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Author Topic: Lurker joins, makes poor introduction  (Read 731 times)


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Lurker joins, makes poor introduction
« on: November 11, 2016, 12:36:55 PM »
After some not-so-gentle nudging from fellow long-time fans, I've given in (whilst hoping I won't be dive-bombed for waiting so long. #goals)
I'm on the east coast of the US, ill-tempered and dress as though my parents didn't raise me correctly. I have no interests or hobbies, and I don't even eat food; Rocks are substantial and full of minerals. In my spare time, I plan for ways to have more spare time. </nonsense> I'm into music, hockey, art, dogs, and an endless pursuit of knowledge. I appreciate the talents and versatility of STP (original incarnation) and want to be among like-minded people. The next few weeks will suck (speaking for myself) and I thought it might be a good idea to be among others who get why I might feel that way.
Also, I have some thematic questions about certain lyrical content I'll eventually search out to see if others noticed as well. But that'll be another day.
Thanks for allowing me to come aboard.
"Pleased to meet you"