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Author Topic: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum  (Read 6782 times)


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2009, 11:44:31 PM »
Oh yeah and another thing about people and media accusing STP as being in it for the money only which is completely wrong. This actually a mini-theatre style tour even in this hamilton nhl sized arena which the band only wanted to play for tiny crowds. The stage and seating chart based on STPs request is only set up for a quarter of the capacity which sold out within days. Meanwhile they could by far sold out the entire place......just like in Toronto where there were tonnes of peeps begging for a ticket.


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2009, 11:48:07 PM »
Quote from: "hawk900"
Oh yeah and another thing about people and media accusing STP as being in it for the money only which is completely wrong. This actually a mini-theatre style tour even in this hamilton nhl sized arena which the band only wanted to play for tiny crowds. The stage and seating chart based on STPs request is only set up for a quarter of the capacity which sold out within days. Meanwhile they could by far sold out the entire place......just like in Toronto where there were tonnes of peeps begging for a ticket.

they should do a whole tour like that, just for tiny crowds....a Storytellers type of experience.....but they wont.
If you only knew..


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2009, 12:23:03 AM »
The show last night was like they were playing in my rec room or just like a downtown bar.  Unfuckin beievable!!!!!!
 Scotty is alive......even at the final bow he was full of ear to ear smiles!!!!


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2009, 12:29:49 AM »
hawk man I'm so glad to hear the show last night was awesome! It seems that STP performs better in smaller venues...I've only seen them at larger venues and Virgin Fest and they've been amazing everytime, but a lot of their classic performances seem to be at small venues, specifically the ones at House of Blues in 1999-2000

edit: unrelated to STP but I know one time Mark Tremonti from Creed said he likes playing in smaller venues better because he feels a stronger and more intimate connection to the crowd. Maybe STP feels the same way?
My STP shows: 8/10/2008, 7/19/2009, 10/10/2009, 5/22/2010, 4/26/2011, 4/24/2015   Weiland solo: 1/29/2009, 11/29/2012, 3/13/2015    VR: 8/5/2007


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2009, 05:12:31 AM »
Just got back to the room and this the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second show for me on the tour and these Hamilton and Toronto shows were like night and day as far as the  reviews go are for the most very true. It's not the band at all. They were feelin great goofin around laughin with each other. Scott was dancing all over the place.....and so on was Dean and Rob.     The truth is the crowds in some of these cities suck beyond belief.  Hardely any chants and 1/3 of the place sitting. I was asked to sit down right at the begining and my girlfriend said"this is fuckin STP asshole"!!!!!
 The band feeds off of the crowd and this crowd sucked ass.  Toronto put STP on a pedestal and they went nuts on stage.
 It only takes a short time and the band realizes let's count off the setlist and see if there's energy tomorrow night. They weren't tired at all and all members were in great laughing moods and was excellent to see them getting along unbelievably like four best friends.
 They have to stop playin these new lame ass cities especially outside the US.
I actually felt sorry for them at a few times.   Its these idiot people I repeat idiot people not fans because theyre not.
  The way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2009, 05:34:58 AM »
the people sitting reminds me of the casino rama show last year, like what are people thinking? i know there are some bands you can sit and listen to, but not STP


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2009, 06:49:44 AM »
the music, amazing, the band overall amazing...the feel at all.

I started off my night getting there basically as the opening act was done. My Cuz and I walk in and the place is empty...well...STP ain't on yet so no surprise, but man, it filled up fast. Before we even realized it we're like 3rd/4th from the stage and there's this Microphone stand right in from of us with no pics stuck to it...HOLY SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!

They come out and Silvergun Superman is great, lots going on, they guys seem really into it. I snap a few pics with my cam and everything is all good.

Wicked garden on next, so I get kinda bold and I pull out my brand fucking new, just got it on monday camcorder to see how it looks. I get about 3/4 through song and get a slightly more than subtle finger pinch of death on my shoulder...big fat hairy security guard giving my the hairy eyeball and telling me to come with him...FUUUUUCK...So he marches me upto the security office like I'm in grade four(or as they say in american 4th grade) and demands I show him all the footage and picstures I've snapped with the corder, which was only like 2 minutes worth. He takes my camera and gives me a ticket to pick it up after the show...

So now I gotta go back down to the floor and try and get back to center front 3 people back from the barrier...yea right...for most of what was left I was basically where I was for the Sarnia show, 10-12 back starting right at Rob.

I managed to get back up to the front closer to my cousin by the encore, so no biggie there. I go up for my cam after the has confiscated a grand total of TWO cameras. take my camera 5 mintues into the show, and you take NOBODY'S??? The other camera was a digi SLR cannon with a huge telephoto lens on it, basically one step down from the guy who shot my wedding photos. All I saw the whole rest of the night were people recording songs on vid an NOT having their camera taken away and more importantly, not being pulled out of their spots...

Oh well, I suppose it's my fault for pulling it out early. I have to say, there is a policy in place, you can't record it, it's 'stealing'. To me, if you're only going to one camera away, what the hell are you doing it for.

As far as the rest of the show goes, I missed basically the end of Wicked Garden, Vasoline and most of Big Empty. I had a great time even if everyone there was sitting on their hands. I'm there for the band and they were great other than not completely enthused by the crowd and it is SO true that bands feed off crowds.

One nice thing came out of this all, my cousin was able to get one of Rob's pics, and not one of the ones he threw out after the show, one he actually used, which is super cool and yea, had a great time otherwise. So if anyone saw a dude getting escorted out during wicked garden wearing a blue sweater THAT WAS MEEEEEE!!!!!

wayne gretzky

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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2009, 04:00:29 PM »
I was at that Rama show and It was weak.  Was in the seat and it didnt feel right.  But the Toronto show on the other hand was great.  

How was the Copps venue set up? Im assuming they used half of it.


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2009, 04:01:41 AM »
basically Eric was sitting on center ice. The seating would have been between top of the circle and the blue line. The backdrop was pretty far back from the band, or so it seemed to me, but it was cool. I love the road warrior montage they did during....crackerman?


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 01:04:40 AM »
Yeah when they try to turn a jumbo arena into a mini theatre show the acoustics aren't possible. The walls are way to far away.  
 Thats too much the security were actually civil with you becreep. I was expecting a knock on our hotel room door that night. Yes totally disgusted with all the peeps in lower bowl.
  The fans in front of main floor got a real treat when at the end of the show Scott walked along the edge shaking everybody's hand.   Throwing out the jumbo autographed STP frisbee is also a gem too. Also you can catch his sweaty face rag and or sticks and picks as usual .

Wingless Bird

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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2009, 03:07:38 PM »
I was in the lower bowl and the when ever we tried to stand at the begining they would come over and tell us to be seated. It was mostly the staff at Copps that made the crowd stay seated. But whatever I stood up anyway sang at the top of my lungs!! ;D


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2009, 06:54:22 AM »
just checked youtube and found a whole shit pile of videos from the show...damn, I'm bitter. I'm just gonna punch the next fat slob I see who looks like that security guard  >:(


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2010, 12:31:44 AM »
this show is on dimeadozen now


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Re: 2009-11-18 - Hamilton, ONT, Canada - Copps Coliseum
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2010, 04:19:54 AM »
Thanks for the tip just grabbed it!!!!!!!