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Messages - Theseus

Pages: [1]
Core / Re: What is Plush about?
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:55:02 PM »
Quote from: strykb

When in doubt, just use Google

Better yet, just use Below Empty.  <!-- s;D --> ;D <!-- s;D -->

<!-- m -->http://www.belowempty.com/Discography/SIA/plush.php<!-- m -->
For some reason when I go there, there's nothing.  Just two broken, 404'd images.

  Not sure why that other stuff is popping up in the quoted reply too, I didn't see it in the original post... I have the site enabled on NoScript, weird.

Anyway, I grew up in Athens GA and one of the main musical equipment stores had an STP reference right out of Wayne's World... except Stairway was alright by them, but the flyers they had taped all over their walls?  I shit you not:


Guess it was pretty popular for newbies to crank out, pre-guitar hero  ;D

Core / Re: CORE on Casette Tape
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:50:06 PM »
Heh, oddly enough I still have two stereo's with cassette players and my car has both tape & cd... but I used to rock Core on cassette in my dad's old truck on the way to base/basketball practice.  Good times...  8)

Purple / Re: Purple topic
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:47:07 PM »
The vinyl of this album was colored purple
Yep, and it's beautiful.  But honestly? When I was little and it first came out, my friends and I just referred to it as '12 Gracious Melodies,' because of the back cover.  It wasn't until a good while later we heard some disc jockey on the radio refer to it as purple and thought, "Huh? What the hell is this guy talking about!?!"

Purple / Re: A Re-issue Question?
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:34:15 PM »
Eh, I'd check it out.  I mean, why not?!  You still have your original version, even if they remixed or remastered it, cool, fine by me.  I had collected or downloaded most all of the rarer Pavement stuff over the years, but I still bought every one of their deluxe re-issues that've come out over the last 4 or 5 years, just because.  Glad to have CD's in hand/storage, glad to support your favorite bands.

Purple / Re: Interstate Love Song on HLN!
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:27:11 PM »
Thankfully ESPN is finally playing something cool, a year or two ago ugh, all they played was Green Day or Rihanna or some such shit... but with the new STP album out they've not only been rocking the new track, but 'Unglued' and such too!

Purple / Re: has anyone ever got the cd version with the dragon scale
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:25:19 PM »
i have the limited edition PURPLE vinyl as well.
Me too, as in literally purple.  But quick question, does your copy just seem a tad off, speedwise?  Like the RPM's didn't quite sync up right or something... it still sounds good, but maybe slightly faster than the CD.  Or maybe I just dreamed that up...

Got scales & primary color beach ball... knew there was another purple because my cousin had the psychedelic, flowery one, but didn't know there was another Tiny Music.  Got both when they first came out though...

One thing I wish older members of communities would realize is, ya gotta start somewhere.  Whether it's stuff like this, or especially stuff like trading... traders can be pretty frustrating because they already have so much they're hoarding and will only release it for limited stuff they don't already possess - seems pretty selfish to me really.  JMO. Sharing is caring maaaan  ;)   Speaking of torrenting, I always seed to at least 1:1, and will check the peer list... if I'm one of the few ones left seeding I'll usually seed to at least 3 or 4:1 even, until harddrive space becomes the main issue.

Also, some people may not really be into the whole message board thing.  I like em well enough, but probably not everyone does, enough to accumulate the points or cred needed to reach the downloads section here anyway.  Meh, I just try to look at it both ways.  Anyway, I plan on making a small donation too, if everybody donated just $1 I'm sure it'd go a long way.

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