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Author Topic: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)  (Read 35811 times)


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #105 on: June 01, 2008, 11:38:36 PM »
Quote from: "Stop That Pigeon"
Steve Tyler checked into rehab recently so expect great things from them!

Seriously, we need these singers healthy. They're the best of the best.

Of course I want them to be healthy, I would never want one of them to stay addicted to anything. I was just pointing out the common bond in a lot of great song writers in rock. Lane Staley really comes to mind when I think of this. There are plenty of other examples as well. Yes it sucks, but it seems to be the way it is.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #106 on: June 01, 2008, 11:46:09 PM »
i dont think it would be good for them to cut the tour off with Weiland like this    it would just give him more time to get more fucked up      i say just keep going as long as they can    and enjoy it while it lasts everyone including his bandmates    i think he gave up already    and thats sad    he is a grown man with children    its sad very sad      personally i would never do this to my children but every MAN is made different     good journey scott


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #107 on: June 01, 2008, 11:57:20 PM »
I've seen stp ten times and this just reiterates what I said about the camden show.  Scott looked so fucked up and distraught.  I would of rather they cancelled last nights show and gotten him some help.  This can't go on much longer.  This is not the healthy happy scott we know.  So upsetting to see him like this.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #108 on: June 02, 2008, 12:23:08 AM »
Quote from: "artsyblacksmith"
i dont think it would be good for them to cut the tour off with Weiland like this    it would just give him more time to get more fucked up      i say just keep going as long as they can    and enjoy it while it lasts everyone including his bandmates    i think he gave up already    and thats sad    he is a grown man with children    its sad very sad      personally i would never do this to my children but every MAN is made different     good journey scott

You wouldn't want your singer to destroy himself even MORE on the road, when he's away from people who could possibly help him. It might only make everything worse.

Wicked Gardener

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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #109 on: June 02, 2008, 01:03:03 AM »
Wow. Just wow. I am speechless.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #110 on: June 02, 2008, 01:07:40 AM »
Quote from: "tatiana"
this is NOT going to make you feel better but i told my husband on the phone after the show in columbus that i was glad i got to see stp then because scott may be dead by the end of the year and not even make it to the georgia show.

 I understand what you are saying, and its sad in alot of ways.  But it might be true. I wanted to make sure i saw STP, because i've NEVER seen them. I was LUCKY to get a ticket a few hours before the show. I have tickets to see them in Aug. , but will STP make it to Aug.?


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #111 on: June 02, 2008, 01:12:25 AM »
Quote from: "wittyscreenname"
I honestly dont know what to think. In all possibility it could have just been a rough night in which things just hit the fan ect.

Dont take this to mean I'm in denial or anything I'm just saying...I'm reserving my opinion until after tonights show.

If he does need to go off and get things together I dont care how many shows they have to cancel or how many people they piss off in doing so. I'm waiting for the Vancouver date but if it means Scott getting well and NOT DYING I'd rather have the tour called off.

I've said it many times before but if something happened to him I'd be beyond crushed.

 I echo your sentiments. Even if i didn't see them last night in Holmdel, as i have tickets for a show in Aug. You want Scott  to be well, and thats the bottom line.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #112 on: June 02, 2008, 01:53:17 AM »
I hate to say it especially considering this is my first post on this forum. However I can't depend on Scott hence why I havent bought tickets yet to bumbershoot.  Scott sounds like he needs some serious help.

Son Of Sam

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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #113 on: June 02, 2008, 03:06:38 AM »
Those clips arnt too comforting. That doesnt look like a drunk high cause at times he can walk straight. He seems so out of it there. As soon as  I saw that 12 bar blues herion haircut i knew.......alcohol my ass. I don't give a fuck if he's bipolar he's a grown man and by the looks of it he might have fallen off the wagon again. I know people who are bipolar and are  broke that have waaay more problems than Scott and they don't keep fucking up. I don't give a fuck if my 400.00 worth of tickets go to waste I think they need to stick him back in rehab to get help and cancel the tour before he gets to the point of no return if he isnt already there. At least for his kids sake. I've never seen a clip of the man so fucked up. I hope to God its just alcohol cause if it is heroin again I'm gonna be gravely concerned.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #114 on: June 02, 2008, 03:42:55 AM »
Exactly what clip are you refering to that shows scott completely "Fucked up"? I think just based on the clips ive seen from the show..BBB and Creep, Scott doesn't look like he is a day away from death like some people are saying. BBB sounds fine to me, people are bitching about it because he doesn't sing the song as high as he does on the album. I like the way he sings it , in more of a baritone growl and I think it sounds cool like that. It's someting different. The bridge sounds fine to me as well where scott sing's in a higher register.

Creep he seems subdued but how can you see that clip and say he is completely fucked up. I'm sure  the people that where there were able to draw a more accurate assumption on his state but just based from this clip he seems a little tired. I feel that you can't accuse somebody of being fucked up on drugs and close to death based on a you-tube clip taken from the audience that is 3 mins long.

 Please understand that I am not trying to pick a fight.I am not refering to the fan that was in the front row and saw Scott at close range and formed an opinion but I am choosing instead to adress the fans that were not at the show who are veiwing these clips and claiming that scott is in deep trouble. I will say that I think the music sounds good and I know Scott is or was sick and has alot going on with his family life but I for one refuse to watch this clip and say he is completely wasted and that the rest of the boys need to cancel the tour!!

I am sure scott is having problems and I hope he gets them straight but I feel there are alot of people on this board who are jumping on a bandwagon. It's almost like people see a clip and think that it is hip to claim that Scott is fucked up. Like woah he is messed up! I must tell everybody that he is on drugs! Who are these people that are jumping to this conclusion. And what makes them qualified to understand Scott's actions as drug related. Lets remember Scott has played many many many shows "completly strung out" and rocked everybody's asses. Perhaps he is dealing with a different monster this time!!My piont is that we just dont know.  Maybe he is on drugs or maybe he is sick but please give it more time before you jump to this conclusion. Just a few days ago STP tore it up and was awesome. I feel bad for the fans that came away from last nights show dissapionted but lets give it a few more shows before we label this man as somebody who is going to fall off the deep end. He deserves more then that and he is out there as a performer doing his job unable to really call in sick. I am not defending Scott at all or his actions and I am worried about him but lets please not jump to conclusions like death, based on this show and these clips. If things get worse from here or remain constant after a few shows then I think it is fair to speculate but nobody here knows what the reasons are for his actions.

Son Of Sam

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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #115 on: June 02, 2008, 04:15:58 AM »
that video of creep reminds me of Layne Staley with AIC when they did that acoustic performance and he could barley sing the song down in a hole. Didnt seem to have any power in his voice and it was pretty soft. That's very concerning. Before one of the songs scott walked up by the mic and turned back around to the drum set like he was confused as hell before big bang baby. HA! man.....***shakes head*** I reeeaally reaaally hope we're looking way too much into this. Its obvious hes on something. Hopefully its just alcohol I know its a drug too but not as bad. 


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #116 on: June 02, 2008, 04:17:06 AM »
Did anybody else catch how it looked like his in ear monitor fell out towards the end of the show, and i think he even said "just fuck it" at one point.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #117 on: June 02, 2008, 04:37:39 AM »
Quote from: "Porkspam"
Did anybody else catch how it looked like his in ear monitor fell out towards the end of the show, and i think he even said "just fuck it" at one point.

Yeah, he said "fuck it, just crank up the monitors old school" I also noticed the speakers facing the lawn seats were going in and out a lot as well. One second they'd be nice and loud with lots of highs, the next minute, nothing. I'm not surprised as they looked as old as dirt.


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #118 on: June 02, 2008, 04:55:38 AM »
I don't think anyone is bandwagon jumping, but let's face it.  We're all on pins and needles, walking on eggshells, and all of those other cliches.  But... we're all here because we're STP nuts.  :)

Maybe we're all a little nervous and overly anxious because we all want this to work out for the guys so badly.  What could be better than to see the boys on the charts again?  Watching them win Grammy awards, and AMA's... WOW! 

It's just that we've all seen it go to shit and we don't want to go through that again.

Soooo... what ever is going on, I hope Scott can hang in there and make it through while keeping the monkey off his back.  I so wish I could give him a big hug - and make it all better, but I can't.  So I'll hope and pray that everything works out for the best.

I want to experience the same feeling I felt when I saw them for the first time live.  Isn't that what it's all about?

Lots of love to my fellow STP fans... :-* :-* :-*  It WILL get better.  :) 


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Re: 2008-05-31 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center (WXRK Event)
« Reply #119 on: June 02, 2008, 05:14:01 AM »
kshamrock20 I think your right.  People shouldn't make any conclusions based on shitty youtube videos, but despite that, the evidence is pretty bad from those of us who were actually at this show.  I was at both NJ shows and there was a different Scott at each.  If your curious, just check out the thread I started in the general "on tour" section.  Hopefully others who were at both shows can add to the discussion.

Anyway, after last night it was pretty clear for me.  Lets not forget that Scott was back in rehab basically right before this tour started.  I think its selfish for us to want this to continue.  If the situation is ANYWHERE NEAR as bad as it looks the band should really call off the tour.  A healthy band would be kicking ass rather than ruining their legacy.