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Author Topic: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend  (Read 25961 times)


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #90 on: March 24, 2011, 02:39:15 AM »
I have to wonder why someone who finds this thread to be so offensive would bother to read the WHOLE THING.
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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #91 on: March 24, 2011, 02:43:48 AM »
wtf. nobody is allowed to be a dick to stpgurl besides me and that foot fetish andrew guy.

Hahaha. THAT is funny as hell.

Scott and Josh have a free pass, as well.

PS - Andrew wears a thong. I have the pictures somewhere.
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #92 on: March 24, 2011, 02:50:32 AM »

PS - Andrew wears a thong. I have the pictures somewhere.

Damn I look good!
Bleeda blooda


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #93 on: March 24, 2011, 02:53:10 AM »
THong. Not Tong. And you said you destroyed all the foot pictures you tricked me into sending you.
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #94 on: March 24, 2011, 09:23:59 AM »
I have to wonder why someone who finds this thread to be so offensive would bother to read the WHOLE THING.

I didn't read the whole thing, just the last page and the first time all this crap started TWO years ago when like a dick, I joined the gang of bullshit and mud slinging. But thanks for your observation.
I'm fine today, you can go on and make fun of her if you all like ( that comment isn't directed at an individual, just the collective ). Shes only doing and has done what most of us haven't, so if it makes you feel better about your own life, its cool.


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #95 on: March 24, 2011, 11:43:36 AM »
This thread isn't two years old.

And you're right, most of us aren't getting wasted in Hollywood and being refused from award show afterparties, being filmed by the paparazzi drunk and with one breast hanging out,  and showing up looking like a sickly, drowned rat on the red carpet. So thanks for your permission, Mr. Moral Compass. ::)
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #96 on: March 24, 2011, 11:50:16 AM »
 She is actually pretty good lookin in my eyes. If Scott lked her there had to be something about that kept them hangin for a while.  She's probably a pretty fun chick to hang with.
 She just has a terrible public presence and being drunk in public really starts to tarnish things up especially with all that fallin around.

 Just google image her full name and there's some pics on there that are gross and true beauty.

ps. Most likely a readily available post divorce rebound opportunity


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #97 on: March 24, 2011, 11:58:46 AM »
Agreed with the "rebound" comment.

But let's not forget she also fucked Jack Nicholson. That HAS to take away from the hottness factor you speak of. :)
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #98 on: March 24, 2011, 12:04:19 PM »
I wonder how many people on this forum has been bullied or ridiculed in their life?
This obsession with someones private life and the nasty comments about a person, no one knows, is disgusting. Who gives a flying shoehorn why Scott dated this chick...its their frigging` business!
Shame on you....when Scott is ridiculed and vilified, as fans, you all jump up to defend him...even though any other JUNKIE( thats what most media still call him) is looked down upon as trash. Scott is a human with feelings, Paz is a human with feelings and we all are humans with feelings, who have looked shit our selfs most days and maybe dated plenty of people others would call, unattractive.
I really thought STP fans had more taste. Obviously I'm getting old.
Its not just poking a bit of fun, its actually quite nasty and disturbing and obsessive IMO. Aint there bigger issues to worry about?
To be honest, I expect a lot of sour replies to this post but I dont give a damn.
I love Scott as an artist, I dont know him and I dont care who he chooses to sleep with, as long as he keeps making beautiful music.
AMEN Andy! Most intelligent post on this thread.  If you ask me (I know the girls here are like wild cats for Scott and would attacked any other female oposition to get to him but all these degrading shots at paz over a year later since the relationship I take them as shots at Scott.  You are basically making fun of him and a past decision that obviously he got to know her personally and none of you did so your shots are just in the dark. I've heard from several people that Paz on the SWB tour was very friendly to anyone who went up to her and she actually gave them the time of day to have a convo and even talk about Scott and touring with him.  Thats all good in my book.
ps. Just because she showed up in public appearances and toured with him in what 09? ???  How many other squeezes has Scott had since Paz and the divorce that you all don't know about.  I'm sure they were all dogs too. LOL


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #99 on: March 24, 2011, 01:45:06 PM »
Oh for gods sake people, it's not like we're delving into deep psyhcological analyses of Scott and Paz.  Of course we don't know her or Scott or what he was doing with her.  But from the countless pictures, videos and stories of this creature we do KNOW that she is a not-so-attractive wannabe , and on a public STP message board, we are more than allowed to comment on this and make fun of it.
It's all a bit of fun!
If we saw her in the street we wouldn't fucking attack her.  But on a message board full of people that we more or less have some sort of interaction with on a daily/weekly basis, it's ok to vent and be a bit bitchy.

And by the way, as for the "this isn't real" comment....I consider some of the people on here to be as real as they can be considering the circumstances...I have gotton to know people and correspond with them outside of this board, so even though an online forum isn't physically real, it's still a real form of socail interaction.

Andy, I respect your right to speak out when something annoys you, but if 20 people are having a stupid bitchy conversation and you suddenly decide to rain on their fun, that's unnecessary and more childish than what we're doing.  Let it be.  We all know it's not 'right' to make fun of people we don't know, it's not like our principles of right and wrong are skewed.  But it's rare that we get to be bitchy like this when social norms usually prevent us from doing so.  So just let people have their fun.
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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #100 on: March 24, 2011, 01:51:14 PM »
Cheers Hawk, maybe this thread needs to die now....not for me to say. :)
STPGURL...thanks for your comment. OK, so how many washed up drowned rats are they in Hollywood? Full of them, we are sold celebrity fuck ups everyday its sad...they are still human beings though. I have done things I havent been too proud of myself ( how many times has Scott been totally fucked up, yet you still worship the ground he walks on...cuz your a FAN! ) why pick on this particular wreck? Oh yeah, shes done something you dream about...Scott!
Jealousy is at the heart of this thread.Not harmless fun.
Anyway, I shall nay comment or give a single ounce of energy to this banal subject anymore. I dont mind if you think Im a douche bag, a prick or anything....Im OK with faceless people on the Internet giving me shit for expressing a view....I also respect your rights to act like the douches you are too. At least we can agree on one thing...STP IS AWESOME!!!! :)
Onwards and upwards brothers and sisters, life is short and I'm wasting mine!


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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #101 on: March 24, 2011, 02:08:50 PM »
Cheers Hawk, maybe this thread needs to die now....not for me to say. :)
STPGURL...thanks for your comment. OK, so how many washed up drowned rats are they in Hollywood? Full of them, we are sold celebrity fuck ups everyday its sad...they are still human beings though. I have done things I havent been too proud of myself ( how many times has Scott been totally fucked up, yet you still worship the ground he walks on...cuz your a FAN! ) why pick on this particular wreck? Oh yeah, shes done something you dream about...Scott!
Jealousy is at the heart of this thread.Not harmless fun.
Anyway, I shall nay comment or give a single ounce of energy to this banal subject anymore. I dont mind if you think Im a douche bag, a prick or anything....Im OK with faceless people on the Internet giving me shit for expressing a view....I also respect your rights to act like the douches you are too. At least we can agree on one thing...STP IS AWESOME!!!! :)
Onwards and upwards brothers and sisters, life is short and I'm wasting mine!
Wow Andy.
I think that you think we are all jealous seething women sitting with a Paz voodoo doll.
And please, can you at least see the difference:  Scott has given us his music for the last 20 years and basically been the soundtrack to most of our lives.  Of course we support him when he's fucked up.  But Spaz is a lowrate wannabe 'actress' (who probably wasn't too good for Scott in 2009 when he was still abusing alcohol).
Stop judging us for judging a public figure.
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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #102 on: March 24, 2011, 02:20:58 PM »
It is not jealousy hahaha we never made fun of Mary... Mary is very pretty..And lets not forget the interview that scott was trying to give when a whiny Paz kept interrupting and acting like a child..If you are going to be in the public eye you better expect some ridicule..Joan Rivers made millions making fun of people on the red carpet on national television.. we are doing the same thing, typing on a message board for US to see...who do you think is reading this??
Andy, I am almost convinced that you are only disagreeing to argue with people on this the way you were just begging for a I am done indulging you.. If you don't like it stop reading this thread..douche
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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #103 on: March 24, 2011, 02:38:09 PM »
I have to wonder why someone who finds this thread to be so offensive would bother to read the WHOLE THING.

I didn't read the whole thing, just the last page and the first time all this crap started TWO years ago when like a dick, I joined the gang of bullshit and mud slinging. But thanks for your observation.
I'm fine today, you can go on and make fun of her if you all like ( that comment isn't directed at an individual, just the collective ). Shes only doing and has done what most of us haven't, so if it makes you feel better about your own life, its cool.

When you were "like a dick"? I don't think anyone actually sheds dickhood like a snake.

And no, I have never been drunk on a red carpet, been busted for throwing a glass at someone or fucked a man 3x my age.
so your right, I have a lot to aspire to.
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Re: Scott's Ex-Girlfriend
« Reply #104 on: March 24, 2011, 02:39:13 PM »
BWAHAHAHAHA Thanks Peebs!!  I love when people think they are above others lol  way to totally contradict yourself andy....douche

sometimes this joint just needs a Capt Obvious! ;-)
I am proud to be "that guy"! lol
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