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Messages - roughtumble

Pages: [1]
According to the writer, "STP's debut is brief." Yeah, 53 minutes and 37 seconds is brief. Right.

Song Discussion / Re: Cinnamon
« on: May 23, 2010, 04:01:23 AM »
This song also reminds me of "Age of Consent" by New Order. Kinda.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: STP review from a hardcore fan.
« on: May 21, 2010, 09:42:04 PM »
Quote from: "DadaelusJones"
Quote from: "Silvergun Picture Show"
If they are similar, where is the tumble in the roughs, the lady picture shows, the adhesives, the ride the cliche's??

The answer is absent. Because those songs were created as a band not three members sending demo's to their singer.

It looks bad, especially in light of the band's history, but its actually pretty commonplace nowadays. Technology has moved to the point that just like people don't need to be in the same office to work efficiently -- we don't need to be in the same studio to record. I've written several songs where the singer lived several states away from me (and one where I'd never even met the singer) and the results came out fantastic (IMHO).

I'm not saying this isn't a symptom of something sinister. But by itself, I don't think its a big deal.
According to the production notes in the TINY MUSIC booklet, the vocals for "Ride the Cliche" and "Seven Caged Tigers" were recorded at Hollywood Sound, Los Angeles, CA and engineered by Chris Goss and Tracy Chisholm. Is it possible these songs were written like the ones on the new album? Seems like they were recorded that way.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: What happened STP?!!!
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:57:02 PM »
I still haven't heard 5 songs off the album, but I can't see it being better than Libertad (which I love, even though I hate Contraband). The 7 songs I heard off the new album sound like shit compared to "Let It Roll," "She Mine," "Get Out the Door," and "Mary Mary"...anybody agree?

Song Discussion / Re: Cinnamon
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:45:31 AM »
The verse sounds like the chorus to "Bridge and Tunnel" by the Honorary Title (http://

Song Discussion / Re: Cinnamon
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:56:28 PM »
Is it better than "Mockingbird Girl" (by the Bastards, not Scott solo)?

Song Discussion / Re: Cinnamon
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:38:25 PM »
Does anybody think "Cinnamon" will be on Youtube soon? I wanna hear it!

When will the album be available for streaming in the US?

On which song does Scott sound like Perry Farrell? I think Rik or somebody else mentioned something like that...

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: The 5 We have heard so far
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:01:12 PM »
I think "Hickory" is the best of the bunch, but let's be honest: it's not that great. I wish STP had recorded "Let It Roll," "Get Out the Door," "She Mine," and "Mary Mary" for this album, because I can't picture any of the other songs being better than those. This is my opinion based on the 5 songs and the 30-sec clips I've heard, so it could change. Hopefully. Especially if "Cinnamon" lives up to its hype.

Song Discussion / Re: First Kiss On Mars
« on: May 18, 2010, 02:10:22 PM »
Based on the 30-second clip, the vocal melody during the verse sounds like "She Mine" -- "radio" is even in the lyrics.

The Wicked Garden / Re: songs that sound like other songs
« on: May 17, 2010, 09:08:59 AM »
"Tumble in the Rough" -- "100%" (Sonic Youth)
"Mockingbird Girl" -- "Heart-Shaped Box" (Nirvana)
"She Mine" -- "Been Caught Stealing" (Jane's Addiction)

Also, something about "Vasoline" always reminded me of "Been Caught Stealing" -- the music or just the guitar solo? I don't know.

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