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Messages - EsemJayes

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The Wicked Garden / Long time fan very upset about Purple bundle
« on: January 23, 2020, 06:48:06 AM »
Hi, I’ve been complaining about this on FB and to the very helpful social media manager (she’s great and this isn’t her fault obviously)

I ordered the most expensive Purple bundle in June. I got the same emails everyone else did, but never received any tracking. I emailed them again and they said I would be getting my bundle soon. I emailed them again and they said the bundles are sold out and canceled my order.

I was so angry. Who is running the store? Is it in a foreign country? They couldn’t tell me why my order was cancelled, if they would make more, or anything. Even the manager didn’t know why I wasn’t sent my order. Did anyone else have this happen? Does anyone know where the store is located or who runs it?

As a long time STP fan, I am still pissed about it.

This is a money grab and nothing more.  Even with the latest..."we'd take just $1, and credit, for a settlement" - of course knowing receiving songwriting credit would lead to mucho dinero. As has been said earlier, there really is no comparison.  Btw, how long has Randy been deceased?

What will happen is they'll settle out of court for $ and that will be all.

That riff, is a common "cliche" musical phrase that I've heard and that I've personally played in various songs throughout the years. He probably did hear Taurus and liked it and took it, but they can't copyright it in the first place because it's a common musical idea.

Anybody want to buy my 7Up jacket? It's in pretty good shape, size 40 I think. Will make sure the size in the AM.... I am about 6 feet tall, and it's a little short, but it's plenty wide enough, so it'll fit you if you're shorter and wider.... Looks like somebody tried to repair sew part of the front 7Up patch back on, but you can really only tell if you look at the inside. Pretty much perfect aide from that. I paid 75 + shipping, if you want to paypal me 75 or 70 or whatever, I will eat the shipping costs. Reply here first so others can see whether or not you've taken it off my hands. We can figure the logistics via private message.

I can post/send pictures if interested. I'd like to keep it, it's a cool jacket that makes people jealous, but it kinda bums me out now....

Wish I knew what decade it's from and who that style was distributed to.

Hey man, would love to take it off your hands for a buddy of mine. Pics?

The Wicked Garden / Re: Samba Nova Questions
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:48:04 PM »
It's been a while since I've listened to both versions,  but as I recall, the word "been" in the lyric "...money's been spent" is a different note.  The newer version also has more of an echo sound to the vocals. There may be other differences as well, that's just off the top of my head.  Great song.

Exactly, the melody is different during that phrase. The echo could be added later.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Samba Nova Questions
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:50:39 AM »
I know they re-recorded it, but I prefer Scott's vocals on the original.
Also, the newer version wasn't re-recorded. It's the same recording, bur remastered/polished up for the official release.

I'm not sure about that. Scott's melody is different in some spots between the two versions.

Really? I'm another one who thought it was the same version as the leak but just mastered properly...

Well, being the nerd that I am, I imported both versions into Abelton and compared them. It seems the timing is a little different overall, like, I tried lining them up and it was impossible. Next, Scotts vocal melody is identical for the mosttt part, but it actually is different in one or two spots, but it is possible they just used an alternative take or edited it or something. But, I think it's the same version like you said just remixed but I'm not 100%.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Samba Nova Questions
« on: February 10, 2016, 12:03:41 AM »
Hey guys. I've been obsessed with Samba Nova for years since I've heard it before their s/t album. Does anyone have any more info about it? Why was it excluded from SLDD? Is there a better version of the original bootleg? I know they re-recorded it, but I prefer Scott's vocals on the original. Also, who produced the original version?

Thanks for the info.

I don't have firm info, but there was talk of SLDD being a double album. That song, recorded during those sessions, perhaps just found itself on the cutting room floor. I'd guess Brendan produced it. And from what I remember, when they originally leaked, the quality wasn't bad.

Robert DeLeo: "Samba Nova' was another song I was saving for solo stuff. Talk about making you cry, you should hear that done in a more traditional Brazilin feel with a female singing it. That made me cry. That song and 'About A Fool' were both things I had in mind for solo stuff. Very rarely as a writer do I really move myself into the listener's point of view. Those two really did that."

This and more at:

Wow thanks for the info. So does that mean Robert wrote the Scott's melody too?

The Wicked Garden / Re: Samba Nova Questions
« on: February 10, 2016, 12:02:46 AM »
I know they re-recorded it, but I prefer Scott's vocals on the original.
Also, the newer version wasn't re-recorded. It's the same recording, bur remastered/polished up for the official release.

I'm not sure about that. Scott's melody is different in some spots between the two versions.

The Wicked Garden / Samba Nova Questions
« on: February 09, 2016, 09:28:34 AM »
Hey guys. I've been obsessed with Samba Nova for years since I've heard it before their s/t album. Does anyone have any more info about it? Why was it excluded from SLDD? Is there a better version of the original bootleg? I know they re-recorded it, but I prefer Scott's vocals on the original. Also, who produced the original version?

Thanks for the info.

Scott Weiland / Re: Billboard piece is out
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:54:31 AM »
One thing stood out to me...


That was what he was on last April. Look at the side effects. Throw in the fact he had Hep C, and...yeah. Wow.

I just....I'm sad, but I'm also really fucking angry. He made the conscious decision to use coke and everything else on top of drinking, but you know what? The way things were going, I can't blame him. Shit, my life has sucked ass for years until recently, and I think only the complete lack of access kept me from going down that same route. That, and having a wife and daughter *there*. My God, if I lost access to my little girl, I'd not be able to take that. So, I can in no way judge at all, nor will I. I'm angry that this happened. I would've given anything if he just could've been able to retire (or at least stay off the road) and not be forced to tour. I'd have happily given up ever hearing new music from him if it had meant he'd still be here.

The issue is Scott had to tour as much as he did because he alienated the STP and Velvet Revolver guys because of his drinking and drug use.  If he had gotten clean and sober, he would have been welcomed back to STP, and been able to tour less and ultimately made a lot more money.  Look back at 2012, STP only toured for about a month (and he did a few scattered solo shows) and that paid his bills for the year.  His last two performances with STP were headlining festivals in California that both drew 17-20,000 people.  Scott probably didn't come even close to drawing that combined on the final Blaster tour.

Even as a solo act Scott could have made more money, but he alienated fans by putting on short poor performances while drunk and high on drugs.  If Scott had gone out there sober and done an acoustic tour with 25-30 songs from throughout his career like Chris Cornell, he could have made way more money and toured less.  The root of all of Scott's problems was his addiction to drugs and alcohol, if he'd gotten clean he would have immediately been pulling in millions of dollars again doing far less work.

Totally. I saw STP first in 2002 in Philadelphia where they rocked. Then in like 2009 where Scott messed up some things and he didn't seem into it, which led my friends and I to not be very interested to see them again. We eventually did in Atlantic City twice and the set lists seemed very similar, and I wished they played longer.

I always felt that Scott was just collecting a paycheck and that he kind of took his work for granted. That was the vibe I got seeing him play. If only he played longer sets, rarer songs, and just better shows, he would have made a lot more money.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland found Dead
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:39:30 AM »
Some details have emerged on the discovery of Scott's dead body that day. :(

A transcript of the 911 call made by bandmates of rocker Scott Weiland depicts their anguish upon realizing that their frontman was dead after efforts to rouse him from sleep on their tour bus failed.

Tour manager Aaron Mohler went to check on Weiland after bandmates received a call from Weiland’s wife, photographer Jamie Weiland, who was concerned because she hadn’t heard from him. Mohler entered the bus outside the Country Inn & Suites at the Mall of America, where Weiland appeared to be sleeping in his bedroom, according to the police report.

Weiland was usually a heavy sleeper, so Mohler shook him, then removed the pillow from under his head. Mohler couldn’t feel Weiland breathing and called drummer Joseph Castillo onto the bus for help. Neither man could wake him, and they called 911.

“I, I think he’s dead,” one of the men told dispatchers Dec. 3. “He’s not moving. He’s stiff, his whole …”

Dispatchers asked if a defibrillator was available. The caller said the band did not carry one on the bus. Instructions were then given to attempt chest compressions.

The caller says Weiland’s body is rigid and that he is not breathing.

“I mean, he’s like hard as a rock right now, not moving,” he said in a 911 transcript released Tuesday by Bloomington police. “ ... there’s no breath. There’s no nothing.”

Sad how the extent of the drug use seemed to be common knowledge with everyone and Tommy wasn't even initially surprised about what happened.

Band and crew told police Weiland had been drinking vodka and tequila quite heavily, was taking the heroin-blocker Suboxone, and prescriptions. They also said he used cocaine as recently as a week before his deaths, and took the drug, molly, a day or two before his death.

In a statement, an investigator wrote, "All of the band members and its entourage were visibly upset" but longtime Weiland friend and band member Thomas Black, said he was also "not surprised that Weiland had died."


You know what that tells me about Tommy Black? That he's not surprised that Scott died because he knew he was doing things that could possibly lead to his death. Since it seems pretty obvious that he knowingly did unhealthy and potentially deadly things with Scott, I think he's a shitty person.

I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and I never liked that guy and this validates that view. I know, I know, Scott is the only one to blame for is addiction, but that doesn't change the fact that Tommy is a bad person.

"I'm a pretty good judge of character"  ::) ::)

No one has any right to judge this guy like you are.

Yes I absolutely do have a right to judge someone based on their actions and comments. What else would one use to judge?

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland found Dead
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:44:17 AM »
This isn't really new information. Did we know he was doing coke? Not exactly. But we knew he was mixing prescription drugs and alcohol, and drinking very heavily at that. We knew he spent all his time holed up in his bus when touring, we knew he was clearly very separated from reality, judging from his behavior and statements he had made in interviews. We knew he was clearly very inebriated during shows and interviews.

Yeah, there were people in denial. But really everything we're hearing now is just a more direct source confirming everything that we've heard and seen over the last few years.

So all of this is to say that nobody's opinion is likely to change. If you didn't think they were justified in firing him before, despite his very public behavior, then I don't see why you'd feel different now.

Great point. I said that if I was in the Wildabouts, I would have kicked Scott out or quit. It was sooo disrespectful to your fans to sound like that, and on top of it, unhealthy for Scott, and I would not be willingly a part of his downfall. But, Scott ran that show, so he got to keep those guys around because he was their boss technically.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott's favorite STP album?
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:21:46 AM »
Don't get me wrong. I like all those songs. I just tend to skip them. I have a lot of music so there is more I would rather listen to. To me, Transmissions is the worst song on SLDD, but that doesn't mean it sucks. I just listen to a lot of music and that means things get skipped.

If I listen to an album from start to finish, however, I do not skip those. I used to skip Army Ants but found a late appreciation of it.

I think people just tend to skip certain songs. Many people don't like MC5. Tiny Music has some fillers, Daisy, Press Play, Ride the Cliche.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland found Dead
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:26:20 AM »
Some details have emerged on the discovery of Scott's dead body that day. :(

A transcript of the 911 call made by bandmates of rocker Scott Weiland depicts their anguish upon realizing that their frontman was dead after efforts to rouse him from sleep on their tour bus failed.

Tour manager Aaron Mohler went to check on Weiland after bandmates received a call from Weiland’s wife, photographer Jamie Weiland, who was concerned because she hadn’t heard from him. Mohler entered the bus outside the Country Inn & Suites at the Mall of America, where Weiland appeared to be sleeping in his bedroom, according to the police report.

Weiland was usually a heavy sleeper, so Mohler shook him, then removed the pillow from under his head. Mohler couldn’t feel Weiland breathing and called drummer Joseph Castillo onto the bus for help. Neither man could wake him, and they called 911.

“I, I think he’s dead,” one of the men told dispatchers Dec. 3. “He’s not moving. He’s stiff, his whole …”

Dispatchers asked if a defibrillator was available. The caller said the band did not carry one on the bus. Instructions were then given to attempt chest compressions.

The caller says Weiland’s body is rigid and that he is not breathing.

“I mean, he’s like hard as a rock right now, not moving,” he said in a 911 transcript released Tuesday by Bloomington police. “ ... there’s no breath. There’s no nothing.”

Sad how the extent of the drug use seemed to be common knowledge with everyone and Tommy wasn't even initially surprised about what happened.

Band and crew told police Weiland had been drinking vodka and tequila quite heavily, was taking the heroin-blocker Suboxone, and prescriptions. They also said he used cocaine as recently as a week before his deaths, and took the drug, molly, a day or two before his death.

In a statement, an investigator wrote, "All of the band members and its entourage were visibly upset" but longtime Weiland friend and band member Thomas Black, said he was also "not surprised that Weiland had died."


You know what that tells me about Tommy Black? That he's not surprised that Scott died because he knew he was doing things that could possibly lead to his death. Since it seems pretty obvious that he knowingly did unhealthy and potentially deadly things with Scott, I think he's a shitty person.

I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and I never liked that guy and this validates that view. I know, I know, Scott is the only one to blame for is addiction, but that doesn't change the fact that Tommy is a bad person.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott's favorite STP album?
« on: January 05, 2016, 10:42:37 PM »
I just read his book, and I've been trying to figure out what Scott's favorite STP album is? The album where he feels he was the most creative or proud of? I heard him say he had the most fun making Core, and he also said that No.4 was a generic rock album, which I thought was weird. He also said he's proud of the lyrics on a track on Tiny Music.

Any ideas? Did he ever answer this question? Thanks

I never heard that about No. 4.
There's so much to love on that record.

I do remember at some point Scott said he wanted to work on an album that had very few overdubs and wanted it to be raw. I can't remember at what point in the STP timeline that was.

Yea I just looked it up in his book, he says this about No.4: "What came out was, at least in my mind, a good record of generic rock" (138).

Which confuses me because it's not THAT generic. Also, he said the Blaster album was one of his most fun to record since Core. I'm just trying to figure what he actually thought. I love Tiny Music. Any other tidbits?

Scott Weiland / Scott's favorite STP album?
« on: January 05, 2016, 08:54:10 PM »
I just read his book, and I've been trying to figure out what Scott's favorite STP album is? The album where he feels he was the most creative or proud of? I heard him say he had the most fun making Core, and he also said that No.4 was a generic rock album, which I thought was weird. He also said he's proud of the lyrics on a track on Tiny Music.

Any ideas? Did he ever answer this question? Thanks

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