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Author Topic: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview  (Read 4710 times)


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2015, 02:12:55 AM »
Neat interview, but he just looks so bored/out of it/sad/disengaged.  I mean he hardly has any body laguage, doesn't move his arms, just not much emotion.  Reminds me why I stay away from watching his interviews.  Looking forward to a new Wildabouts record though.
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 09:47:13 PM »
this is so painful to watch.


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 03:36:24 AM »
this is so painful to watch.
agreed! ....WTF???


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 03:47:14 AM »
I enjoyed the interview but something's not quite right with him and whatever it is he clearly doesn't want it to be common knowledge. His complete lack of movement during this interview along with his slow motion moves on stage (not to mention the Corpus Christi clip where he couldn't remove his jacket without help) all point to him having some sort of physical problem but I have no idea what it may be. The slurred speech I always thought was down to years of drug abuse slowing down his thought process somewhat or perhaps the bi polar meds scrambling his brain (or a combo of both) but I don't get why he seems to have such a problem with moving his limbs these days??

Anyway he's still putting on some good shows and recording some great music and I wish him all the best, it's just always quite sad to see him acting this way, especially when we have no idea what exactly is wrong with him since he won't say.
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2015, 05:36:44 PM »
I just watched this.  I see what you guys are seeing.  Ive mentioned before in other videos that when he talks it seems as though one side of his mouth/face moves normally and the other side it seems is kind of stiffer.  I couldn't tell you what it is but if I had to guess I'd suspect 1 of these 3 as a possible cause.

1. Could be side effects of prescribed medication he is taking. Or perhaps side effects of meds mixed with a few drinks.

2. Could have possibly had a mild stroke at some point and just never said anything to anyone.

3. Most unlikely but not impossible is even Bell's Palsy. Although I believe this only effects the muscles in your face, not your whole body, but I'm not a doctor.

On the bright side, while he may appear a little slow here he IS with it.  He answers all questions asked and is able to express himself quite well.


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2015, 08:57:22 PM »
I just watched this.  I see what you guys are seeing.  Ive mentioned before in other videos that when he talks it seems as though one side of his mouth/face moves normally and the other side it seems is kind of stiffer.  I couldn't tell you what it is but if I had to guess I'd suspect 1 of these 3 as a possible cause.

1. Could be side effects of prescribed medication he is taking. Or perhaps side effects of meds mixed with a few drinks.

2. Could have possibly had a mild stroke at some point and just never said anything to anyone.

3. Most unlikely but not impossible is even Bell's Palsy. Although I believe this only effects the muscles in your face, not your whole body, but I'm not a doctor.

On the bright side, while he may appear a little slow here he IS with it.  He answers all questions asked and is able to express himself quite well.

He definitely did have a stroke while on a plane a few years back.  Very well could be related to that.  Always seems to slip my mind
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2015, 09:34:37 PM »
I thought he had a seizure on a plane a few years ago, I could be wrong though.


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2015, 04:14:00 AM »
At the time Rolling Stone reported it to be a 'mild seizure' -

Interestingly it also says that he is/was prone to having them?
Perhaps that is what has affected his movement and speech, who knows? I know its easy to just write it off as 'he's wasted' but I have a hard time believing he is drunk 24/7, there's gotta be more to it than that.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 04:16:37 AM by CagedTiger »
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2015, 04:29:25 AM »
Ive mentioned before in other videos that when he talks it seems as though one side of his mouth/face moves normally and the other side it seems is kind of stiffer.

I think he's always had this mouth thing, but it's just become more pronounced over the years. I was watching some interviews of him from the mid-late 90s, and he was starting to do it then. I don't know that it's related to whatever else is going on. I'm not a doctor though.

There's been tons of speculation on here as to what's causing Scott to talk/look/move the way he does, and who knows how close people are to the truth. Personally, my guess is that he's still using painkillers or maybe other pills like benzos, and mixing things that shouldn't be mixed (benzos, painkillers, liquor, bi-polar meds). I know Scott says he hasn't used "drugs" in 13 years, but I think when he says "drugs," he's only including heroin and maybe coke.

Rob said this in 2010 before the S/T tour: "He can't got on tour. He needs help… He thinks he's clean just because he's not shooting heroin. But he's popping pills."

He seemed to be in decline through 2011 and 2012 until the breakup and then there was the Purple to/at the Core Tour, which was mostly awful. He tried to make Doug take the fall for that, but maybe the real reason was that Doug was starting to stand up to Scott and stop enabling him. Then, Danny Thompson quit, rejoined, and quit again, citing "a matter of self-worth" and "the Darkness" as his reasons. Then, Jeremy Brown dies of multiple drug intoxication. Then, Corpus Christi happens, followed by a series of bizarre interviews and Meet & Greets where he's rude to fans.

I think it's eventually going to come out that he's still been abusing drugs this whole time -- whether that be prescription pills or otherwise. And it's obvious he's been drinking a lot this whole time. Whether or not that's a problem by itself, you be the judge, but bad things happen when you mix alcohol with other shit (speaking from experience here). I don't even think he's convinced himself that he's not using -- I think the "13 years clean" line is just to keep the "asshole media" at bay, and there's just barely enough truth to it that he can say it with a straight face. The rest of it, I think he's trying to keep covered. I think he's surrounded himself with people who understand to varying degrees that this is how he wants to live (Tommy, Nick, his wife even?), and they are there to support his lifestyle and help keep the ship afloat. Then, there are people who've grown tired of his shit and refuse to work with him anymore but won't speak out about his problems without being highly cryptic and non-confrontational, maybe because they feel it's not their place and they don't want to rock the boat (Doug, Danny, VR). Finally, there are the people who call him on his shit (Deleos) -- even with them, there's only so much they're willing to say; a lot has been kept in secret, away from the fans and the public.

(Note: I'm not saying the Deleos have been perfect -- even with all the shit Scott's pulled, I still think the lawsuit was in bad form. I know the purpose was for them to continue with CheSTP, and I supported CheSTP, but now that that has ended, I think it makes their whole play to sue Scott and replace him in STP look even worse.)

Again, no one knows the truth, and I know the Scott apologists on here are going to jump on this and start spinning it how they want. But when you really look at the events of the past several years, it seems painfully obvious that Scott is still struggling with addiction in a big way.


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2015, 04:53:56 AM »
This all could be (is) true but I believe he had some level of a stroke. It would explain the lack of movement during shows, the slurred speech, and his appearance.

Of course you could blow this off and say he is using.

Think about it.


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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2015, 06:58:00 AM »
At the time Rolling Stone reported it to be a 'mild seizure' -

Interestingly it also says that he is/was prone to having them?
Perhaps that is what has affected his movement and speech, who knows? I know its easy to just write it off as 'he's wasted' but I have a hard time believing he is drunk 24/7, there's gotta be more to it than that.

That's why I think it could be benzos he is abusing. Would make sense he's taking them for anxiety, and when combined with alcohol it makes "zombie"-like people.... And when you're having even mild withdrawls after consuming them for any period of time, they'll cause seizures. Nobody had heard of Weiland having a seizure (aside from maybe people who actually know him) before that plane incident. And I remember reading a comment by somebody who said they were on that  plane and saw some fat dude feeding Scott pills. Allegedly white ones.... Could have been / was likely bullshit, but you never know.

He's been performing well, and hasn't been super out of it since the Corpus Christi incident, but has apparently been kinda "empty" seeming....

I just hope he can get to a point where he's healthy and happy and able to tour and perform and be able to look the part....

Scott's Scott. I'm glad he's alive and singing well and not out getting busted for buying crack and smack while dressed like a pimp
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2015, 03:42:11 AM »
Perhaps Scott's physical health isn't as bad as I thought considering he's just posted a picture of himself riding a mechanical bull on Facebook! Admittedly the picture he posted right before that was one of him and Tommy Black drinking so I'm guessing they were smashed!
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2015, 02:53:03 PM »
Perhaps Scott's physical health isn't as bad as I thought considering he's just posted a picture of himself riding a mechanical bull on Facebook! Admittedly the picture he posted right before that was one of him and Tommy Black drinking so I'm guessing they were smashed!

...and I also saw a Facebook status of Tommy and Scott that read "Just arrived at Adelaide Hall in Toronto for tonight's show" and a pic of Tommy laying on a bar with Scott holding a bottle of booze. Not what a paying fan wants to see before a show. After the show in Cincinnati the other week, Tommy was at the bar slamming shots. Good guy for Scott to be hanging around with, huh?
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Re: South Detroit Soundhouse Interview
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2015, 04:10:41 PM »
It's kind of out there to speculate on his physical condition having no background in medicine at all. But I'll do it anyway - (that's what we do). First off, he's a full blown alcoholic. I don't think he'd deny that. And putting the physical aspect aside - the guy can't even formulate a thought without struggling. The audio from Brett's interview a couple of weeks ago was PAINFUL to listen to. This clip is just as horrid. He's just got a blank stare on his face at all times. I'd advise Scott to go away for a while. Get right. Get healthy and clean, if he can. If he can even afford to take time to himself...  The constant touring can't be good. The shows suffer. The product becomes watered down. And if you're living on a bus for weeks at a time - The temptation to tie one on every night is too great to pass up. 
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