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Author Topic: Changes to the site and forum  (Read 8009 times)


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Changes to the site and forum
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:02:16 AM »
I’ve decided to make a few changes to the site and forum that will be implemented over the next few days and weeks, starting with the most active part of this web site: the forum.

Changes will be made to accommodate Below Empty to be a reflection of the full fan base of Stone Temple Pilots and their music. For too long I let my personal disappointment with Scott Weiland’s declining health and performances and his subsequent firing from STP influence my running of Below Empty.

I was and am still sad that the four original members of Stone Temple Pilots are not together any more. To me, they were something special that is impossible to replace or re-create. I am even more sad that what I had always feared would happen to Scott is now the harsh reality.

I now believe that my frustration with this reality has, for a long time, kept me from enjoying the music from three of my favorite musicians and songwriters. I realize now that it probably will never again be like the first moment I heard STP. It may never be as exciting again as it was in the Spring of 2000: updating 24/7 when STP was at a point in their career that may very well be regarded as ‘their best’ when we all look back in 2050.

What I do know is that I want Below Empty to continue to be the place for all things STP. I want to enjoy the music Dean, Robert and Eric put out for us to hear. They have created the soundtrack of my life and are releasing an album full of new, fresh music in less than a month.

Below Empty has been one of the biggest (and, for most of the time, sadly the only) STP web sites since its inception in 1999. I would love nothing more for it than to have a 20th anniversary that will truly show all of the band’s history.

Changelog Feb 24, 2018:
- Added November 14, 2017 tour date to Concert Chronology
- Added 2018 tour dates to the site.

Changelog Feb 23, 2018:
- Removed category 'Dean, Robert and Eric + singers other than Scott Weiland'
- Created new 'Played Shows' subforums for 'On Tour'
- Moved posts:
-- All discussion about the new album has been moved to 'Stone Temple Pilots (2018)' under 'The Wicked Garden'
-- All played shows topics have been moved (will be renamed properly later)
-- All posts in 'Dean, Robert and Eric + singers other than Scott Weiland' moved to 'The Wicked Garden' (will sort through, merge and move properly later)
-- Created new category 'Past Band Members', moved 'Scott Weiland' there and created 'Chester Bennington'
-- Renamed 'Band Members' to 'Current Band Members' and added 'Jeff Gutt'.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 12:53:23 PM by Rik »


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2018, 01:08:32 AM »
Rik - I'm an award-winning designer, formerly of ESPN. Please let me know if you need any help incorporating new artwork into the revamped site. I'd be happy to help in any way. Thank you for keeping this forum alive and for sharing the greatest band of our generation with such a large audience. the way, I agree that it will never be the same without Scott, but just like Army of Anyone was interesting on its own merits, my hope is this new album and future projects will keep real rock music alive and allow me the chance to listen to 3 of my favorite musicians.


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2018, 02:11:38 AM »
Rik, got some serious love for you and this site, life is a roller coaster. Thank you deeply for all the time, energy and money you have given to STP and all of us here. Life can be hard with all the changes and questions we have to deal with....for me music really is the only truth and answer. Thank you again, please take care of you and yours. And try to enjoy the ride. 1 Love.


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2018, 03:51:23 AM »
So well said, Rik. And thank you for everything you've done to keep Below Empty the amazing source for all-things STP that it's always been.

I can relate so well to what you said, as I'm sure most of us here can, for I myself felt angry and sad about the past several years in the world of STP...until now. Last Friday I shuffled the band's entire discography for hours on end while looking at old posts and tidbits about the band - something I hadn't done in years and used to do more times than I could possibly count. It's great to be feeling the love for STP again, and I'm so grateful that Below Empty is still here and alive and well.
My STP shows: 8/10/2008, 7/19/2009, 10/10/2009, 5/22/2010, 4/26/2011, 4/24/2015   Weiland solo: 1/29/2009, 11/29/2012, 3/13/2015    VR: 8/5/2007


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2018, 04:15:46 AM »
It hurts seeing Scott Weiland in the past members section but sadly that is now a reality. I still can’t fully come to grips with it, even when I see his Wikipedia page with “died on...” etc.
Things will never be like they were but we are very fortunate to have lived through those times, just like many others here STP’s music formed the soundtrack to my life, especially between 93-2001, through my teenage years and into young adulthood. My brain was like a sponge absorbing all the great music that came out during that time but STP were always my number 1 band.
I’m looking forward to hearing new music from the surviving members though and since having Scott front the band is now impossible I really do feel like they’ve made a good choice with Jeff.
Thanks for this site Rik, it’s been my go to for STP info for many years and this message board really is special, it’s great to talk to so many like minded people. I have friends who ‘like’ STP but they’re not super fans like us lot!
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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2018, 04:50:08 AM »
Thank you for your honesty, Rik, and for keeping this site going for so long. This site is an important place for the passionate fans of this band to be able to come to. Like CagedTiger said, this board really is special to us. Thank you for these changes.


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2018, 09:54:31 PM »
Awe, Rik. ❤️
How could they not notice it?! Because it's a little mint.  It's a Junior Mint!

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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2018, 12:11:02 AM »
Thanks Rik. Uve done a great job all these years i always enjoy coming back to check on things. Noone will ever replace Scott and there will never be another original STP. Hearing Plush for the first time in 92 was probably like a crack hit for the first time for a crack addict ha. The music Robert, Dean and Eric made with Scott IS the soundtracks of our lives too. Im always going to support the guys and buy their music till the wheels fall off. Jeff and the previous singers are simply picking that STP flag up off the ground and continuing foward. Hoping for a solid record and continued success for our boys in STP. Salud


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2018, 02:42:37 AM »
I can relate so much to what Rik said. There's a sadness and a realization that we'll never get "STP" again. The ship has sailed. It sailed long before Scott died. And yet, with that acceptance comes an appreciation for what we're being given. It's a lot better than nothing. I can choose to celebrate what they can still offer, and 75% of what we used to have isn't bad.

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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2018, 03:02:43 AM »
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication over the years Rik!


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2018, 03:36:17 AM »
Thank You for keeping the site going all these years, as well as your patience.
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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2018, 04:09:26 AM »
There's nothing I could say that hasn't already been said here. So, I'll just say thanks so much for all your hard work and for keeping this thing going for as long as you have. Both we and the band have entered an interesting new era and I look forward to seeing what comes of it alongside fellow fans on this board.


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2018, 05:43:20 AM »

Thank you so much for you devotion to keeping the community alive. It’s been an interesting road this band has seen over the years but you’ve made sure we all had a place to stop in and keep up to date.

The information on this site is so amazing and organized. I love going through all the different quotes and concert reviews amongst all the other cool tid bits. You have done a great job.

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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2018, 09:57:19 AM »
Most of you will be happy to hear that these changes will keep me from visiting this site again. Thank you rik for hosting the party, I’ve been here in one capacity or another for more than a decade. Thank you and goodbye


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Re: Changes to the site and forum
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2018, 02:48:12 PM »
Update: new main/splash/landing page on

Still needs some minor fixes for mobile, but it's good to go.