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Author Topic: Weiland Backs Obama  (Read 26835 times)


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #150 on: November 03, 2008, 06:27:50 PM »
Quote from: "Slackerjack"
Let a person have a different opinion without being so damn condescending and degrading in your remarks. You only come off looking like a narrow minded fool.

And be sure to put your money where your mouth is and vote...whichever way you might lean.

Who is this "you" that you're speaking to?   ???
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #151 on: November 03, 2008, 07:33:20 PM »
i was watching tv just now, about the elections.
now, i'm 18 so that means i can vote in my own country when there are elections.
polictics ain't my cup of tea, really. especially in social studies in school, it confused me.

anyway, i did this test and the result was that my opinions are about 71% in common with Obama's.
so if i had/could cast a vote it would go to Obama.

it's interesting to discuss this matter, but it should stay friendly and everyone should respect eachother opinions and choices.
but i always say; you shouldn't mingle in the discussion if you're not gonna vote at all.

so this is all i have to say really, it'd be pointless for me as a Dutch person to mingle in the american elections.

we'll find out soon enough who'll win, no?

Slim Jim

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #152 on: November 03, 2008, 09:26:59 PM »
Quote from: "lovemachine97"
You'd also muffle the free speech of the donors

They'll get their "free speech" in the voting booth on Nov 4, just like everyone else. The election shouldn't be decided by donations. What you have this year (and basically every election), are two "establishment" candidates from the same two parties every year, who through the party's established connections to corporations, lobbyists and the rest of it will always have a huge advantage. As a result, they're also forever bound to keep or pass policies that are in the interest of these large donors. The only time you ever get a competitive third party candidate is when its some rich billionaire willing to flush a lot of his money down the toilet.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #153 on: November 04, 2008, 02:09:17 AM »
Quote from: "Slim Jim"
Quote from: "lovemachine97"
You'd also muffle the free speech of the donors

They'll get their "free speech" in the voting booth on Nov 4, just like everyone else. The election shouldn't be decided by donations. What you have this year (and basically every election), are two "establishment" candidates from the same two parties every year, who through the party's established connections to corporations, lobbyists and the rest of it will always have a huge advantage. As a result, they're also forever bound to keep or pass policies that are in the interest of these large donors. The only time you ever get a competitive third party candidate is when its some rich billionaire willing to flush a lot of his money down the toilet.

I think we are agreeing that there is a problem, as well as where that problem is, but we have different views on how to change it.

If you read my posts in this thread, I am outraged by the two-party system, but even more so at the apathy with which the American people have let them take a stranglehold on politics.

While free speech is in the voting both, it has also been upheld in many other forms, and I believe that to include donating money to whom you want to donate it without governmental interference.  If I want to donate to AIDS research, I don't want the government taking it and spreading it across all disease research.  If I have a friend on trial, and I want to give money to him to pay for his defense, I don't want the court taking it and giving it to everyone on trial at that courthouse.

By the same token, if I have a candidate I REALLY believe in, enough to donate a large sum, i don't want the government to snatch it up and give it to the others ESPECIALLY if I don't like one of those candidates and their platforms at all.

Here's where my solution differs (and this is just my own meager opinion): you're never going to get money out of politics.  The only thing I believe we can do is be transparent as far as who is giving what to whom.  Whatever donation is given to a candidate must be posted on the internet, and it must include the amount, the candidate, and the donor.  No more anonymous donations, no more limits.  If Chevron wants to give McCain $10 million, fine--but we should know.

Any law, the more it tries to protect, creates loopholes and other problems.  Now, instead of the money going to candidates, it goes to PAC's who send out fliers and commercials that are even worse than what candidates have done.

McCain/Feingold's reform law is a failure.  It is over 500 pages.  It LITERALLY, pages taped end to end, stretches from the back of an NFL end zone, to the back of the opposite end zone, around the goal post, and back to the 50 yard line (I've seen it done).  That's 170 yards long, double column on each page.  300 college educated people were tested, given a class on the law, and asked to submit the paperwork without a flaw--all 300 failed, and broke the law.  Because of this, each person in the campaign, if running, would be personally responsible for a $10,000 fine.

As far as acknowledging 3rd party candidates, well, that is up to voters, a large portion of which are not of either party, to do themselves.

Wishful Sinful

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #154 on: November 12, 2008, 10:36:04 PM »
Quote from: "lunacy"
it's interesting to discuss this matter, but it should stay friendly and everyone should respect eachother opinions and choices.

But that is where the never ending fun of network vs. network comes in! We can't have that! :D
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #155 on: April 13, 2010, 08:57:17 AM »
I wonder if the rest of STP are Obama guys..
If you only knew..


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #156 on: April 13, 2010, 09:02:12 AM »
Quote from: "VelvetLounngeFly"
I wonder if the rest of STP are Obama guys..

If I had to guess, I'd say they voted for him, although they're probably not as gung ho about him as Scott currently is.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #157 on: April 13, 2010, 05:53:20 PM »
Just like the rest of the people who voted for Obama are most likely not as gung ho about Obama as they were during his campaign. Reality has sunk in that he's not the moderate he claimed he'd be.

I have no idea what Scott sees in Obama. I doubt Scott really has a clue either. It's one of those things when you're in Hollywood that you're sort of forced to act like you're into liberals for fear of being shunned.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #158 on: April 13, 2010, 06:22:03 PM »
Quote from: "VeiledTrickerySTP"
Just like the rest of the people who voted for Obama are most likely not as gung ho about Obama as they were during his campaign. Reality has sunk in that he's not the moderate he claimed he'd be.

I have no idea what Scott sees in Obama. I doubt Scott really has a clue either. It's one of those things when you're in Hollywood that you're sort of forced to act like you're into liberals for fear of being shunned.

nope Scott is verrrry high on Obama regardless anything, he has shirts and pictures of him lol
If you only knew..


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #159 on: April 13, 2010, 07:06:22 PM »
Most artists are liberals because the liberal agenda supports independant artists. Healthcare for instance, someone like Scott was back in the 80s and very early 90s can't get healthcare because they don't have a big enough income to afford America exedingly expensive healthcare system. A politician like Obama, who supports greater regulation of the healthcare industry to bring down the price and allow independent artists and small business owners to afford healthcare, are the jelly in an independant artists roll.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #160 on: April 13, 2010, 09:41:51 PM »
That's a nice guess but that wouldn't be it  ;)
It goes back farther than that when it comes to "entertainers" (musicians, Actors/Actresses), artists etc...
It was called McCarthyism.
Republican Senator Joesph McCarthy RUINED some peoples careers with his "black list" of those in the arts he considered "comminists".
It started with the "Hollywood 10" and grew...
Some of the names on the list were Eddie Albert (you'll remember him from the TV show "Green Acres"), Charlie Chaplin, Kim Hunter, Lee Grant, John Ireland etc...

So because of that marlarkey Entertainers for the most part have Democrats.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #161 on: April 13, 2010, 09:47:43 PM »
Quote from: "VeiledTrickerySTP"
Reality has sunk in that he's not the moderate he claimed he'd be.


He's even more moderate than he promised...So not sure what you're talking about.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #162 on: April 13, 2010, 10:22:39 PM »
I keep seeing this thread pop up and I am like good Lord I wish this sort of thing would stay away from something that makes me feel good - like STP talk and such.  But anyway, here I am replying.  I just want to say that I think the two posters before me are both correct.  BO has been less moderate or left leaning in some cases such as his appointees/ rhetoric, stance on health care and his lack of bi-partisanship that was promised.   Obviously there is blame on both sides and I am not here to debate that.  Meanwhile he has been a little too moderate for some liberals on his stance and actions toward the war and failure to close Gitmo in what they would call a timely fashion.  All in all, we got exactly who I thought we would get.  Not hoped for, but got.  Anyway, as far as Hollywood and fame is concerned, it is par for the course to back the Liberal candidate.  No surprise here.  I just don't like it when some of the famous try to lead you into voting a certain way when it appears they haven't done any homework on the subject and don't even know who they are voting for but only that it is the cool thing to do.  Not saying Scott is apart of that but I am making a generic statement that holds some truth.  Well that is my take.  Peace.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #163 on: April 13, 2010, 10:47:26 PM »
Quote from: "Silvergun92"
Quote from: "VeiledTrickerySTP"
Reality has sunk in that he's not the moderate he claimed he'd be.


He's even more moderate than he promised...So not sure what you're talking about.

Is that sarcasm? Or have you been under a rock since he took office?


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #164 on: April 13, 2010, 10:49:51 PM »
Quote from: "Blue"
Most artists are liberals because the liberal agenda supports independant artists. Healthcare for instance, someone like Scott was back in the 80s and very early 90s can't get healthcare because they don't have a big enough income to afford America exedingly expensive healthcare system. A politician like Obama, who supports greater regulation of the healthcare industry to bring down the price and allow independent artists and small business owners to afford healthcare, are the jelly in an independant artists roll.

Government regulation will not help drive down costs. It'll increase taxes across the board. You can't have free health care for everyone without it costing the taxpayers in the end.