October 03, 2024, 11:30:21 PM

General Statistics - scottieslittlesoftie

Total Time Spent Online:
7 hours and 50 minutes.
Total Posts:
79 posts
Total Topics Started:
11 topics
Number of Polls Created:
0 polls
Number of Votes Cast:
0 votes

Posting Activity By Time

  • 6 posts (9%)
    12 am
  • 9 posts (14%)
    1 am
  • 6 posts (9%)
    2 am
  • 2 posts (3%)
    3 am
  • 1 posts (2%)
    4 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    5 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    6 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    7 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    8 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    9 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    10 am
  • 2 posts (3%)
    11 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    12 pm
  • 0 posts (0%)
    1 pm
  • 0 posts (0%)
    2 pm
  • 1 posts (2%)
    3 pm
  • 6 posts (9%)
    4 pm
  • 2 posts (3%)
    5 pm
  • 6 posts (9%)
    6 pm
  • 4 posts (6%)
    7 pm
  • 3 posts (5%)
    8 pm
  • 3 posts (5%)
    9 pm
  • 9 posts (14%)
    10 pm
  • 6 posts (9%)
    11 pm

Most Popular Boards By Posts

Played Shows 1992-2012
38 posts of the member's 79 posts (48.10%)
Scott Weiland
12 posts of the member's 79 posts (15.19%)
On Tour
6 posts of the member's 79 posts (7.59%)
The Wicked Garden
4 posts of the member's 79 posts (5.06%)
Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me
4 posts of the member's 79 posts (5.06%)
On Tour
2 posts of the member's 79 posts (2.53%)

Most Popular Boards By Activity

On Tour
6 posts of the board's 2430 posts (0.25%)
Played Shows 1992-2012
38 posts of the board's 15602 posts (0.24%)
Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me
4 posts of the board's 4834 posts (0.08%)
Scott Weiland
12 posts of the board's 17568 posts (0.07%)
On Tour
2 posts of the board's 4026 posts (0.05%)
The Wicked Garden
4 posts of the board's 28916 posts (0.01%)