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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2013, 02:05:46 PM »
I think them trying to go ahead with STP w/o is just wrong.  I know these guys need to make a living but Im disappointed that theyd go this route, especially with the whole band always talking of legacy
"There's a dusty rose where the promise of love used to be"


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2013, 02:49:10 PM »
Wow. That was a lot to absorb. Can't say I'm surprised though, and I believe every word of Juge's story. Makes a lot of sense and would explain why Scott's always wanted to play deeper cuts and the rest of the band refuses to play them. I don't blame them for not wanting to sound like shit and tarnish their legacy with poor Scott performances if he refused to rehearse those songs and get his voice in good enough shape to sound decent on them. This is evident by those aborrent Where The River Goes renditions from the Purple to the Core tour. Can you imagine the DeLeos and Kretz playing behind that? Yeesh. They might have just walked off the stage. I'm sure Scott is not completely at fault here, but he certainly shoulders a large part of the blame.
Also, Josh Homme? WTF? First off, I love Josh and pretty much every project he's been a part of but he wouldn't fit in with STP's model at all. I don't think he'd bite anyway. He has so much good shit going on between QOTSA, Them Crooked Vultures and all his other projects that I don't think he'd give 3/4 STP the time of day. I get that they want to continue milking the STP cash cow, but if they were to somehow land another big name they'd have to call it something else, plain and simple. They'd alienate too much of the STP fanbase (including myself) otherwise.

It's kinda sad to say at this point, but I feel like what may be best for STP's legacy and Scott's health is if everyone just packed it in for a few years and let the dust settle. Scott can release his solo album with the Wildabouts that hopefully won't suck and the Kretzleos can play Camp Freddy type gigs (that I would pay to see) and do some producing work in the studio.
When STP had a cookout after filming the video for the Core single "Plush," Weiland made jerk chicken that was "spectacular," Dean raves.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2013, 03:39:08 PM »
To make things all the more interesting, very, very, very little of Juge's 'Hearsay info' is accurate...

Dude it's enough already, if you have something to say just say it and stop baiting people. I'm starting to doubt you have any actual info.
When STP had a cookout after filming the video for the Core single "Plush," Weiland made jerk chicken that was "spectacular," Dean raves.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2013, 04:19:35 PM »
Thanks for the info, JugeSTP. Like a lot of other people said, I believe you solely on the fact that what you said makes perfect sense. Sad but true. I'm still against the idea of STP carrying on with a new singer, but I guess we'll just see what happens. I'll still support Scott and the rest of the guys no matter what they do...even though Scott seems as lost as ever now.

EDIT: I also agree Josh Homme is way out of left field.  I don't really see him fitting in with STP at all
My STP shows: 8/10/2008, 7/19/2009, 10/10/2009, 5/22/2010, 4/26/2011, 4/24/2015   Weiland solo: 1/29/2009, 11/29/2012, 3/13/2015    VR: 8/5/2007


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2013, 04:52:20 PM »
To make things all the more interesting, very, very, very little of Juge's 'Hearsay info' is accurate...

OK, tell us what you are permitted to say about what you know, then.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2013, 04:56:38 PM »
So for those of you that don't believe me, totally cool and my feelings aren't hurt at all. Again, this is 2nd hand. I believe it to be reliable and I shared it because as a fan I've been DYING to know and I know you all feel the same. That's why I shared. Could it be wrong? Yes. I'd be surprised if it's wrong but I'm also not in a room with the Deleo's every day, in fact I've never met them. So even if my intentions are pure (which I'm not even sure all of you trust), I'm still just relaying what I heard... not what I saw with my own two eyes. But, the source is very close to one specific member of the band, and I know that person is for sure, so that's worth something to me. As far as Homme I agree it sounds weird. I have no idea what the relationship is with him in the Deleo's. It could have been as simple as Dean floating the idea to Josh and Josh saying "no way dude". Or the Deleo's brainstorming and coming up with a big list, and Josh being one name on it that was quickly ruled out. I'm only relaying what I was told and don't know many details about that. I agree it would be a bad fit. Chester Bennington is a very interesting thought, though. I'm not sure what's new with Linkin Park but I would think LP represents a bigger $$$ potential to Chester than STP at this point. I also know Chester loves STP's music so it could be a good fit?

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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2013, 05:03:42 PM »
JugeSTP - thanks very much for the info.
Josh Homme? Love him to death but I can't see it at all. Chester is a much better fit imo.
I still find it hard to believe the guys would still call it STP with another singer. Having said that, seems like it's a lose-lose whatever they do. I feel for them. I just wish SW could get it together but that's a forlorn hope I guess.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2013, 05:29:56 PM »
I think Chester from Linkin Park has very little reason to fill those boots. Maybe for a tour in LP's off time, but what's the motivation for going in to the studio and juggling these two bands?

Plus, if it happened, then count me out completely. I respect the guy's attitude but hate his work. I'm sorry...

I'm not sure why people think Josh Homme is a bad fit. His voice is a lot closer to Weiland's than Chester, IMO, but again, what's his motivation passed a cash grab from a tour?

Honestly, from hearing this story, it doesn't surprise me if things happened the way they did. I could easily picture Weiland not being able to come to terms with the fact that he's not as capable as he used to be, but that doesn't mean the rest of the band can sweep him under the rug and take the band away from him... stance remains that Weiland, though he may have showcased a lot of STP's tunes on his solo tour, DIDN'T pull an Axel Rose and steal STP, which makes him more in the right, IMO at least, than the rest of the band right now. I hope for his sake, and for the legacy of STP, that Weiland's lawyers win and Kretzleo is forced to start a band from the ground up.
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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2013, 05:39:55 PM »
Does anybody know who got the performers for MusiCares? Because it sounds like a lot of people on here believe STP got in it to play with Chester so he can possibly become the frontman. And also, who's to say that Kretz/DeLeos will talk about what has happened with the band, at this event? That would take away from Chester's and Tony's night.

That's just the impression I'm getting from some of the posts here.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2013, 06:41:54 PM »
1) THANK YOU! This seems to make since and aligns with the timing of the announcement, it didn't come until a day or so after Scott announced the Core tour with his other band.

2) Josh from Queens does not fit IMO and I hear he is always fucked up and getting into fights at bars and going to jail soooo?

3) Taylor Hawkins was a major Heroin addict, may still be, do we need this again?

4)Whoever said something about "Dean's ego" not liking a "2nd guitar" in the band, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? HAVE YOU EVER MET DEAN AND HAD ANY TYPE OF REAL CONVERSATION WITH HIM!? HE IS ONE OF THE MOST HUMBLE AND DOWN TO EARTH PEEPS I'VE EVER MET! I've seen him jam on stage with other guitarists MANY times! I know we're all not happy about the circumstances, but can we all just take a breath of fresh air before starting to attack these boys on imaginary issues that we know nothing about?


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2013, 07:04:08 PM »
I don't think you've said anything outrageous in your insides scoop that would make me call BS.  In fact a lot of speculation on this board since it first went down, all had hints of what you're saying.

What I don't get is that since they reunited, 2/3 of Core (aside from Naked Sunday & WTRG) were staples in each of the setlists.  Piece of Pie was thrown into sets every now and then, and Creep was played the first few tours but eventually dropped from sets.
So basically half of the album was a fixture in every set since their reunion. 

To me, the fact that the rest of the band was ok with Scott singing 2/3 of this album for several years just doesn't add up that they would call the "Core Tour" off for his inability to sing the songs.
There's something more there.  You can rework a song and still have it sound good.  You can drop the range so all parts still work together.
The answer is you all drop the ego and work together to MAKE IT WORK.

Why do I have to sit through another announcement that Motely Crue is touring the globe when that band HATES each other and Neil's voice is nowhere near what it used to be.  THEY MAKE IT WORK.
Same for Rolling Stones.  Mostly the same for Aerosmith.

I get the whole thing for how he could take the opportunity of $ away from them by doing the album solo but ya know what that's 1 stupid tour.
How about the $$ the band started losing the last few tours because they could no longer sell out the arenas and amphitheaters BECAUSE THEY PLAYED THE SAME FREAKIN SETLIST FOR FIVE YEARS!!!
If their beef is that Scott's voice is changed from the way it sounded on CD 20 freakin years ago, then why not focus on more recent material? 
Stop playing the same stale setlist at half sold amphitheaters.  ANd get your ass in some ballrooms & clubs that you can sell out & play more frequently.  And perform some more songs off the past 2 or 3 albums you released that just might be a better match for what Scott can currently sing.

There's a huge dysfunction that is much more than the quality of Scott's voice singing "Creep"

If this is true then all this has done is piss me off that there is nothing going on now because the band would rather make accusations and call each other's bluffs.
Stop living in the past and worrying if you can perfect a Core tour.  PLay the damn songs that have been good enough to make your fans pay for the past 5 years and then play the 2 or 3 songs we haven't heard from the album.
The moment and experience will far outweigh the effort of having to rework Creep so that it sounds good.
THen when you're done with the 20 year retrospective tour you move the hell on and create new music and/or perform the new music you've already created, and abandoned for nearly 3 albums in a row.

It is so goddamn frustrating that this all stems from a gimmic tour.  You want the show to sound good, then why not perform what you just created and what you know sounds good in the moment NOW.
Throw in some oldies but goodies but stop fixating on the rearview mirror.

Either your an active band or you're a festival band that pops up every couple years to cash in on the hits.  Don't try and be both.

Sorry for my rant, I don't know why this worked me up so much.
But taking a deep breath, based on this alone; I would not bee suprised at all to hear of another reunion for festival shows in a few years.
They've come back from much worse than a pissing match.
Hold me closer.....closer.....let me go!

My STP Concertology:  6/22/01, 10/26/01, 4/21/02, 4/23/02, 5/18/08, 5/26/08, 5/31/08, 8/6/08, 8/8/08, 8/10/08, 7/17/09, 5/18/10, 9/3/10, 9/4/10, 7/25/11, 7/26/11, 9/10/11, 9/1/12, 5/6/18


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2013, 07:05:20 PM »
Does anybody know who got the performers for MusiCares? Because it sounds like a lot of people on here believe STP got in it to play with Chester so he can possibly become the frontman. And also, who's to say that Kretz/DeLeos will talk about what has happened with the band, at this event? That would take away from Chester's and Tony's night.

That's just the impression I'm getting from some of the posts here.

I agree.  The DeLeos & Kretz are much classier than to steal the spotlight.

Hold me closer.....closer.....let me go!

My STP Concertology:  6/22/01, 10/26/01, 4/21/02, 4/23/02, 5/18/08, 5/26/08, 5/31/08, 8/6/08, 8/8/08, 8/10/08, 7/17/09, 5/18/10, 9/3/10, 9/4/10, 7/25/11, 7/26/11, 9/10/11, 9/1/12, 5/6/18


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2013, 07:23:38 PM »
To make things all the more interesting, very, very, very little of Juge's 'Hearsay info' is accurate...

Dude it's enough already, if you have something to say just say it and stop baiting people. I'm starting to doubt you have any actual info.

It's no more baiting than what Juge is saying... and what Juge is saying is not even close to what happened and why it all unfolded the way it did.

I'm not TMZ so I refuse to be the person to spill the beans. I don't want to be on the front page of Yahoo news as the person to break any news regarding this band.

In due time, the guys (Scott included) will come clean. (Apologies for the pun.) In the meantime, quit posting theories and making things up. Any time someone starts by saying something is 2nd hand or 3rd hand, it's bullshit. All Juge has done is take bits and pieces of news and speculation and piece it together.

I haven't been on here in over a month and the first thing I see is posts speculating all these things and someone else claiming they have 2nd hand knowledge... And then I read it and it has nothing to do with the situation.
Take it.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2013, 07:46:47 PM »
To make things all the more interesting, very, very, very little of Juge's 'Hearsay info' is accurate...

Dude it's enough already, if you have something to say just say it and stop baiting people. I'm starting to doubt you have any actual info.

It's no more baiting than what Juge is saying... and what Juge is saying is not even close to what happened and why it all unfolded the way it did.

I'm not TMZ so I refuse to be the person to spill the beans. I don't want to be on the front page of Yahoo news as the person to break any news regarding this band.

In due time, the guys (Scott included) will come clean. (Apologies for the pun.) In the meantime, quit posting theories and making things up. Any time someone starts by saying something is 2nd hand or 3rd hand, it's bullshit. All Juge has done is take bits and pieces of news and speculation and piece it together.

I haven't been on here in over a month and the first thing I see is posts speculating all these things and someone else claiming they have 2nd hand knowledge... And then I read it and it has nothing to do with the situation.

Explain to me how you would end up on the front page of yahoo? How would they know your real name? I doubt they'd even go off a lead as trivial as some dude named Vaporized posting in an STP forum. You could be literally anyone/completely bullshitting. But yes, it is 100% more baiting than what Juge's doing. He's telling us exactly what he heard from his source, the complete opposite of what you're doing actually. You don't have to tell us what you know if you're not comfortable doing so, just stop hinting at shit and discrediting other people's information without backingit up with your own material.
When STP had a cookout after filming the video for the Core single "Plush," Weiland made jerk chicken that was "spectacular," Dean raves.


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Re: Hearsay info on STP
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2013, 07:51:16 PM »
It's baiting all right....

Vaborized is a master baiter.
Grab the hate and drown it out...