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Messages - Cave Doutts

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Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts 2018
« on: August 10, 2018, 12:31:43 AM »
Yo it's Dave,
I did not send a pic because I have lost all my hair and gained 200 lbs. I waddled my fat ass into a studio and recorded Ocean cuz
I wanted to let some people know I was still alive. Actually, it was a blast and I want to do more. As far as the little interview a couple years ago, the guy butchered it all up. He only printed the negatives. There were a lot of good things I said about the guys and negative things I said about myself. Lesson learned, but I did not call him, he found me. I am not looking for revenge or bad karma on anyone.
I think STP have a great guy in Gutt, Don't let Dean make fun of your pants dude, he's just jealous!
And for all of you lovelies out there who can't stand my voice or lyrics, there are three guys, perhaps you have heard of them that called me to do that gig called Talk Show. They liked my voice enough. I did not call or beg them to meet, do a demo, wait a year, do an album, wait another year, do a tour and then get tossed out of the bus. "So hug me hug me hug me, we may not have tomorrow, hug me baby hug me, we must not live in sorrow. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing,
You only learn when your really living."
Dont steal my lyrics bro. :D [size=78%]Dave[/size]

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:47:49 PM »
Juke Logan. Such a cool dude too. The real thing man.
Just heard today. RIP Juke. Thanks for the amazing solo!

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:10:26 AM »
Thank you Nick
Wow we beat out U2!

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:57:15 PM »
Kazualty, send my your email or a phone # I will send you pics.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 18, 2014, 06:16:18 AM »
I don't have a Talk Show record.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:39:53 AM »
Behind was Robert's baby. Along with the music, he also wrote a lot of the lyrics. From his side, he was possibly saying good bye to being a rock star, the lyrics I added were about leaving my life as a struggling nobody. Funny that we neither one of has really left those lives Behind at all. Can't I just post a pic to this website? I don't have Facebook or Twitter. Better yet, how bout I just give you Roberts fucking phone number! 

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:27:40 PM »
One more stupid fact before I go, I was actually peeling an orange when I got the idea for that song. Heard that some people think a lot of the lyrics suck on the album, but hey, If you want to destroy my sweater, pull the string!
Proud to be a part of that record;wish more of the songs got a little more airplay.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:16:39 PM »
Thanks Andrew,
I wish we could just pop out another record ! We had no chance to record Saturday in the studio, I wish we would have and also finished the lyrics, the song was played live but still needed another verse. Would have loved to hear what Dean could have done with the overlays on it too. I probably have some old demos somewhere, would have to dig though. Robert has been in contact a little bit lately, but since Glide was recorded, chances for a Saturday recording are pretty slim.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:06:33 AM »
Shit everything I just typed was erased.
Yes The Alchemist! To the guy who sill doubts, why would I waste my time making shit up? Dude with 3 year old who prefers Talk Show .. There is nothing wrong with your beautiful daughter and thanks. Don't feel bad about not getting it, I still don't. Trees grow from the silence of the earth..

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:56:40 AM »
Midlife? Way past that bro. Why?
Eric was very quiet. Gave me a book at the end of our road trip with Aerosmith about a guy who searched all over the world for his fortune; found it in his backyard. I think he was trying to tell me something but could not do it with his mouth.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:12:20 AM »
Robert used to live in San Pedro, moved, to New York upstate, now he's back. I introduced him to his wife at a show in San Diego. Dean lived or still lives in Malibu. He used to call his then girlfriend "shorts" I don't know why. Eric had a house in San Francisco and a little flat in downtown LA. Saturday was written on the road way after we recorded the album. Sorry it took two years to reply, forgot my password!
Dean had a sick little black Harley, Robert drove very down to earth ford explorers. I burned his seat with a cigarette. Sorry Robert! Eric had a black Mercedes, let me borrow It once and it got towed away from a parking lot in L B. Cause I forgot to pay.
What else do you need? Robert loves to surf as I do too. He has two boys. I have 2 girls and a boy that also loves to surf. I am still with the girl I was married to before Talk Show even had a name. Tracey still gets pissed at me for taking off my wedding ring for the one and only video. I did it because I thought I was too old! Ha! I was the new guy, the only married one, the only one with no Money in the bank!

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: March 30, 2013, 05:31:08 AM »
I really don't have a lot of time on my hands but I am bored right now. Yeah Scott is a great singer; but I had some stuff. Its hard to be yourself and bloom when others want you to do something else. I played music for 20 years, was never really sure if it was my calling to end up like Scott. Yeah, Scott is great but I am pretty stoked that I am me, not him right now.
I am Dave by the way. Not a fake or a taker.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: February 28, 2012, 03:09:15 AM »
Thanks Action Girls and Caged Tiger for having my back, Peeling an orange was more about looking forward to something, but once getting that thing that you wanted, sometimes things backfire or arent what you thought they would be.  Being in Talk Show was a little like that.  I miss playing music. Never promised the boys I was a great lyricist.
I think that the guy I wrote with in Ten Inch Men wrote some amazing lyrics. Check out songs like Beautiful and Machine Gun Blues.

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