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Author Topic: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone  (Read 2900 times)


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Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:21:45 AM »
I'm going with Til The Dust Is Gone. The song has really grown on me. I know Fall To Pieces was the bigger single and had the awesome guitar solo, but I think Dust just has so much more depth and passion to the lyrics and the riff is great. The verses and chorus are much stronger. A lot of you seemed to be disappointed by it, but I think Dust should have been a huge single. Random poll?...yes!!! Vote and discuss.


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 11:36:32 AM »
I'll have to go with AoA as well, but mainly because I think Fall to Pieces is one of rock's hugest turds. Terrible song. It's like the ballad version of someone hitting you in the face with a hammer.

Til the Dust is Gone is pretty good, although not my favourite off that album.


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2015, 01:22:43 PM »
I couldnt disagree more with both of you.  I like some of the AoA stuff, but I think Til The Dust Is Gone is a terrible song.  Its long, boring, unoriginal, and totally cliche. 

Fall to pieces is a classic, although I do agree a bit with the hammer comment... Sorum's drums were generally a good fit for VR but just didnt work on this song. 


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 02:34:33 PM »
I just think Fall to Pieces lacks any kind of nuance, and in my opinion highlights just what a better fit for Scott the Deleos & Kretz are. It's supposed to be an deeply emotional song, but it's just way overcooked musically, no subtlety. It's not just the drums IMO, it's all the instruments.

So in relative terms, TTDIG pretty much achieves the low bar it set for itself, but Fall to Pieces is wrecked by its own ambition, if you see what I mean.

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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 04:48:20 PM »
Fall To Pieces
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 08:59:13 PM »
You Got No Right.
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 10:19:40 PM »
The fact this is even a question...
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2015, 01:32:01 AM »
Fall To Pieces, no contest. Till The Dust Is Gone feels very cookie cutter and generic. Fall To Pieces' writing  + guitar is better and the chorus is about 100x stronger.


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2015, 01:40:36 AM »
TTDIG totally for me. I actually quite hate Velvet Revolver to be honest...I have no interest in their music. Art of Anarchy is a pretty cool album that I'm still listening to from time to time.


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2015, 02:58:34 AM »
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2015, 09:28:21 PM »
You Got No Right.


Agreed, lyrically You Got No Right is way better.


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2015, 04:36:44 AM »
I'm not much a fan of Art Of Anarchy but I won't say TTDIG is terrible. It's tolerable to me, but Fall To Pieces takes this battle this no question.  I still really like Fall To Pieces all these years later.  When I think of my favorite song that Scott sings sans Deleos and Kretz this is probably the first song that comes to mind. 

In recent times I've really come to change how I feel about VR.  I used to kinda dig Contraband but not like Libertad.  Now I see things totally differently.  To me a bunch of the songs on Contraband have that feel of a runaway locomotive to them and are off set in a very complimentary way by the really great slower tracks.  (Fall To Pieces, You Got No Right, Loving The Alien)

With Libertad I really disliked SBQM and it's video when it came out as the lead single.  That instantly turned me off.  Then the next single I heard was The Last Fight.  I wanted a real rocker not a pop song! I was totally turned off at that point and decided the record wasn't worth buying.  Then not too long after the band broke up.  That was years ago though. 

In the last year I gave this record another chance and bought it.  I really like it a lot now.  The songwriting is just so much more refined on Libertad than on Contraband.  The rockers I desperately wanted I found in Let It Roll, Just Sixteen, Spay, Get Out The Door, and She Mine. I even started to like the songs that I used to despise back when this record came out. Even Gravedancer was great to me.  Again, the writing on this record is just great.

So overall I came to really like VR. 

I can stomach most Art Of Anarchy but none of it really compares to VR to me. Personally of their catalog I would say Death Of It is more comparable to Fall To Pieces if you're really looking for a song to compare.  That's just my take though.  Cheers!


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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2015, 06:19:33 PM »
I love the Art of Anarchy record and in some ways I actually prefer it to the 2 VR records, mainly in the sense that I enjoy every song on it and don't have to skip any like I do on the VR albums ('Spectacle', 'Mary Mary', 'Spay').
However out of the 2 songs in this poll 'Fall To Pieces' is the stronger track, I like 'Til The Dust' too but I feel VR's slower songs were their best work, especially 'Loving The Alien' and 'Messages', the latter was left off 'Libertad' for reasons I cannot fathom.
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2015, 01:15:29 AM »
Art of Anarchy is, in my opinion, creatively the lowest point in Scott's career. There are a few stand out choruses, Til The Dust Is Gone being one of them, but for the most part it's all just bland and uninspired. Vocally, the use of auto tune is so horrific that Weiland's voice is hardly recognizable as human. And instrumentally, it's just generic post-90s metal, with generic Spanish style guitar solos and everything.

Velvet Revolver, instrumentally speaking, has the G'n'R sound. Now you can take that as a good thing or a bad thing, but one thing it isn't is generic. But melodically, Weiland did so much different stuff over those two records it could easily be called his creative peak.  Fall to Pieces is one of the most iconic melodies he's ever written. Same with Slither. Then you have under rated songs like the Last Fight and of course You Got No Right.

And then vocally, Contraband is probably the strongest performance he's ever put on record. The range he displays from chest voice to head voice to falsetto is almost mind boggling. Just listen to the falsetto he reaches in Headspace, a goddamn hard rock song. Who comes up with that stuff? Weiland at his best, that's who.

But back on the topic of which of these two songs is better, it's hard to see this as a competition. Til The Dust Is Gone is an above average track on a bland and uninspired metal album. Fall to Pieces is one of the most iconic rock ballads of the early 2000s.
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Re: Fall to Pieces vs. Til The Dust Is Gone
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2015, 10:31:34 PM »
I strongly Disagree, Blue. I've listened to this art of anarchy album, I think, more times than I've listened to anything Scott's put out since contraband and probably more than contraband. Scott should make something from this, as well as keeping the wildabouts.