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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #105 on: September 03, 2013, 04:56:47 PM »
Where to begin:

First off, I was totally disgusted when I heard about STP bringing Chester in to take over for Scott. But after hearing Chester, on the STP songs, he sounds better than Scott has in God knows how long. You all know how I have been hating on STP lately.

Scott's solo shows are a joke. I'm not sure how the STP shows with Chester will be but I can promise they'll start on time and play more than an hour and they'll sound pretty good. STP of 10-15 years ago? No. Better than the STP we have had the last 5 years? Yes.
All that being said, the new STP EP is cheesy. I had the opportunity to hear it this past weekend. It sounds exactly what you'd think it would sound like... It's STP with Chester trying to sound like Scott. The lyrics are generic. The only thing memorable are some of Dean's solo's. Eric's drumming is boring and Robert's bass lines aren't anything special. The production was really very good and it sounded better than the last STP record, IMO.

I'll be curious to see what the consensus is once the tour starts and people hear the EP. I think more people will dig the live show but will be disappointed with the EP, but that's my opinion.

I don't buy that you heard the EP.  If there's something specific from it you can remember that ends up being true I'll believe you.

There really wasn't anything that stood out to me. I was sent to a private soundcloud page that had it hosted to stream. I got it from my contact who then sent it to me.

Not sure if it was being closely monitored or not. I streamed it from my phone and when I went back to listen on my PC, I no longer had access.

I am trying to get access again. My contact hasn't gotten back to me yet.

As I said before, the music is very bland. It sounds more like some of the stuff on the Army of Anyone record than anything STP has done. Chester didn't sound like Chester. He sounded like a guy trying to sound like Scott, which is what was disappointing to me. Thinking about it, there may have been a song where he was using the megaphone, but it's possible it was just vocal effects. Hard to tell from my phone.

The drumming was very Kretz. Very solid, basic drums. There is a Dean solo in every track and he's the one that seemingly stood out. I remember saying, that's a nice riff, and that's a nice solo.

Hopefully I can get a better listen from a PC soon. I was told promo will really start for this in the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked in the next couple weeks once a private stream is made more available. To my knowledge, there aren't any promo CD's being made...

Dude. Give it up already.Your source is either as full of shit as you are or doesn't exist altogether. He was completely wrong about the reasoning behind Scott & STPs split as evidenced by their public statements and lawsuit. Juge's source had all this information before it was made public, which you disputed based on your source's bullshit.

You haven't heard this album yet, you have zero inside information, the only thing up for debate here is whether you actually have someone feednig you false information or you're as crazy as I think you are and are just making it up as you go. You've made completely broad and unspecific claims about this new EP which any one of us could have made without having heard it. I don't know whether it makes you feel important to broadcast that your privy to information the rest of us are not, but my advice to you would be to take your pandering elsewhere where you can start fresh and try again because your gig is up.
When STP had a cookout after filming the video for the Core single "Plush," Weiland made jerk chicken that was "spectacular," Dean raves.

Chris Pepper

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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #106 on: September 03, 2013, 04:58:10 PM »
Where to begin:

First off, I was totally disgusted when I heard about STP bringing Chester in to take over for Scott. But after hearing Chester, on the STP songs, he sounds better than Scott has in God knows how long. You all know how I have been hating on STP lately.

Scott's solo shows are a joke. I'm not sure how the STP shows with Chester will be but I can promise they'll start on time and play more than an hour and they'll sound pretty good. STP of 10-15 years ago? No. Better than the STP we have had the last 5 years? Yes.
All that being said, the new STP EP is cheesy. I had the opportunity to hear it this past weekend. It sounds exactly what you'd think it would sound like... It's STP with Chester trying to sound like Scott. The lyrics are generic. The only thing memorable are some of Dean's solo's. Eric's drumming is boring and Robert's bass lines aren't anything special. The production was really very good and it sounded better than the last STP record, IMO.

I'll be curious to see what the consensus is once the tour starts and people hear the EP. I think more people will dig the live show but will be disappointed with the EP, but that's my opinion.

I don't buy that you heard the EP.  If there's something specific from it you can remember that ends up being true I'll believe you.

There really wasn't anything that stood out to me. I was sent to a private soundcloud page that had it hosted to stream. I got it from my contact who then sent it to me.

Not sure if it was being closely monitored or not. I streamed it from my phone and when I went back to listen on my PC, I no longer had access.

I am trying to get access again. My contact hasn't gotten back to me yet.

As I said before, the music is very bland. It sounds more like some of the stuff on the Army of Anyone record than anything STP has done. Chester didn't sound like Chester. He sounded like a guy trying to sound like Scott, which is what was disappointing to me. Thinking about it, there may have been a song where he was using the megaphone, but it's possible it was just vocal effects. Hard to tell from my phone.

The drumming was very Kretz. Very solid, basic drums. There is a Dean solo in every track and he's the one that seemingly stood out. I remember saying, that's a nice riff, and that's a nice solo.

Hopefully I can get a better listen from a PC soon. I was told promo will really start for this in the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked in the next couple weeks once a private stream is made more available. To my knowledge, there aren't any promo CD's being made...

The Deleos have never done anything worthwhile without Scott.  Why expect any different.  I wouldn't worry too much.  Some wannabe rock insiders will deny this because they do not have access to the band except for fan only access. 


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #107 on: September 03, 2013, 05:12:04 PM »
If the rest of the band gave one shit for Scott they would have made sure he got the help he needed before going on a reunion tour and making another album.  It seems like they saw a chance to make some money and be somewhat relevant again, then they kick Scott to the curb after years of touring while being a know to make more money.  That is fucking disgusting and why I won't be buying anything from this new band.  For me, STP died with Shangri-La Dee Da.. everything else is just a ghost of what the band used to be.

Yes. Same for some of the fans. If Scott isn't doing what they want him to do, he's suddenly shit. Also, anyone who believes they're playing deep cuts because they care, are delusional. This is a perfect move to try to make sure the loyal fans stay, while grabbing new ones. Don't get me wrong, I understand they have a family to feed...-_-

We've  all heard the interviews about the setlist, so it definitely wasn't Scott's fault. Scott was out there playing deep cuts with the Wildabouts and made it clear that he wanted to play those songs with STP... While Dean claimed that people take bathroom breaks for those, and rather play the hits.
The same people supporting this, are the same people who bitched about Grean fucking up the deep cuts, so what makes it wrong for anyone to not like the way Chester sings these songs? I honestly could care less if Scott didnt play STP songs at his solo songs. Not because he's out there to ruin them on purpose like some claim, but I just rather hear STP playing STP. If I go to see Scott solo, I wanna hear HIS songs... If I wanna see the new line up performing, I'd much rather hear them play a ton of new material, without them telling me that this is STP.
That is the only way I can accept this whole mess, and really wish the court would settle for. None of them should be able to promote themselves as STP without being STP.
In a perfect world IMO...

Both parties are only allowed to cover 4 songs from their catalogue.
Neither are allowed to use STP to promote their gigs unless they're playing together.

Since they love money so much, maybe that would make them get their shit together.

Dean wasn't going to say "Our lead singer is fucked up so he can't sing the deep cuts well and a lot of the time he doesn't show up to rehearsals period."

From talking to Robert it sounds like there were a lot of songs the band wanted to perform from 2008-2012 but couldn't because Scott wasn't capable.  STP isn't the Wildabouts, that band has no problem going out there with Scott and butchering STP deep cuts.

If Jerry Cantrell, Sean Kinney, and Mike Inez have the right to use the Alice In Chains name then the DeLeos and Kretz have the right to use the STP name.

So he's going to say that they'd rather play the hits?

Layne is dead.

It's the same thing.  Jerry, Sean, and Mike though just waited for Layne to die instead of doing it while he was alive, but Cantrell was already planning the reunion just a year or so after Layne's death.  They had it on their minds though.  There's a 1999 interview with Sean Kinney where he says he and Jerry didn't want to release another AIC album without touring (he said "We're not fucking Steely Dan") and said he and Jerry were weighing their options.

I understand what you're saying Brett, trust me, I reaaaally reaaaally do. I don't want anyone to think I don't want the boys to he successful at all. I want them to be out there making music, but just close the book on this whole fucking thing.

I also appreciate what they're calling themselves letting the fans know Scott isn't there.

With that said, I just feel like no matter what, this just isn't STP. To those who believe the boys are just trying to carrying on their legacy, while one destroys it, I'm sorry... But I'd much rather see them close the book on this thing and continue on making music as who they are now. I don't know if the right word is respect, since Scott has no idea what that is at times, but at least for the legacy. The four of them created this, not just the three of them. No matter who isn't in the band, it just isn't STP, and shouldn't be called STP for any other matter. It's simple, I don't get why anyone seems to have a problem with this. It's in good taste to the fans, and it just closes the book on what they've created for us.
Again, I do understand the whole "why let somebody  ruin it if the rest are willing to continue" but this was about the four of them.

It's not my dislike for Chester "I won't join VR because I respect Scott Weiland, but I'll sure as hell join his original band"Bennington.

Maybe, just maybe, the guys already feel that Scott is sorta dead. Scott Weiland stopped being the same man after the mess he went through during his VR glory days. Losing his brother, losing his wife, his mother getting cancer, and relapsing.. That's a lot of shit. Maybe the Scott they know today is completely different to the one they built this legacy with. At the end of the day, I don't feel like they should give up on him. The right thing to do would have been to all sit down and say to each other, that if Stone Temple Pilots isn't working, then it should close shop. Period. None of them are allowed to use the band in any way for cash unless they're together, and anyone who does, gets a lawsuit. Move on with new musical ventures. If that were the case, you could bet your ass they'd try to make this work. I don't buy the whole "We told Scott to sober up otherwise he'd be fired" while they were milking his falling on drumsets ass during the reunion. All of this should had been taking care of before getting back out there, but no. As the phone call said "Hey Scott, wanna make a million bucks?". That says it all; it's all about the fucking money with these guys. They all ruined what could have been a bright future if they had done things the right way from the start.

Definitely respect your opinion and agree with many points.  My view is I'm just not too hung up on the name, and am just happy to see them making music with a talented singer and playing some great old STP songs as well.  I just want the DeLeos and Eric to get the attention they deserve, and at this point it's never going to happen without the STP name.  That is the only brand they're known for.  Scott Weiland himself is a brand, and also has Velvet Revolver under his belt.

Definitely agree with that too.
If you only knew..


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #108 on: September 03, 2013, 05:13:49 PM »
Where to begin:

First off, I was totally disgusted when I heard about STP bringing Chester in to take over for Scott. But after hearing Chester, on the STP songs, he sounds better than Scott has in God knows how long. You all know how I have been hating on STP lately.

Scott's solo shows are a joke. I'm not sure how the STP shows with Chester will be but I can promise they'll start on time and play more than an hour and they'll sound pretty good. STP of 10-15 years ago? No. Better than the STP we have had the last 5 years? Yes.
All that being said, the new STP EP is cheesy. I had the opportunity to hear it this past weekend. It sounds exactly what you'd think it would sound like... It's STP with Chester trying to sound like Scott. The lyrics are generic. The only thing memorable are some of Dean's solo's. Eric's drumming is boring and Robert's bass lines aren't anything special. The production was really very good and it sounded better than the last STP record, IMO.

I'll be curious to see what the consensus is once the tour starts and people hear the EP. I think more people will dig the live show but will be disappointed with the EP, but that's my opinion.

I don't buy that you heard the EP.  If there's something specific from it you can remember that ends up being true I'll believe you.

There really wasn't anything that stood out to me. I was sent to a private soundcloud page that had it hosted to stream. I got it from my contact who then sent it to me.

Not sure if it was being closely monitored or not. I streamed it from my phone and when I went back to listen on my PC, I no longer had access.

I am trying to get access again. My contact hasn't gotten back to me yet.

As I said before, the music is very bland. It sounds more like some of the stuff on the Army of Anyone record than anything STP has done. Chester didn't sound like Chester. He sounded like a guy trying to sound like Scott, which is what was disappointing to me. Thinking about it, there may have been a song where he was using the megaphone, but it's possible it was just vocal effects. Hard to tell from my phone.

The drumming was very Kretz. Very solid, basic drums. There is a Dean solo in every track and he's the one that seemingly stood out. I remember saying, that's a nice riff, and that's a nice solo.

Hopefully I can get a better listen from a PC soon. I was told promo will really start for this in the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked in the next couple weeks once a private stream is made more available. To my knowledge, there aren't any promo CD's being made...

The Deleos have never done anything worthwhile without Scott.  Why expect any different.  I wouldn't worry too much.  Some wannabe rock insiders will deny this because they do not have access to the band except for fan only access. 

Not to add to an argument or anything, but what do you mean by "worthwhile"? That's just a matter of opinion. Talk Show was worthwhile, AOA was worthwhile.

You mean worthwhile as in radio hits?

Personally, I like the sound of pretty much everything they've done. They have a unique sound.

Also, Scott has his solo band. So, why not just listen them and the original STP albums with Scott? Obviously you are attracted to this new lineup in some way.
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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #109 on: September 03, 2013, 05:31:17 PM »
By "worthwhile", I mean... Talk Show was a one off project under a new name. AOA was a one off project under a new name.

They are sticking with the STP name and just adding Chester into it. It was one listen on a cell phone but to me, this did nothing for STP as a band. There is nothing all that great or memorable about this. I guess my point is they should have just released this under a new name. There is nothing new or groundbreaking and with Chester into the fold, I almost see this as a way of stepping backwards. It's one thing if they progressed musically and Chester really brought something to the table that Scott was not capable of any longer but this seems to be something that could have been done with a new name or as a new project.

I don't want to get all caught up into the Scott vs STP BS. They are all doing what they are doing and that's that. It is my opinion though that Chester was brought in to really fill Scott's shoes. This breakup with the guys was a really nasty one and there are a lot of hurt feelings. I think this is a way of the boys not only sticking the knife in, but then turning it a little bit. Sort of like a "Let's get a guy that we know can pull our catalog of songs off and has sort of the Scott vibe going. Who could do that? WAIT, Chester!"
I'm not saying the new EP is a steaming pile of shit. I'm saying it could have been called something else by a new name. They didn't do it because it really does almost sound like an STP record.

It's kind of like AIC. There is no denying the new singer can mimmick Layne. Can Layne ever be replaced? Never. But he sounds like him. Without the new guy, AIC could have gotten back together and called themselves something else. But the vocals are very similar and the guy can pull it off live.

It is what it is.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 05:41:33 PM by Vaporized »
Take it.


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #110 on: September 03, 2013, 05:44:52 PM »
By "worthwhile", I mean... Talk Show was a one off project under a new name. AOA was a one off project under a new name.

They are sticking with the STP name and just adding Chester into it. It was one listen on a cell phone but to me, this did nothing for STP as a band. There is nothing all that great or memorable about this. I guess my point is they should have just released this under a new name. There is nothing new or groundbreaking and with Chester into the fold, I almost see this as a way of stepping backwards. It's one thing if they progressed musically and Chester really brought something to the table that Scott was not capable of any longer but this seems to be something that could have been done with a new name or as a new project.

I don't want to get all caught up into the Scott vs STP BS. They are all doing what they are doing and that's that. Chester really is trying to fill Scott's shoes.

It is what it is.

Personally, I haven't seen where he was trying too hard, or overdoing it in anyway to be Scott for the fans or anything like that. His performances have been on par with what he does with LP, IMO.

There's always going to be some who absolutely hate whatever happens, so I figure I'll just wait for the EP, and hopefully Scott's new album...if that even happens.

I really believe Scott will be back in 3 or 4 years tops. I just hope that, when that happens, he'll actually give a shit about the future, and he'll want to collaborate with them. 4 people inside the studio.

As for the title Stone Temple Pilots with Chester Bennington, that seems like a great title for what this is. It's not like they are taking all of the old albums off the shelves.
You dirty pirate hooker. Go back to your home on Whore Island!

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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #111 on: September 03, 2013, 07:09:13 PM »

Uh's a shot of The Last Internationale's Delila Paz (no relation to that other Paz) unashamedly trying to emulate Scott. WTF.

Seriously, The Last Internationale opened for Scott and his Whereabouts on this last tour. I thought they were fantastic.


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #112 on: September 03, 2013, 07:30:07 PM »
Me and STP!

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #113 on: September 03, 2013, 07:35:09 PM »
Going by the Rehearsal vids which i was really curious about (Thanks Tyrant) , here's what i thought -

Pop 's Love Suicide was awesome! Thought Chester did justice to it as a cover.
Piece of Pie is a song that seems perfect for Chester but I didn't like it as much. From here I began to see Chester's LP trademarks. Can't blame him for that. Its what he brings to the table. But hope there's no other effects of the LP kind on the EP though.
Trippin' - Didn't really like how Chester sings it. But man can u see Dean rejuvenated! The energy! So u know the Deleos are loving it!
Church On Tuesday - What a surprise that must have been to hear the intro in that room! I love No.4! But here, Chester did go off. Then again, its a rehearsal. And some STP songs I can imagine are so easy to go off on, its understandable. Chester will get it right on Tour i guess.

Do I hate Chester? No. Am I an LP fan? No. What will ppl get to see? As i see it, covers of Deep Cuts, the hits and new originals by STP+Chester is all i'd say. I'm more interested in the EP. Just to see what Chester does with the Challenge/Chance he's been given. We'll just have to imagine what Scott might have made of those songs. Like TS and AOA. Scott will be missed regardless.
Now i'm gonna go back to listen to the Originals of the band that gelled during the SLDD locked in a room days. :)


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #114 on: September 03, 2013, 08:12:14 PM »
Me and STP!


Who's that dude in the middle trying to be Scott?
You dirty pirate hooker. Go back to your home on Whore Island!

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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #115 on: September 03, 2013, 09:14:21 PM »
blah blah blah...

Dude. Give it up already.Your source is either as full of shit as you are or doesn't exist altogether. He was completely wrong about the reasoning behind Scott & STPs split as evidenced by their public statements and lawsuit. Juge's source had all this information before it was made public, which you disputed based on your source's bullshit.

You haven't heard this album yet, you have zero inside information, the only thing up for debate here is whether you actually have someone feednig you false information or you're as crazy as I think you are and are just making it up as you go. You've made completely broad and unspecific claims about this new EP which any one of us could have made without having heard it. I don't know whether it makes you feel important to broadcast that your privy to information the rest of us are not, but my advice to you would be to take your pandering elsewhere where you can start fresh and try again because your gig is up.

This made me smile.  8)


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #116 on: September 03, 2013, 09:18:05 PM »
Me and STP!

Great smiles all around! What an awesome experience that must've been. Good for you, Brett.


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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #117 on: September 03, 2013, 10:24:54 PM »
Me and STP!


Who's that dude in the middle trying to be Scott?
Hahaha... that was the best post in this thread.

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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #118 on: September 04, 2013, 12:24:39 AM »

There really wasn't anything that stood out to me. I was sent to a private soundcloud page that had it hosted to stream. I got it from my contact who then sent it to me.

Not sure if it was being closely monitored or not. I streamed it from my phone and when I went back to listen on my PC, I no longer had access.

I am trying to get access again. My contact hasn't gotten back to me yet.

As I said before, the music is very bland. It sounds more like some of the stuff on the Army of Anyone record than anything STP has done. Chester didn't sound like Chester. He sounded like a guy trying to sound like Scott, which is what was disappointing to me. Thinking about it, there may have been a song where he was using the megaphone, but it's possible it was just vocal effects. Hard to tell from my phone.

The drumming was very Kretz. Very solid, basic drums. There is a Dean solo in every track and he's the one that seemingly stood out. I remember saying, that's a nice riff, and that's a nice solo.

Hopefully I can get a better listen from a PC soon. I was told promo will really start for this in the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked in the next couple weeks once a private stream is made more available. To my knowledge, there aren't any promo CD's being made...

Truly, you are full of shit. Your phone is smarter than you.

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Re: Attend STP's Rehearsal on 9/1/13
« Reply #119 on: September 04, 2013, 12:48:34 AM »
"this will sound like STP and be heavy" YESSSS THNX CHESTER SOUNDS GREAT