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Author Topic: Slash discusses about Scott Weiland  (Read 17535 times)


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2009, 07:05:16 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
Sounds like poor Slash wants to be a Rockstar in '09 like Weiland.
Well look who's back...


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2009, 07:24:47 PM »
Quote from: "WhenTheItchGetsBad"
Dear Stone Temple Brett,

Slash trashes Scott Weiland..
Hmmm... now give me a moment here.

" I have nothing bad to say about Scott, but he doesn’t work well with others in a group situation." - Slash

So, uh, where did Slash trash Scott Weiland again? Oh yeah, he didn't. Silly Brett, I too sometimes forget to read an article for what it is, and not what I want it to be.
Now, from what I've gathered by simple observation here, Scott has NEVER worked well with others in a group situation, just look at STP's turbulent career for fuck's sake. I don't see how he ever once trashes Scott in this article. He's simply talking about his disappointment in the band as a whole, in sound, musical direction and overall personal appeal to him. Not just Scott.
Some of you guys sit here and whine and moan about how Slash and Matt Sorum and Duff McKagen are all assholes and how Scott is so much better than them at life. Man, get over it! What harm is it doing you for them not to like each other? Are you directly involved with their personal lives? Do you hold some kind of personal loyalty to them in their affairs away from the music? NO! And if you do you should probably go set an appointment with a lobotomist! (Symptoms may include undying loyalty to rock stars' personal affairs, mentally creating situations where patients convince themselves that they are best of friends with said rock star and having in depth conversations about confidential information regarding said rock star's forthcoming album, arguing moot points, putting words in the mouths of other people, skewing forum topic titles to grabs readers' attention, etc.)
You really can't even admit when Slash or anyone in his camp make valid points or release good music? You pick the absolute pettiest reasons to try and make them look bad, but then Scott will come around and say something and you'll stand by it until the day you die. Why? What is the point in you putting rainbows over Matt Sorum's head? What the hell did Matt Sorum, or Slash for that matter, ever do to you?! They had issues with SCOTT WEILAND. You, my dear dear friend, are most certainly NOT Scott Weiland.
The true fact here, Brett, is not Slash being bitter over Velvet Revolver. It's all of the sour fans being bitter over the fact that your golden boy just wasn't cutting it for them. Whether you want to admit it or not, Scott Weiland will never have the cultural or musical impact that Slash has had on the world.
That's it.

With <3 & :-* ,

By the way.. wouldn't it make more sense to put a picture of Slash up on your website for that article? The entire article, after all, was a Slash quote. At least a half Slash/half Weiland picture? No? Well, you're still learning as a webmaster, we all make mistakes.

I don't think Scott Weiland would appreciate you dumping all over a band he spent 5 years sweating and bleeding into. Whether you like the current VR camp or not, that music was Scott's too. Maybe you just never thought about it that way though. I'm sure Scott will forgive you. :)

To all who are eagerly waiting to rip me apart for "bashing Scott Weiland", please make a note that I just shelled out $70 to go see Stone Temple Pilots at Mohegan Sun tonight. I obviously have nothing against Scott Weiland, Stone Temple Pilots or Velvet Revolver. I do, however, have plenty against disrespectful fans, and I'm sure Scott Weiland would too.

Dude, I was a Weiland fan first, and I tried to still give VR some credit even though they are down right now, but Slash completely bashed Scott there.  He called him George Bush for fucks sake.  Slash is just such a phoney that he can't come out and say it.  He has to hide behind comments like "I have nothing bad to say" when he obviously does.  It's clear he was talking about Scott being the reason he was unhappy and how he was so happy at the end cuz he knew he was leaving.   Everything Axl said about Slash, totally clicked once I read that article. .  It kind of made me realize what a sham VR was.  The main reason I even liked them was cuz they were big names.  The music was average at best, although they were a good live band.  

Seriously, I think I"m done with VR now.  If they have to just bash Scott to promote their new music, then I don't care about them.  They aren't doing shit anyways.  Loaded is playing bars, Slash's best songs on the album will probably only be the ones with GNR members(aka time to reunite).   Matt Sorum is too much of an ass if he isn't playing in some huge band.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2009, 08:22:44 PM »
Quote from: "Casual"
Dude, I was a Weiland fan first, and I tried to still give VR some credit even though they are down right now, but Slash completely bashed Scott there.  He called him George Bush for fucks sake.  Slash is just such a phoney that he can't come out and say it.  He has to hide behind comments like "I have nothing bad to say" when he obviously does.  It's clear he was talking about Scott being the reason he was unhappy and how he was so happy at the end cuz he knew he was leaving.   Everything Axl said about Slash, totally clicked once I read that article. .  It kind of made me realize what a sham VR was.  The main reason I even liked them was cuz they were big names.  The music was average at best, although they were a good live band.  

Seriously, I think I"m done with VR now.  If they have to just bash Scott to promote their new music, then I don't care about them.  They aren't doing shit anyways.  Loaded is playing bars, Slash's best songs on the album will probably only be the ones with GNR members(aka time to reunite).   Matt Sorum is too much of an ass if he isn't playing in some huge band.

Oh it's clear he was talking about Weiland, huh?
So he couldn't have possibly been talking about his relapse with drugs and alcohol that made him unhappy? Or maybe because if you go back and listen to their jams from the late 90's when it was just Slash, Duff and Matt, it sounded completely different from the final result of Velvet Revolver. Like he said, he didn't like the musical direction it took. But no, because he mentions Scott's name, it HAS to be Weilands fault. Can anyone just get out of the mind frame of "SCOTT IS EVERYTHING" for 5 seconds here?
Nobody is fucking bashing Scott. You guys are so needlessly over sensitive about things that really shouldn't even be an issue for you.
Quote from: "Casual"
Matt Sorum is too much of an ass if he isn't playing in some huge band.
^           ^
First off, that comment doesn't even make a shred of sense.
What the fuck did Matt Sorum do? What was the point of that little comment?
At this point, you guys are just hating Velvet Revolver for the sake of argument. He didn't bash Scott, he compared him to the overall feeling of George Bush, not a literal parallel to George Bush. You'll pick apart every little thing anyone from the VR camp says just to talk down about them.
This is the reason you wouldn't listen to a band? Really?
It's really shameful that we can't be just a little more mature about the situation.
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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2009, 08:38:53 PM »
I"m not a blind Scott defender.  I called him out when he was fucking up during the end of VR.  Howerver, Slash basically proved that he is a liar in that interview.  I have been a VR fan the whole time, but I just call it like it is.   I'm just tired of all of Slash's lies now.  As for my comments about Matt, I just don't care about him if he isn't doing anything with VR or GNR, cuz he is not that likeable otherwise.   Maybe you couldn't tell whether or not Slash was badmouthing him because Slash is always so vague and changes his story so much.  As for the direction the band wanted to go in.,VR was nothing before Scott joined and they are nothing after he left.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2009, 08:44:30 PM »
Quote from: "Casual"
I"m not a blind Scott defender.  I called him out when he was fucking up during the end of VR.  Howerver, Slash basically proved that he is a liar in that interview.  I have been a VR fan the whole time, but I just call it like it is.   I'm just tired of all of Slash's lies now.  As for my comments about Matt, I just don't care about him if he isn't doing anything with VR or GNR, cuz he is not that likeable otherwise.   Maybe you couldn't tell whether or not Slash was badmouthing him because Slash is always so vague and changes his story so much.  As for the direction the band wanted to go in.,VR was nothing before Scott joined and they are nothing after he left.

Mmm.. they're nothing alright.
But somehow they still manage to grab more news headlines then Scott Weiland, so if VR is nothing, what does that make Weiland?
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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2009, 08:52:35 PM »
Slash's comments were just a little out of line. And I lost respect for him there.  You can't call someone George Bush and think that's a good thing.  Slash sure didn't have anything to say when they were on tour together lol.   He doesn't have the balls to end VR either so he keep stringing the fans along.  He'll be the last person to tell you when it's over, cuz it's already over.  Also as someone who supported VR, it's kind of a slap in the face to say he wasn't happy the whole time.  Sounds almost like Perla giving that interview.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2009, 08:59:54 PM »
Quote from: "Casual"
Slash's comments were just a little out of line. And I lost respect for him there.  You can't call someone George Bush and think that's a good thing.  Slash sure didn't have anything to say when they were on tour together lol.   He doesn't have the balls to end VR either so he keep stringing the fans along.  He'll be the last person to tell you when it's over, cuz it's already over.  Also as someone who supported VR, it's kind of a slap in the face to say he wasn't happy the whole time.  Sounds almost like Perla giving that interview.

Dude, you weren't there. You don't know what was going on behind closed doors. Just listen to the music and if you like it, enjoy it.
Don't pay attention to this bollocks.
If you choose to let this and other media outputs on VR change your opinion of the band and their music, then I feel really bad for you, my friend.
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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2009, 09:13:37 PM »
Fair enough.  I'm not trying to get in a fight with anyone about it.  If they make some more great music, then I'm happy for them.  I won't waste any more time on it.  You see the comments one way, and I see them another way.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2009, 09:44:13 PM »
whatever hes a great guitar player..but his ego is the size of north america...i mean the only reason they were as big as they were was bcuz of scott whether ne one in music industry wants to admit it.  i mean if it was about the band they would have found a new singer and moved on..but those are big shoes to fill..i love slash..but i lost a lot of respect for him...hes just pissed off bcuz he will never break the "guitarist of GNR" which i wouldnt say is a bad thing .but im sure he thinks hes above it. whatever scott made that band and there is not much more to say about it.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2009, 09:57:30 PM »
whentheitchgetsbad, you need to chill


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2009, 11:13:35 PM »
I actually jut think the proof is inthe fact they have no singer. I had this discussion earlier in the week. Scott left with his dignity, and his talent in toe. GOod for him to get the fuck out of that god damn whirlwind of doom. If Slash REALLY was miserable, they he should have had the balls to say it, and or left himself. But he knew that he'd have to start alllll over (again) and must have known that Scott's talents are not to be matched.

I KNOW Scott is not perfect. Hes human just like you & I are. He just gets a lot of shit. And some of it I really think is unfair. Comparing him to Bush... that was just mean.

And I can defend the shit out of anyone I want to. I KNOW full well Im not best friends with Scott. Im not dellusional. We've never even met. But I can say what I want. Its called FREEDOM OF SPEECH... you should try looking that up. Its the same right you have.

I don't KNOW Scott personally... but I know the people around him and hs a GOOD MAN! I know more about him then I tell out of respect for the people involved. Hes a good guy with a good heart & good intentions. He has great people around him & you are as good as the company you keep.

The thing about today, is we have this whole internet shit to give us ALL kinds of info. Back in the days of The Beatles & Pink Floyd, if this was around, you'd probably hear all kinds of stuff flying around. Its just how we are nowdays. Maybe its bad, and can effect people & how they choose to think of a band.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2009, 11:32:30 PM »
Quote from: "weilandfan"
The thing about today, is we have this whole internet shit to give us ALL kinds of info. Back in the days of The Beatles & Pink Floyd, if this was around, you'd probably hear all kinds of stuff flying around. Its just how we are nowdays. Maybe its bad, and can effect people & how they choose to think of a band.

Exactly. There's no one to blame here but the idiot journalist. Whether or not what Slash said was mean spirited, whoever wrote this only added fuel to the fire by putting in that [Weiland] thing in there. This is what journalists do they exaggerate, lie, and put words in people's mouths to better their careers and benefit off of the stupidity and gullibility of America.  They think the world revolves around them and their do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, no matter how many people they leave dead and bloodied along the way, so long as they can make a name for themselves as investigatory journalists.....Zoolander and things like this only remind me why I decided to not pursue a career in journalism and try and do something else with my life, as much as I love writing and music  :)
When STP had a cookout after filming the video for the Core single "Plush," Weiland made jerk chicken that was "spectacular," Dean raves.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2009, 11:41:34 PM »
Quote from: "Slither"
Quote from: "weilandfan"
The thing about today, is we have this whole internet shit to give us ALL kinds of info. Back in the days of The Beatles & Pink Floyd, if this was around, you'd probably hear all kinds of stuff flying around. Its just how we are nowdays. Maybe its bad, and can effect people & how they choose to think of a band.

Exactly. There's no one to blame here but the idiot journalist. Whether or not what Slash said was mean spirited, whoever wrote this only added fuel to the fire by putting in that [Weiland] thing in there. This is what journalists do they exaggerate, lie, and put words in people's mouths to better their careers and benefit off of the stupidity and gullibility of America.  They think the world revolves around them and their do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, no matter how many people they leave dead and bloodied along the way, so long as they can make a name for themselves as investigatory journalists.....Zoolander and things like this only remind me why I decided to not pursue a career in journalism and try and do something else with my life, as much as I love writing and music  :)

Here here!! I use to want to dothe whole journalist thing too. Be writing about music. But I would really not want to be like these bottom feeders that are out today. I have no respect 9 times out of 10 for the writer. Im just reading to see if I can find any news. And wait for the enivitable slam to show up.


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland (again)
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2009, 04:38:04 AM »
Yea. I read that before, and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way, but I originally let it slide because it was before those other comments. Slash tries to downplay Scott, here, by calling him just 'decent' he just showed up one day so they gave it to him. (when really, they didn't have any other singers lined up, and they went out of their way to ask him to join.  Scott even declined at first because of his commitments to STP.  Then once they heard STP were breaking up, they JUMPED at the chance to call him again---all this coming from Slash's biography.)


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Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland (again)
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2009, 06:22:20 AM »
Yeah that's from the Classic Rock article, I put the first few paragraphs on my site, the rest weren't that much about Scott so I didn't post the whole article.  About the stuff above he said, whatever, I'm just glad Scott is done with VR.

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11