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Messages - nm14172003

Pages: [1]
Played Shows / Re: Scott Weiland @ private party 8/27/11
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:46:33 PM »
Hi everyone.  I've poked around on this site for awhile, but first post.  I, along with my wife were at this party.  We're both huge STP fans and this was the best opportunity for us to see him up close.  Let me tell you, thuis was an AMAZING night.  My wife is like in heaven.  We were directly to his left, 1st row.  He was late, but a really cool performance.  He was talkative, smiling and just seemed really, really healty.  My wife recorded about 95% of this performance.  I'll try to post as much as I can at a later date.  Really, all I can say is that he seemed in a  good place and seemed pretty happy to be performing for a private party.  He said it was 1st time performing at a private party since he was 18 and got paid in beer.  My wife yelled to him to play "Maver" he heard it and processed the request for as second.  He turned to her with the biggest smile on his face and said " I love that song too"  didnt play it though...Anyway, i'll try to pst up some vids of this...

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