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Messages - artcrimestudios

Pages: [1] 2
The Wicked Garden / Re: 5/24/13 - Scott Weiland responds
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:22:15 AM »
Regardless if he wrote it or not, it is the sentiment to express for the fans. I'm sure he's more pissed  or hurt or whatever but it shows class. Something the other guys haven't exactly been that worried about expressing lately. I actually wonder how long Chester Bennigton will tolerate Robert and Dean. He seems like a nice guy. Kind of reminds me of the girl the guy dates just to make his long does someone want to be in that role.

The Wicked Garden / Re: TMZ: Stone Temple Pilots sues Scott Weiland
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:18:17 AM »
I'd argue that a band with only 3 of the 4 members would classify as a band of former members and as such they shouldn't be touring under the name Stone Temple Pilots.....I haven't see Scott ever tour with anyone else and call himself STP.

The Wicked Garden / Re: 5/24/13 - Scott Weiland responds
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:12:12 AM »
I wasn't terribly impressed with AOA...I bought it and its ok but I never think to listen to it. Scott, while unpredictable live, is still a master when it comes to melody and lyrics. I'm expecting honestly something pretty mediocre from the DeLeo$ and I am really looking forward to see if Scott actually makes a rock album with the Wildabouts

The Wicked Garden / Re: 5/24/13 - Scott Weiland responds
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:06:25 AM »
I was debating on seeing Weiland and the Wildabouts next week....after all the bs this week, I happly plopped down the 45 dollars to go see him. I won't give another dime to the DeLeo$

The Wicked Garden / Re: TMZ: Stone Temple Pilots sues Scott Weiland
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:02:29 AM »
It's rock and roll, I don't need them to be saints... but to paraphase Seth Gecko from Dusk Till Dawn.  They all [/size]may be a basterds[/color][/b][/color][/size], but they don't have to be a f*ckin [/color][/size]bast*rd[/color][/b]

The Wicked Garden / Re: TMZ: Stone Temple Pilots sues Scott Weiland
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:54:42 AM »
The Deleos disgust me. Its wrong for them to use the STP name w/o Scott. Now they are being vindictive pricks with this law suit. Imagine if the Stones had kicked out Keith Richards and carried on without him...or Dave Grohl and Novoselic getting a new front man and touring as Nirvana. Scott's obviously had real issues but I don't recall Robert being keen to kicking out Dean all those years he too was addicted to Heroin. This is just pettiness on their a class act, get a new singer, call yourself different and walk away leaving your band a little ounce of dignity. All the defenders of the DeLeos are fooling yourself. The only reason STP reunited in the first place was money, the only reason these guys are pulling this stunt is for the money, and the only reason for this lawsuit is...wait for Funny, for years the media called STP a corporate took a while but they finally became just that. $TP.

The Wicked Garden / Re: The softer side of STP
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:46:35 PM »
Quote from: "andrew"
I made a playlist of songs that show off STP's softer music, all the stuff found post-Tiny Music. I think it flows pretty good together. It would be a sweet setlist to see on their acoustic tour. I don't think they've done anything acoustic since getting back together. They should, I bet they could come up for some awesome arrangements for stuff we haven't heard.

"The softer side of STP playlist"

1. First Kiss On Mars
2. Black Again
3. You Can't Drive Me Away
4. Wonderful
5. About A Fool
6. Hello It's Late
7. I Got You
8. Samba Nova
9. A Song For Sleeping
10. Maver
11. Atlanta

Also, although it's on his solo album, I always felt Killing me Sweetly would have fit in just fine with and STP album

Scott Weiland / Re: Q&A Scott Weiland
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:44:33 PM »
I'd actually be pretty surprised if that happened... maybe a song for a soundtrack but a full on tour seems like something Scott wants to do less and less even with STP. But as long as it didn't interfere with STP I wouldn't mind, Libertad holds up really well and I wish they could have gone more in that direction with the next album but that having been said if they never reunited it wouldn't break my heart.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: Cinnamon single released on radio
« on: May 29, 2010, 08:15:05 AM »
Quote from: "loungefly611"
The band should go with another rocker, like Huckleberry Crumble or Hickory Dichotomy.

It would be career suicide if they picked Cinnamon I think, BUT I can see how it would work as a single. Does anyone actually see a rock station picking that up in rotation? Seriously? Pop station certainly, but a rock station?

Can't see the career suicide...they just released a really good rocker, next they release a main stream friendly pop or ballad, then they release another rocker. That is actually pretty sound career choice.

Worst case, a vocal minority claim they sold out or lost credibility or some such nonsense and get over it by the time the next single comes out.

Between the Lines
Cinnamon or First Kiss On Mars
Fast As I Can

Book It!

Song Discussion / Re: Official Cinnamon Love/Hate Poll
« on: May 29, 2010, 08:09:03 AM »
Love: 32
Hate: 12
Alright: 14

Love it...great road trip song.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: May 29, 2010, 08:03:53 AM »
Quote from: "Bugaha"
Quote from: "artcrimestudios"
Quote from: "Bugaha"
I agree with the original post. The album is too safe and does not take any risks the way STP used to do it.

It's basically a cliche album of Aerosmith, Beatles, and Zeppelin-esque tunes.

I gotta respectfully disagree. Yes it is a mix of all the bands you listed above (don't forget Bowie!) but I think what makes it not safe is its attempt to be a timeless record. When I listen to this album I think  STP dared to make a record that could sit on the shelf proudly with anything the above artist put out. That is not safe. Same would be to make Core and cash in on nostalgia. I've only given this album a couple of listens through but I might say its their most seamless album they've put out.

There is a line between being inspired and influenced by other bands AND copying their style to a point where you are just basically doing impressions of that band. I think STP crossed that line on quite a few songs on this album.
I wouldn't say they crossed it but I see your point there are a couple of songs were they come right up to that line and balance over the edge ;)     Still, Weiland is always Weiland and although he chews up influences more than anyone he always has that distinct voice that is unmistakeably his own.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: May 29, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »
Quote from: "wayne gretzky"
I just dont get people who are disising the album whove heard it only once or twice.
It is the nature of society these days...look at IMDB. ANY movie that comes out or is about to come out instantly gets haters. Everything old was perfect and everything new sucks. This doesn't apply to everyone of course but I do think that we as a whole expect too much too fast. The moment I heard the single my initial reaction was eh...then I listened to it again after I put away comparisons and gave it a fair listen I decided I dug it a lot. Same thing with Bagman. Somethings just take time to sink in especially when expectations are so high.

Scott Weiland / Re: STP's Weiland comes clean
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:31:27 AM »
I wish every interview done didn't feel the need to recap all the legal trouble...its an old take move on...

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: My TARGET store blows!
« on: May 26, 2010, 04:20:15 AM »
Damn I didn't Target had a version with a DVD...I'll have to choose between that or the vinyl next pay day.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:22:24 AM »
Quote from: "unglued24"
Quote from: "artcrimestudios"
Quote from: "unglued24"
Don't blaime Scott for this albums sound. While Scott's vocals certainly didn't blow me away, he was only working with what he was given... He had nothing to do with that process, it was all Rob and Dean. They are the ones who wrote the bubble-gum pop tunes like Cinamon, First Kiss on Mars, and Maver.

ALSO Anyone who compares those 3 tracks to ANYTHING the Beatles did must be referring to McCartney's bubblegum pop and not Lennon's straight forward rock...

Straight rock like "Penny Lane"?

Penny Lane was a McCartney song...

"Penny Lane" is a song by The Beatles, written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon/McCartney."

Touche Salesman Touche

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