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Author Topic: General discussion about 2008 tour dates  (Read 115762 times)


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Re: Group Bow
« Reply #300 on: May 22, 2008, 05:26:14 AM »
Quote from: "loungefly611"
Speaking of STP stage traditions...

Does Scott still do the strip at the end of the set hiding behind the flag?

Not from the pictures I've seen
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Re: Group Bow
« Reply #301 on: May 22, 2008, 06:56:52 AM »
I think this is another great example of why it should have been seen coming that VR wasn't getting along. Scott never did a bow with them. Not that I've seen or heard of anyway. And I saw them once on each of three separate tours.


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #302 on: May 22, 2008, 02:51:42 PM »
Quote from: "JugeSTP"
BUT YOU DID just attack this guy by calling him out in front of everyone. You retaliated. He might be a moron, but you're a hypocrite.

Yes  I did call him out, but as I previously said, I have not personally attacked him or anyone else on this board. 

First off, I think its funny you call me out for getting all bent out of shape about it, when you're the one that appears bent out of shape, not me.  Like I said a few posts up:
I'm not bent out of shape about this, but I thought posting his email was appropriate.  Maybe he'll cool off more now.
I posted his email to draw attention to the fact that we're going to have different opinions here, and that everyone should keep that in mind and not personally attack eachother.  Its okay to have heated discussion, but no one should be resorting to name calling of other members. 

Second, I dont need validation from anyone in this community.  While it is really nice to see some of the nice comments, I'm plenty secure about myself and my life that I dont come to a forum seeking validation.    You're misreading my intentions here.  Also if this guy was trying to light a fire he probably wouldnt have emailed me privately.  Second, if I really wanted to get this guy, I would have posted his name.  I think its a little ironic that you call him a moron and me a hypocrite, but you attack me personally and call me names (sad puppy).  I think maybe you're flipping your lid just a little bit too, eh?

Third, I'm not a forum administrator, look over here
I can moderate in the downloads forum, but that is it.  I dont go around moving or deleting any posts.  I only use my moderator status to maintain the download forum.  I havent been an admin for almost 6 years now.  That job is reserved for Rik and Ivy, and they do a great job. 

Lastly, since you have been here less than a month, you dont know.  These people aren't kissing my ass.  A lot of people that posted in this thread are friends.  Many of the people that responded I have known for years and are personal friends.  I'd come out and defend many of these guys in the same method.

I understand where you are coming from JugeSTP, I really do.  Believe it or not though, my intention for posting his email wasnt to hurt the guy (hence why I didnt post his name or forum handle).  It was just to point out that while I may have a different opinion than some on current happenings in the band, its not to say I am a troll here and no longer love STP.  Obviously not everyone understands that, this guy didnt understand that or I wouldnt have gotten the email.  I understand where you think I am trying to get even and all that and that I used poor judgment, but I really wasnt trying to be malicious, and as I see it I took steps to call attention to the issue without being malicious.

BTW, really, we are all getting along just fine I think.  This is one of the more cohesive and happy forums that I have even been on.  Lighten up!  Everything here is just fine. 
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 02:57:30 PM by Aaron »


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #303 on: May 22, 2008, 03:07:06 PM »
Though I have made posts saying that I thought people were overreacting to some of the screw ups to this point, it really isn't that big of deal if someone thinks it is a catastrophic event that "Down" was butchered.  Most people have valid points on either side of the debate and really none of us know why there have been mistakes.  We speculate they haven't practiced or Weiland has been too busy or nerves etc etc. 

Typically people lean too far to one side (me included) on these types of things and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

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Re: Who's opening for STP?
« Reply #304 on: May 22, 2008, 03:19:36 PM »
hmmm, wolfmother would be interesting. I hope they get booked for the san antonio show!


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #305 on: May 22, 2008, 03:41:14 PM »
Quote from: "Aaron"
1. First off, I think its funny you call me out for getting all bent out of shape about it, when you're the one that appears bent out of shape, not me.

2. Second, I dont need validation from anyone in this community.  While it is really nice to see some of the nice comments, I'm plenty secure about myself and my life that I dont come to a forum seeking validation.    You're misreading my intentions here.  Also if this guy was trying to light a fire he probably wouldnt have emailed me privately.  Second, if I really wanted to get this guy, I would have posted his name.  I think its a little ironic that you call him a moron and me a hypocrite, but you attack me personally and call me names (sad puppy).  I think maybe you're flipping your lid just a little bit too, eh?

1. I'm not bend out of shape at all. I just think the whole let's rally together and come to Aaron's defense because he got an email from a meanie is stupid. It's stupid that you solicited those responses, and it's stupid that everyone fell for it - hook, line and sinker. Was it your intention or not? I don't know and I don't care. But I know the end result irritated me a little. I'm over it. Most of all, let me be clear that that guy's email to you is the largest stupidity in this whole deal.

2. I didn't call you any names. If you want to interpret "sad puppy" as an insult, that's fine, but I would hope that you'd give me the benefit of the doubt of being more creative with my name calling when I really want to attack someone. I don't see that as an attack, I see it as merely portraying that you're overly sensitive to the email -- which is again just what I perceive. My lid is on just fine. Trust me, if I was flipping my lid you would know it. So, if you're going to take a comment which I equate to "I think you're overly sensitive" as an insult -- sorry, that wasn't my intention at all. If I wanted to attack you, I would've called you something else. And I wouldn't do that, because it's lame. Just like it's lame that the guy emailed you.

At the end of the day, I wish you'd either post his name and personally call him out if you've got vendetta to settle -- or just leave it alone entirely. Not this half ass- hey everyone look, someone was mean to me! I would actually have more respect for that. Anyway, we've talked about this long enough and it's not that big of a deal.

I don't have any problems with you Aaron, as a matter of fact I appreciate what you do here. It's too bad a guy wrote you, but I must admit I see a little humor in it. Deep down a guy that comes to Scott's defense, regardless of how inappropriate, it's always gonna make me smile. I do find it funny that some of us are so blindly fans of STP that we're willing to overlook Scott's faults, unreliability, inconsistency, etc etc etc... That man has enough vices to match up with 10 human beings, and yet we all love him anyway. As much as I love Scott, I'd be hard placed to disagree with any criticism of him EVER -- except maybe his abilities as a vocalist/showman.


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #306 on: May 22, 2008, 04:18:48 PM »
Quote from: "JugeSTP"
1. I'm not bend out of shape at all. I just think the whole let's rally together and come to Aaron's defense because he got an email from a meanie is stupid. It's stupid that you solicited those responses, and it's stupid that everyone fell for it - hook, line and sinker. Was it your intention or not? I don't know and I don't care. But I know the end result irritated me a little. I'm over it. Most of all, let me be clear that that guy's email to you is the largest stupidity in this whole deal.

2. I didn't call you any names. If you want to interpret "sad puppy" as an insult, that's fine, but I would hope that you'd give me the benefit of the doubt of being more creative with my name calling when I really want to attack someone. I don't see that as an attack, I see it as merely portraying that you're overly sensitive to the email -- which is again just what I perceive. My lid is on just fine. Trust me, if I was flipping my lid you would know it. So, if you're going to take a comment which I equate to "I think you're overly sensitive" as an insult -- sorry, that wasn't my intention at all. If I wanted to attack you, I would've called you something else. And I wouldn't do that, because it's lame. Just like it's lame that the guy emailed you.

At the end of the day, I wish you'd either post his name and personally call him out if you've got vendetta to settle -- or just leave it alone entirely. Not this half ass- hey everyone look, someone was mean to me! I would actually have more respect for that. Anyway, we've talked about this long enough and it's not that big of a deal.

I don't have any problems with you Aaron, as a matter of fact I appreciate what you do here. It's too bad a guy wrote you, but I must admit I see a little humor in it. Deep down a guy that comes to Scott's defense, regardless of how inappropriate, it's always gonna make me smile. I do find it funny that some of us are so blindly fans of STP that we're willing to overlook Scott's faults, unreliability, inconsistency, etc etc etc... That man has enough vices to match up with 10 human beings, and yet we all love him anyway. As much as I love Scott, I'd be hard placed to disagree with any criticism of him EVER -- except maybe his abilities as a vocalist/showman.

Duely noted.  IMO your perception is wrong, but clearly, you arent going to change your mind.  If you had been around for longer, you'd probably realize I am not soliciting response, as the other regulars here already know.  That not a knock, I'm just saying you dont know me, so I ask you please dont make assumptions about what I am doing.  I truthfully stated my intentions for the post already.  Just dont tell me I'm flipping my lid, when my posts have been calculated and thoughtful.  I'll show you the same respect from here on. 

I just wish you wouldn't paint those that responded as falling for something.  That isnt happening at all.  Like I said, many of those are friends and know me personally (Ivy, STPGurl, Rocketboy, etc).  Show them a little respect, man.  No one is knocking you here. 

That said I see humor in what he sent to me too.  I appreciate his defense of Scott as well, I just think its ridiculous how bent out of shape he got about my comment, which werent even about Scott the individual, just about the preparation made by Scott and the rest of the band on this tour thus far. 

Lets put this to rest, Juge.  This is getting sillier than it already was. 

Edit: BTW I just heard back from my #1 fan.  Second email is even more priceless than the first, even you would enjoy it, Juge.  I wont post it here though, so not to get the argument rolling again. 
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 04:42:29 PM by Aaron »


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #307 on: May 22, 2008, 05:10:43 PM »
well now you've got me curious... plus I can always use a good laugh. What did he write? Why stop the emailing posting now?

Now I'm the hypocrite :)

We're on the same page, I'll extend you the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt -- and I apologize for jumping the gun on some of my assumptions.


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #308 on: May 22, 2008, 05:20:49 PM »
Quote from: "JugeSTP"
well now you've got me curious... plus I can always use a good laugh. What did he write? Why stop the emailing posting now?

Now I'm the hypocrite :)

We're on the same page, I'll extend you the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt -- and I apologize for jumping the gun on some of my assumptions.

  Its like a car crash, you can't not look.

Anyway, you have PM. 


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #309 on: May 22, 2008, 06:02:33 PM »
1. I'm not bend out of shape at all. I just think the whole let's rally together and come to Aaron's defense because he got an email from a meanie is stupid.

Since you're a newbie around here, you probably aren't aware of the fact that many of the regular posters here have been friends for 12 or more years.  This is a pretty tight-knit community.  Aaron's done some really hard work and contributed far more than most in the past ten or so years.  When someone attacks one of our own, you damn well better believe that we rally together.

At the end of the day, I wish you'd either post his name and personally call him out if you've got vendetta to settle -- or just leave it alone entirely. Not this half ass- hey everyone look, someone was mean to me! I would actually have more respect for that. Anyway, we've talked about this long enough and it's not that big of a deal.

At the end of the day, I wish you wouldn't come here acting like you're mister-hot-shot and trying to settle something that had nothing to do with you in the first place.  No offense, but I don't think many people here really care what earns YOUR respect.  You're new, dude.

This is ridiculous and completely over.  Right now. 

[As much as I love and appreciate Aaron's Downloads, they are really starting to be... not the best idea we've had here.  Too many fucking newbs are posting all 50 required replys in one day, having themselves a private download party, and then ceasing to contribute.  I say we make the download boards private.  Screw the .com'ers.  Let them figure out how to get downloads on their own.  These boards are flooded with repeat topics, or worse, responses to topics that haven't been active in three or more years.  Then we get some arrogant motherfuckers that want nothing more than to start trouble with people that ACTUALLY contribute instead of just rip people off.  It's horrible.  Hates it.] 
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!


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Re: Group Bow
« Reply #310 on: May 22, 2008, 06:22:47 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
I love that they're still doing it, too.  But I miss the giant gong.

Ha! Me too actually!
STP Shows: 12/12/1996 | 10/12/2001 | 05/17/2008 | 05/22/2008 | 03/20/2010 | 08/20/2010
CheSTP Shows: 04/23/2015
JeffTP Shows: 09/26/2019
Velvet Revolver Shows: 05/19/2004 | 11/21/2004 | 04/29/2005 | 08/13/2005 | 05/10/2007 (w. Slash signed Setlist) | 08/28/2007
Scott Weiland Shows: 05/10/2014 | 11/20/2015

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Re: Group Bow
« Reply #311 on: May 22, 2008, 06:26:18 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
I love that they're still doing it, too.  But I miss the giant gong.

Quote from: "EclecticBohemian"
Yup, wonder what the odds of bringing it back are?

Quote from: "IMJ"
Ha! Me too actually!

Haha, I'd forgotten all about that...someone needs to get down to Bombshelter and dig it out!

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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #312 on: May 22, 2008, 06:27:57 PM »
^ "Invite Only" is probably the way to does make for a quieter board but this one has enough regular posters to be just fine.


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Re: The current tour performances
« Reply #313 on: May 22, 2008, 06:49:34 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
Since you're a newbie around here, you probably aren't aware of the fact that many of the regular posters here have been friends for 12 or more years.  This is a pretty tight-knit community.  Aaron's done some really hard work and contributed far more than most in the past ten or so years.  When someone attacks one of our own, you damn well better believe that we rally together.

At the end of the day, I wish you wouldn't come here acting like you're mister-hot-shot and trying to settle something that had nothing to do with you in the first place.  No offense, but I don't think many people here really care what earns YOUR respect.  You're new, dude.

Fair enough. I'm not acting like I'm mister-hot-shot, and I'm not trying to settle anything. How can I settle anything when the "attacker" isn't even named or presenting himself? It's hard to settle something with only one person involved in the argument.

Secondly, I'm not new. I had an old alt, Crackerman36, and that email address link up with it has since been deleted. It's been a long time since I've been back as a POSTER- but I visit every day and I've been an STP fan since Core. I've been coming to this website for just as long as you guys. So while you might label me as a bandwagon STP fan, that's not the case at all. Obviously Aaron and you both cared enough about what I said to respond, so don't discount my opinions as worthless when you are talking the time to state your own. Quit being a snob elitist STP fan, regardless of how long you've been here vs. me, I have an opinion too and I'm free to share it as long as this forum allows me to post.

Quote from: "STPGurl"
][As much as I love and appreciate Aaron's Downloads, they are really starting to be... not the best idea we've had here.  Too many fucking newbs are posting all 50 required replys in one day, having themselves a private download party, and then ceasing to contribute.  I say we make the download boards private.  Screw the .com'ers.  Let them figure out how to get downloads on their own.  These boards are flooded with repeat topics, or worse, responses to topics that haven't been active in three or more years.  Then we get some arrogant motherfuckers that want nothing more than to start trouble with people that ACTUALLY contribute instead of just rip people off.  It's horrible.  Hates it.] 

I fully admit that I posted 50 times in 1 day in order to gain admission to the download section. I also admit that while I'm a guest on the forum ALL THE TIME, I've been too lazy until now to re-create an alt. Now that I have, I plan to contribute to the forum on a consistent basis... especially now that STP is back and there's stuff to talk about. Of course you're going to get new members excited about stp all over again. STP just got back together! I apologize for the topics I've repeated, I'll do my best to keep it to a minimum. 


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Re: Group Bow
« Reply #314 on: May 22, 2008, 06:51:56 PM »
Quote from: "loungefly611"
Speaking of STP stage traditions...

Does Scott still do the strip at the end of the set hiding behind the flag?

Don't you think that if he did, I would have mentioned it 1 or 2 or 1923223430 times by now, Scott?  lol.  Unfortunately, it's been taken out of the closing act. 

Stop That Pigeon - LMAO!  I think we should send Ian down there.  He's sneaky and I think he might be the smallest.  Maybe the abovementioned flag is nearby and he can just grab both.
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!