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Messages - lowbuz

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Scott Weiland / Re: Tommy Black arrested for coke on bus when Scott died!
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:59:52 AM »
Jesus, stop with the enabler talk, and pointing the finger of blame. It doesnt matter and it is not for us to figure out. The guy has been like this forever. It is not Tommys responsibility to take care of him or keep anything away from him, why does anybody think it is. I said it before, maybe Scott was the enabler. Maybe he enabled Tommy and Jeremy. This enabling word is getting used a bit much. Stop blaming everyone else. People in bands getting wasted is not new news. Now ot is mgmt's fault. C'mon if mgmt pulled the plug on tours because of substance abuse can you omagine how many shows in the history of music would not exist? Why does Tommy have to bd the one to remove temptation? Maybe turns out he was not that good a friend. Not his problem. Not his wifes fault. Was she supposed to ground him . The dude would have never been allowed into the world. Not realistic. Stop with the conspiracies, stop trying to figure out the saga, we all saw this coming. It is unfortunate but it is Scotts fault snd his own. Move on. ESEMJAYES there is a lot of depressing video of him, dating back to a long long time ago. We have all seen it. You need s reality check. Point your hatred towards Scott, nobody else deserves it.

Scott Weiland / Re: Tommy Black arrested for coke on bus when Scott died!
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:12:48 AM »
I think Purple nailed it. How do we know Scott was not the "enabler" of everyone else?? It doesn't matter if there are drugs everywhere and if they are east to get, and if everyone is on them.....that's how it is. If he did not want to be around drugs he would have to lock himself in his house. I can go around the corner and get heroin if I wanted or if I were on is not hard (unfortunately). We can't blame anyone else, which it seems like everyone wants to do. Scott did it to himself.  If getting clean and staying clean was the priority, maybe touring was not a great fit for him right now, or in the years to come...if ever. Just because he needed help does not excuse his own responsibility. Poor guy, it is a shame.

The ticket site says "members of Stone Temple Pilots" instead of simply saying Stone Temple Pilots, so they're not playing under the STP name then?
Because if they are playing under the STP name then why not just put STP there instead of members of STP.

'members' hint that they'll keep going.  Maybe they don't want to advertise it as STP so it's not a big deal in the press, or maybe wait until they have a new singer?

Or maybe it's true that they can't legally fire Scott and use the STP name without him? Who knows what the reason is, it just had me thinking.

ridiculous. there was a whole thread on this. of course you can fire a singer, and just because you did does not mean you can't use the band name. they may not be able to, but whether they are or not it has nothing to do with the fact that they fired their singer. For the record the name is trademarked with every member of the band as the owner. does this mean they cant use the name because scott is gone, not necessarilly. its for a judge to decide.

Scott with a new bunch of musicians....minimal to moderate excitement. Scott with The Wildabouts??  Below Zero.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Random STP mentions
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:40:11 AM »
interesting, he always claims , in response to people complaining about who he has on the show or doesnt have on the show......that all sorts of people are asked, and thats its usually always a scheduling conflict that is the issue. as in they tape multiple shows a day and a season in a matter of days. so if these guys arent in LA at the time, or off on tour, they dont do it. who knows. would love to see a deleo on for sure.

30 Karma won't get you in either ! I mean technically it will but it may take a few months to a year who knows. I have had 30 going on two months and no access yet. No admin presence on this board and got forbid anyone would check their emails and follow up with such things.

Streaming Media / Re: MTV Unplugged DVD
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:24:26 AM »
You can just save all the vids to your computer from youtube (theres plenty of sites that will do this for you) and just make your own DVD, thats basically anything you are going to find.

Scott Weiland / Re: Danny Thompson Returns to Wild Abouts
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:22:29 AM »
Crap I was hoping this was the beginning of the end for the Wildabouts and that they would soon disband totally. Now there is the threat that I may have to hear this band perform with Scott again. What a letdown.

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Re: My Apology To BE Members
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:19:01 AM »


My only beef with her now is that she won't stop sending me perverted PM's on Valentine's Day even after I told her I mainly stick to Jews.
Especially around tax season.


Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: 2 years since self titled already...
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:44:13 AM »
Live recordings should have no editing done of any kind save for maybe some graphic equalization or level adjustments to improve the playback experience. I could probably get over the digital removal of a cough/burp/sneeze or something, but even these things add to the authenticity.
all live albums today have a ton of editing and post production on them.  pretty basic stuff. but for sure the STP live album is fairly far from LIVE I'll agree with you on that ! It's probablly the best example of the most you can do or get away with in terms of a LIVE performace before you saw screw it, throw it away, and start over again. It's pretty extreme. Oddly enough I enjoy it nonetheless.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: 2 years since self titled already...
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:35:58 AM »
It feels like yesterday that I bought that album. I definitely thought it was better than I do now, but it's still a solid rocker. I still really like "Peacoat" and "First Kiss on Mars".

Bring on the new STP!

I'm the exact opposite. I liked about 3 songs when I first got it, but now I love the whole thing. Really looking forward to the follow up.
I liked three songs on it then, and I still like three songs on it. By far worst of all of their albums if you ask me. What follow up??

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:00:56 PM »

Five dollar footlong
Wow. Never saw/heard it before. Doesn't sound like Scott at all though.

Hahaha, it isn't Scott nor STP at all.  Someone just mixed a subway video with Big Bang Baby's music video.

Pretty sure that last comment was sarcastic, I can't imagine anyone here thought that subway thing was legit??

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:12:19 PM » wonder what this was about?
wow, weird and uncomfortable. weird when he turned around and the band was all looking at each other like WTF is going on. Dean looked genuinly miffed at scott, I don't think he was all too happy.

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:40:41 AM »
I'm not sure how rare this is, but this is the first time i've seen it, and I think its my new favorite version of Vasoline:
Wait a second, why does Scott look like he's screaming "Die" but nothing comes out.....
he probablly cursed and they muted the vox. the audio seems a little screwy at times,  doesn't always line up with the video part, but other times it does. chaulk it up to poor production. I don't know that I would consider this a different version of the tune, if anything just a little slow and with a horrible sounding snare.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Heard on the radio lead singer?
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:33:58 AM »
no not hard to believe. also not hard to believe that they would keep STP and replace Scott. Either way I think they are both options. I guess there is also the third option that they pack it up musically all togethor and we never hear much from them. we will see...

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