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Author Topic: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell  (Read 6557 times)


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2017, 04:41:04 PM »

I did mention Erotic Asphyxiation when they annouced the suicide by hanging. I mentioned the whole Michael Hutchins thing.


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2017, 09:03:25 PM »
Goodbye, Chris. Still can't' believe it. Played this at a show last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-NM65nFqY


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #62 on: May 19, 2017, 10:23:45 PM »
Goodbye, Chris. Still can't' believe it. Played this at a show last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-NM65nFqY

Reall good job John


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2017, 02:14:58 AM »
Conspiracy theories, as expected


wouldn't surprise me one bit if he was taken out. either way may he rest in peace.


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2017, 02:45:25 AM »

This one hit me hard. Maybe harder than Weiland. At least with Weiland there was a lead up and we could see it coming. This came almost entirely out of the blue.

Someone posted a few months back theorizing he'd fallen of the bandwagon, and I'd realized then how terrible it would be to lose him. It's terrible that's become a reality.

There is something very odd too with some of these successful celebrities that commit suicide.  It's like they wanna end their lives while they are at the pinnacle of their careers. 

It is weird, but I tend to believe they do it despite being at the pinnacle of their careers. On the outside, it looks like they have every reason in the world to live, but on the inside it is a struggle just to get through each day without ending their lives. I think that people who suffer with this kind of severe depression for long enough get so accustomed to "faking it" and putting on a good face for everyone else that what they do everyday (like fronting a highly successful rock band) is easy for them while pretending to have it all together.

Depression unfortunately isn't as simple as people think it is. Just because someone suffers depression doesn't mean they can't feel happiness. Often times they can get through much of the day feeling relatively normal and happy, but then latter on when they're alone at their home (or hotel room) the depression sinks in.

After the highs of a rock concert, someone suffering depression and/or anxiety can have a hell of a down. That's why many performers turn to alcohol and drugs, to combat the depression following the high of a performance. According to what Chris' wife , Cornell had said he'd taken one or two extra Ativan, a drug commonly proscribed for intense anxiety attacks... Unfortunately, in patients with a history of depression Ativan can also cause an increased risk of suicide.

I suspect Cornell was legitimately happy and excited throughout the concert and the day leading up to it, but the the comedown from the adrenaline and endorphins after the concert caused an anxiety attack, and he took too many Ativan which caused a deeper depression... That's just my take, but I'm not a doctor or a forensic expert.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2017, 06:13:59 AM »
Conspiracy theories, as expected


wouldn't surprise me one bit if he was taken out. either way may he rest in peace.

It wouldn't surprise you one bit if he was "taken out"?  What the hell does that mean?
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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2017, 06:26:21 PM »

A great article for people who want to understand depression, anxiety, and suicide a little better.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2017, 03:51:07 AM »

This one hit me hard. Maybe harder than Weiland. At least with Weiland there was a lead up and we could see it coming. This came almost entirely out of the blue.

Someone posted a few months back theorizing he'd fallen of the bandwagon, and I'd realized then how terrible it would be to lose him. It's terrible that's become a reality.

There is something very odd too with some of these successful celebrities that commit suicide.  It's like they wanna end their lives while they are at the pinnacle of their careers. 

It is weird, but I tend to believe they do it despite being at the pinnacle of their careers. On the outside, it looks like they have every reason in the world to live, but on the inside it is a struggle just to get through each day without ending their lives. I think that people who suffer with this kind of severe depression for long enough get so accustomed to "faking it" and putting on a good face for everyone else that what they do everyday (like fronting a highly successful rock band) is easy for them while pretending to have it all together.

Depression unfortunately isn't as simple as people think it is. Just because someone suffers depression doesn't mean they can't feel happiness. Often times they can get through much of the day feeling relatively normal and happy, but then latter on when they're alone at their home (or hotel room) the depression sinks in.

After the highs of a rock concert, someone suffering depression and/or anxiety can have a hell of a down. That's why many performers turn to alcohol and drugs, to combat the depression following the high of a performance. According to what Chris' wife , Cornell had said he'd taken one or two extra Ativan, a drug commonly proscribed for intense anxiety attacks... Unfortunately, in patients with a history of depression Ativan can also cause an increased risk of suicide.

I suspect Cornell was legitimately happy and excited throughout the concert and the day leading up to it, but the the comedown from the adrenaline and endorphins after the concert caused an anxiety attack, and he took too many Ativan which caused a deeper depression... That's just my take, but I'm not a doctor or a forensic expert.

Well said Blue.

First off RIP Chris Cornell.

Depression is a serious motherfucker. Honestly there were times I thought I knew depression, only to find out... later on I would met and shake hands with it. Sometimes for people suffering, it's not like they're just having a bad day or a bad week or even a bad month... sometimes things can be going on which put them on a path of feeling "down" for an extremely long time... it keeps morphing itself each day once you get down... every action in the day feels like its targeting you, trying to hold you down... makes you feel like the world doesn't want to see you stand back up anymore... all the things you use to get a "temporary" high start to loose their effect... then you don't know what left to do... to say it's a vicious cycle is an understatement.

But one fear that is always there... you don't want to let someone see that you're openly struggling, that there's a war in your head going on...

I don't know Chris, and I'm not trying to act like I do know him right here... these are words from experience(s) and my own little battles in this world.

Sorry to get off on this little deal expressing myself, but when I heard Chris left us like several others we have listened to over the years, I can't help but to think he had his own war going on all these years... it spawned some of these masterful thought provoking stories he has sang... sometimes the reason these songs are so good and touch so many of us is because they're born of struggles and wars we feel within ourselves... It just makes me sad that it keeps taking so many away from this beautiful world...

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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2017, 05:30:29 AM »
Just too sad about Cornell.  I loved his music. I think this death was even harder to take than Scott's.  I knew Scott could fall off the wagon at any moment and OD.  I thought Chris had his life together.  So it was hard to take.  Love both the guys but this was unexpected and a major shock.  Now listening to lyrics to his songs I wonder if he had tried suicide may times.  Pretty Noose and Blow Up the Outside lyrics seem to be directly referencing it.  Look at the higher truth video for Nearly Forgot my Broken Heart of him hanging.  Just terrible what happened.  Wish it was a hoax but drugs and depression are the truth.  Watched the youtube conspiracy of him faking his death so he can retire in peace.  That is just wishful thinking same was said of Elvis and Kurt Cobain.  I do believe he did not intend suicide but drugs pushed him off the edge.  Loved Cornell and followed him like I did Scott because they were both my top favorite singers.  Anyways, so sad.  RIP Chris Cornell.  Thanks for the music.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 05:32:38 AM by rocker rockstar »


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #70 on: May 21, 2017, 06:30:22 PM »
It's my first visit here since this happened. I was at the show on Wednesday I was so excited to go see one of my musical heros. Just like with stp I brought my wife to share with her how much these bands mean to me and have been the soundtrack to my life. My lladder starts with stp,soundgarden then Alice in chains. Soundgarden isn't the most uplifting band but it paints a picture that we are not the only people that get down have problems but getting it out and talking about it helps. The show was awesome he was very talkative which was a little strange considering he's usually not played great singing was fantastic. I read a lot of things that something was off but I think it's easy to say that the day after. Me and my wife got in the car and I told her that this show was number 2 of my favourite shows (stp 2008 at the Fillmore) being number 1. I was upset when Scott died for sure but Chris's death has really shaken me. Odviously I saw him performing and then 1 hour later he hung himself. I feel selfish that I'm upset because I didn't know him. He left behind a wife and three kids. The whole thing is tragic. We might never know what he was thinking. If he walked onto the stage that night knowing that it would be his last night that he knew once he got back to his room he would end it. I hope he has found peace.
RIP Chris. 


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2017, 12:55:41 AM »
It's amazing to see the out pouring tributes to Chris. So many artists have done something at their shows in recent days to make a mention to him. 8)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 01:14:23 AM by seattlesound »


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #72 on: May 22, 2017, 07:30:06 PM »
This happened last September during our trip to LA.

John Borja - Like A Stone (unrehearsed first-time jam)


There's  a bunch of Cornell songs in his repertoire but this is the only one I have so far. 

There will also be a small tribute jam in our area in Manila for Chris this weekend.

EERILY ENOUGH, John uploaded this a day before the sad news. :(
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 07:34:29 PM by skunkyfunk »


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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2017, 07:46:31 PM »


Chris Cornell had apparently taken more than Ativan before hanging himself, because we’ve learned he had fresh track marks on his arm when his body was discovered in a Detroit hotel room.

Sources connected to the investigation tell us … the track marks were “obvious.” The singer had a history of using drugs. The toxicology tests will reveal what drugs were found in Chris’ system.

The new information is consistent with our story that Ted Keedick, Chris’ longtime house engineer and tour manager, said Chris seemed “high” and “f***ed up” during the concert… hours before his death.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2017, 09:41:06 PM »


Chris Cornell had apparently taken more than Ativan before hanging himself, because we’ve learned he had fresh track marks on his arm when his body was discovered in a Detroit hotel room.

Sources connected to the investigation tell us … the track marks were “obvious.” The singer had a history of using drugs. The toxicology tests will reveal what drugs were found in Chris’ system.

The new information is consistent with our story that Ted Keedick, Chris’ longtime house engineer and tour manager, said Chris seemed “high” and “f***ed up” during the concert… hours before his death.

Wasn't there was some talk about him being off the wagon in some sort of way after the Audioslave "reunion" show a couple months back?

I remember a bunch of comments from people on facebook in response to that performance in which he definitely did seem off.  Not that that's anything to justify or prove such comments.  There's many times where the feed off facebook or recording on youtube doesn't necessarily capture the sound/performance the same as being in person might.
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