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Author Topic: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin  (Read 10510 times)


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Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:34:52 PM »
Haven't read it yet, but I'm guessing it'll be a great read.  :D ... =531918496

“Liberalism is a mental disorder” – Sarah Palin

LIBERALISAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER!!?? I’d like to see any Doctor or therapist identify it is as such. Sarah Palin’s only attraction is that of perverts and comedians though, she is sort of cute in her leather heavy metal jacket. Oh, wait, maybe she can get a gig on the Salahi reality show. She says ‘government that governs less governs best,’ but what about the Bush’s – so many partners with the gun slingers from Texas mentally seduced and bled the lines of the constitution. One example: Rove.

This ‘Tea Party’ has nothing to do with the original Tea Party in 1773. That was a rebellion against King George and his sovereignty…or, alleged sovereignty over our country which we had formed over basic, normal, hardworking and spiritual values; Never to put in the place the idea of church and state becoming one. We are becoming closer to this than ever before.

Barack Obama is an amazing President. He is smart and has tackled more issues in one year than our former President did in his entire term because he was only focused on the war (AKA ‘weapons of mass destruction’). I don’t want to give the impression that I am anti- military though. I have the utmost respect for those that give their lives, time and hearts to protect our country both here at home and abroad.
Bleeda blooda


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 09:40:18 PM »
I love Scott but saying that Obama is a great President might be the single dumbest thing the man has ever said. Oh well, at least the man is a musical magician.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2010, 09:42:26 PM »
I'd say the jury is still out on the "amazing" sentence. But doing a good job so far.  8)


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2010, 09:47:16 PM »
I have to respectfully disagree.....without a doubt the worst President we will see in our lifetimes. God help us all.

STP! Sorry....don;t mean to get into politics, just can;t hold it in sometimes....haha


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2010, 09:49:54 PM »
Let's just ignore what he's saying about politics. And enjoy Scott as a wordsmith.
Bleeda blooda


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 09:51:26 PM »
Quote from: "dumblover"
I have to respectfully disagree.....without a doubt the worst President we will see in our lifetimes. God help us all.

STP! Sorry....don;t mean to get into politics, just can;t hold it in sometimes....haha

Umm, where were when Bush was in office? lol

But anyway, I read the article ealrier but decided against posting it because I didn't want to start a politial argument.
Grab the hate and drown it out...


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2010, 09:54:49 PM »
Quote from: "dumblover"
I have to respectfully disagree.....without a doubt the worst President we will see in our lifetimes. God help us all.

STP! Sorry....don;t mean to get into politics, just can;t hold it in sometimes....haha
Worse than Bush?
Both of them.
Not. Even. close.
If you don't like STP, then you're pretty much not American (from a MO message board)


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2010, 09:55:51 PM »
Quote from: "andrew"
Let's just ignore what he's saying about politics. And enjoy Scott as a wordsmith.
his rants are classic...

Remember "Release the Kraken"? Every time I hear the clash of the titans commercial on TV that's all I think of!!!
If you don't like STP, then you're pretty much not American (from a MO message board)


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2010, 10:05:18 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
Quote from: "andrew"
Let's just ignore what he's saying about politics. And enjoy Scott as a wordsmith.
his rants are classic...

Remember "Release the Kraken"? Every time I hear the clash of the titans commercial on TV that's all I think of!!!

I love the way Scott puts words together. I'd love it if someday he rewrote the bible. Bible? Capital b? I dunno.  Either way, I think he would do a great job or reinterpreting it.
Bleeda blooda


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2010, 10:14:54 PM »
Quote from: "Scott Weiland"
Barack Obama is an amazing President. He is smart and has tackled more issues in one year than our former President did in his entire term because he was only focused on the war (AKA ‘weapons of mass destruction’). I don’t want to give the impression that I am anti- military though. I have the utmost respect for those that give their lives, time and hearts to protect our country both here at home and abroad.

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2010, 10:24:28 PM »
Ok, who wrote this piece for Scott... because I've seen him on stage lately and there's no way he's in the right frame of mind to be composing those thoughts. Just kidding. Seriously though, enough with the politics and the history lesson. Saying Obama is an "amazing president" because he's accomplished more in a year than Bush did in his whole term? I mean, if you're going to base success on that, you're not aiming very high and God help us all. I know that Rage, Filter etc... have very political agendas. To me it's a shame that politics and music have to mix. Not a big fan of that stuff. Scott can believe whatever he wants, but I do think it's annoying that he has to throw that rant out there. He's polluting the minds of his young fans that are likely too easily influenced by their idols to think for themselves. I'm not saying that what Scott says has merit/demerit, but ultimately he's a rock star with no college degree that's most known worldwide for being a junkie. I'm just saying, how exactly does that resume make him a political aficionado? Stick to sex, drugs and rock & roll buddy. I think this makes him look stupid and without restraint.

And before you guys blast me for being a republican, I'm not. I actually agree that Palin's comments were off color... BUT, I think the history lesson and the rant from Scott are a little unnecessary. I think he should save that energy for his balance onstage.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2010, 10:27:56 PM »
I like the President. Of course he's not the perfect president but I believe he's done well so far and that the Tea Partiers are taking this "Communist/Ruining America" thing way too far.  

Oh and he helped improve our world image just by being that's good.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2010, 10:28:30 PM »
Quote from: "JugeSTP"
BUT, I think the history lesson and the rant from Scott are a little unnecessary. I think he should save that energy for his balance onstage.

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2010, 10:30:29 PM »
Quote from: "JugeSTP"
And before you guys blast me for being a republican, I'm not. I actually agree that Palin's comments were off color...

Not all Republicans follow Palin...Or i hope not at least...She's absolutely crazy. And if they do all follow Palin then the party has fallen pretty far.

Too bad McCain's advisors had to drag her unprepared ass into the 2008 election or we wouldn't have to listen to her annoying nasally voice.


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Re: Scott Weiland on Sarah Palin
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2010, 10:41:42 PM »

First of all, where and when did Sarah Palin say this?  I cannot find it anywhere.

I would never want Sarah Palin to be President, and I voted for neither McCain, nor Obama in the last election (there was a pretty classic thread here about the election, if I remember correctly).

Palin is now a "pundit" for Fox, much in the same way that Olbermann is one for MSNBC.  Let's not forget worse, including on Olbermann's show, has been said on both sides--even if I can't find a source for this quote.

To use the Bush administration as an example of how "less" government was a disaster is--and I'm sorry, Scott--ridiculous.

Bush created an entirely new bureaucracy with the Department of Homeland Security.  Federal regulations failed us in every single way on September 11th (even down to freaking Mohammed Atta's visa was approved 6 months after he died!), yet the Transportation Security Administration federalized transportation security.

No Child Left Behind federalized education to a point never seen before, and despite the fact that we now (over)spend over $11,000 per child per classroom per year, public education is the same disaster it always was with low scores and low-paid teachers.  All this, of course, occurs while private school tuition averages less than half of what the government spends on a public school child, and the private school students are more successful.

The Medicare drug benefit was the largest entitlement in 40 years, and financial institutions and car companies were bailed out in an unprecedented involvement by the feds in the free market.

The federal budget increased by $350 billion in Bush's first term, far ahead of almost any other President as of 2009.  The only other administration that comes close as of 2009 is....Bush's second term where another $300 billion was added to the budget.

Regulation, contrary to popular belief, ballooned under Bush as well.  Bush spent more tax payer money, adjusted for inflation, on new, and enforcement of, regulations than any President in US history.  Bush's 2 terms increased this by a whopping 62%.  By contrast, Clinton increased this in his two terms by 31%.  Bush added--just in 2001--over 65,000 pages of regulation.  That number hit 80,000 by 2008, a record.  Of course, to regulate that much takes more bodies, so Bush actually added, in his 2 terms, almost 100,000 people to the government payroll.  In contrast, Clinton cut employees by 1000.

Bush in no way was a disaster of less government.  Government grew under him in unprecedented ways.  While both parties are going to spend us and entitle us into oblivion, at least the Democrats are up front about taking from the rich and giving to the poor.  The Republicans just lie about it.

Smaller government has not existed for sometime, federally.  It did not exist under Bush, and it sure as hell does not exist under Obama.  The national debt is currently $12,672,019,000,000 and increases by $1 million every minute.

If Bush was our problem, what's going on now is no answer.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 10:49:54 PM by lovemachine97 »