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Messages - Adhesive12

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Happy In Galoshes / Re: Unreleased outtakes
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:31:12 AM »
Funny, Gary Beers wiki still says he co-wrote "She's So Cold" not "Tangle..."

I guess Scott had time to reflect during his recent vocal rest period and decided enough is enough, and I can't say I blame him.  The other guys in STP have never had a proper understanding of how it's different to play an instrument than to be the lead singer.  The voice must be cared for and looked after. I'm definitely starting to think they're a bigger part of the problem than Scott is.  They gotta start being more considerate and treat Scott like less of the "artsy-outsider" if they wanna keep making great records.  It's too bad because I'm sure if Scott wasn't over worked and over-toured, he'd do more STP albums than they do - they gotta get out of the major label big business music world.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Alan Niven (ex-G'NR Manager) Rips Scott
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:20:09 PM »
I wouldnt give two flying fucks what the ex manager from overrated GNR has to say....

^ What he said

Id like to know why you guys think GNR is overrated?

You're kidding, right? First off, there's nothing they ever did that wasn't done better by other bands like the Stones years before them.  They're also the epitome of frat rock, cock rock, corporate rock... whatever you want to call it.  There's SOOOOOO much more interesting music out there - who wants to hear the same tired rock formula over and over again? At least STP do interesting things and Scott's vocal layering is without parallel.  Also, Axl couldn't write an interesting lyric to save his life.  I've never liked GnR, never will, and I think VR is the most embarassing moment in Scott's career, especially that song that goes "Roll over right" that song was made fun of by my friends and I for an entire summer.

I'll agree after re-listening that the Bing Crosby thing doesn't sound natural to him or probably something that he should be doing.  I still think all the songs sound cool, but yeah, Scott should just do Scott and not imitations of others.  Sounds like on most of the disc he does, with one or two exceptions.

Offhandedly here's a funny version of White Christmas that Scott's version reminded me of, vocally only hahaha.

Talk Show / Re: Talk Show Feelings
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:42:23 PM »
Yeah the instrumentation is great but I still can't get used to the other singer - I may never.

I think the samples sound great - I also like how it seems to be the one album guaranteed to piss off any and every hipster or scenester out there!  Scott doesn't seem too popular with the "cooler than thou" crowd these days, and I love him even more for it.  They can't stand his honesty and sincerity, it goes against everything their pretentiousness stands for.  As long as he doesn't go back to VR, which I thought was pretty terrible (esp the 2nd album WHEW!) then I've got his back. Jazz up the Christmas season, Scott! Sounding great.

Maybe he DID get the clearances and that's why it's so expensive? I was wondering about this very same thing.  But given the way it's been put out and promoted (or lack thereof) I have a feeling the clearances were not gotten.  Scott probably oughta give the songs away instead of charging for them, if he hasn't gotten any clearances.  It's all very strange, this release.... I have a feeling Scott doesn't even know it's been released.  Somebody ask him about this when STP hits the road again!

The Wicked Garden / Re: Best of STP Mix?? (part 2)
« on: September 30, 2011, 11:20:16 PM »
Right - it's not my permanent list either.  Just a list of my favorites if I were to make a mix for someone of my fav STP songs at this time.  I forgot "Hello, It's Late" personally!  And I agree with laura re - lovemachine97's post.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Best of STP Mix?? (part 2)
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:52:12 PM »
These are not my top 20 favorite, but I choose to answer what I think their top 20 most popular songs are to the general public. Notice I do not have any from SLDD.

It should be YOUR top 20! That's the whole point.

The Wicked Garden / Best of STP Mix?? (part 2)
« on: September 29, 2011, 02:27:09 AM »
I thought about adding this to the prior "STP mix" thread but since the last post dates from 2009 and none of the mixes include anything from the self titled album, I thought I'd start a new one! Here's my mix - I ask that you keep it within a CD length or 20 tracks, either/or :) Also, please feel free to include non-album tracks of any sort, but STP only!

1. Days of The Week
2. About A Fool
3. First Kiss on Mars
4. Silvergun Superman
5. Christmastime is Here
6. Lady Picture Show
7. Cinnamon
8. Big Bang Baby
9. Too Cool Queenie
10. Still Remains
11. And So I Know
12. Glide
13. A Song For Sleeping
14. Seven Caged Tigers
15. Dumb Love
16. Adhesive
17. Coma
18. Pretty Penny
19. Lounge Fly
20. Maver

 :)  What's yours?  :)

No.4 / Re: Where do you rank No. 4 against the rest of the catalog?
« on: September 28, 2011, 10:22:01 PM »
I think this album ranks either last or second to last, along with Core.  It's the least original album, and it contains "No Way Out" which, with the "Give it away now MF now give it away" part contains the most embarassing moment on a STP record.  Also, "Atlanta" is an obvious Doors copy song.  I feel strongly that it was an attempt to appeal to the rap-rock generation and was trying too hard to be like Core more or less.  It has some good moments tho - "Glide" is an amazing song, and several others I like a lot, but I really have to be in the right mood for this one.  My order from best to worst would probably be Tiny Music, SLDD, Purple, STP, No. 4, Core.  Core is probably a better record, but I'm SOOOO burned out on it that I'm not so sure these days.

Shangri-LA DEE DA / Re: Hollywood Bitch
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:51:00 PM »
Brendan O'Brien was a key ingredient and "5th member" who needs to come back to the fold for the next record.  If the last one is lacking in some way, which I agree it is, altho hard to say how exactly, it's because of his absence.  Why was he not on the last album anyway? Was there a falling out of some kind, or did the Deleos just want to try production themselves?

Man, I'm waaaaay into Scott's version of Radiohead's "Let Down".  I think it's better than the original version now, after many listenings.  His voice just sounds so beautiful on it.

Shangri-LA DEE DA / Re: Hollywood Bitch
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:06:09 AM »
Big comeback album and they come out with DOTW?  I remember my friends not even knowing it was STP, they thought it was a song by Third Eye Blind.  It was embarrassing. 

I personally thought DOTW was a great first single and I went out and bought the CD right away after hearing it.  They were obviously trying to broaden their sound with this record and DOTW is the best and most catchy song to show that transition.  Too many "meat and potatoes" people are into STP anyway, I've ALWAYS preferred it when they've done something different, and that's why Tiny Music and Shangri are their best albums, imo. 

12 Bar Blues / Re: MTV News clips?
« on: September 26, 2011, 09:11:33 PM »
Do you have any links? When I search "Scott Weiland 12 Bar Blues" or "Scott Weiland 1998" about the only interview I see from 12 Bar is the abbreviated Matt Pinfield one from 120 Mins.

I DID find the quote just now tho, from MTV News 1997,

Yeah, there's a lot of experimental things. It's kind of like a Hunky Dory meets Scary Monsters meets anything Brian Eno's ever done meets the White album.

so not quite as many name-drops as I thought, but it's still a funny statement.

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