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Author Topic: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'  (Read 16684 times)


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 07:07:00 PM »
Also, it goes without saying...

Pills + Alcohol = BAD Combination.
Favorite STP songs at the moment: Hazey Daze, Fast as I Can, I Got You, Pruno


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2010, 07:13:05 PM »
For those of you who continue to obsess about Scott's real, and or, fabricated addictions,
-- get a life.  STP is entertainment.  What Scott does with his life is his business.  I too
feel cheated when I go to a show and he appears to be drunk.  But you've chosen this drama folks.  You've chosen to care about a band that could go ATOMIC at any second.
Last I heard, their new album comes out tomorrow.  The fact that STP are even together
making new music is AMAZING...

I'm gonna hold my eyes open as long as I can for this one, because I never thought it would actually happen.  Keep spreading the drama, or just enjoy the music.

How many pills did you pop last week?  

"I was a SUPERMAN, but looks are deceiving."  - Scott Weiland

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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2010, 07:22:42 PM »
Quote from: "BrandoKommando"
For those of you who continue to obsess about Scott's real, and or, fabricated addictions, -- get a life.  STP is entertainment.
STP: 08/22/10 - Cleveland, OH.
        08/28/10 - Pittsburgh, PA.

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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2010, 07:36:26 PM »
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.  The booze was bad enough, but I knew the broken heel was gonna be a gateway to trouble.  But we all knew this was likely to end badly as soon as Scott started espousing how he could handle hard liquor despite being a recovering addict.  He's a master at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 07:39:25 PM by Eighth Caged Tiger »


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2010, 07:37:37 PM »
I'm just concerned for Scott's health and longevity. He is someone whose music and singing I have adored for a very long time.

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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2010, 07:43:16 PM »
I'm not trying to pry into his private life or gossip about it, because I'm against celebrity gossip and all of that bullshit, but this is concerning because I'm a fan of the dude and of STP. I don't want to see him end up like Kurt Cobain or Layne Staley.

I'll just hope for the best. I was once a pill head, and now when I remember watching recent interviews with Scott, I acted the same way he does when I was whacked out on pills; slurred speech and all of that shit.

I just don't want to see one of my all time favorite singers/songwriters drop dead is all.
I'm looking for a new meditation, still looking for a new way to fly. Don't want any plastic validation, not looking for a new way to die.


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2010, 07:55:54 PM »
Wow, there seems to be a collective hate towards members who actually CARE about their (in many cases) FAVORITE lead singer's health? Seriously?

Care is different than Obsession and invading privacy. People can care about one of their favorite musicians and his health without barging in on his personal life. All many of us are saying, is that we hope this isnt another huge addiction that could really hurt his health. I'm not gossiping, I'm not invading his privacy, I just hope for his (and our sake) that he is not hurting himself with another addiction. We love his music, and we want to be able to hear it for a long long time. And with the Deleos and Weiland both saying many albums are on the horizon, I'd much rather Weiland be in top notch shape for the tours and production, rather than have the spotty drugged up Weiland we have all seen in previous years. Or better yet, I'd at least rather have him ALIVE for the newer records.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 08:00:41 PM by Shannon »
Favorite STP songs at the moment: Hazey Daze, Fast as I Can, I Got You, Pruno


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2010, 07:58:54 PM »
Quote from: "BrandoKommando"
For those of you who continue to obsess about Scott's real, and or, fabricated addictions,
-- get a life.  STP is entertainment.  

Just for the sake of discussion, do you not think this is an appropriate topic for this forum?  Many people expressed great opinions about this article (pro and con), but this post kind of attacked the conversation.  Just curious...

...or do you work for Atlantic or something?


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2010, 08:07:27 PM »
Quote from: "Shannon"
Wow, there seems to be a collective hate towards members who actually CARE about their (in many cases) FAVORITE lead singer's health? Seriously?

Care is different than Obsession and invading privacy. People can care about one of their favorite musicians and his health without barging in on his personal life. All many of us are saying, is that we hope this isnt another huge addiction that could really hurt his health. I'm not gossiping, I'm not invading his privacy, I just hope for his (and our sake) that he is not hurting himself with another addiction. We love his music, and we want to be able to hear it for a long long time. And with the Deleos and Weiland both saying many albums are on the horizon, I'd much rather Weiland be in top notch shape for the tours and production, rather than have the spotty drugged up Weiland we have all seen in previous years. Or better yet, I'd at least rather have him ALIVE for the newer records.

^ This

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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2010, 08:12:39 PM »
Quote from: "CMCracker"
That doesn't seem like something robert would say... even if it is true

Disagree 100%. Robert is usually the first to speak up, and has done so to journalists in the past. Wish I had specific examples, only have very strong memories of this happening on several occassions.


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2010, 08:14:45 PM »
What Scott does in private is his own business. But when those actions effect his stage performance it's our business. In Scott's own words, it's our party. They're just playing it. When Scott goes up in front of thousands of fans who have shelled out good money to see him, it's his responsibility to put on a good show. And if booze/pills ruin that then it's no longer a private matter. If Scott didn't want people to speculate about his sobriety, he'd perform sober.

He's looking good now, but if he keeps drinking/popping pills then the shows are going to go downhill eventually. He's got to cut everything out before they go on the full tour or we may have another Tiny Music on our hands.
Grab the hate and drown it out...


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2010, 08:19:26 PM »
Quote from: "BrandoKommando"
For those of you who continue to obsess about Scott's real, and or, fabricated addictions,
-- get a life.  STP is entertainment.  What Scott does with his life is his business.  I too
feel cheated when I go to a show and he appears to be drunk.  But you've chosen this drama folks.  You've chosen to care about a band that could go ATOMIC at any second.
Last I heard, their new album comes out tomorrow.  The fact that STP are even together
making new music is AMAZING...

I'm gonna hold my eyes open as long as I can for this one, because I never thought it would actually happen.  Keep spreading the drama, or just enjoy the music.

How many pills did you pop last week?  


well said.  its just hard to watch someome you see great talent in and admire so much slipping away.


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2010, 08:28:28 PM »
I understand the frustration of some members reading this thread, because Scott's substance abuse history has been labored to death on this forum... his state at SOME shows the last 2-3 years has increased the Scott's health talk/debate.

The pill thing is new, though. I feel like it's ok to address his health in this thread because it's based on a new story where Robert reveals his fears that Scott is abusing pills. We obviously have no control over Scott's behavior, so no, it's not productive to beat a dead horse... BUT, eventually Scott's demons will catch up with him. It's just really sad because they've tainted his legacy, and if he doesn't get himself and his substances together, then he will not age gracefully. Ultimately the media and public's perception of STP and Weiland is (good band, fuck up druggie). The fact that at 43 with 2 kids he's still not disproving it makes me very very sad. I'm a huge fan of his, but he doesn't need to get loaded 24/7 to be a rock star or make good music. Ultimately, he'll accomplish the most personally and professionally at this stage of his life by staying and sober and clean. Not sure if it'll happen, but that's what I'm rooting for, because I care about him and I want him to succeed. Scott's troubles don't make me think less of him, because I've come to expect them, but they do make me very very sad.


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2010, 08:39:31 PM »
Quote from: "BrandoKommando"
How many pills did you pop last week?  


Um, none, actually. And none the week before. And none the month before that. And none the year before that. Why? Because I'm a responsible adult with a child, a family that cares about me and career that are worth more to me than the idea of getting fucked up all the time. I'm not saying I don't make decisions occasionally that are questionable my health (eating pizza, drinking too many beers), but to suggest I or anyone on this board is on par with Weiland? Come on. Don't be ridiculous.

He's 2 hours late for a photoshoot and asks for 4 liquor drinks? I realize he's the man and gets whatever he wants, but a photoshoot is part of the album promotion. Sounds like a job. I don't think most of us are drinking 4 shots on the job. Like I said, he can do what he wants and I don't control him... but it does make me sad to hear it, and it sounds like he had a problem.


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Re: Deleo Fears Recovering Weiland Is 'Popping Pills'
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2010, 08:52:44 PM »
I'm glad to see that the DeLeos are trying to help, there's a span of over a week after the Kimmel taping on Wednesday where STP have zero shows.  If this pill popping thing is true, Scott should try and kick it during the week or so they have off.  Scott's definitely in denial about this and his alcoholism, he didn't even fucking remember the PNC show on Howard Stern when asked about it.  They should just pull up YouTube videos of him from the last 2 years making a fool out of himself, namely when they were playing Big Empty and he stumbled into Eric's drumset.  Scott thinks he should be able to do all of this shit because he's a "rock star."  He has said before about his bands "we're not a school choir."  Scott is a human being just like every single one of us, his occupation shouldn't justify his actions.  I hope Scott gets better at some point for the sake of his family.  I think his son Noah's about to get to the age where he'll realize what's going on and at some point I'm sure he'll give Scott a piece of his mind, hopefully that will make Scott realize that he does still have a problem.  At this point though if he won't get help, STP do need to soldier on with their tour.

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11