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Author Topic: Learning to Drive (Beautiful Day)  (Read 22896 times)


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Re: Learning to Drive (Beautiful Day)
« Reply #135 on: May 01, 2020, 08:52:10 PM »
Interesting info, I haven’t come across that particular Doug video yet.

I remember the STP version leaking. I can see why it was left off Number 4, it wouldn’t have fit in on there or any other STP record. It’s TOO out there. It’s perfect for a Scott solo record though and fits in nicely on HIG. I’m a fan of the ‘keeping up with the Jones’s part that was added too. Is Doug implying he wrote the lyrics for that part??

Anyway here’s the STP version for comparison -

He just said he came up with that part. Not necessarily the lyrics. I'm assuming the extra musical piece.

I feel like HiG is all over the place stylistically. In fact, Doug does mention that in one of the vids. He said that because it consists of songs recorded over a 10 year span, it doesn't really have a stylistic flow. Can't say I disagree there. It definitely has moments where it feels compilation-esque. Then again, 12BB is also very contrasting song to song both sonically and stylistically.  But I do love how it still kinda sounds like one big piece of art.

Anyway, Learning to Drive. It has a very Beatles-esque vibe to it.
There's a lot of Beatles vibes on No. 4 too so I'm not sure it would be too out there, but anyway, I can definitely see that it originated in the same era that might've spawned 12BB.
STP: 07.31.00 | 08.04.01 | 10.24.01 | 04.23.02 | 10.11.02 | 05.31.08 | 09.05.10
SW: 11.30.11 | 03.12.13 | 08.29.14 | 03.10.15
VR: 05.28.04 | 05.18.07 || AoA: 02.01.07
CheSTP: 09.06.13 | 04.25.15 | 09.20.15 || JeffTP: 07.28.18 | 09.15.19