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Author Topic: Weiland Backs Obama  (Read 26846 times)


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2008, 09:18:27 PM »
Quote from: "Long Way Home" offense, but I had you pegged as a lib.

Seriously, Bruce?  :D  Even after the ridiculousness Sean and I had with EVERYONE ELSE ON THE BOARDS four years ago?  Haha.  No offense taken.  But next time...  ;)

Quote from: "Aaron"
Historically the incumbent party loses. 

Not when there's a war (or two!) going on.  The incumbent party has never lost in this instance.
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2008, 02:24:54 AM »
Do any of my fellow Republicans here watch The O'Reilly Factor?  I do, he kicks ass and calls people out, that's why that jealous prick Keith Olbermann bashes him all of the time, he's jealous of O'Reilly's charisma and higher ratings!

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Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2008, 03:19:22 AM »
Not bitching- just don't give a hoot.

Lazy Divey

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2008, 03:31:17 AM »
Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
Do any of my fellow Republicans here watch The O'Reilly Factor?  I do, he kicks ass and calls people out, that's why that jealous prick Keith Olbermann bashes him all of the time, he's jealous of O'Reilly's charisma and higher ratings!

This is a joke...right?


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2008, 04:41:33 AM »
Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
Do any of my fellow Republicans here watch The O'Reilly Factor?  I do, he kicks ass and calls people out, that's why that jealous prick Keith Olbermann bashes him all of the time, he's jealous of O'Reilly's charisma and higher ratings!
Hell no.
I prefer Lil' O'Reilly.

Slim Jim

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2008, 06:16:15 AM »
I have to weigh in. Both of these candidates suck. I think Obama would make the better president, so in this case he'll likely get my vote, but they're both too much of the same to make any real difference. Anyway, as far as the tax problem is concerned, the whole socialism argument towards obama's tax cuts is such bullshit generalization that it's a joke. That's socialism? Well, you might want to take a look at the whole income tax system itself. Why should I give any of my own wealth to the government for it to be redistributed among others. The whole notion of an income tax is socialism, if that's how you're going to define socialism. The problem is that the U.S. government today is most definitely socialist...but the problem is that it's severely skewed towards the welfare of huge corporations (and their disgustingly over-payed executives). If anybody should be taking a hit in their pay or being taxed higher, it's the scum at the top of these corporations, getting paid tens of millions of dollars while laying off hundreds, thousands of their average pay 30k yearly workers. Getting bonuses and severance packages in the millions while the average worker gets the cut. A couple decades ago, the average CEO made like 10x the average worker, now they're making like 250x (or more) the average worker. Why is this?

Another note: An example of corporations I truly feel should be much more severely taxed is the oil companies. Why are we paying so much for oil, gas etc, and swallowing these oil companies excuses about production shortages, lack of oil, (WE NEED TO DRILL) and then when their quarterly or yearly profit reports roll around we're hearing about 200-400% profit gains over the previous year??? With those profit margins, you should be taxed the most out of anyone, and then those taxes should go right back into the consumer's pocket as price cuts. Or use those profits to start drilling some more fucking oil to reduce shortages and lower the price back down (but it shouldn't be that fucking high in the first place). Seriously, I won't be happy until gas is back down to at least $2 a gallon (it's getting close).
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 09:35:23 PM by Slim Jim »
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2008, 06:35:58 AM »
Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
This is a joke...right?

Actually, of all the pundits I watch or listen to on a regular basis, I think O'Reilly is one of the best.  Yes, it's no secret he is not voting for Obama.

But, his show isn't just partisans spewing against the other side like Olbermann, Maddows, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Maher do.  IN fact, O'Reilly is unfaily tagged the villain amongst all those people IMO. 

Hannity and Olbermann are the absolute worst.

I dare anyone to watch O'Reilly for one week and tell me they think he isn't one of the better pundits out there.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2008, 06:51:26 AM »
I guess Peebs is our resident Liberal!  Everyone's got one!  They're the smartest people in the world and the rest of us hillbillies are stupid and crazy.  I'm a Crazy Catholic so that should make me a real threat!

  I think both of these candidates are total morons!!!!  Obama and his over 250, 000 tax line is bull shit!!!!  To raise all the money for his "social" programs, we've all got to take it in the ass and give just about everything we own.  If you guys like guns out there, say goodbye to all of them except the plastic ones with the orange barrels.  I'm not the NRA and I'm not a gun owner, but just wait and see.  The Dems and Liberals all want us to have an abortion and no weapons.  That's how they vote, that's that!

I am not telling people to vote for McCain, heck the guy looks like he's 90 years old.  Retire already, jeesh, he lives in Arizona, isn't that a retirement state?  I digress, I think my mindless ramblings are trying to say if you've got to vote, don't do it for Obama.  This guy is gonna win without our vote, and when he gets in (He will win!) and inserts his "share the wealth" mentality, you can be happy you didn't vote for him!

As for Weiland?  He's like all the other celebs who are on the Obama bandwagon.  No shit!  If the message was that Weiland was not supporting Obama, I'd find that to be real news!

Quote from: "Peebs"
Many of you might have been too young to remember the alleged last "tax and spend liberal" who ran this country from 1993 to January of 2001.
And after his 8 years of service as President, left this country with a 200 billion surplus for the first time since 1969. And individually we were all doing great.

I've been a registered voter since 1982. Probably longer than some of you have roamed this earth. That's quite a few Presidental elections under my belt. And no Politicians can keep "campaign promises", the ideology they can put into theory. But not since Kennedy have I seen a candidate who wants to bring people together instead of divide. Us against them.
I'm not sure if anyone watched "Meet the Press" on Sunday (I happen to watch it every week, I miss Tim Russet :-() to hear Gen. Colin Powell's explaination of why he backing Barak Obama but one of the things he said was-the McCain camp or I should say the GOP are still throwing out hoping to capture the uneducated voter that Barack is a Muslim which 1: isn't true he is a Christian and 2: When has "just" being a Muslim been something bad? He said "there could be a 6 year old American of the Muslim faith out there hearing these hate filled messages about being Muslim and thinking "am I bad"? Which proves in the 21st Century we as a nation have not evolved enough to be tolerant. Tolerant of other peoples religion if it is different than yours. Tolerant of someone of a different race or different culture. I find this not only scary....but very sad.  Watching some of the you tube videos of some of the McCain or Palin rallies and some of the things the people are saying (which have been DISCUSSED and proven as being incorrect over and over and over) are just fucking scary.
Like this lovely American who "Doesn't want some named Obama President and if you not her kind of Fundimentalist Christian, then your not a real Christian (THAT means you, you lousy Catholics :-p)
Hey lady, I'm a Jew. I hate to think what runs through your small mind about us.
Maybe you should be looking at the candidate with the better Education plan because judging by some the American population we need better Education and these people are probably breeding....


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2008, 07:10:03 AM »
Quote from: "Long Way Home"
There is so much nonsense and craziness in this topic by nat and Peebs that my head is about to explode. I check this board during work, but I do not have enough time to post right now. I know I will not change your minds because you are wrapped up in all the empty platitudes of Obama, but this is I hope I remember to come back here over the weekend.

On a side note, I think both choices stink considering how great of a country we have. Until I come back, choke on this for a while:

PS: Nice job lovemachine

Really? About to explode?
Have you ever heard of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act? Remember that little ditty from 1993??
It cut taxes for 15 million individuals of middle to lower income and allowed tax cuts for 90% of small businesses WHILE raising the taxes on 1.2% of the nations wealthiest.
And guess what happened after a number of years...
It helped lower the Nations deficit. To where we had a actual surplus.

Also Clinton was considered a "centrist" and Obama's theories are pretty damn close....

Let's see Bob Barr....where do we start??
Well, first he opposed the use of marijuana for medicinal use and increase criminal penalties for possession...But then recently on the Colbert Report stated: He supports ending medical marijuana prohibition and the "war on drugs" he supported for many years.
yeeeeeeeeeea ok.
Then he sponsored and wrote the "defense of marriage act" that states marriage is only between an man and a woman.
But THEN at the 2008 Libertarian National Convention apologized for the part of the Defense of Marriage Act which prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.
And THEN he voted for the Patriot Act. But now publically regrets voting for it.

But wait there is more....
He voted for the Iraq invasion in 2002......
But now calls for a speedy withdrawal.

He's the one that proposed the Military NOT recognize Wicca as a religion (this stemmed from a deceased member of the military that wanted the wiccian symbol on headstone in a military cemetery and was refused)

And though he decided to head up the Clinton "impeachment" proceedings for getting a BJ....he cheated on this second wife with his third wife and it was reported.....
Pot meet kettle.

OH YEA....that's definitely a man I would want as President. And they called Kerry a flip-flopper??
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #54 on: October 25, 2008, 07:25:08 AM »
Quote from: "gdicarlo"
I guess Peebs is our resident Liberal!  Everyone's got one!  They're the smartest people in the world and the rest of us hillbillies are stupid and crazy.  I'm a Crazy Catholic so that should make me a real threat!

  I think both of these candidates are total morons!!!!  Obama and his over 250, 000 tax line is bull shit!!!!  To raise all the money for his "social" programs, we've all got to take it in the ass and give just about everything we own.  If you guys like guns out there, say goodbye to all of them except the plastic ones with the orange barrels.  I'm not the NRA and I'm not a gun owner, but just wait and see.  The Dems and Liberals all want us to have an abortion and no weapons.  That's how they vote, that's that!

I am not telling people to vote for McCain, heck the guy looks like he's 90 years old.  Retire already, jeesh, he lives in Arizona, isn't that a retirement state?  I digress, I think my mindless ramblings are trying to say if you've got to vote, don't do it for Obama.  This guy is gonna win without our vote, and when he gets in (He will win!) and inserts his "share the wealth" mentality, you can be happy you didn't vote for him!

As for Weiland?  He's like all the other celebs who are on the Obama bandwagon.  No shit!  If the message was that Weiland was not supporting Obama, I'd find that to be real news!

Ummm...why are all Democrats labled liberals? That would be like labeling all Republicans as "conservatives" but there are Republicans for choice and a recent noted Republicans such as Gen. Colin powell that are voting for Obama. So don't make such broad brush statements.
I would be considered a moderate Democrat because I do believe in the Death Penalty in "smoking gun" cases.
And again, I'm going to ask you....or maybe you were too young-how were you finacially between the years of 1993 to January of 2001? Bad? Good?
The Brady Bill was enacted in 1994. Did the walls of your house crumble?
I was happy I voted for Clinton twice, happy I voted AGAINST Bush Twice and I will be happy to vote for Obama in two weeks.

Also...another picture of mental health from McCain's camp:
If you don't like STP, then you're pretty much not American (from a MO message board)


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #55 on: October 25, 2008, 09:48:57 AM »
Quote from: "lovemachine97"
Actually, of all the pundits I watch or listen to on a regular basis, I think O'Reilly is one of the best.  Yes, it's no secret he is not voting for Obama.

But, his show isn't just partisans spewing against the other side like Olbermann, Maddows, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Maher do.  IN fact, O'Reilly is unfaily tagged the villain amongst all those people IMO. 

Hannity and Olbermann are the absolute worst.

I dare anyone to watch O'Reilly for one week and tell me they think he isn't one of the better pundits out there.
Totally agree.  Bill lets Democrats on EVERY show he does, tonight he and this guy did a mock Presidential debate where he LET THE OPPOSING OPINION BE HEARD just as much as his was heard.  Bill may criticize Obama on Ayers and Wright but if he and Fox News didn't then the entire media would be sucking his dick, just because Fox News leans right doesn't make them the devil.  Then what does that make MSNBC aka the Barack Obama Network?  Bill has praised Obama for running a good campaign and has heavily criticized McCain for not showing enough emotion.  If you guys think Bill is a Republican cheerleader then why hasn't Sarah Palin come on the Factor?  The McCain campaign knows Bill will ask her the tough questions and not do some softball interview.  Bill may yell a lot but his temper is what makes him entertaining.  He holds back nothing, he just says what he thinks.  He's pretty funny too, his appearance on The View was great, he's great at being self-deprecating when it comes to the public's perception of him. 

It's sad that Olbermann, MSNBC, and the elite liberal media have brainwashed a lot of people who have probably never even watched a full episode of The Factor into thinking he's a biased douchebag when he's not.  Olbermann's just jealous O'Reilly gets twice as many viewers as he does.  Anybody here who doesn't like Bill, I ask you to please just watch an episode of his show.  Even if you disagree with his views, like he says, he's looking out for the "folks" and he means it sincerely.  Bill really wants what's best for Americans, that's why he's called out Barney Frank and many others (including Republicans) for not warning Americans about the upcoming recession and corruption in wall street and the lending industry, it's because he CARES about Americans. 

I watch some of Hannity and Colmes in the background since it's on after The Factor, and while I do find Sean Hannity entertaining, he is way too right wing for my tastes.  His accusations of Obama are highly entertaining though.  I think he's just as biased as Olbermann, but Hannity and Colmes is far more entertaining and not as cheesy as Olbermann.  I mean Jesus Christ I saw a few minutes of Olbermann's show tonight during a breaking during The Factor and he had something called, "McCain in the Membrane," with a graphic on the screen talking about how nuts McCain is and he regularly does his Worst Person on the Planet segments where he bashes McCain, Palin, and O'Reilly.  Bill would never personally insult Obama like that, and he's never even mentioned Olbermann on his show, because why give the douchebag exposure?  Olbermann is like the whiny kid who wants Daddy's (O'Reilly's) attention.  But Papa Bear just won't give it to him.  PAPA BEAR 4 LIFE! ... illy-1.jpg[/img] ... olbert.jpg[/img]

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2008, 10:39:14 AM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
Let's see Bob Barr....where do we start??
Well, first he opposed the use of marijuana for medicinal use and increase criminal penalties for possession...But then recently on the Colbert Report stated: He supports ending medical marijuana prohibition and the "war on drugs" he supported for many years.
yeeeeeeeeeea ok.

Yes, he was a very, very strong supporter of the war on drugs.  How's that war on drugs working out for us, by the way?

I'll let Barr himself explain from his blog at the Huffington Post:
Whether through the free market or by simply allowing families to make their own decisions regarding the education of their children, libertarians have taught us that liberty does truly work.

In stark contrast, when government attempts to solve our societal problems, it tends to create even more of them, often increasing the size and depth of the original problem. A perfect example of this is the federal War on Drugs.

For years, I served as a federal prosecutor and member of the House of Representatives defending the federal pursuit of the drug prohibition.

Today, I can reflect on my efforts and see no progress in stopping the widespread use of drugs. I’ll even argue that America’s drug problem is larger today than it was when Richard Nixon first coined the phrase, “War on Drugs,” in 1972.

He tried the solution that many in America still support, and realized it didn't work, so he actually used his brain, swallowed his pride, and changed his mind. 

Why is this trait bad in a leader?

Quote from: "Peebs"
Then he sponsored and wrote the "defense of marriage act" that states marriage is only between an man and a woman.
But THEN at the 2008 Libertarian National Convention apologized for the part of the Defense of Marriage Act which prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.

I'll let Barr answer this as well:

Regardless of whether one supports or opposes same sex marriage, the decision to recognize such unions or not ought to be a power each state exercises on its own, rather than imposition of a one-size-fits-all mandate by the federal government (as would be required by a Federal Marriage Amendment which has been previously proposed and considered by the Congress). . .Indeed, the primary reason for which I authored the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 was to ensure that each state remained free to determine for its citizens the basis on which marriage would be recognized within its borders, and not be forced to adopt a definition of marriage contrary to its views by another state. The decision in California is an illustration of how this principle of states’ powers should work.

Quote from: "Peebs"
And THEN he voted for the Patriot Act. But now publically regrets voting for it.

Barr again:

I do [regret it]. I was hoping at the time that it would not be used as a floor but as a ceiling. But it's been a taking-off point for expanded authority in a number of areas. Perhaps most important is the fact that the administration seems to be pushing its application as broadly as it can in nonterrorism cases. . .

Question: Isn't there a continuity between what Janet Reno was doing and what John Ashcroft's doing now? A lot of these measures are warmed over from the Clinton years.

Barr: I think that's a very accurate observation. It's one that I and a number of others had when we first saw the initial version of the law. It wasn't called the PATRIOT Act originally -- that was some acronym that someone came up with a few weeks later -- but the first version of what later became the PATRIOT Act was very familiar to a number of us on the Hill. We had seen many of these provisions submitted previously by the Clinton administration.

Quote from: "Peebs"
But wait there is more....
He voted for the Iraq invasion in 2002......
But now calls for a speedy withdrawal.

This whole voting for the Iraq war being so terrible is amazing to me coming from a big Clinton supporter like yourself.  Let's look at what Bill Clinton told CNN about the Iraq war in July of 2003:

[there was] a substantial amount of biological and chemical material unaccounted for [in Iraq].  So I thought it was prudent for the president to go to the U.N. and for the U.N. to say, 'You got to let these inspectors in, and this time if you don't cooperate the penalty could be regime change, not just continued sanctions.'  People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.

Finally, voting for a war isn't juxtaposed to wanting a speedy withdrawl.  You're making them sound incongruent, and they are not.

Quote from: "Peebs"
And though he decided to head up the Clinton "impeachment" proceedings for getting a BJ....he cheated on this second wife with his third wife and it was reported.....
Pot meet kettle.

Did Bob Barr lie about his affairs under oath?  No.  Let's play fair.  Clinton was not impeached for getting a blowjob.  He was impeached for lying under oath about getting one.  Big BIG difference.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 10:47:01 AM by lovemachine97 »

Lazy Divey

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2008, 01:50:33 PM »
How can anyone in their right mind actually believe Fox News is a credible news source?


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2008, 06:16:58 PM »
Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
How can anyone in their right mind actually believe Fox News is a credible news source?

Did you know that Pew research did a study, and Fox has the most balanced audience viewership between itself, CNN, and MSNBC?  By far.  It wasn't even close.

Besides, I watch and read a lot of news.  Despite that I lean Libertarian, and except for Sean Hannity, and don't see venom directed at one particular party the way I do with say MSNBC.

Besides, media bias is just as much in what a network decides NOT to cover as much as it is in what they cover.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 06:23:02 PM by lovemachine97 »

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2008, 06:58:49 PM »
Quote from: "lovemachine97"
Did you know that Pew research did a study, and Fox has the most balanced audience viewership between itself, CNN, and MSNBC?  By far.  It wasn't even close.

Besides, I watch and read a lot of news.  Despite that I lean Libertarian, and except for Sean Hannity, and don't see venom directed at one particular party the way I do with say MSNBC.

Besides, media bias is just as much in what a network decides NOT to cover as much as it is in what they cover.

You can't be serious.  Fox news is well known to be pro republican...the owner is a republician a vast majority of their "news" is usually anti democratic...fear mongering and talking points from the white house.  They've been a very large part of the Obama smear campaign.  I mean come of their "journalists" called Obama's fist jab a "terrorist fist bump".  It's completely right wing. When I want news I turn to CNN...when I want a good laugh I go to fox news. ... ng-points/ ... =7&media=6