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Author Topic: Weiland Backs Obama  (Read 26840 times)

Wishful Sinful

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2008, 02:48:33 AM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
The FCC took away freedom of speech with a tighter hold and even bigger fines to "violators".

This is what really chaps my ass. I guess I got used to living in Europe for 3 years and while I was over there that whole Janet Jackson nipple bullshit was going on and all I could think was "It's just a nipple. The babies that you want to hide it from probably suck on one multiple times a day. Big deal." Prime time shows over there showed nudity like it was nothing. And it is nothing. Most people have the same parts. If I see it every time I get into the shower, why would it bother me to see it on TV? Oh and the swearing on TV! It was so refreshing not to hear "BEEP" every five seconds like you would watching Maury Povich :P They beep shit on there when no one is even speaking.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2008, 03:40:23 AM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
And do you really think we have that now?
The Homeland Security Act sure took most of that away. Donald Rumsfeld disregarded the Constitution, the Bill of rights and the Third Geneva Convention.
The FCC took away freedom of speech with a tighter hold and even bigger fines to "violators". I don't.  Which is why I said that the America Weiland is talking about doesn't exist.  He's comparing Obama to the dreams that made our nation great.  He's wrong.

He's saying Obama will take us there.  I couldn't disagree more.  Don't take that to mean I think McCain will either.  I don't.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2008, 03:59:55 AM »
Both candidates scare the shit out of me.

Obama seems like nothing but empty promises and McCain is too much like Bush for my tatses (and Palin is an idiot).

I voted last week via absentee ballot and I saw it as voting for Vice-President, since it could easily end up with the VP running the show (for reasons mentioned above).

I'm still not sure I made the right choice.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2008, 04:11:29 AM »
I can't see why anyone in their right mind could vote for McCain. Are people fucking blind? Do they see the trainwreck our country is in right now? This is a result of the conservative fiscal planning of the past 8 years. All I hear from conservatives is "Obama will raise our taxes, blah blah fucking blah." Like Peebs said-- do all you people make over $250,000 a year? Because I highly doubt you do. And if you do, you obviously have more money to spend on paying taxes than I do. For 95% of Americans (that is to say, all Americans who make LESS than $250,000 per year), YOUR TAXES WILL NOT GO UP. YOU WILL GET A TAX CUT. Why is this so fucking hard for people to understand?

If this sounds a bit harsh, it is-- but this is the attitude I've been forced to have after talking to extreme right-wing numbskull after right-wing numbskull. I'm actually closer to middle of the road, truth be told, though I always tend to lean towards the liberal side of things. Although I can go either way-- I actually VOTED for Bush in 2000 (huge mistake). But for ANYONE to back McCain in this election is pure, unadulterated insanity. People who do so either have no brain, or refuse to use their brain when it comes to the security of their homeland. The bottom line is, this country is in DEEP SHIT, the likes of which has not been seen since the Depression. As experienced and honorable as McCain is, he will not institute the change this country needs to climb out of this hole. He will continue the policies and practices put in place over the past 8 years, and in that circumstance, I honestly FEAR for the United States of America and every single citizen's wellbeing. I guess most people don't realize what's going on right now, or something. I just don't know.

Barack Obama may not be the impersonation of the dreams this country was founded on, but he's the one that will get things back on track for the USA. I've never supported a presidential candidate with such conviction in my entire life.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2008, 04:15:10 AM »
I don't care who he votes for, but I hate these fucking musicians who release statements backing canidates (it's all Obama this time around), it's stupid, they're musicians, not political commentators.  I'd be pissed off if he said he was backing McCain, Nader, or anybody.  It's just stupid.  Why are we supposed to care what he and other musicians think?  Their opinions are just as important as ours are.  My father makes over 250 grand, and this taxing shit's going to fuck him over, income redistribution is bullshit and un-American.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 04:18:03 AM by StoneTempleBrett »

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2008, 04:23:45 AM »
Your father is in a very small percentage of Americans in that case. And no, it's not going to "fuck him over," or anyone else making over $250k. It's simply going to mean that people making that much will pay appropriate taxes for that income level, instead of said people getting taxed LESS than the 95% remaining Americans who make an annual salary that is a mere fraction of that amount.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2008, 04:35:02 AM »
I wonder how long these tax cuts will be in place before Barack finds the useless need to spend more...
I know I want what\'s on my mind.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2008, 06:53:01 AM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
Real shocker here... ... espink.gif[/img]

Taken from

No comment from me on this one.  :)

Edited because I can't type.

I guess he hasn't figured out that no one cares who he endorses, but he is entitled to 'blog' away.

Wishful Sinful

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2008, 07:19:08 AM »
Quote from: "nat"
Your father is in a very small percentage of Americans in that case. And no, it's not going to "fuck him over," or anyone else making over $250k. It's simply going to mean that people making that much will pay appropriate taxes for that income level, instead of said people getting taxed LESS than the 95% remaining Americans who make an annual salary that is a mere fraction of that amount.

Man, if I made $250k+ a year I'd be giving that shit away. I don't know what to do with that much money. Everyone I know would have a new house and new car.

Hold me to that when I'm guys will benefit ;D
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2008, 07:36:49 AM »
Many of you might have been too young to remember the alleged last "tax and spend liberal" who ran this country from 1993 to January of 2001.
And after his 8 years of service as President, left this country with a 200 billion surplus for the first time since 1969. And individually we were all doing great.

I've been a registered voter since 1982. Probably longer than some of you have roamed this earth. That's quite a few Presidental elections under my belt. And no Politicians can keep "campaign promises", the ideology they can put into theory. But not since Kennedy have I seen a candidate who wants to bring people together instead of divide. Us against them.
I'm not sure if anyone watched "Meet the Press" on Sunday (I happen to watch it every week, I miss Tim Russet :-() to hear Gen. Colin Powell's explaination of why he backing Barak Obama but one of the things he said was-the McCain camp or I should say the GOP are still throwing out hoping to capture the uneducated voter that Barack is a Muslim which 1: isn't true he is a Christian and 2: When has "just" being a Muslim been something bad? He said "there could be a 6 year old American of the Muslim faith out there hearing these hate filled messages about being Muslim and thinking "am I bad"? Which proves in the 21st Century we as a nation have not evolved enough to be tolerant. Tolerant of other peoples religion if it is different than yours. Tolerant of someone of a different race or different culture. I find this not only scary....but very sad.  Watching some of the you tube videos of some of the McCain or Palin rallies and some of the things the people are saying (which have been DISCUSSED and proven as being incorrect over and over and over) are just fucking scary.
Like this lovely American who "Doesn't want some named Obama President and if you not her kind of Fundimentalist Christian, then your not a real Christian (THAT means you, you lousy Catholics :-p)
Hey lady, I'm a Jew. I hate to think what runs through your small mind about us.
Maybe you should be looking at the candidate with the better Education plan because judging by some the American population we need better Education and these people are probably breeding....
If you don't like STP, then you're pretty much not American (from a MO message board)

Wishful Sinful

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2008, 07:50:13 AM »
Quote from: "Peebs"

I would vote for Obama just to piss that bitch off. What a fucktard! It's the people that support McCain/Palin that scare me more than the candidates themselves.

Whatever happened to separation of church and state? I wouldn't care if a candidate was a goat sacrificing old school pagan motherfucker, long as he/she was looking out for my best interests.

Oh yes, I fondly remember the Clinton years. I enlisted when he was president and everything was hunky dory. Then Bush came along and sent all my friends to the sandbox.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2008, 08:50:36 AM »
Quote from: "nat"
Your father is in a very small percentage of Americans in that case. And no, it's not going to "fuck him over," or anyone else making over $250k. It's simply going to mean that people making that much will pay appropriate taxes for that income level, instead of said people getting taxed LESS than the 95% remaining Americans who make an annual salary that is a mere fraction of that amount.
That doesn't make it right.  It's socialist.  "Spread the wealth" is socialist and against everything our founding fathers fought against.  Why should somebody be punished for being successful?  They've earned the money, and if the lower class want some of the dough they can work their way up.  You tax the wealthy and businesses more and they're going to hire less people, Obama also wants to raise taxes on any small business with more than 6 employees.  I'm not saying McCain is great or anything, I'd have preferred Romney or Ron Paul, Ron Paul's the only person who'd make a real difference in the White House.  I'll put it this way, I may not like McCain, but I trust him.  I don't trust Obama.  His background is too questionable and he acts like a complete phony and has no depth.  Sure people will say OH IF MCCAIN DIES PALIN WILL BE PRESIDENT NO EXPERIENCE. 

Like it matters, the cabinet would then just run the country.  Look at the Bush administration, Cheney and Rove called the shots for the majority of his Presidency.  It's not like Palin would be Queen of the United States or something.  It doesn't really matter because Obama will most likely win because McCain just hasn't run a strong compaign.  He focused too much time on Bill Ayers and defending the surge when nobody wants to hear about any of that, people want to hear about the issues that affect them, he should have been focusing on attacking Obama's tax plan and budget plan, but he didn't.

STP Shows: 5/1/08, 6/24/08, 12/31/08, 7/1/09, 5/25/10, 6/5/10, 10/29/10, 9/22/12, 5/30/13, 9/1/13
Velvet Revolver Shows: 7/22/06, 9/15/07
Scott Weiland Shows: 12/14/08, 12/8/11

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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2008, 09:09:08 AM »
Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
That doesn't make it right.  It's socialist. 

Socialism isn't necessarily wrong. It's all subjective.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2008, 11:54:04 AM »
Quote from: "nat"
I can't see why anyone in their right mind could vote for McCain. Are people fucking blind? Do they see the trainwreck our country is in right now? This is a result of the conservative fiscal planning of the past 8 years. All I hear from conservatives is "Obama will raise our taxes, blah blah fucking blah." Like Peebs said-- do all you people make over $250,000 a year? Because I highly doubt you do. And if you do, you obviously have more money to spend on paying taxes than I do. For 95% of Americans (that is to say, all Americans who make LESS than $250,000 per year), YOUR TAXES WILL NOT GO UP. YOU WILL GET A TAX CUT. Why is this so fucking hard for people to understand?

It's because you aren't thinking it through. I am not trying to be a dick.  Most Americans DON'T think it through.

Politicians lie, at least by omission, including Obama.  I don't have a problem with him, but he is not above campaign tricks.

95% of Americans cannot get a tax cut.  Why?  Because 95% of people do not pay taxes.  Almost 40% of all Americans are actually subsidized and don't pay any taxes, they actually GET money from the rest of us.  Let's get rid of this misnomer.  95% of the 60% of Americans that actually pay taxes is really 57% of Americans.  When we really crunch the numbers, just over half of Americans will actually get a tax cut, according to Obama's plan.

But that is just the surface.  When the rich pay more taxes, the rest of Americans actually pay those taxes for them.

I sell guitars.  Let's say I also make some of the guitars I sell.  My costs are $50, and I raise the price 100%, so I sell them at a retail of $100.

So, Obama gets elected.  The loggers I buy my wood from make more than $250,000, so now their taxes go up by...say 20%.  They obviously aren't going to swallow this new tax, and lower their profits, and why should they?  Now, with the loggers charging me more for my wood, the guitars I make cost me $60 instead of $50.  Well, I'M not going to swallow that loss, so my new retail price, based on the same 100% markup, will now be $120, not $100

Now, the same guitar that cost my customers $100 yesterday now costs them $120 because the loggers' taxes went up.

Keep in mind that the middle class tax cut is minimal, yet the rich tax increase is great.

Wanna relate this to your life?  Just replace "guitar" with something like..."soap".  You don't think the company that makes Dial soap makes $250,000 a year?  They're just gonna pass the cost of their new taxes on to the buyers, which just happen to be...?  You guessed it...the middle class.

It makes absolutely no sense to raise taxes on anyone.  Either way, the consumer is who gets stuck with the bill, NOT the rich.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 12:01:40 PM by lovemachine97 »


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2008, 12:57:39 PM »
lovemachine - you are now my new favorite person. : )

why would anyone vote for mccain? we are small (to medium) business owners (and it is isn't anyone's business how much we make but - we wont be happy with obama) - that is why we will be voting for mccain (actually - we already have cast our votes in early voting)

i love our employees - i really do - but we don't run a charity organization, we run a business. we will not lose money. taxes go up and we will cut back where we can - which means that people lose jobs, cost of goods go up, etc.

in other words, the middle class will STILL pay for this me.

here's a quote that reminds me of the promises in this election and what the american people are willing to give up:

""A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

Note: This quote is most often attributed to someone named Alexander Tyler writing in 1787 about the fall of the Athenian Republic.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 12:59:12 PM by tatiana »
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