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Author Topic: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10  (Read 6265 times)


  • The Other Scott
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Re: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2011, 06:42:32 AM »
Lounge Fly a 4?!?! Wow I didnt think it was possible for an STP fan to dislike that song

I feel the same way when people insult Cinnamon. Lounge Fly just never did anything for me, it has a weird sound and is very boring to me.

Sheesh. What do you know.


Lounge Fly in my opinion, to quote Billy Bob from Varsity Blues, 'A 10! A 10! A fucking 10!'
Dedicated. Disgusting. Disturbing.

I'm just sittin' on this merry-go-round, and the music is too loud..


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Re: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2011, 09:00:25 AM »
CORE                                    Purple                     Tiny Music
1.Dead and Bloated 9.5           1.Meatplow 8           1.Press Play 2
2.Sex Type Thing 9.5             2.Vasoline 8.5           2.Pop's Love Suicide 9.5
3.Wicked Garden 8                3.Loungefly 7.5          3.Tumble In The Rough 9.5
4.No Memory 1                     4.Interstate 10          4.Big Bang Baby 10
5.Sin 6.5                             5.Still Remains 8.5      5.Lady Picture Show10
6.Naked Sunday 7.5              6.Pretty Penny 8.5     6.And So I Know 9.5
7.Creep 9                            7.Silvergun 7             7.Trippin' 10
8.Piece of Piece 9.5              8.Big Empty 9             8.Art School Girl 9.5
9.Plush 8.5                          9."Unglued" 9             9.Adhesive 9
10.Wet My Bed 6                 10. Army Ants 8.5       10.Ride The Cliche 8.5
11.Crackerman 9.5               11.Kitchenware 8        11.Daisy 8
12.Where The River Goes 6     8.36                        12.Seven Caged Tigers 9.5
Average 7.54                                                              8.75
NO.4                                 Shangri La Dee Da         Stone Temple Pilots
1.Down 9                          1.Dumb Love 8.5            1.Between The Lines 9
2.H&H 8                           2.Days Of The Week 10   2.Take A Load Off 7.5
3.Pruno 8                         3.Coma 8.5                    3.Huckleberry Crumble 9
4.Church On Tuesday 8.5    4.Hollywood Bitch 8         4.Hickory Dichotmy 9
5.Sour Girl 10                    5.Wonderful 6.5              5.Dare If You Dare 5.5
6.No Way Out 7.5              6.Black Again 9               6.Cinnamon 8.5
7.Sex And Violence 8.5       7.Hello, It's Late 8.5        7.Hazy Daze 8
8.Glide 10                         8.Too Cool Queenie 9      8.Bagman 6.5
9.I Got You 10                  9.Regeneration 5.5          9.Peacoat 8       
10.MC5 9                        10.Bi-Polar Bear 8.5          10.Fast As I Can 7.5
11.Atlanta 10                   11.Transmissions 6           11.First Kiss On Mars 10
8.95                               12.A Song For Sleeping 8   12.Maver 9.5
                                     13.Long Way Home 7.5         8.16


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Re: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2011, 09:05:57 AM »
I was actually gonna try doing this but I don't think I'm capable. If I did, I'd come back and check the list 2 days later saying "What the fuck was I thinking?!?!". Like The Doors, STP plays a big soundtrack for me. The way I feel about their freaking discography, is always changing.
If you only knew..


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Re: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2011, 05:16:09 PM »
Im with Velvet .. to hard to grade all the tunes .. and about the song Lounge Fly I never really thought much of it, actually was my least fav on Purple until I saw it live which made me really like that tune
"There's a dusty rose where the promise of love used to be"


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Re: Grade each STP song individually from 1-10
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2011, 06:27:01 PM »
Here they are:

1. Dead & Bloated 9
2. Sex Type Thing 8.5
3. Wicked Garden 8.5
4. No Memory/Sin 7
5. Naked Sunday 8
6. Creep 9
7. Piece of Pie 8.5
8. Plush 8
9. Wet My Bed/Crackerman 9
10. Where the River Goes 7.5

1. Meatplow 8.5
2. Vasoline 9
3. Lounge Fly 9
4. Interstate Love Song 10
5. Still Remains 9.5
6. Pretty Penny 8
7. Silvergun Superman 8.5
8. Big Empty 9.5
9. Unglued 9
10. Army Ants 9
11. Kitchenware & Candybars 8

1. Press Play 6
2. Pop's Love Suicide 8.5
3. Tumble in the Rough 8.5
4. Big Bang Baby 9
5. Lady Picture Show 9
6. And So I Know 7.5
7. Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart 9
8. Art School Girl 8.5
9. Adhesive 9
10. Ride the Cliche 8
11. Daisy 8
12. Seven Caged Tigers 10

1.Down 9
2. Heaven & Hot Rods 9
3. Pruno 7.5
4. Church on Tuesday 8.5
5. Sour Girl 7.5
6. No Way Out 8.5
7. Sex & Violence 8.5
8. Glide 8.5
9. I Got You 8
10. MC5 7
11. Atlanta 6

1. Dumb Love 9
2. Days of the Week 9
3. Coma 8
4. Hollywood Bitch 8
5. Wonderful 7.5
6. Black Again 6.5
7. Hello it's Late 7.5
8. Too Cool Queenie 8.5
9. Regeneration 8
10. Bi-Polar Bear 7
11. Transmission From A Lonely Room 7
12. A Song for Sleeping 5.5
13. Long Way Home 8

1. Between the Lines 9.5
2. Take a Load Off 8
3. Huckleberry Crumble 8.5
4. Hickory Dichotomy 8.5
5. Dare If You Dare 8
6. Cinnamon 9
7. Hazy Dazy 8.5
8. Bagman 7.5
9. Peacoat 8
10. Fast As I Can 8.5
11. First Kiss On Mars 8.5
12. Maver 8

Love all their albums but my top 3 are Purple, Tiny Music & Stone Temple Pilots!!!!!!!!!!!!!