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Author Topic: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015  (Read 5760 times)


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2015, 10:05:19 PM »
When did you see Alice In Chains? I saw the Black Gives Way to Blue Tour. Night 1...6 new songs. Night 2...6 new songs again.

Saw them on the tour for their last album. Played 2 from the new record and 1 from BGWTB.


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2015, 11:39:30 PM »
Was that a festival slot though? I saw them at Sonisphere last year, they did 3 songs from the last 2 albums, out of 12 songs. But I also saw them headline a gig, and they did 5.


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2015, 12:43:18 AM »
We've just reached the point where they are purely a nostalgia act. They have a new singer, even if known, playing almost entirely old hits. Take "Out of Time" out of the set, and the newest song was released 19 years ago.

Even that "new" song is 2.5 years old. That COULD change. It changed for Alice in Chains, though an unknown singer replacing a deceased singer is probably easier for fans to handle. They toured on old hits before putting out a new album. But at least they put out a full record where they devoted a significant amount of time to it. High Rise had a time limit and is only a few songs. Much different.

AIC may have devoted a lot of time to their new music, but when I saw them live, they only played 3 new songs.

When I saw them at the Joint in Vegas in 2009, they played 6 new songs (

Their last non-festival gig, at least according to, they played 6 'new' songs (

Of course, comparing this to STP festival show is apples and oranges. But STP is only playing one new song in their full sets nowadays.


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2015, 09:32:57 AM »
Seems like the DeLeos and (to a lesser extent) Kretz are incredibly lazy people who want success to just fall into their laps like it did when their debut album, Core, just so happened to sell over 8 million copies and put them on top of the world....

The main songwriters in this wack math problem, they've released, what, 2 albums and an EP outside of the STP catalog? And those bands stayed together for how long after their first attempts at making music with a new and different singer were commercial flops? I guess Robert is +1 since he has that Def Leppard guy side proect, but that obviously doesn't have any sort of long term staying power. I won't discount their few sporadic guest appearances and a fucking wretched (I'm being polite here) attempt at producing an Alien Ant Farm album.... So what do we have here?

Some guys whose last real success was the 1999 No. 4 album which didn't do nearly as well commercially as their earlier work.....

And then we have this unreliable drug addict guy they sued for costing them millions of dollars in income or whatever asinine BS they sued Scott for. And this unreliable druggie has released 2 solo albums, 2 Velvet Revolver albums, a Wildabouts album, an Art Of Anarchy album, a Christmas album, an album of cover songs, a (currently unreleased) Wondergirls album, along with various songwriting and vocal appearances with different artists, plus an autobiography, in addition to  the 6 Stone Temple Pilots albums.

Almost seems like certain people in this equation are looking for an easy ride, and when their golden goose just lays regular eggs instead of those solid gold ones that are so sought after, they fade back into the woodwork until Dean calls Scott and asks him if he wants to make a million bucks.......

I hope the golden goose tells those money hungrys to fuck themselves when they come crawling back when Chester continues to be a slave to the record labels like he always has been. It's very sad and obvious which members of Stone Temple Pilots are desperate to to cling to former successes, and who is willing to grow and change as an artist, regardless of their personal problems....

As talented as they are, I hope Dean and Robert DeLeo and Eric Kretz are able to grow beyond their glory days, To write music they feel stands up on its own without having to be called Stone Temple Pilots to have even a little commercial success....
Bleeda blooda


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2015, 02:57:58 PM »

The fiction writers on this board are hilarious. Last month's fiction had Scott being paid big $$$ by STP, and that theory was shot to pieces.

So it seems the new fiction on this board is that STP is lazy, and this is why they haven't put out more material.

In order to tour and produce new music, STP needs access to Chester. They have had very little time with him.

Sine joining STP, Linkin Park recorded the Hunting Party, which led to the cancellation of some STP dates in Asia. Then LP embarked on a huge world tour, which just ended. After a short break, LP are back in the studio, right now, recording another album.

LP is keeping Chester very busy, which prevents him from recording and touring with STP. That's it.


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2015, 10:56:36 PM »
@andrew: I think calling the Deleos "incredibly lazy" is a bit far. But I do think there is some truth to what you said. Scott has put out a lot more material. However, I don't think it's laziness on the Deleos' end; I think they just get discouraged easily. I think they got a little too used to being rock superstars in the 90's and they've never been willing to accept less, which is why they bailed on Talk Show and more importantly, AoA. They had a good thing with AoA, but it needed more time to grow. They let the low sales of the first album get to them and gave up, when AoA could be as big or bigger than STP with Chester is now.

Jim The Stimulator

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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2015, 01:16:50 PM »
@andrew: I think calling the Deleos "incredibly lazy" is a bit far. But I do think there is some truth to what you said. Scott has put out a lot more material. However, I don't think it's laziness on the Deleos' end; I think they just get discouraged easily. I think they got a little too used to being rock superstars in the 90's and they've never been willing to accept less, which is why they bailed on Talk Show and more importantly, AoA. They had a good thing with AoA, but it needed more time to grow. They let the low sales of the first album get to them and gave up, when AoA could be as big or bigger than STP with Chester is now.

It's like deja vu all over again for the third time.  AOA and Talk Show were similar failures.  Now they have the STP name and it's still failing.  The only way they can succeed is if they trust the new stuff they eventually release and play at least 5 or 6 songs of it every show.  They can't go around playing all of their old songs with Chester singing.  That will never work.  Look how many songs Scott is playing off of Blaster.  He's not going around playing all of STP's hits and then one song off of Blaster.

The DeLeos seem to care more about the money and success than about the music.
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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2015, 03:47:58 PM »
They definitely are concerned with being famous too much. And they shouldn't be, that time is over. Neither they as STP with or without Scott, nor Scott on his own are ever going to be big rock stars again. They really need to get used to that.

Rob Deleo is a hugely, hugely talented songwriter, and despite what some people round here say, was instrumental in STP's success and the creation of those tunes we all love so much. Seeing all that talent just sitting around waiting for the singer from Linkin Park to get a week off is heartbreaking.

Chris Pepper

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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2015, 04:47:00 PM »
They definitely are concerned with being famous too much. And they shouldn't be, that time is over. Neither they as STP with or without Scott, nor Scott on his own are ever going to be big rock stars again. They really need to get used to that.

Rob Deleo is a hugely, hugely talented songwriter, and despite what some people round here say, was instrumental in STP's success and the creation of those tunes we all love so much. Seeing all that talent just sitting around waiting for the singer from Linkin Park to get a week off is heartbreaking.

Wow. Even the haters are coming around to what was fucking obvious two years ago.  Welcome to the otherside. The decision to sever ties with Scott forever was just stupid. If they wanted to fuck around with CB go ahead and reboot STP when cooler heads prevailed.  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2015, 05:13:27 PM »
Haters? Other side? I have said that they are too concerned with fame, and past the point of being rock stars on numerous occasions.  I have never attacked any member of the band on a personal level, and I have bought, digested and enjoyed every release from all the members of the band, including Scott Weiland, who I hugely admire as an artist.

What I haven't done is act like I know any of them, bad mouth their motives, call them names, diss their contributions to the band's success, act like it's any of my business what they call their band, or get angry at them on a personal level because they don't get on with some fucking ex rock star I don't know. That's the kind of behaviour I take issue with. That's being a "hater". I don't give a fuck whether people dislike their music, or dislike Chester Bennington, I just don't understand why people obsess over them, and fantasize about their interpersonal relationships..

And anyway, as Scott himself has said, there's no such thing as "forever" or "never" in rock. Scott would go back with them in a heartbeat, and I bet they'd have him back tomorrow if they thought he was capable of doing the job properly.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 05:15:24 PM by Pingfah »

Chris Pepper

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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2015, 06:05:55 PM »
Haters? Other side? I have said that they are too concerned with fame, and past the point of being rock stars on numerous occasions.  I have never attacked any member of the band on a personal level, and I have bought, digested and enjoyed every release from all the members of the band, including Scott Weiland, who I hugely admire as an artist.

What I haven't done is act like I know any of them, bad mouth their motives, call them names, diss their contributions to the band's success, act like it's any of my business what they call their band, or get angry at them on a personal level because they don't get on with some fucking ex rock star I don't know. That's the kind of behaviour I take issue with. That's being a "hater". I don't give a fuck whether people dislike their music, or dislike Chester Bennington, I just don't understand why people obsess over them, and fantasize about their interpersonal relationships..

And anyway, as Scott himself has said, there's no such thing as "forever" or "never" in rock. Scott would go back with them in a heartbeat, and I bet they'd have him back tomorrow if they thought he was capable of doing the job properly.

Uh huh.  Thanks for the chuckle. 


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2015, 06:56:57 PM »

The fiction writers on this board are hilarious. Last month's fiction had Scott being paid big $$$ by STP, and that theory was shot to pieces.

So it seems the new fiction on this board is that STP is lazy, and this is why they haven't put out more material.

In order to tour and produce new music, STP needs access to Chester. They have had very little time with him.

Sine joining STP, Linkin Park recorded the Hunting Party, which led to the cancellation of some STP dates in Asia. Then LP embarked on a huge world tour, which just ended. After a short break, LP are back in the studio, right now, recording another album.

LP is keeping Chester very busy, which prevents him from recording and touring with STP. That's it.

Well...they shouldn't have chosen such a busy guy to continue STP!!

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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2015, 06:19:04 PM »
STP w/ Scott headlining
STP w/out Scott day slot

Nice choice Deleos


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Re: STP - Elverta, CA @ Gibson Ranch - October 25, 2015
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2015, 07:06:27 PM »
I just revisited this thread and thought to myself: wow, what a difference a couple weeks makes.
STP: 07.31.00 | 08.04.01 | 10.24.01 | 04.23.02 | 10.11.02 | 05.31.08 | 09.05.10
SW: 11.30.11 | 03.12.13 | 08.29.14 | 03.10.15
VR: 05.28.04 | 05.18.07 || AoA: 02.01.07
CheSTP: 09.06.13 | 04.25.15 | 09.20.15 || JeffTP: 07.28.18 | 09.15.19