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Author Topic: NEW ALBUM  (Read 63097 times)


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« Reply #465 on: May 18, 2018, 08:35:09 AM »
So you are comparing albums that you have had 20 years to form an opinion on, to an album that is 2 months old?



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« Reply #466 on: May 18, 2018, 02:40:48 PM »
So you are comparing albums that you have had 20 years to form an opinion on, to an album that is 2 months old?


No. Read my message again. I’m talking about how those releases impacted me when they were released too and how I was hooked on them straight away for months. I’m saying that hasn’t happened so much with the new record, my initial interest with it has faded quicker.
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« Reply #467 on: May 18, 2018, 03:18:41 PM »
What I love about this album is that the songs sound fresh and new and interesting, all while sounding undeniably like STP. It doesn’t feel like it doesn’t belong. It definitely feels like an STP album, but they are not just rehashing the past; it feels like they are still evolving. It’s less of a reintroduction and more of a continuation with some adjustments.

If I can think of any criticism for Butterfly, it’s that maybe they are playing it a bit safe. However, as Shane said, I think the next album will be even better. Now that they’ve got this first effort with Jeff out, I think they will start to let loose more and let the creativity flow on the next one. That’s when they write really interesting tunes like Atlanta, Hello It’s Late, and much of Tiny Music.

The quality level is there on Butterfly though. It is just a high-quality rock album, and it flows really well from start to finish. I love listening to it while driving and just sitting at home with headphones.

One interesting thing I noticed: many of the guitar riffs are single-note riffs and there are less power chords. This is not a surprise, as Dean has been gradually moving this direction over time. But what’s interesting is that the album art kinda reflects this — with the Butterfly artwork being drawn with outlines instead of filled in. The riffs still sound like STP but this is just a minor evolution in their sound, making it even more Zeppelinesque in a way. I wonder how much of this was a conscious decision by Dean and/or the band, or whether the riffs they were writing just naturally and subconsciously gravitated in that direction. Either way, I suspect the way the Butterfly is drawn in outlines is an acknowledgement of this evolution of STP’s style. They have always left little cryptic hints and messages in not just the music but in other formats of their work, and I believe this is no different. (Don’t get me started on the elements theory!)


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« Reply #468 on: May 18, 2018, 07:47:12 PM »

So you are comparing albums that you have had 20 years to form an opinion on, to an album that is 2 months old?


No. Read my message again. I’m talking about how those releases impacted me when they were released too and how I was hooked on them straight away for months. I’m saying that hasn’t happened so much with the new record, my initial interest with it has faded quicker.

I am wondering if it’s possible that we as people are different? Do things impact us differently today than they did 24/25 years ago when purple was released? Probably.

Back when I was first discovering STP and music in general, listening to albums was a huge priority of mine. Now, I’m an adult who works 40+ hours a week and does not have a lot of time on my hands to be discovering new music. All in all, I’m a different person and music just doesn’t hit me the way it used to. My biggest concerns are my health, work, and my family. When I was in my teenage years discovering STP, my biggest concerns were music, music, and music because I had the free time to search out those very things that were dear to me.

The album is "good." But, I wouldn't put it up there with the first five efforts either. As was already said, I bought the album, listened to it, digested it, and now I've put it away.

I don’t think any future STP work will impact me the way “Atlanta” did or “Divider” from 12BB did, or any STP album at all. Basically, I feel like this is just part of growing up.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 07:57:49 PM by loungefly90 »


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« Reply #469 on: May 18, 2018, 10:27:41 PM »
I think there are plenty of albums from the last ten years that had an impact on me the way albums like Purple had on me back in the day. Like Clockwork by Queens of the Stone Age, for example, was an instant classic from the first listen.

Butterfly is a good album, but I think it's fair to say it won't be a classic in the long run. For me, there's just something missing in the composition. I think it's the way the way the riffs and especially the drum beats tend to run together. I feel like there's not enough changes in there for me.

I was listening to High Rise for the first time since Butterfly came out, and it struck me just how much better structured those songs are. If they could move back to that style of compositions, with Dean still doing these wacky solos and of course Jeff's melodies, I really do think the next effort could be an instant classic.
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« Reply #470 on: May 19, 2018, 01:54:22 AM »
What’s with people getting defensive / offended by other people’s opinions of music for crying out loud? That’s what we’re here for.

Anyway, after having it to listen to since it came out, ST 2018 does very little for me (still feel the same way I did when I wrote my review earlier in this thread). On average, I like 95% of every STP album to date (more like 75% of High Rise) - and probably 80% of Talk Show and AoA respectively. Butterfly... meh. Best case? 30%.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 01:56:37 AM by Dudertron »


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« Reply #471 on: May 19, 2018, 10:43:39 AM »
What’s with people getting defensive / offended by other people’s opinions of music for crying out loud? That’s what we’re here for.

Agreed, never understood that.
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« Reply #472 on: May 20, 2018, 03:05:57 PM »
Who's offended? I just find it unlikely that people can remember their listening patterns for albums that came out 25 years ago.  I'll judge the longevity of the album after a reasonable amount of time has passed, rather than attempt to predict how I'll feel about something in the future, which I find a bit of a silly and negative attitude. YMMV.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 03:08:04 PM by Pingfah »


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« Reply #473 on: May 20, 2018, 07:38:10 PM »
Who's offended? I just find it unlikely that people can remember their listening patterns for albums that came out 25 years ago.  I'll judge the longevity of the album after a reasonable amount of time has passed, rather than attempt to predict how I'll feel about something in the future, which I find a bit of a silly and negative attitude. YMMV.

Well the Army of Anyone album came out 12 years ago and I do remember having it in heavy rotation for months back then actually. I’m not just comparing my quick loss of interest in ‘Butterfly’ to STP related releases though. There’s been albums by other bands in recent years that have held my interest for longer too, Alice In Chains last record being just one example, I was hooked on that. You may see this as being ‘negative’ and that’s fine but it’s just one persons opinion on an Internet forum and it is posted in the relevant thread, we’re here to discuss the new album after all. I will reiterate that I do not think it’s a bad record, I just don’t find myself really going back to it other than ‘Meadow’ and maybe a couple other songs.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 07:40:35 PM by CagedTiger »
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« Reply #474 on: May 20, 2018, 07:57:25 PM »
I respect your opinion and your right to it, however, people burn themselves out on new music, especially from their favourite bands. I just think two months after release is not a good time to judge an albums longevity. It doesn't make much sense. Yo may turn out to be right, I haven't listened to ST2010 in 2 years, but my opinion of it changed over time.


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« Reply #475 on: May 21, 2018, 12:31:53 AM »
I respect your opinion and your right to it, however, people burn themselves out on new music, especially from their favourite bands. I just think two months after release is not a good time to judge an albums longevity. It doesn't make much sense. Yo may turn out to be right, I haven't listened to ST2010 in 2 years, but my opinion of it changed over time.

Who’s to say 2 months isn’t enough? I might listen to it front to back every day for those 2 months and that might wind up being more than you listen to it in 4 months. It’s irrelevant. I think what Caged Tiger is saying is that respective to the other prior STP albums, they haven’t required months of listening to be meaningful (maybe I’m wrong). For me I know that to be the case though. No previous STP album - even High Rise - took me any amount of months to get into. They required all of ~45 minutes... or however long the album was.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 02:42:34 AM by Dudertron »


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« Reply #476 on: May 21, 2018, 09:16:12 AM »
Because he's talking about how he's going to feel about it years down the line, not how he feels about it now.

This isn't rocket science, I had albums I loved immediately and then went off over the years, and albums that I burned out on and came back to and loved, and albums that I didn't like but slowly grew on me. Relationships to music are complex and unpredicatable. A band like STP even more so.

Maybe you don't though, maybe you listen to something for 45 minutes and that's all you need. I would bet that most people's (on this site of uber-fans) relationship to STPs music is a bit more fluid and complicated than that. The idea that you can absorb an album by a band like this, in 45 minutes is ridiculous to me.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 10:36:54 AM by Pingfah »


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« Reply #477 on: May 21, 2018, 12:57:28 PM »
y'all find the weirdest shit to get worked up about


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« Reply #478 on: May 21, 2018, 04:49:42 PM »
I can only speak for me personally, but I have never listened to an album to only dislike it or be neutral about it and then later discover I was wrong all along. I feel as if I know my own taste for music pretty well and if something is not clicking with me from the get-go, then it’s unlikely I will later feel as if I didn’t give the album its due or didn’t wait long enough before making up my mind. In other words, sticking with my initial feeling is usually what works for me.
While I realize tastes can change and albums can grow on people, I do think there is something to be said for not liking an album on the first ten listens and then somehow, on the eleventh listen, thinking, “Wow! This is great!” While I think it’s a good thing to enjoy new music, the situation of suddenly liking something seems more like wishful thinking or forced enjoyment. I love the same albums I did 20 years ago, and the ones that I was never big on, I still feel the same about.


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« Reply #479 on: May 21, 2018, 05:47:03 PM »
Basically all I was trying to say was that I ‘liked’ the album the first time I listened to it and I do think overall it’s pretty good BUT I lost interest with it very very quickly, like after a month and haven’t really touched it since nor felt any urge to go back to it. That’s literally all I was ever trying to say! I also used other albums (by STP and others) that I DID keep in heavy rotation for months after release as examples of music that kept my interest for longer. I did speculate that this album may not have the longevity (for me) that previous STP releases had but that is going from my current feelings. My interest with S/T 10 faded quickly too (and never came back) some albums are just like that for me.
I do know with most albums upon first listen wether I like them or not but some albums took time for me to really appreciate them as a whole, ‘Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness’ by Smashing Pumpkins being one, that was a really complex and long record though.
I don’t know, I just can’t see ‘Butterfly’ being something I go back to on a regular basis, even in the future, personally.
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