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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #105 on: October 30, 2008, 03:57:03 AM »
Iraq had no connections to Al Queda, look it up... It's a highly documented fact that the Government bribed the inspecters to falsify documents claiming that Iraq and Al Queda were connected, and give false claims that Iraq had WMDs (remember all those inspectors who have come out and declared this).

And Hussien was a dictator, a brute, and a threat to liberty... But not nearly an immediate threat, had we gone after Al Queda with all our force we could have taken them down, but unfortunatly most of our troops have been stationed in Iraq, so Afghanistan is basically a game of whack a mole.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 05:15:55 AM by Blue »
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #106 on: October 30, 2008, 12:57:03 PM » ... mID=107935

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS/ex-VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland has released the following statement:

"Patriotism is a word that has been thrown around a lot this year, but I believe we have failed to define patriotism. McCain calls himself a renegade and patriotic, but is he really? This country was founded on patriots who were also radicals. They had to be in order to stand up against a government that was oppressive, a government that didn't allow personal freedoms, a government that ruled and controlled by force. Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like McCain is part of the solution, or part of the problem?

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating a violent revolution. However, this country was born out of revolution and the concept of freedom. These promises are part of our constitution, written as doctrines with checks and balances within the triumvirate of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of our government. One branch should not have more power than the other, but that position has either been forgotten, or tossed out the window. As a result of this, our voices, power, and personal liberties have grown smaller because of it.

"A good example is the constitutional breakdown that now allows the government to secretly wire tap and spy on just about anyone, anytime, anywhere, without any checks and balances, all in the name of patriotism. I've looked up the word 'patriot' in Webster's and nowhere could I find a reason for a government of the people by the people and for the people to freely intimidate or spy on an American family, no matter who that American family is.

"In our public schools American history is no longer a priority. It's no wonder, then, that each generation has lost its sense of natural pride, knowledge and sense of civic duty, which shows up most in simple acts such as voting or volunteering.

"We have gotten ourselves into an economic mess. We are the part of the dynamic that is creating this financial avalanche. We have bought and sold the concept of consumerism, which has only benefitted the top one percent. We've turned into a buy, sell, and disposable society. We are now seeing the end of a financial myth, the end of the Reagan era. The days of America being a disposable society are coming to an end.

"A good economic example is real estate. Two years ago my wife and I bought a house that was on the market for two days. Being told we'd make a profit, we put it back on the market six months ago. The bottom fell out of the housing market, and it sat for six months. Now we're looking at a loss. A family member, a successful real estate broker, has had to retire due to negative income.

"Politics infiltrates everything while the art, TV, film and mostly music audiences turn a blind eye. We once were a country built on light, a light that illuminated the dreams of millions. Sometimes that meant venturing on perilous missions; sometimes that meant living on nothing but a promise and a hope. Those promises and hopes are slowly fading and turning us cynical.

"America is a beacon, but it has been tainted by promises not kept. We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that in a world that is changing so rapidly, modifications or ratifications can't or shouldn't be made, especially for the good of the people, the dream, the miracle that became this nation which I believe was Godly inspired.

"Now that I've turned 41, I'm seeing things in a far different light. I've witnessed the cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States and its recent renewed flexing of muscle. I've seen countries such as North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India and of course, China, the fastest growing economy in the world, grow stronger and wiser after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"There was something strikingly different between when I was 22 compared to the youth I observe today. One of the main responsibilities of a citizen is to be aware and active. We have become so celebrity obsessed, and reality TV exposed that nothing is shocking anymore. Nothing of value matters. Don't get me wrong, this isn't just about a generation, it's also partly about the media and its relationship with education, American history, pop culture, and art. It doesn't help that younger generations know more about celebrities than about the three branches of government or true patriots.

"Therefore, we need to 'educate.' And not 'The Simpsons', although a smart parody, is not real, NEITHER IS reality TV, US Weekly. Lights on...wake up...this is REALITY! The light is dimming the dream is fading. We ought not be a country that randomly marches off to war to flex our muscle, yet we are a country that was built on honoring our commitments. We are a country that honors our soldiers who have answered its call because that's how we won our independence, and because that is how dreams and freedoms are forged. Once again in so many ways these are dire times and hope seems to be on the brink of slipping away.

"Traveling 18 years for a living, I've seen the changes in attitudes of people around the globe. I've seen our country go from one that everyone admired to the brunt of jokes. Obviously, that hurts. 'We the People' can't allow it any longer; it's time for change. It's time for hope and dreams to be fulfilled. It's time to put America back on the road to unity, prosperity, and respect.

"We need a leader who believes in that dream and has that hope. More than that we need a leader to lead us back to our country's moral principles, a leader who has the creative courage to take us forward into the future and into a better place. I feel it, I believe it, Barack is that man, that president who can and will.

"I see Barack Obama as a natural patriot because he is not afraid to attack what is wrong and has the strength to make it right. I see Obama as a natural patriot because he has the intellectual, emotional and verbal skills to inspire. He makes us want to learn; he makes us want to grow; he makes us want to change. Obama can take us from fear to faith, he can help us redefine America in a way that our country once again becomes a beacon of hope to pride-to ourselves and to those the world over.

"After looking at all that's wrong with the economy, world politics, education, and other problems that will test our new president, I don't see John McCain as the renegade and patriot he claims to be. Instead, I see Barack Obama as the patriot, that man, that president who is ready to lead, and who can and will.

"Please act, please be involved, even if what I have written has inspired you to move in the other direction (I hope that I'm not that poor a persuader). However, when you look deep inside, don't you want to feel proud about saying 'I am an American' again?"
Can we really find
A lovely magic place we dream of?

"Well hell, sometimes it is difficult to take a shower with a broken heart" - Scott Weiland


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #107 on: October 30, 2008, 12:59:02 PM »
you know - the first part of weiland's rant i totally get...great. we also need a change as well. i totally agree. i also think there will be a time coming in this country that we may be asked to defend our rights as american citizens again. all in agreement here.
the last part just sounds like he's been overcome by the charisma unfortunately.
i'll admit it, mccain ain't real exciting. he's an old guy. but i have to disagree with weiland that he's not patriotic. i really think john mccain loves this country dearly given his service, including time served as a prisoner of war.
obama is a charmer...not to say that he isn't patriotic in his own way but "change and hope" as a mantra only goes so far. i actually suspiciously believe that obama is a pawn in his own party.

i understand the frustration that everyone has with the current administration and, honestly, the dems SHOULD win the white house. it is the natural order of things. it's actually the supermajority that will be present in washington if this happens that scares me. any party with that much "power" can inflict a lot of damage.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #108 on: October 30, 2008, 03:06:36 PM »
Quote from: "Tyrant" ... mID=107935

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS/ex-VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland has released the following statement...

There's a fucking echo on these boards.  I swear. 

lol.  For those of you that I've offended by the use of the term "towel heads" - I meant no offense by it.  I've grown up in an Armenian-American family, my boyfriend's family is Lebanese, and one of my very best girlfriends is from Jordan.  Many people would consider us "towel heads," too. 

Blue - You've changed my mind.  After you spread your liberal propaganda on these boards, I can now see the light and the truth - I've called in to cancel the ballot I mailed early and will be voting for Obama on November 4th.  :)

Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
There is absolutely no denying that oil was a big factor in our invasion ... _to_shell/

A link from alternet?  lmao.  Well, now!  That proves everything!  :D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 03:10:34 PM by STPGurl »
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #109 on: October 30, 2008, 04:15:13 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
There's a fucking echo on these boards.  I swear. 

lol.  For those of you that I've offended by the use of the term "towel heads" - I meant no offense by it.  I've grown up in an Armenian-American family, my boyfriend's family is Lebanese, and one of my very best girlfriends is from Jordan.  Many people would consider us "towel heads," too. 

Blue - You've changed my mind.  After you spread your liberal propaganda on these boards, I can now see the light and the truth - I've called in to cancel the ballot I mailed early and will be voting for Obama on November 4th.  :)

A link from alternet?  lmao.  Well, now!  That proves everything!  :D
Towel Head is such a strong word I prefer Camel Jockey. Lol
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #110 on: October 30, 2008, 04:24:09 PM »
Quote from: "CREEP2"
Towel Head is such a strong word I prefer Camel Jockey. Lol

Wow you are edgy as fuck!  I wish I could be as hardcore as you motherfucker. 

Blue - You've changed my mind.  After you spread your liberal propaganda on these boards, I can now see the light and the truth - I've called in to cancel the ballot I mailed early and will be voting for Obama on November 4th.  Smiley

There's a clear difference between fact and propaganda.  Also I'm conservative on most issues and I can see right through McCain.  If you honestly think things will be any different from the last eight years if he is elected you are obviously blind.

P.S Sarah Palin is a nutjob.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 04:27:02 PM by Lazy Divey »


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #111 on: October 30, 2008, 04:36:11 PM »
Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
There's a clear difference between fact and propaganda.  Also I'm conservative on most issues and I can see right through McCain.  If you honestly think things will be any different from the last eight years if he is elected you are obviously blind.

P.S Sarah Palin is a nutjob.

You are being very rude and very abrasive.  I never said that your views were bullshit or made any type of personal attack against you for your political beliefs.  I've managed to state my own views without bashing anyone else and without any namecalling whatsoever (unless you count "towel heads" - which I was clearly being facetious about and already have explained).  Since I can't play nice with people like you, I'm choosing not to play at all.  :)  Believe what you wish (continue reading up on all those "proven facts" on all those "reliable news sources!!") - vote with your heart. 

It is my personal belief that a young man such as Mr. Obama does not have the necessary experience to lead this country in the right direction.  Period.  Not you, not Peebs, not Blue, not Scott fucking Weiland is going to change my mind on that one.

I never said I was crazy about McCain, that I want to blow him, or that I think he's sent from the heavens.  I simply believe that he is the more experienced, more responsible, and more knowledgeable candidate.  With him, I believe our country will be led in the right direction.  If that makes me "blind," "naive," or to have "insane troll logic" - so be it. 

You absolutely have every right to disagree.  But be respectful of the views of others.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #112 on: October 30, 2008, 04:44:55 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"

It is my personal belief that a young man such as Mr. Obama does not have the necessary experience to lead this country in the right direction. 

Gov. Bill Clinton was 47 years old when he took office in 1993.
Was he too young and inexperienced?
Sen John F Kennedy was 44 when he took office in 1961.

The GOP is making a huge deal out of Obama's "age" to defer the fact that McCain (if elected) would be the OLDEST President elect.

History has shown age does not equal "experience"

Don't believe the hype

ON EDIT...And this is not directed at you Jesse...but in general
But the GOP has done a fantastic job throughout this campaign at subtle "race baiting", just like in the past 8 years the current administration have put fear in the American public so that there are people who think all Muslims are bad people and to mistrust and fear people and cultures we may not understand. At one point they had people in SUCH fear of "chemical weapons" people were stocking up on plastic and duct tape.
Fear is their game plan.
So they (GOP) had some people (who apparently can't READ a newspaper or use google) believing Obama is a Muslim (as if that in itself is a horrible thing anyway), he was a Arab, he isn't American etc...all of which are a pack o'lies.
After this election the GOP really needs to clean house. Not all Republicans are "conservatives" or "Christians" but ever since 1981 with Reagan's first term the party has allowed itself to fall so far to the right that it cut off a lot of it's base.
And this campaign and it's racial undertones have been an embarrassment.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 05:06:11 PM by Peebs »
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #113 on: October 30, 2008, 04:51:31 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"

Gov. Bill Clinton was 47 years old when he took office in 1993.
Was he too young and inexperienced?

Uhhh... check out the mess we're in now.  lol.

As far as McCain being "so old" - people said the same about Reagan, and had one of the highest approval ratings of any President.

Tah-may-toe, tah-mah-toe.  :)
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #114 on: October 30, 2008, 05:11:32 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
Uhhh... check out the mess we're in now.  lol.

As far as McCain being "so old" - people said the same about Reagan, and had one of the highest approval ratings of any President.

Tah-may-toe, tah-mah-toe.  :) does the economic climate in 2008 have anything to do with the budget surplus Clinton had when he left office??
A LARGE surplus.

Check "facts" again, google "highest Presidental approval rating". That distinction does not belong to Reagan, but Clinton
Clinton remained popular with the public throughout his two terms as President, ending his presidential career with a 65% approval rating, the highest end-of-term approval rating of any President since Dwight D. Eisenhower
Reagan wasn't even second.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #115 on: October 30, 2008, 05:26:52 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"

The government isn't "spying" on you unless they have a reason to be.  And at that point... what can ya say?  You shouldn't be plotting terrorist acts, selling drugs, organizing dog fights, whatever...

Unfortunately, the bigger government is, the more power they have.  The more money we give them, the more power they have.  Under Bush, he has made the government grotesquely big, and Obama only pledges to make it larger.

The "big" in big brother is no longer big enough to tell the story.  Unfortunately, people are being spied on for no reason:

Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
U.S. Officers' "Phone Sex" Intercepted; Senate Demanding Answers
Oct. 9, 2008

Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home, according to two former military intercept operators who worked at the giant National Security Agency (NSA) center in Fort Gordon, Georgia. . .

. . ."These were just really everyday, average, ordinary Americans who happened to be in the Middle East, in our area of intercept and happened to be making these phone calls on satellite phones," said Adrienne Kinne, a 31-year old US Army Reserves Arab linguist assigned to a special military program at the NSA's Back Hall at Fort Gordon from November 2001 to 2003.

Kinne described the contents of the calls as "personal, private things with Americans who are not in any way, shape or form associated with anything to do with terrorism. . ."

. . . The accounts of the two former intercept operators, who have never met and did not know of the other's allegations, provide the first inside look at the day to day operations of the huge and controversial US terrorist surveillance program. . .

. . . "Hey, check this out," Faulk says he would be told, "there's good phone sex or there's some pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out. It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy'," Faulk told ABC News.

Quote from: "Lazy Divey"
Also Dubya had connections to the Bin Laden family and had representatives of the Taliban visit him while he was governer of Texas.  We should have invaded Texas to protect ourselves.

I dunno about the Taliban thing, though I'd like to read a piece from a reputable news source, maybe even more than one, so I can discuss it better

As far as the bin Laden family, Jesus, Osama has 70 brothers and sisters.  Some of them were prominent in business in this country, and many educated here.  Only one is a terrorist.

And before ya bring up Bill Ayers, there is a difference in knowing one of Bill Ayers' 70 brothers and sisters who condemn his acts, and Ayers himself, who doesn't.


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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #116 on: October 30, 2008, 05:39:20 PM »
Here's where people are trying to draw a "connection"

During the Soviet-Afghan war in 1978 US government secretly outfitted the Afghans with weapons and trained them to use them against the Soviets. Though we ourselves did not want to get personally involved. One of those trained and fought was Osama Ben Ladin.
The Director of the CIA at the time-George H W Bush.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #117 on: October 30, 2008, 05:44:54 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs" does the economic climate in 2008 have anything to do with the budget surplus Clinton had when he left office??
A LARGE surplus.

Check "facts" again, google "highest Presidental approval rating". That distinction does not belong to Reagan, but Clinton .
Reagan wasn't even second.

I didn't say that he was the highest, Peebster.  I said ONE of the highest.  :)
And depending on where you look, you'll get different answers.  Not to mention that approval ratings can be looked at in so many different ways (disapproval rating, net rating, etc.)  Just like any of the polls, you have to take into account who was polled (and who IS polling).  

George W. Bush actually has the highest approval rating - 92% - right after 9/11.
He also has the LOWEST, 19%, just last month.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #118 on: October 30, 2008, 05:50:45 PM »
What they take into account is when a sitting President leaves office. Like a report card. Every President has highs a lows during their terms.
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Re: Weiland Backs Obama
« Reply #119 on: October 30, 2008, 06:05:45 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
Here's where people are trying to draw a "connection"

During the Soviet-Afghan war in 1978 US government secretly outfitted the Afghans with weapons and trained them to use them against the Soviets. Though we ourselves did not want to get personally involved. One of those trained and fought was Osama Ben Ladin.
The Director of the CIA at the time-George H W Bush.

I actually think it goes deeper than that (at least, without recalling anythign specifically right now, it's in the back of my head for some reason), because of the Saudi connection, but with his kin, not himself.  Either way it's nothing.

Quote from: "STPGurl"

The government isn't "spying" on you unless they have a reason to be.  And at that point... what can ya say?  You shouldn't be plotting terrorist acts, selling drugs, organizing dog fights, whatever...

BTW, the thing with my last post is that we CAN spy on people in this country, but a judge has to approve it, seeing evidence as to why.  Bush has decided he doesn't need anyone else to check his power on this.  The Constitution doesn't give the President the authority to spy, but it also doesn't say he CAN'T either (btw, Obama talks about how he LIKES the "it also doesn't say you can't" argument in those tapes from 2001 that leaked out recently).

However, there is no "right to privacy" in the Constitution.  In fact, it's the 4th amendment which says "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized" that has been interpreted to give people a right to privacy by the supreme court. 

Now, it seems apparent to me that Bush has no right to wire tap without a warrant.  However, this is where Bush and his team were smart (their definition of sexual relations moment):  The NSA as an organization can operate in secret.  In order to sue that one's 4th amendments rights are violated, one must have standing, or prove they are being spied on.  But the NSA is above the law on having to show who they spying on, making it impossible to sue.  Interesting stuff, IMO.

BTW, it's also this 4th amendment and it's interpretation as a right to privacy, that is one of the centerpieces of Roe v. Wade decision, which is one reason people regard it as a bad decision.  It's a highly liberal interpretation of the Constitution (That doesn't mean I am pro-life.  I actually believe this is a state decision, as empowered by the 10th amendment).
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 06:17:05 PM by lovemachine97 »