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Author Topic: 2009-05-24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater  (Read 3960 times)


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2009-05-24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« on: May 20, 2009, 04:16:58 PM »
2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
Can we really find
A lovely magic place we dream of?

"Well hell, sometimes it is difficult to take a shower with a broken heart" - Scott Weiland


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2009, 10:30:03 PM »
Going tonight!   First time seeing solo, and I'm looking forward to it.  I'll try to get something close to the setlist, but no guarentees lol.  I'll listen to the solo albums right now to refresh, but as long as it's nothing too obscure I should be alright.


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2009, 10:42:24 PM »
casual - have a great time at the show tonight! - Lori


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2009, 08:20:43 AM »
Hey everybody, I had a great time at the show tonight.   Scott was in a good mood and so was the crowd.   Everybody was really into all of the songs.   I got pretty much the whole setlist except one song, but maybe you can help with it.   I'd guess there were about 300 ppl or so.  I got a few pics on my camera phone that maybe I'll post later.  Ok here is the selist that I gathered:

Killing Me Sweetly
Mockingbird Girl
Do It For The Kids
Big Black Monster
* maybe Can't Stand me Now?...I remember the lyrics "last stop to nowhere" a lot  and I think the bass player also sang a little bit.
Space Jam
Blind Confusion
Interstate Love Song

Be Not Afraid
Missing Cleveland

I am so glad they played Do It For The Kids, and Unglued.  That totally made it worth it for me, but I really enjoyed hearing all of the new songs too, and Mockingbird Girl was great.

Chris Pepper

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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 02:13:48 AM »
Good show.  Scott always delivers.  Not alot of people at the venue.  Maybe 200 people.  I've been to a Unwritten Law sold out show there and this place can get really loud.  But the folks that were there were solid and they stayed for the whole show.  Saw this show at the Fonda a few weeks back and it was similar.  Not really sure what they're trying to accomplish w/ this tour anymore.  Alot of jam sessions in between songs.  Wish they would've played some more tunes.  Alot of effort, just not alot of substance.  The show was really choppy but definately had its moments.  STP and VR shows are much more focused.....


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2009, 07:21:28 AM »
As I said in the Anahiem thread, I made it to this show also. A last minute thought to try to get on the list to go (I could NOT afford another concert ticket, so I got lucky).

This show, was MUCH better then the Saturday gig. So Im glad I went, becuase it left me with a better last memory of them. Vegas was the BEST fo the 2 I saw, then Ventura & then Anahiem.

The crowd.... uh, no offense toa ny who LIVE there, but they were WIERD & STRANGE!!! I had a buch of haters in front of me in line... Talking shit about Scott, yet travel to see him. WHO DOES THAT?? If I am talking smack about a artist, you can be DAMN sure I am not going out of my way to go see them over & over again!! Such assholes. But I GUARENTEE YOU, if SW walked by them, they'd kiss his ass all over the place!!!

I really dug the opening band!! SOOOOOOOOOO much better then the night before. THese "kids" (the singer we we in front of his parents in line) is only 19. AWESOME VOICE!!! Softsilence (one word) id their name. I haven;t looked hem up on myspace yet, but as a live performer, that kid has got a a talent!! He was standing by me watching Scott sing, we chatted a bit. he was a cool kid.

I couldn't really... ummm, "enjoy" the show like I normally do, because Tommy (who I have never met before that night) saw me in the crowd & asked me to video tape for him. So I spent most of the show trying not to fuck up his footage & hold the camera steady for him. Well, see when he posts it to youtube how it came out. I guess ehs seen me enough to know Im a fan & felt like asking me to do it for him. I was on the wrong side of the stage though, I was on DG's side. I tried to get the joke of a security gaurd to let me closer for his duet with Scott, but he was not having it. Oh well, Tommy, I tried.


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 09:45:50 PM »

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but Mr. Tommy Black finally uploaded one of the videos I shot for him. Im not a pro, and he really did knida just ask me, showed me real fast how to use the camera & ran away cuz they turnd the lights down & he had to get backstage. So I was kinda fiddeling around still at this point. Im not a pro either so I did as best as I could.  ;D

My bf thinks Im cool because I am forever in cyberspace associated with SW in some way publicly. Hahaha!  8)


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Re: 2009.05.24 - Ventura, CA - Majestic Ventura Theater
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2009, 04:24:35 AM »
so they hade a show on may 24th wow thats my birthday!!!!!!;)