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Author Topic: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin  (Read 10512 times)


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2010, 03:26:02 PM »
I think she is just crazy >:D


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2010, 03:38:01 PM »
I can't imagine Palin ever saying anything ignorant....

"They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."    :D


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2010, 03:38:58 PM »
well watching her speech on you tube at the teabagger rally in Nevada....she really is a MORON. And her and her "ilk" are a scary scary bunch.
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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2010, 05:24:12 PM »
Quote from: "dumblover"
I have to respectfully disagree.....without a doubt the worst President we will see in our lifetimes. God help us all.

That has to be one of the dumbest things EVER said on this board. Honestly, look at the BIG picture.  When Obama came into office we were loosing about 700,000-800,000  jobs each month. Since that time, that number has droped each month. No one can expect that a major trend just halts on a dime... but those results are damn near good. Obama has not been a perfect president, but he spent his first year cleaning up from the last 8 years of Bush. And to make things worse, he got ZERO help from the republicans on anything!  How can this country make any steps toward progress when people make claims like 'death panels' and 'pulling the plug on grandma'. I mean, if people actually read or watched some real news, not this Fox News/MSNBC crap, they might know a bit better.
If you're going to make some outragous claim like that, you better back it up.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2010, 06:07:31 PM »
Quote from: "DrGONZOakaRaoulDuke"
That has to be one of the dumbest things EVER said on this board. Honestly, look at the BIG picture.  When Obama came into office we were loosing about 700,000-800,000  jobs each month. Since that time, that number has droped each month. No one can expect that a major trend just halts on a dime... but those results are damn near good. Obama has not been a perfect president, but he spent his first year cleaning up from the last 8 years of Bush. And to make things worse, he got ZERO help from the republicans on anything!  How can this country make any steps toward progress when people make claims like 'death panels' and 'pulling the plug on grandma'. I mean, if people actually read or watched some real news, not this Fox News/MSNBC crap, they might know a bit better.
If you're going to make some outragous claim like that, you better back it up.

Oh, i'm sure he has all the Glenn Beck Venn diagrams and links to angry Conservative blogs one could hope for, to prove it beyond all doubt  ;D


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2010, 06:35:26 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
Quote from: "andrew"
You know something? I'm like 99% sure that Sarah Palin didn't say that. She's got a son that was born with downs syndrome and gets all uppity when somebody says retard.

As horrible as she is, I don't think she would say that.
according to Levi, her daughter's baby-daddy (not that he would be the most credible source) She says "retard" all the time.....
Just not in front of the cameras.
She only got "uppity" because Rahm Emanuel said it. If someone in the GOP did, trust me she wouldn't say a word

She actually defended Rush Limbaugh when he used the word retard.
Grab the hate and drown it out...


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2010, 07:33:09 PM »
Quote from: "Pingfah"
^ I can't actually find her transcribed anywhere as having said it. I'm not sure where Scott got it from.

But hey, just pick one of the other equally ridiculous things we actually know she said. Death Panels anyone? His scorn is not misplaced, even if the quote is.

Look, dissecting what she has actually said is one thing.  But attacking her for what seems to be a made up quote is a complete other.  Joe Biden has said some idiotic things, but I'm not gonna say it's okay to just attack him over something he did not say.  

I still cannot find this quote anywhere other than a sign that was held by one of the attendees of the speech.

What I don't understand is that, and I am assuming she did not say this (show me where she did if she did), why is it okay to bash what Sarah Palin did not say, while it is not news when liberal pundits say the same thing?  In fact, Janeane Garofalo and Keith Olbermann have done just that.  I did not see any liberals telling those two to shut up.....

This quote equates conservatism, Republicanism, and White power.  If that's not ignorant, I don't know what is...:

JG: ...'cause their limbic brain--we've discussed this before...
KO: Mhmm
JG: The limbic brain inside a right-winger, or Republican, or conservative, or your average White power activist, the limbic brain is much larger in their, in their head space than in a reasonable person, and it's pushing against the frontal lobe, so their synapses are is a neurological problem that we're dealing with
KO: (laughs) Well, what do you do about it?.....How do you break through that?
JG: I don't think you do, for most of's almost pathological...and again, this is about could be any issue...these guys hate that a Black guy is in the White House.

This type of stuff is uncalled for from both sides.  However, I find it interesting no one wants to bash their own side for playing this game.

This is why I think Scott is wrong (besides his factual misrepresentations).  He should have written this about liberals who have actually said stuff like this as well as conservatives who have actually said stuff like this.

Quote from: "Peebs"
She only got "uppity" because Rahm Emanuel said it. If someone in the GOP did, trust me she wouldn't say a word

Quote from: "Blue"
She actually defended Rush Limbaugh when he used the word retard.

While she went easier on Rush by saying he was being satirical, this was also said about Rush: "Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful."


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2010, 08:18:48 PM »
a spokesperson said it, not Palin ... demeaning/

Meanwhile Palin herself called Rahm herself on Facebook ... 03544.html
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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2010, 08:20:08 PM »
Quote from: "Pingfah"
Oh, i'm sure he has all the Glenn Beck Venn diagrams and links to angry Conservative blogs one could hope for, to prove it beyond all doubt  ;D

LOL... Have you seen this?  John Stewart spent half his show destroying Glen Beck...


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2010, 08:37:36 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
a spokesperson said it, not Palin ... demeaning/

Meanwhile Palin herself called Rahm herself on Facebook ... 03544.html

You're right.  That's part of what I meant by the my first qualifying statement.  I'm just saying that in a thread based on a blog about a quote from Palin that, as far as I can tell, was never said, I think it is important to differentiate half-truths, lies, and truths.  That's all.  And I don't mean you were lying.  Don't take it that way.  I enjoy the debate and I don't want you to misinterpret.  I am just saying I think it is important to explain, not just say that, as someone else did, Palin would never call a Republican on it (is it an important difference that her publicist did one and she did the other?  Yes.  However, I think it is worth pointing out, not ignoring), or that she merely "defended" Rush.

People called Bush despicable things, people have called Obama despicable things, people have said bad things about liberals, people have said bad things about conservatives.

It's obvious Scott is a liberal and doesn't care what his side says about the other side, and I think that's wrong.  What Garafolo said is just insane--and if Palin had said that about liberals in a public speech, then I would be just as angry at her.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2010, 09:47:15 PM »
To be honest, I couldn't sit through her entire speech in Nevada. It was killing me to hear the shit coming out of her mouth PLUS with the longest video of the speech the audio cut out in the middle.
So I was not able to find where she said it or implied it.

If someone else wants to listen to her gobbledygook go right ahead, just search Palin Nevada. It'll come up
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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2010, 10:39:55 PM »
I'm not a Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination, and I am a huge Scott fan, but anyone who bases their political decisions based on the feelings and/or opinions of Scott should probably not be allowed to vote.  In fact take out that "probably" part.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2010, 09:30:45 AM »
Quote from: "lovemachine97"
Quote from: "Pingfah"
^ I can't actually find her transcribed anywhere as having said it. I'm not sure where Scott got it from.

But hey, just pick one of the other equally ridiculous things we actually know she said. Death Panels anyone? His scorn is not misplaced, even if the quote is.

Look, dissecting what she has actually said is one thing.  But attacking her for what seems to be a made up quote is a complete other.  Joe Biden has said some idiotic things, but I'm not gonna say it's okay to just attack him over something he did not say.  

I still cannot find this quote anywhere other than a sign that was held by one of the attendees of the speech.

I did not say it was OK to attack her for something she didn't say. I said even if she didn't say it she has said plenty of other things that deserve equal ridicule, and that his scorn is not misplaced even if the quote was wrong. I acknowleged myself that the quote was probably not hers, but thanks for reminding me.

And besides, only the first line of his blog was attacking her directly for that statement, the rest of it is fair opinion/comment, he moves immediately on to a different quote of hers, one that she definitely DID say and then passes comment on issues unrelated to the initial statement.

His point about the religious right wanting to blur the line between church and state is a good one and it's something every sane American should be extremely wary of, as was his point about the Bush administration being one of the most nosy and controlling BIG governments in recent memory, in direct contradiction to the very values that the Republican party is supposed to stand for.

The point of his blog, in case you missed it, was not simply to bash that one comment of Palin's, but to point out the inherent inconsistencies between what many on the right are saying, and what they are doing. From claiming small government while spying on Americans and squandering tax payer money on illegal wars, to adopting the name of a movement that stood for almost the opposite values that they do. He lead off with an incorrect statement, but as I pointed out, there are literally hundreds of correct statements he could have chosen that would have worked just as well to make his point.

Yes, he's raging somewhat, and his focus isn't that great, but he's right to be angry about the obstructionist fools that the Republicans have become lately. He's right to be angry about the GOP selling its soul to religious whackos for a few votes, he's right to be angry about the unprecedented atmosphere of fear and hatred they are deliberately fostering with statements such as these (take your pick), and doesn't deserve to have his entire statement dismissed because of what is, in the context of Palin's overall failure as a politician and a human being, a fairly unimportant gaffe.

Although I agree that the quote you provided of Olbermann's was outrageous, but if you think this sort of rhetoric is coming in equal amounts from both sides, and especially from those who are politicians like Palin, who lest we forget is not just a lowly commentator like Olbermann but 18 months ago was spitting distance from the flipping WHITEHOUSE and carries much sway with the GOP faithful, then you are living in cloud cuckoo land.

Quote from: "DrGONZOakaRaoulDuke"

LOL... Have you seen this?  John Stewart spent half his show destroying Glen Beck...

I did yes, Stewart is a good man, more liberal commentators should be like him, he's one of the most incisive, down to earth and fair broadcasters on the air right now.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2010, 02:33:33 PM »
His point about the religious right wanting to blur the line between church and state is a good one and it's something every sane American should be extremely wary of, as was his point about the Bush administration being one of the most nosy and controlling BIG governments in recent memory, in direct contradiction to the very values that the Republican party is supposed to stand for.
It's because the GOP allowed the Ultra Conservatives and fundamentalist Christians run amok in the started with Reagan.
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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2010, 07:51:40 AM »
Didn't she think Africa was a country? lol
If you only knew..