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Messages - Aylin

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Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland found Dead
« on: December 25, 2015, 07:46:39 PM »
This interview was just in 2014, look at how well he is speaking and looking healthy here. Don't think I've ever seen someone age and have their speech go downhill so quickly.

Unfortunately there were ups and downs constantly the last 5 years or so. Even before this video, the reunion and even his solo album release, and especially I remember during his clothing line promos, he sounded awful. But for this interview, it must have been a happy period for him.
We talked so much of "overweight" Scott, and "out of it" Scott and "drunk" Scott over the years. It seems like each month for him was a struggle with his dark side. It's good to see this interview but whos to say he wasn't sounding at his worst just a couple of days before this😔

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 09, 2015, 09:23:52 PM »
We literally have no fucking idea what we are talking about. None of us.

You're right about that. We don't know what we're talking about, apart from the way it makes us feel, and I feel really shitty when shitty things are said about a dead man when he can't defend himself.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 09, 2015, 09:10:56 PM »
He was a good man, a talented musician and the love of my life.
We had our ups and downs and unfortunately the downs got more and more frequent until I had to think of the wellbeing of my children more than my marriage to him.
He was a sick man and couldn't get back on the healthy path. The last 10 years of touring and putting himself in less than healthy working environments added to this downward spiral.
The lifestly that he represented was exciting and rock n roll, but I'm here to say that we as a society shouldn't glorify the excesses that this talent brings. There are some that can balance the good and the bad, and there are others, like Scott, who couldn't. From an intelligent, cultured, loving, talented man and father to our children, he became a lost and tired shell of his old self. I lost the true Scott many years ago, but having him gone forever is a grief that our children and I will have to come to terms with. Don't buy the tshirt blah blah....

This is just an example of the things she could have said (obviously much more eloquently than me) that could have made us cry, mourn his demise long ago, sympathise with Mary, and not buy the tshirt.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:59:53 PM »
People blatantly missing the point of the letter.

Denial. Denial everywhere.

Nothing new around these parts.

How is it that all you intelligent, eloquent people are missing the point of why Mary's letter is offensive to some of us on this board?? It's not denial, it's not that we don't agree what Mart is saying about not glorifying his death, it's not that we don't believe Scott was a shitty father. IT'S BECAUSE WE THINK MARY SHOULD NOT HAVE DIVULGED SUCH PERSONAL DETAILS ABOUT HIS SHITTINESS SO SOON AFTER HIS DEATH. She could have given the same message (however high and mighty I believe it to be) WITHOUT being so mocking and demeaning to her ex husband.

I guess it's just a matter of perception. While I agree it was a bit soon after Scott passed for her to speaking about Scott like this, it's hard to argue with her timing. With today's news cycle being what it is, who knows if people would have noticed or cared had she released this a month from now. She needed to talk about this while Scott's death was still big news. It's unfortunate it works this way, but that's the way it is.

I also don't agree that it was "mocking" or "demeaning". Her criticisms of Scott were delivered with sorrow and anguish, not ridicule. I'm sure there is MUCH worse shit she could have referenced to drive her point home, and I am sure it was tempting to do so, so simply mentioning things like having to sober him up before a talent show or listening to him cry over the phone didn't bother me.

She's in a tough spot, with a difficult message to get across at a difficult time, I think she did OK.

You're right about the timing being important from the publicity/exposure front.  I don't think it is the correct time to be preaching this at all (she sounds too pompous), but if she must get her message across, I guess this is the right time to do it.

The 'demeaning' parts I found to be comments like 'someone propping him up on stage', 'having to calm him down in his paranoid crying' (how must Jamie feel reading that, that her husband was calling Mary to help him - she wants to look like the saviour, the only one who could help him. It's disrespecful to Jamie and to Scott), or the fact that he wouldn't come to plays because 'now he's an atheist' - as if saying this is his flavor of the month, he's petty and shallow to become an atheist because of his new wife.  There are ways she could have gor her message across without being so mean.

This is not a tell-all, stripped-down exposé that she is writing about her ex (if she wants to do that and spill all the beans, she has a right to. But at least people then know what to expect in that and have a right not to buy it). But it's not an exposé piece, or an exert from her new book. It's a fucking statement on the passing of the father of her children and should have been more respectful.

 If you play Devils advocate and read the letter from a bitter, opportunistic, jealous ex wife view point, you'll see it is littered with mockery and passive aggression.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:33:44 PM »
People blatantly missing the point of the letter.

Denial. Denial everywhere.

Nothing new around these parts.

How is it that all you intelligent, eloquent people are missing the point of why Mary's letter is offensive to some of us on this board?? It's not denial, it's not that we don't agree what Mart is saying about not glorifying his death, it's not that we don't believe Scott was a shitty father. IT'S BECAUSE WE THINK MARY SHOULD NOT HAVE DIVULGED SUCH PERSONAL DETAILS ABOUT HIS SHITTINESS SO SOON AFTER HIS DEATH. She could have given the same message (however high and mighty I believe it to be) WITHOUT being so mocking and demeaning to her ex husband.

Scott Weiland / Re: Mary Vs. David Ritz-The Showdown Between BE Posters
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:09:43 AM »
I don't think it's about believing one or the other.  I think they were both facets of his personality - I don't ever doubt that he loved Mary and his children and he would have done anything to put things right, but he just wasn't able to. I also think he put everyone who loved him through hell. I also believe everything he said out in the mountains was genuine, but unfortunately those lucid and brilliant moment became few and far between.
I don't think we have to make up our minds about who the real Scott was.  He led such a full and weird life that I think even he didn't know who he was by the end of it.

By the way, I loved this article ❤️

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 09, 2015, 12:48:41 AM »
You know, one thing I noticed no one is talking about is the fact that in her essay, Mary said "Perhaps we shouldn't have let him go." In other words, she's now thinking maybe she should never have divorced Scott and simply just continued to support him. Regardless of the full extent of Scott's relationship with Mary, Noah and Lucy, we know that when the divorce happened, particularly so close to his ouster from VR, it just absolutely shattered him. True we got the confessional material of Happy In Galoshes and S/T, but I'm sure he would've traded anything to change that one thing. If you were in Mary's situation, what would you have done?

That's a very good point, and I too understood it in the same way - that she feels she should have stuck by him. I can understand why she didn't/couldn't but I agree with you, I think the divorce was the beginning of the end for him. However bad their relationship got, I always felt that Mary was the only truth he knew, and their love was his only reality. But then again, what do we know..

Scott Weiland / Re: Tributes to Scott
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:58:42 PM »
When he said Scott's name and everyone started cheering, I burst out crying 😔

It's nice to hear Cornell fans showing respect. It also saddens me that Cornell is a highly functioning, loving family man, still belting out songs and still drawing ok crowds. I like Cornell and obviously happy for him, but sad that this was the potential for Scott too, and he just couldn't pull through.  Same goes for Layne I guess. Don't particularly care for Cobain, but have always though he went just when he was supposed to anyway.

Anyway, nice tribute with a song that goes much deeper than than just Scott.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:46:15 PM »
hi. first time commenter, new here but not to STP/scott just u guys gave me so much on here over the last few days to read, think about, relate to that i felt compelled to join.

Happy you joined, shame about the circumstances :(
It helps to be on here and among people who are genuinely saddened by Scott's death.
Thank you for your insights too. You're right, I think there are things Scott would so beautifully write about in his songs were things he couldn't live up to in life. Apart from the drugs. He lived up to that too well.

I think Mary's letter has divided us into people who admire the realisim of it, and those (of us) who would prefer some composure and respect. If she's going to write another book (I don't see it happening unless its a pseudo pysch parenting book), then she should have kept these words about Scott to herself until then.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 08:02:17 PM »

And if the intention here was to not glorify this as a poor tortured artist, I think it could have been still been done more eloquently and without the divulging of personal details.

This is what I mean. She could have still talked about not glorifying drug use, the fact that they lost him ages ago and how its important to be present as a parent which Scott was not, without saying things like he was propped up of stage and talking about things like fathers day, his religious beliefs, him not inviting kids to the wedding etc. Its that kind of thing that makes its tasteless and bitter.

Also, regardless of whether he spent time with his kids recently or not, there was a time when he DID spend time with his kids. the kids know him, have been on stage with him, lived with him, had holidays with him - they do see hom as their father and it must be so painful for them to suddently lose that father and then have the mother trying ro ruin all the good memories too by spewing anger and accusation as the dead man.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:06:37 PM »
Of course he was sick and a shitty dad. He was a shitty human. He was shitty to fans for gods sake. He was pretty much mentally disabled for the last few years. Alienated eveyone, family friends.
What did Mary expect? It's not putting him on a pedestal - it's saying 'let it all go, don't go embarrassig him even further in death'. She can tell her children whatever she wants but she doesn't need to publish it 4 days after the mans death.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:12:25 AM »
But he was a human being - and we all have flaws and make mistakes. And a human being with anything but clarity in his head the last few years...

All the more reason she should have been more sensitive at this time. He was sick, in more ways that one. He was always unstable and difficult, even his best friends ended up 'leaving' him. I think we all know that he was an asshole at times, and unbearable for most of the time. None of us see him through rose tinted glasses. But the fact that he was sick and lost in especially the last years is all the more reason that Mary should have been more tactful. At the end of the day, anyone reading this letter from the exwife is going to go away with the final impression of Scott as a deadbeat, uncaring father who didn't support his kids when he found a 'new, shiny' family. Is that the message she really needs to give and the final impression that she has just created?
I agree with you - it's sad and confusing and none of us know how difficult it really was for everyone involved, but it's not fair to cement the deadbeat father image after the death of someone who was very obviously mentally ill in his final years.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:01:17 AM »
& “great choice” to teach your children how to say goodbye to their Father…

I agree - she's teaching them to be bitter and regretful for HER decisions. I think she made it difficult for him and we all see that when things got too difficult for Scott he ran away from it by taking comfort in other (unhealthy) things. She, of all people, should have known that.

Scott Weiland / Re: A letter from Mary.
« on: December 08, 2015, 08:20:03 AM »

One thing that doesn't make sense to me is that the guy who made the drunken, slurring Christmas album all of a sudden has a problem seeing his kids' Christmas Eve plays because he is atheist? What? I think that deserves more explanation.

I also don't think the Christmas thing makes sense - he still mentioned Christmas songs in his interviews, i doubt  he was a 'born again atheist' who rejected anything Christian as a matter of principle, to the extent of not going to kids christmas plays!! That's a very very strict stance on beliefs and I doubt Scott had it in him to even have strict stance on anything anymore.

The more I read the letter, the angrier I'm getting.
It was a cheap blow that Mary delivered. Regardless of everything they went through and that Scott became,  it is not right what she did.  Mary is not the innocent martyr who talked Scott off ledges evey time he got paranoid and who was left to raise the kids penniless. She thrived on that drama and on Scott's disability. I think she was a spoilt wannabe who now has the kids giving her immunity to any wrongdoing, because she can play the 'poor suffering ex wife' card.
Like I said before, if she really wanted to be constructive, why not go public with this before? Maybe a little public shaming could have done some good? Maybe because she know Scott would have and equal of amount of damning truths about her. And now the 60K paychecks have stopped, how else would Mary be able to squeeze the final drops from the great Scott Weiland.
I wouldn't be surprised if she starts printing the tshirts herself.
Very angry at Mary...

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