owners say it is. For the Eagles, it's whatever Glen and Don (the owners) say it is. At one time the Eagles included Bernie Leadon, Randy Meisner, and Don Felder. Now it includes Timothy B. Schmitt and Joe Walsh.

Scott isn't taking the high road. He just doesn't care. He cares more about his solo stuff, it's obvious he didn't care about STP. Sure he is suing them, but that's for a financial settlement. He also isn't doing press for a new album, so no one is talking to him. You can bet when he puts out an album or does his next press thing that he will talk about it. The rest of the band is not constantly bashing Scott. They have had to explain WHY they are doing what they are doing. Everything else has been saying how much they have been honored to work with him.

The DeLeos ARE expanding outside of STP--they're getting into production. Eric did too. They have also done other records. Scott didn't work with the same people on HIG that he did on 12 BB. He just used his name both times instead of creating a band (like he did with the Magnificent Bastards, which didn't work out).

Scott's behavior being nothing new, as I explained, doesn't mean anything. This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum. Not calling Scott abusive, but if we take that argument to, say, a battered wife, it's empty. "Your husband has beat you for 20 years. Why leave now?" Maybe because her bullshit meter finally got maxed, just like Robert said. Again, these guys are older and BEYOND the things Scott brings to the table: showing up late, showing up inebriated and unable to perform at a high level, not showing up at all.

Scott has "brought it," we think, but even Doug Grean has called him lazy. He didn't bring it on his book. Why should I think he put more effort into self-titled than he put into his book or into STP tours? He did not bring it on his Christmas album either, for that matter.

Scott's solo work is under his name because it wasn't a collaborative effort.  He had a vision, and employed a band to carry out that vision (and tour), which is pretty common among solo artists. 

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on his ongoing behavior issues.  I look at Scott's behavior as "the price of admission".  STP was in part built on his antics/behavior, so at any time the DeLeos/Eric could have walked... but they never did.  After all the incidents over the years, and first hand experience, they knew exactly what they got into... yet they stuck around because it paid the bills.  Just like the battered wife, she knows that it's worth a few smacks to live in a nice house, without a job, and have everything taken care of for her.  Otherwise she'd have to live her own life, and make her own way (kinda like STP TRIED TO DO without Scott).   Those are her choices... deal with it, or go off on her own.  But just like the DeLeo's, she wants it all!  She wants the house to herself, and the husband to pay the bills too! 

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Chris Pepper

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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2013, 11:48:07 PM »
I know why people keep referring to STP as a "business", but it doesn't really apply to this situation, let alone most art.  This situation is closer to a divorce than anything; with "STP" being held hostage like kids in a custody dispute.  Sadly, the DeLeo's come off like the bitchy wife trying to take everything.  Constantly bad-mouthing the father around town, poisoning the kid's minds, and just trying to be spiteful when it comes to things she knows the father cares about.  Meanwhile, Scott has taken the high road in the situation, wishing them all luck, and not even speaking poorly about anyone.  Even if this is broken down on a collaborative level, it's THEIR work as a group.  Sure, there are arguments for both sides when it comes to who's contributions were more important, but realistically the final product belonged to the group, and for any member(s) to claim it for themselve(s), would be completely ridiculous, selfish, and egotistical.  People move on, go their separate ways... but in this case, the DeLeo's went their separate ways and that didn't work out too well, so now they're clinging to the past.   Why is it that Scott is the only one willing to do something different, or expand outside the realm of STP?   Like I've mentioned a million times, Scott's behavior is nothing new, and being thrown in jail for almost a year in 1999 (in their prime years!) was probably more detrimental (financially) than showing up late to shows lately.   Either way, during any of his bad times, whenever Scott went into a studio to record an album, he's ALWAYS been on point.

It does apply here. We have learned that STP have a partnership of ownership, just like most bands that are reasonably successful. It's just that in this case, the products that the business produces are collections of songs and live performances. STP is whatever the owners say it is. For the Eagles, it's whatever Glen and Don (the owners) say it is. At one time the Eagles included Bernie Leadon, Randy Meisner, and Don Felder. Now it includes Timothy B. Schmitt and Joe Walsh.

Scott isn't taking the high road. He just doesn't care. He cares more about his solo stuff, it's obvious he didn't care about STP. Sure he is suing them, but that's for a financial settlement. He also isn't doing press for a new album, so no one is talking to him. You can bet when he puts out an album or does his next press thing that he will talk about it. The rest of the band is not constantly bashing Scott. They have had to explain WHY they are doing what they are doing. Everything else has been saying how much they have been honored to work with him.

The DeLeos ARE expanding outside of STP--they're getting into production. Eric did too. They have also done other records. Scott didn't work with the same people on HIG that he did on 12 BB. He just used his name both times instead of creating a band (like he did with the Magnificent Bastards, which didn't work out).

Scott's behavior being nothing new, as I explained, doesn't mean anything. This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum. Not calling Scott abusive, but if we take that argument to, say, a battered wife, it's empty. "Your husband has beat you for 20 years. Why leave now?" Maybe because her bullshit meter finally got maxed, just like Robert said. Again, these guys are older and BEYOND the things Scott brings to the table: showing up late, showing up inebriated and unable to perform at a high level, not showing up at all.

Scott has "brought it," we think, but even Doug Grean has called him lazy. He didn't bring it on his book. Why should I think he put more effort into self-titled than he put into his book or into STP tours? He did not bring it on his Christmas album either, for that matter.

Scott's solo work is under his name because it wasn't a collaborative effort.  He had a vision, and employed a band to carry out that vision (and tour), which is pretty common among solo artists. 

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on his ongoing behavior issues.  I look at Scott's behavior as "the price of admission".  STP was in part built on his antics/behavior, so at any time the DeLeos/Eric could have walked... but they never did.  After all the incidents over the years, and first hand experience, they knew exactly what they got into... yet they stuck around because it paid the bills.  Just like the battered wife, she knows that it's worth a few smacks to live in a nice house, without a job, and have everything taken care of for her.  Otherwise she'd have to live her own life, and make her own way (kinda like STP TRIED TO DO without Scott).   Those are her choices... deal with it, or go off on her own.  But just like the DeLeo's, she wants it all!  She wants the house to herself, and the husband to pay the bills too! 

You are on point so much it hurts.  Couldn't agree more.


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2013, 11:49:04 PM »
Let's say it's both business and art. Business-wise, I don't think Purple to the Core was necessarily a violation of the other band members' rights. Artistically, in terms of how it affected the other artists who co-created those tunes, it was a massive insult.

I know a lot of people on BE are musicians and some understand just how horrible it would be to have your art demeaned in this way. I can only imagine how Dean must've felt to hear Doug Grean butcher his work. I'm sure Robert and Eric had similar thoughts. I'll bet they were nauseous.

And truthfully, Doug isn't a bad guitarist - he's just not very good at playing STP. Which just proves how ill-conceived Purple at the Core really was.


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2013, 11:51:17 PM »
@lovemachine97 - How are you going to determine if Scott has been giving 100% or not?  I don't know what mood-stabilizers he's on at any given point, and I don't know what his brain is capable of achieving at this point in time on a productivity level, or anything else.  That's all subjective, and hearsay from Grean and anyone else.  Him showing up late?  Did that affect ticket sales?  How can you measure that?  Didn't the audience already BUY the tickets?  Yes fans savvy enough to read multiple reviews can realize that it might be an ongoing theme with the man lately, but I don't think this alone had a significant impact on ticket revenue declining at the end of it all.  The allure of the band reuniting and playing their greatest hits spawned ticket sales and then repeating that for over 5 years essentially was what caused it to fade and probably what lead to some of the members not wanting to go on doing the same thing every night. 

Robert and Dean have a "bull shit" meter - cool.  I'll take them at their word for that.  Am I allowed to take Scott at his word that he wanted to record more material instead of playing the same set list every night for 5+ years (change a song or two along the way each night)?  I agree with Steak, Scott HAS taken the high road with all the drama.  The DeLeos could easily let fans read between the lines (no pun intended) and let the fans come to their own conclusions on the break up/firing instead of bashing him seemingly every chance they get.  Scott has been interviewed multiple times and stays out of the personal aspect of all of this as much as humanly possible given the words the STP camp has said and the nature of him being the one they fired!!  He hasn't spouted off on a tirade, and I guess we are to assume that he just doesn't care and that's why he's kept his mouth shut all this time?  Maybe he is above that low-level shit talking stuff and doesn't air his dirty laundry for the public to consume? 

Bottom line is, he is fired and the DeLeos have said a lot of shit along the way about Scott, and he is going about his business as a professional under his own name staying out of the high school drama BS.  I find that respectable.  I don't find the DeLeos continuously bagging on Scott to be in good taste after all the riches and fame they garnished along the ride they took with Scott Weiland for the past 20 years.  It comes off like high school girls whining about a break up to me all the while trying to stir drama - although I think this really is just a lame attempt to create as much publicity as possible (negative or positive) to help sell tickets here in the short-term.  Long-term I don't see their new band lasting or selling what they expect it to.  Since we are turning all of this conversation to the "business" aspect - the DeLeos have handled this really poorly (firing him is fine, whatever) from a long-term perspective.  If they just want to cash in for a short-term, which I believe is the plan, then they have handled this in such a manner that is probably pretty effective for doing so, and have tarnished a great band's legacy in the process for a few months and a few extra chunks of change to add to their bank accounts... It's pretty pathetic, really.


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2013, 11:55:36 PM »
I know why people keep referring to STP as a "business", but it doesn't really apply to this situation, let alone most art.  This situation is closer to a divorce than anything; with "STP" being held hostage like kids in a custody dispute.  Sadly, the DeLeo's come off like the bitchy wife trying to take everything.  Constantly bad-mouthing the father around town, poisoning the kid's minds, and just trying to be spiteful when it comes to things she knows the father cares about.  Meanwhile, Scott has taken the high road in the situation, wishing them all luck, and not even speaking poorly about anyone.  Even if this is broken down on a collaborative level, it's THEIR work as a group.  Sure, there are arguments for both sides when it comes to who's contributions were more important, but realistically the final product belonged to the group, and for any member(s) to claim it for themselve(s), would be completely ridiculous, selfish, and egotistical.  People move on, go their separate ways... but in this case, the DeLeo's went their separate ways and that didn't work out too well, so now they're clinging to the past.   Why is it that Scott is the only one willing to do something different, or expand outside the realm of STP?   Like I've mentioned a million times, Scott's behavior is nothing new, and being thrown in jail for almost a year in 1999 (in their prime years!) was probably more detrimental (financially) than showing up late to shows lately.   Either way, during any of his bad times, whenever Scott went into a studio to record an album, he's ALWAYS been on point.

It does apply here. We have learned that STP have a partnership of ownership, just like most bands that are reasonably successful. It's just that in this case, the products that the business produces are collections of songs and live performances. STP is whatever the owners say it is. For the Eagles, it's whatever Glen and Don (the owners) say it is. At one time the Eagles included Bernie Leadon, Randy Meisner, and Don Felder. Now it includes Timothy B. Schmitt and Joe Walsh.

Scott isn't taking the high road. He just doesn't care. He cares more about his solo stuff, it's obvious he didn't care about STP. Sure he is suing them, but that's for a financial settlement. He also isn't doing press for a new album, so no one is talking to him. You can bet when he puts out an album or does his next press thing that he will talk about it. The rest of the band is not constantly bashing Scott. They have had to explain WHY they are doing what they are doing. Everything else has been saying how much they have been honored to work with him.

The DeLeos ARE expanding outside of STP--they're getting into production. Eric did too. They have also done other records. Scott didn't work with the same people on HIG that he did on 12 BB. He just used his name both times instead of creating a band (like he did with the Magnificent Bastards, which didn't work out).

Scott's behavior being nothing new, as I explained, doesn't mean anything. This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum. Not calling Scott abusive, but if we take that argument to, say, a battered wife, it's empty. "Your husband has beat you for 20 years. Why leave now?" Maybe because her bullshit meter finally got maxed, just like Robert said. Again, these guys are older and BEYOND the things Scott brings to the table: showing up late, showing up inebriated and unable to perform at a high level, not showing up at all.

Scott has "brought it," we think, but even Doug Grean has called him lazy. He didn't bring it on his book. Why should I think he put more effort into self-titled than he put into his book or into STP tours? He did not bring it on his Christmas album either, for that matter.

Scott's solo work is under his name because it wasn't a collaborative effort.  He had a vision, and employed a band to carry out that vision (and tour), which is pretty common among solo artists. 

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on his ongoing behavior issues.  I look at Scott's behavior as "the price of admission".  STP was in part built on his antics/behavior, so at any time the DeLeos/Eric could have walked... but they never did.  After all the incidents over the years, and first hand experience, they knew exactly what they got into... yet they stuck around because it paid the bills.  Just like the battered wife, she knows that it's worth a few smacks to live in a nice house, without a job, and have everything taken care of for her.  Otherwise she'd have to live her own life, and make her own way (kinda like STP TRIED TO DO without Scott).   Those are her choices... deal with it, or go off on her own.  But just like the DeLeo's, she wants it all!  She wants the house to herself, and the husband to pay the bills too! 

You are on point so much it hurts.  Couldn't agree more.
Agreed - I am done posting and let STEAK post from now, he says what I want to articulate EXACTLY.  Word to your comment, Chris Pepper...


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2013, 12:01:24 AM »
Let's say it's both business and art. Business-wise, I don't think Purple to the Core was necessarily a violation of the other band members' rights. Artistically, in terms of how it affected the other artists who co-created those tunes, it was a massive insult.

I know a lot of people on BE are musicians and some understand just how horrible it would be to have your art demeaned in this way. I can only imagine how Dean must've felt to hear Doug Grean butcher his work. I'm sure Robert and Eric had similar thoughts. I'll bet they were nauseous.

And truthfully, Doug isn't a bad guitarist - he's just not very good at playing STP. Which just proves how ill-conceived Purple at the Core really was.

Maybe I'm wrong... but from what I gathered, Scott was the one who wanted to do a 20th anniversary tour, in smaller venues, playing Core in it's entirety.  But the DeLeo's wanted to continue their "hits tour" because it was more marketable. So IF that was the case, then I don't see the problem with Scott trying to honor the 20th anniversary when the rest of the band didn't.   
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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2013, 12:15:02 AM »
Maybe I'm wrong... but from what I gathered, Scott was the one who wanted to do a 20th anniversary tour, in smaller venues, playing Core in it's entirety.  But the DeLeo's wanted to continue their "hits tour" because it was more marketable. So IF that was the case, then I don't see the problem with Scott trying to honor the 20th anniversary when the rest of the band didn't.   

No, they all wanted to do the Core tour, but Scott refused to put the effort into rehearsing the songs and keeping his voice in shape that was required; so the boys nixed it and continued the greatest hits set because that was all Scott was capable of performing in his condition.
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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2013, 12:17:29 AM »
Based on the band's complaint against Scott, the concept of a Core tour was discussed with Scott in 2011. The concept of a tour featuring Purple was also mentioned in the complaint

It seems that the band wanted to honor Core, and do it with Scott.

Section 4 covers Core, 9 mentions a Purple/Core tour
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 12:22:39 AM by Strat »

Chris Pepper

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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #38 on: October 08, 2013, 12:30:33 AM »
Maybe I'm wrong... but from what I gathered, Scott was the one who wanted to do a 20th anniversary tour, in smaller venues, playing Core in it's entirety.  But the DeLeo's wanted to continue their "hits tour" because it was more marketable. So IF that was the case, then I don't see the problem with Scott trying to honor the 20th anniversary when the rest of the band didn't.   

No, they all wanted to do the Core tour, but Scott refused to put the effort into rehearsing the songs and keeping his voice in shape that was required; so the boys nixed it and continued the greatest hits set because that was all Scott was capable of performing in his condition.
Says who?  Dean's on record that he doesn't like to play the obscure songs.  Scott goes out and plays those songs.  What are you talking about?


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #39 on: October 08, 2013, 12:37:33 AM »
Robert and Dean have a "bull shit" meter - cool.  I'll take them at their word for that.  Am I allowed to take Scott at his word that he wanted to record more material instead of playing the same set list every night for 5+ years (change a song or two along the way each night)?  I agree with Steak, Scott HAS taken the high road with all the drama.  The DeLeos could easily let fans read between the lines (no pun intended) and let the fans come to their own conclusions on the break up/firing instead of bashing him seemingly every chance they get.  Scott has been interviewed multiple times and stays out of the personal aspect of all of this as much as humanly possible given the words the STP camp has said and the nature of him being the one they fired!!  He hasn't spouted off on a tirade, and I guess we are to assume that he just doesn't care and that's why he's kept his mouth shut all this time?  Maybe he is above that low-level shit talking stuff and doesn't air his dirty laundry for the public to consume? 

Bottom line is, he is fired and the DeLeos have said a lot of shit along the way about Scott, and he is going about his business as a professional under his own name staying out of the high school drama BS.  I find that respectable.  I don't find the DeLeos continuously bagging on Scott to be in good taste after all the riches and fame they garnished along the ride they took with Scott Weiland for the past 20 years.  It comes off like high school girls whining about a break up to me all the while trying to stir drama - although I think this really is just a lame attempt to create as much publicity as possible (negative or positive) to help sell tickets here in the short-term.  Long-term I don't see their new band lasting or selling what they expect it to.  Since we are turning all of this conversation to the "business" aspect - the DeLeos have handled this really poorly (firing him is fine, whatever) from a long-term perspective.  If they just want to cash in for a short-term, which I believe is the plan, then they have handled this in such a manner that is probably pretty effective for doing so, and have tarnished a great band's legacy in the process for a few months and a few extra chunks of change to add to their bank accounts... It's pretty pathetic, really.


If we're taking people at their word, then lately Scott has been the one about the music, while the DeLeo's have been about money (ticket sales, lost money, "greatest hits tour" etc..).  As much as I wish ALL these guys success, I can't help but side with the guy who's trying to change things up, and preserve the STP legacy, rather than the guys milking it to death with a never-ending "greatest hits tour". 

I'm not even against them playing with Chester, but it's the whoring out of the STP legacy that gets me.  I think these guys are a good fit with Chester, but it isn't STP, nor will it ever be.  But like you said, it seems like a short term cash grab.  Plus, I'm sure they rushed out the EP, and did a few shows SOLELY for the lawsuit.  That way when it goes to trial, they can compare ticket sales, times, or something else to shows with Scott. 

Agreed - I am done posting and let STEAK post from now, he says what I want to articulate EXACTLY.  Word to your comment, Chris Pepper...

Thank you! 

Maybe I'm wrong... but from what I gathered, Scott was the one who wanted to do a 20th anniversary tour, in smaller venues, playing Core in it's entirety.  But the DeLeo's wanted to continue their "hits tour" because it was more marketable. So IF that was the case, then I don't see the problem with Scott trying to honor the 20th anniversary when the rest of the band didn't.   

No, they all wanted to do the Core tour, but Scott refused to put the effort into rehearsing the songs and keeping his voice in shape that was required; so the boys nixed it and continued the greatest hits set because that was all Scott was capable of performing in his condition.

Well, that's their side, which I do understand.  Even I wouldn't put it past Scott to flake out, or not want to rehearse, etc...  But comparing the things that Scott's been saying, to what the DeLeo's have been saying; I can't help take these accusations with a grain of salt. 

These super long tours are physically much more taxing on Scott than the rest of the band, so who knows how much that had to play into things.  Either way, the complaint is coming from the band and their lawyers, so it's guaranteed to be exaggerated.
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Chris Pepper

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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #40 on: October 08, 2013, 12:40:51 AM »
Let's say it's both business and art. Business-wise, I don't think Purple to the Core was necessarily a violation of the other band members' rights. Artistically, in terms of how it affected the other artists who co-created those tunes, it was a massive insult.

I know a lot of people on BE are musicians and some understand just how horrible it would be to have your art demeaned in this way. I can only imagine how Dean must've felt to hear Doug Grean butcher his work. I'm sure Robert and Eric had similar thoughts. I'll bet they were nauseous.

And truthfully, Doug isn't a bad guitarist - he's just not very good at playing STP. Which just proves how ill-conceived Purple at the Core really was.

Maybe I'm wrong... but from what I gathered, Scott was the one who wanted to do a 20th anniversary tour, in smaller venues, playing Core in it's entirety.  But the DeLeo's wanted to continue their "hits tour" because it was more marketable. So IF that was the case, then I don't see the problem with Scott trying to honor the 20th anniversary when the rest of the band didn't.   

You are not wrong.  Atleast, Scott is the only member on record publically to say as much before the shenanigans of the Deleos. 


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #41 on: October 08, 2013, 01:40:26 AM »
When Scott spoke publicly about the Core tour, it was in response to an interviewer's question about the STP lawsuit. The Core tour was first publicly mentioned by STP, in their suit against Scott.

Take a look at section 4, which indicates the band discussed the Core tour in 2011. Look at section 9, in which a Core/Purple tour is discussed (Purple at the Core).


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2013, 02:20:48 AM »
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 02:29:44 AM by lovemachine97 »


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2013, 02:22:21 AM »
Wow, this complaint is explosive. So far, if the partnership is being represented truthfully, Weiland was fired with cause.

It says Weiland was 2 hours late for a gig in Vancouver, then neglected to even show up for a gig in Alberta.

The band had been discussing a 2013 Core/Purple anniversary tour, 2 new songs, and reissues of the albums. However, at one point, Scott just stopped becoming available to the rest of the band and the only communication came through "people."

In January of 2013, through representatives, the band asked for written assurance from Scott that he would cease to be tardy to shows. He refused. However, he did have a request from them: a higher percentage of tour revenue for the forthcoming anniversary tour.

Right after, Scott announced his Purple to the Core tour, using STP name and music to sell it. The band even asked Weiland to stop using STP material in his adds (the partnership agreement says STP cannot be used to promote other projects, allegedly).

Weiland tried to stop the band from playing the MusicCares benefit with Bennington (to Weiland's point, they were billed as "members of Stone Temple Pilots," though that is different than using STP to promote a solo career, not to mention that Weiland was no longer in STP)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 02:40:22 AM by lovemachine97 »


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Re: New Robert DeLeo Interview
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2013, 02:25:39 PM »
Suddenly it got very quiet around here.