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Author Topic: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them  (Read 3970 times)


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Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« on: June 07, 2010, 05:53:58 AM »
Anyone else here have a significant other who doesn't share your enthusiasm for STP?

Let me first say that I love my wife. We've been together almost 5 years, and have been married only 3 months. She's smart and funny, fantastic and feisty, and we are of the same mind on most things. However one thing we do not agree on in STP.

She does not like them. In fact, our musical taste is really the only incompatibility in our relationship. I like rock, she likes country and emo.

When I found out they were releasing a new album, the first person I wanted to tell was her, because that's what I do when I'm happy and excited. Her response was a shrug and "I wish I could be excited. But I'm happy for you." I told her that Cinnamon reminded me of her, and she told me she hated it. Granted, there are more than a few fans that hate it, too.

So what of it? Do you have a s.o. that just does not like your favorite band?

P.S. - She loves me more than she dislikes the band. She's buying me tickets for their Boston show, and she said she'd come with me. I told her that it would be worth it, even though she doesn't like their music. She'll see me like she's never seen me before, because I went crazygonuts at my only other STP show. I can only imagine how much more crazy I'll go for this next one...
The answers get harder and the truth's getting farther and farther...


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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 01:01:24 PM »
My husband used to be a big STP fan till he met me.  He said I ruined it for him, LOL  I still tell him about new stuff and he even went to the Chicago show with me this year. Sometimes he is like ooh thats cool and others he it like I DONT CARE but he did give me the "go ahead" if I ever had my chance with Weiland that it was ok LOL Now thats true love =) 
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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 02:13:37 PM »
My husband isn't the hardcore fan I am, but his love for the band has definitely grown since seeing them live. He even chose to propose after a Weiland solo gig, and allowed me to have a 90s cover band at our wedding - they played a 30 minute set of STP. So, while he doesn't share the same obsessive enthusiasm I do, he's tolerant of my "little problem" with STP. 
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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 04:24:42 PM »
My wife definitely doesn't hate STP, but she isn't a fan either.
I'm sure my near constant album playing (especially in the car) gets on her nerves from time to time.
There are a few songs she likes, but I don't think she'll ever consider herself a fan.


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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 04:39:57 PM »
My wife and I have slightly different tastes in music, but there is some overlap in what we each like, and STP falls within that overlap.  She isn't a hardcore fan like me, but she likes the majority of their music (especially the softer side of STP).  She owned a copy of Purple before we met.  When I saw the album on her CD collection, I knew there was a chance for the relationship to turn serious  ;) .  It also helps that she thinks Weiland is hot, so she also enjoys going to shows with me.
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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 05:10:45 PM »
I gotta say I totally lucked out on this end. My girl (toysintheattic) obviously totally loves STP and I'm proud to say I got her into them. Prior to her obession with the band, she had nothing against STP but was really about VR at the time. I always told her " just check out STP Rob and Dean are amazing, Eric shits on Matt all day and Scott has this whole other side you don't even knooooooow yet maaaaan!" So I made her an STP mix right around the time everyone in VR except for Duff and Dave becoame unbearable pricks. So low and behold Holly becomes a super fan right in time for a reunited STP. We do have really similar yet some different tastes in music but when it comes to STP the only conflict we have is who the bigger fan is lol. But I gotta say I have quite a few years on her so I think I get the nod but it's close lol. CharlieBoston: "I told her that Cinnamon reminded me of her, and she told me she hated it. Granted, there are more than a few fans that hate it, too." That a riot buddy funny sad and cute at the same time. It's awesome though for everyone when non fans support the cause
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 05:27:36 PM by rockdude_unglued519 »


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Re: Non-Fan Significant Others and The People Who Love Them
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 08:51:59 PM »
My wife has probably the same feelings toward STP that she has towards most of the music I listen too: Indifferent. I gravitated toward her when we were dating because she was an Aerosmith fan. She still is an Aerosmith, but let's just say that music isn't as big part of her life compared to mine. We tolerate eachother's tastes. She doesn't like most of the heavy metal I listen too. ( She'll do her best cookie monster vocal to amuse me ) She LOVES Johnny Cash, and I rag on her all the time because she listens to him 99.9% of the time. I don't mind Cash, but in comparison, I just don't listen to STP all the time either. The only other bands that we can listen too together are Bon Jovi, Jet, Kid Rock (Rock N' Roll Jesus specifically), Offspring, and Rob Zombie. She likes Train, Matchbox 20, and she used to be a HUGE O.A.R. fan, but she hasn't cared much for their newer mainstream direction.
So yeah, if there we're any two opposite people that are married, it would be me and Julie.
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I'm just sittin' on this merry-go-round, and the music is too loud..