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Messages - luvmesomestp

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eddie vedder wished he could sound as good as weiland.  fk pearl jam, granted 10 was great but they haven't done sht since them

On Tour / Re: Anyone else wish STP played a longer show?
« on: November 01, 2010, 01:41:27 PM »
YES!!! but that's because i'm a greedy SOB and STP sounds f'ing amazing!!

i heard STP for the first time last week in SD and then LA.  jesus christ, i can't get the band's sounds from the concert out of my head and i'm loving it!  the band really knows how to put on a show and they sound excellent.  i mean that in the truest sense, they sounded AS GOOD as when i hear them off an mp3.  they are all excellent showmen who are incredibly talented and i'm already beating myself up that i did not go to f'ing indio to watch them again.

favorite moment is when they first come on the stage and play crackerman!  damn! i always liked that song but what a show starter!  they play the song with such energy that you just snap to and weiland does this cool windmill motion with his arm and the megaphone. throw in some strobe lights and you just get sucked in.  the entire show went by so fast but it was entirely sweet, i hope to god they don't break up again.  what a talented bunch

sorry everybody to ruin the harmony of this thread but i gotta.  SLDD is by far the weakest of STP's albums.  Due to their incredible talent, STP has changed the sound of their music in every album, not an easy feat by any stretch so to have one album which misfires IMO is not surprising.  it says a lot about the band and Weiland (who after hearing him live twice recently for the first time, should be renamed "the voice", what an incredible singer) that they have been able to pull this off successfully.  songs like interstate love song, big bang baby, and huckleberry crumble are testaments to how STP can create incredible music with the overall tone sounding different from one album to the next. 

When i first heard SLDD i was incredibly disappointed by the overall product but over time i have appreciated it more.  it's  not a terrible album but it just doesn't have the overall excellence heard in the other five albums.  the word i would use to describe the overall album is meander.  a lot of the music just seems aimless in its totality.

MEDIOCRE/BAD - black again, hello it's late, a song for sleeping, long way home (my least favorite stp song)
OK - dumb love, days of the week, regeneration, bi-polar bear,  transmissions...,
GOOD/GREAT - coma, wonderful, too cool queenie, hollywood bitch

now, hollywood bitch is one of my top 5 stp songs, but the album disappointed me then and still does.  i was not surprised that the band broke up after this album because the music lacked a cohesiveness. it would have been a good album for any other band but for STP it was simply OK


Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: Now I'm starting to like this record
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:01:21 AM »
it will, the album presents an entirely different sound and maturation from STP.  at first it will sound foreign to you but after a while you'll love most of the songs as much as vasoline or interstate love song.  i think for STP fans we were used to them sounding one way and they totally surprised us with this album.  this is great news, as it shows that the band still has plenty of growth.  i caught them on VH1 at their chicago concert and they looked awesome.  this album rocks

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: July 07, 2010, 05:35:06 AM »
thanks bro!  this board is awesome, i thought i was a huge STP fan, but I don't hold a candle to most of you. i've been listening to STP non-stop for a month now, i'm glad to see so many other STP addicts exist out there

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: July 06, 2010, 05:40:20 AM »
I can understand why stp fans at first "didn't get" this album since many of the sounds the band created on it are new but i guarantee that when you listen to it a second time you will fall in love with the entire album.  i did!  i heard between the lines for the first time on the stern show and i liked it but i really was intrigued by the second song stern played which was hickory dichotomy. i ran out and bought the album and spent the entire night listening over and over again to it.  i think this album is their best (or perhaps 2nd best after purple, so many good songs on that one!) because the time apart and maturity has fine-tuned their sound.  weiland as usual has one of the most amazing voices ever to sing rock but they all just sound so much more improved.  it  may be because they all recorded the songs by themselves, whatever it was, it worked.  what is most impressive about stone temple pilots is how different the songs are and how they cut out the fat from their music.  the songs all hover around 3 minutes and man do they pop! i love this band so much and i hope they don't break up again, you guys are the s**t!   i can't wait for them to come to so cal

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