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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #90 on: October 29, 2008, 06:26:30 PM »
Quote from: "crackerdude"
Its been a long time since I heard anyone diss Weiland. Whether it's his political choice or not. Nice to see who cares

Was anyone here dissing HIM?  Or just his choice?  ::)
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #91 on: October 29, 2008, 07:36:59 PM »
How is McCain a good candidate? Really? This guy supported giving up the hunt for Osama Bin Laden and attacking a country that had no threat to the U.S., meanwhile letting Al Queda get it's han on nucelear weapons. He supports tax cuts for big businesses, he SUPPORTS outsourcing jobs (that's exactly what we need in this crap economy; less jobs), he favors stop gap measures for energy independence, and he has the single worst politician I've ever seen as his running mate. What good can come from this guy?

Yes, Biden is a crappy choice for a running mate, and yes Obama isn't "experienced", but how can he be inferior to McCain?
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #92 on: October 29, 2008, 07:52:21 PM »
Scott explains his choice:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

By: Scott R. Weiland

Patriotism is a word that has been thrown around a lot this year, but I believe we have failed to define patriotism.  McCain calls himself a renegade and patriotic, but is he really?  This country was founded on patriots who were also radicals.  They had to be in order to stand up against a government that was oppressive, a government that didn't allow personal freedoms, a government that ruled and controlled by force. Does this sound familiar?  Does this sound like McCain is part of the solution, or part of the problem?

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not advocating a violent revolution.  However, this country was born out of revolution and the concept of freedom.  These promises are part of our Constitution, written as doctrines with checks and balances within the triumvirate of the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of our government.  One branch should not have more power than the other, but that position has either been forgotten, or tossed out the window.  As a result of this, our voices, power, and personal liberties have grown smaller because of it.       

A good example is the constitutional breakdown that now allows the government to secretly wire tap and spy on just about anyone, anytime, anywhere, without any checks and balances, all in the name of patriotism.  I've looked up the word "patriot" in Webster's and nowhere could I find a reason for a government of the people by the people and for the people to freely intimidate or spy on an American family, no matter who that American family is.

In our public schools American history is no longer a priority. It's no wonder, then, that each generation has lost its sense of natural pride, knowledge and sense of civic duty, which shows up most in simple acts such as voting or volunteering.

We have gotten ourselves into an economic mess.  We are the part of the dynamic that is creating this financial avalanche.  We have bought and sold the concept of consumerism, which has only benefitted the top one percent.  We've turned into a buy, sell, and disposable society.  We are now seeing the end of a financial myth, the end of the Reagan era. The days of America being a disposable society are coming to an end.

A good economic example is real estate. Two years ago my wife and I bought a house that was on the market for two days.  Being told we'd make a profit, we put it back on the market six months ago.  The bottom fell out of the housing market, and it sat for six months. Now we're looking at a loss.  A family member, a successful real estate broker, has had to retire due to negative income.

Politics infiltrates everything while the art, T.V., film and mostly music audiences turn a blind eye.  We once were a country built on light, a light that illuminated the dreams of millions. Sometimes that meant venturing on perilous missions; sometimes that meant living on nothing but a promise and a hope. Those promises and hopes are slowly fading and turning us cynical.

America is a beacon, but it has been tainted by promises not kept.  We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that in a world that is changing so rapidly, modifications or ratifications can't or shouldn't be made, especially for the good of the people, the dream, the miracle that became this nation which I  believe was Godly inspired.

Now that I've turned 41, I'm seeing things in a far different light.  I've witnessed the cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States and its recent renewed flexing of muscle. I've seen countries such as North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India and of course, China, the fastest growing economy in the world, grow stronger and wiser after the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

There was something strikingly different between when I was 22 compared to the youth I observe today.   One of the main responsibilities of a citizen is to be aware and active.  We have become so celebrity obsessed, and reality TV exposed that nothing is shocking anymore.  Nothing of value matters.  Don't get me wrong, this isn't just about a generation, it's also partly about the media and its relationship with education, American history, pop culture, and art.  It doesn't help that younger generations know more about celebrities than about the three branches of government or true patriots.

Therefore, we need to "educate".  And not The Simpsons, although a smart parody, is not real, NEITHER IS reality TV,  US Weekly.  Lights on...wake-up...this is REALITY!  The light is dimming the dream is fading.  We ought not be a country that randomly marches off to war to flex our muscle, yet we are a country that was built on honoring our commitments.   We are a country that honors our soldiers who have answered its call because that's how we won our independence, and because that is how dreams and freedoms are forged.  Once again in so many ways these are dire times and hope seems to be on the brink of slipping away. 

Traveling 18 years for a living, I've seen the changes in attitudes of people around the globe.  I've seen our country go from one that everyone admired to the brunt of jokes.  Obviously, that hurts.  "We the People" can't allow it any longer; it's time for change.  It's time for hope and dreams to be fulfilled.  It's time to put America back on the road to unity, prosperity, and respect.

We need a leader who believes in that dream and has that hope. More than that we need a leader to lead us back to our country's moral principles, a leader who has the creative courage to take us forward into the future and into a better place.  I feel it, I believe it, Barack is that man, that president who can and will.

I see Barack Obama as a natural patriot because he is not afraid to attack what is wrong and has the strength to make it right.  I see Obama as a natural patriot because he has the intellectual, emotional and verbal skills to inspire. He makes us want to learn; he makes us want to grow; he makes us want to change. Obama can take us from fear to faith, he can help us redefine America in a way that our country once again becomes a beacon of hope to pride-to ourselves and to those the world over.

After looking at all that's wrong with the economy, world politics, education, and other problems that will test our new president, I don't see John McCain as the renegade and patriot he claims to be.  Instead, I see Barack Obama as the patriot, that man, that president who is ready to lead, and who can and will.

Please act, please be involved, even if what I have written has inspired you to move in the other direction (I hope that I'm not that poor a persuader).  However, when you look deep inside, don't you want to feel proud about saying "I am an American" again?
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #93 on: October 29, 2008, 08:15:39 PM »
Thanks for the post, Peebs.  :)

A good example of how horribly ignorant Weiland seems to be on this issue:

A good example is the constitutional breakdown that now allows the government to secretly wire tap and spy on just about anyone, anytime, anywhere, without any checks and balances, all in the name of patriotism.  I've looked up the word "patriot" in Webster's and nowhere could I find a reason for a government of the people by the people and for the people to freely intimidate or spy on an American family, no matter who that American family is.

That's because a bunch of towel-headed SICK FUCKS decided to ram airplanes into our buildings and kill innocents.  I've never understood why anyone would have a problem with this - unless they are up to something they shouldn't be.  If someone honestly wants to sit there and listen to me and my asshole friends make weekend plans, or spy on me while I'm ordering a pizza, they can knock themselves out.  If it means that my family is going to be better protected, so be it.  Are the people that bitch about this the same ones that bitch about having to take their shoes off in the airport?

The government isn't "spying" on you unless they have a reason to be.  And at that point... what can ya say?  You shouldn't be plotting terrorist acts, selling drugs, organizing dog fights, whatever...

Good thing Scotty's here to help all the "young hipsters" make a voting decision.  ::)
Once again, SRW has delivered a long, boring, and nonsensical rant about something he knows little about.  Why does he do this every four years?  lol.  Damn, I HATE celebrity endorsements for President.

Your vote should be YOUR vote.  Not some Hollywood star's.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #94 on: October 29, 2008, 08:43:43 PM »
Umm... You display more ingorance than mr. Weiland actually. All you've said so far is that Obama sucks, you have not mention ONE fucking policy that you disagree with.

And those "towel headed fucks" you're refering to, the Al Queda, have connections to Pakistan (for those of you who are still ignorant,the contrey with the nukes) right now. That's because instead of taking the responsibility to protect our people and attack the people who attacked us we spent the last 7 years fighting in Iraq... If we'd finished the job in Afganistan before going to Iraq we might not have to deal with this.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #95 on: October 29, 2008, 08:46:07 PM »
Actually, Weiland says a lot of things that are spot on.  Unfortunately, imo neither candidate is worth the paper I use to blow my nose and that ladies and gentlemen is the real shame of this situation.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #96 on: October 29, 2008, 08:54:33 PM »
Explain to me the difference between "towel headed sick fucks" (your quote) and Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.


And why you believe giving the government the right to invade your privacy now and not in 1995. Explain to be what is so different between a foreign terrorist and a domestic one. Also why you believe this Government we have been subject to for the last 8 years feels it's necessary to go against the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 08:56:25 PM by Peebs »
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #97 on: October 29, 2008, 09:56:50 PM »
Quote from: "Aaron"
Hopefully you'll still go and vote.  There are other elections besides the presidental election that are important. 

Seriously, i dont think anyone is using #2 pencils to vote.  I am getting ready to vote in my third state now, and have never seen a scan-tron voting application like you are describing.  Then again it says you are 20, so maybe you've never been before and dont know this.  Go vote, let your voice be heard or you have no right to "I'm just going to tell people "I told you so."", IMO.  If you dont like either candidate (like me) you can vote for who you think is the best man for the job that is on the ballot or write in a name.  You really need to be voting for your congressional leaders though.  That is even more important than the presidental election. 

I just voted absentee in OH, and they gave me a scan-tron form.  I used a #2 pencil (brings back memories from school) :)
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #98 on: October 29, 2008, 10:02:02 PM »
*butts heads with Peebs*  :-*

Quote from: "Peebs"
Explain to me the difference between "towel headed sick fucks" (your quote) and Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.


No difference to me.  Other than the towel.  :P  A sick fuck is a sick fuck no matter how you look at it.

Quote from: "Peebs"
And why you believe giving the government the right to invade your privacy now and not in 1995. Explain to be what is so different between a foreign terrorist and a domestic one. Also why you believe this Government we have been subject to for the last 8 years feels it's necessary to go against the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.

I was only 12 in 1995.  So I didn't really feel too strongly about any of this back then.  :)  BUT...
I wouldn't have had a problem with it then, if the government had felt it necessary.  13 years ago we weren't afraid of people attacking us at home like we are today.    As far as the 4th amendment and unreasonable searches and seizures.... is someone plotting to blow up a building UNREASONABLE?  lol.  Like I said, the government isn't tapping your phone and listening to you plan a night out with the girls.  They probably ARE listening if that night includes plans to kill the President.  I'm all about protecting myself and my family.  Even if it means that I MIGHT be inconvienenced.  I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Quote from: "Blue"
Umm... You display more ingorance than mr. Weiland actually. All you've said so far is that Obama sucks, you have not mention ONE fucking policy that you disagree with.

Yeah - I haven't come on here and talked policies at all.  I played that game 4 years ago with the last election.  Go ahead and check out some of the archived posts, if you care to.  I made no attempt whatsoever to argue policies with anyone.  And I've also never said "Obama sucks."  lol.  I said I'm a McCain supporter - but never "Obama sucks"  :)

Quote from: "Blue"
That's because instead of taking the responsibility to protect our people and attack the people who attacked us we spent the last 7 years fighting in Iraq... If we'd finished the job in Afganistan before going to Iraq we might not have to deal with this.

Eh... we DID go after the people that attacked us, and are still fighting a war there.  We invaded Iraq to protect ourselves from another attack, this time from Hussein (who also had connections to Al Queda).  THANK GOD we invaded their country and took him out of power!!

/end Jessie's politial bullshit of 2008.  :D

Quote from: "Five Star Edge"
I just voted absentee in OH, and they gave me a scan-tron form.  I used a #2 pencil (brings back memories from school) :)

I voted absentee as well - but I used a pen.  lol.  It never said you had to use pencil... just "darken the circles"  :D
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #99 on: October 29, 2008, 10:20:33 PM »
Eh... we DID go after the people that attacked us, and are still fighting a war there.  We invaded Iraq to protect ourselves from another attack, this time from Hussein (who also had connections to Al Queda).  THANK GOD we invaded their country and took him out of power!!

Yes thank god we found all the WMDs oil and thank god we stayed in Afghanistan to take out all the terrorist groups!

Also Dubya had connections to the Bin Laden family and had representatives of the Taliban visit him while he was governer of Texas.  We should have invaded Texas to protect ourselves.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #100 on: October 29, 2008, 10:50:24 PM »
Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
Yes thank god we found all the WMDs oil and thank god we stayed in Afghanistan to take out all the terrorist groups!

Saying stuff like this is what makes it so hard to take people like you seriously.

We didn't go into Iraq for oil. Tell me why prices are so high at gas stations. If we went to Iraq to take over their oil, why the fuck am I still paying 3 dollars and 30 cents a gallon?
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #101 on: October 29, 2008, 11:18:41 PM »
There is absolutely no denying that oil was a big factor in our invasion ... _to_shell/ ... 461214.ece

You honestly think we went there for "freedom of the Iraqi people"?  Don't be so naive.  Tell me why we focus so much of our military resources in Iraq and not Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan where the  majority of Taliban and Al Queda forces are?  Let's go fight Bin Laden where he's not!  That's insane troll logic.  Let's use fear mongering to rally the people into a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.  Yes Hussein was a monster and needed to be dealt with eventually, but we spent 3-5 months focusing on Afghanistan then rushed into Iraq.  Seven years later Bin Laden still lives and the terrorist groups haven't been eliminated.

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #102 on: October 29, 2008, 11:19:39 PM »
I don't remember any of those sick fucks having "towels" on their heads. But don't worry, there's plenty of innocent towel-heads over in Iraq who have plenty of names for the "sick fucks" invading their country on false premises and destroying their friends, families and lives. In Iraq, they have a tendency to refer to these liberators as terrorists. Who's good and who's evil is ultimately decided by which side of the enemy lines you find yourself on.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #103 on: October 29, 2008, 11:55:30 PM »
Some of what Scott says is understandable but the last few paragraphs where he gets on his knees for Obama is ridiculous.  He is incredibly naive to think Obama will make things better.

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #104 on: October 30, 2008, 01:43:42 AM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
*butts heads with Peebs*  :-*

No difference to me.  Other than the towel.  :P  A sick fuck is a sick fuck no matter how you look at it.

I was only 12 in 1995.  So I didn't really feel too strongly about any of this back then.  :)  BUT...
I wouldn't have had a problem with it then, if the government had felt it necessary.  13 years ago we weren't afraid of people attacking us at home like we are today.    As far as the 4th amendment and unreasonable searches and seizures.... is someone plotting to blow up a building UNREASONABLE?  lol.  Like I said, the government isn't tapping your phone and listening to you plan a night out with the girls.  They probably ARE listening if that night includes plans to kill the President.  I'm all about protecting myself and my family.  Even if it means that I MIGHT be inconvienenced.  I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Yeah - I haven't come on here and talked policies at all.  I played that game 4 years ago with the last election.  Go ahead and check out some of the archived posts, if you care to.  I made no attempt whatsoever to argue policies with anyone.  And I've also never said "Obama sucks."  lol.  I said I'm a McCain supporter - but never "Obama sucks"  :)

Eh... we DID go after the people that attacked us, and are still fighting a war there.  We invaded Iraq to protect ourselves from another attack, this time from Hussein (who also had connections to Al Queda).  THANK GOD we invaded their country and took him out of power!!

/end Jessie's politial bullshit of 2008.  :D

I voted absentee as well - but I used a pen.  lol.  It never said you had to use pencil... just "darken the circles"  :D

Well I was very much alive in 1995. And there were more attacks of DOMESTIC TERRORISTS (Eric Rudolph, Terry Nichols, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski..) than we have had of Foreign terrorists since.
Oklahoma City, Centennial Park in Atlanta, the numerous package bombs Kaczynski sent, A clinic outside Atlanta, a Gay/Lesbian Bar outside Atlanta, a clinic in Alabama. All in the 90's and not once did the FBI or "Homeland Security" feel the need to wiretap anyones phones. And all those people were brought to Justice.
Wiretapping is illegal.
Which is why when you call any company a recording informs you that "This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes, if you do not wish your call to be recorded please inform the Customer Service Representative"
It's illegal to be recorded or wiretapped without your knowledge unless it's in connection with a Police/FBI investigation for a criminal case. You do not know if your calls are being tapped. Could be. This administration has broken the very amendments our forefathers set forth to keep us a free democracy. You may not care...I do.

FYI...Iraq was not a threat to us. We do not get our oil from there. We get majority of our oil from Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. In that order.
The CIA knew of the suspected plots in Aug of 2001 but failed to share the information with the FBI. Shit could of been avoided without violating the civil rights of Americans. And there are millions of people of the Muslim and Hindu faith living in America who wear pugrees (Hindu) or turbans (muslim) and do not need or deserve to be called "Towel heads".
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